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Timeless Tides

Page 3

by M. R. Polish

  Corina carefully and expertly closed the door overhead, all the while making sure the rug covered it while the door shut. She hopped down from the ladder and gave the small group a forced smile. “I know you don’t have a reason to trust me, but I’m glad you did,” she said in hushed tones.

  “What is going on?” Azul asked in a rough whisper.

  She played with a hole in the arm of her dress. “While you’ve been gone things have changed. Shamike isn’t like it used to be.”

  Azul bent closer to her, whispering loudly, “I’ve gathered that. You don’t have a lot play room where I’m concerned, so you best start talking.”

  She took a step back, putting a little distance between them. “I lost all standing with the people after they found out what I did. I’ve been tossed out by everyone, no one will help me, I’ve become destitute. I’d do anything to make things better, to change the past and fix my wrongs. Please, give me that chance.”

  “Corina, we can’t give you an answer for that yet, and I think you know why. But, I’m willing to hear you out.” Brady cast a glance at Azul, telling him to shut up.

  Zeus and Poseidon, along with Atty moved in closer to hear her. “I’d like to hear as well,” Zeus said, making sure to keep his voice quiet.

  “Marin has taken over everything. He has this special pendant that gives him power. It’s power that I’ve only ever seen with someone else. I thought only true royalty could have the power he’s possessing. Even the army you left have traded sides and works for him. Mostly I think it’s out of fear, but…” she trailed off, her eyes glossing over. “He takes everyone who doesn’t support him, and I don’t’ know what he does with them because I haven’t seen any of them return. That’s why the townspeople have become like ghosts, only coming out at night, and cautiously searching for food to feed their families who are in hiding. I swear, I didn’t know it would be like this when I was with Coron.”

  “Well, now you do. What else do you know? What can you tell us about Marin and his followers?” Azul assumed the leader position so easily, so naturally that is was no wonder he was Karis’s right hand man for her kingdom. A twinge of jealousy passed through Brady as he realized how he may not be the right man for Karis.

  Now, with the baby to think about, he needed to step up and be that man. He would be the man Karis, the baby, and Shamike would need. “Corina, we are here to help Karis. She’s not doing well and if we don’t get what we came for she’s as good as dead. We need your help.”

  Corina gasped. “Oh my gosh, what happened? I realized she wasn’t with you, but I didn’t think… Yes, I’ll do whatever you need.” She nodded her head vigorously as she wiped tears off her cheeks.

  Brady reached out and touched her arm. “Good. I need to know more about this pendant you talked about.”

  Chapter Five

  Zeus paced the small room under the house. “We need a good insider. Someone who can help give us information to stay ahead of Marin.”

  “With so many who turned against me, I’m not sure who to even ask. Demetre used to be someone I could count on, but now I’m just not sure.” Azul ran his hands over his head.

  “Well, whoever we pick to ask, I volunteer myself to leave,” Brady said. “Anything to get me out of this room. And, what is that smell?”

  Corina winced. “I told you I’m in hiding. It’s not like I have a lot of places to go. I’ve been down here staying out of sight for weeks. Basically since you guys left. The only reason I found you is because I heard the ruckus and it made me nervous, I had to look. When I saw you my first thought was too let you get caught, but that won’t help me. I need you to get me out of here.”

  “Wait a minute. Go? You mean leave, right?” Atty asked, wiping her hands on her jeans.

  Brady cringed. “Ew, ah man. Now I’m gonna have to scrub my skin till I bleed. Not to mention my mouth. I can’t believe what I’ve been tasting on the air is your… your crap. Ugh. This is just wrong.”

  “Let’s just get back to the task at hand, shall we?” Poseidon asked, braking Brady’s tantrum, clearly unaffected by the new reality of where the stench came from.

  Corina folded her arms. “Yes, let’s please change the conversation. Besides, it’s not like I had many choices.”

  “Okay kids, that’s enough.” Zeus grumbled something under his breath. “We need to figure out who we can contact within Marin’s army so we can help Karis.”

  Brady hated the feeling of being reprimanded like a school boy, but the smell itself warranted such a reaction. Could Zeus not smell it? Knowing what it was made Brady paranoid about where he stood. He needed to focus. He nodded. “Alright, you’re right. Karis comes first. We need to help her.”

  Azul chuckled. “You know, I’m glad you asked because I was scared.”

  Zeus groaned and they all laughed. Corina’s eyes went wide. “Shhhh. The patrol units will hear you. Did you forget what I said about King Perious or Princess Karis supporters?”

  They all sobered quickly, heeding her warning.

  Azul rubbed the stubble on his chin. “Do you recognize any of the patrol men?”

  Corina shrugged. “They change shifts so often it’s hard to say, but I know I’ve seen Haven and Pothros. I didn’t really know the other men very well. Coron just had me get to know the leaders.”

  “Hum,” Azul moaned. “You know, Pothros might be a way in. He hated everything to do with Marin, but I can see him tipping that way to save his family from living like this.”

  Corina shook her head. “He sent his family out of town before he stayed as a soldier. I don’t know who to trust.”

  “Coming from the original betrayer, that doesn’t settle well with me,” Brady said, looking at the two Greek Gods.

  Poseidon nodded. “Me either, but we need to find someone.”

  “What time does the unit come by here?” Zeus asked, tapping the tip of his knife blade against his chin, clearly deep in thought.

  “Each morning around dawn, afternoon meal, and when the sun sets. Why?” Corina scanned each of their faces looking for an answer.

  Zeus gestured with his head to the trap door. “I’m going up. You all stay here until I come back. I’ll know more then and we can plan ahead.”

  “That’s suicide!” Corina squealed.

  “No, my dear, I am much too strong for them. This is merely a test. I’ll be back.” Zeus attempted a smile for her.

  Corina nodded, her eyes wide as she watched him. Atty and Azul stood close together, watching as Poseidon climbed the ladder and lifted the door, checking the room for intruders before Zeus went up. Soon, the door was shut and they could hear the door to the outside world close with barely a sound. Zeus was gone.

  “Great, I was the commander here and now even that position has left me. What do I have to fight for anymore?” Azul relaxed his shoulders, slumping down to the ground, bringing his knees up.

  After making sure the area was clear, Atty sat next to him. “Azul, you have so much to fight for. What about your world? Your queen? How about your life?”

  He chortled. “My world is in ruins, my queen is dying, and my life… my life doesn’t belong to me anymore.” He looked intently into her eyes.

  Atty leaned into him and rested her head on his shoulder. “Then fight for whoever owns your life because clearly you are wanted or your life wouldn’t be of any value for someone to own.”

  “I hate when you get all deep and prophetic.” He brought his hand up to the side of her face and pulled her closer, kissing the top of her head.

  She laughed. “You love it, or you wouldn’t have told me all of that.”

  “So, how long have you been a couple?” Corina asked, watching the two with watery eyes.

  Atty’s head jerked up. “A couple? Oh no, we aren’t. We just work really well together.”

  Corina stuck a thumb in their direction and looked at Brady. “How long have they been lying to themselves?”

  Brady chuckled. “A w
hile. I think it was love at first sight, or was it hate at first sight? Either way, it’s been since then.”

  A shuffle of footsteps upstairs woke Brady. He stood quickly and kicked Azul’s foot. He opened his eyes, glaring at Brady, who held his finger to his mouth then pointed to the door. Azul nudged Atty who slept soundly on his chest. He mimicked the same thing Brady did to him, her eyes widened and instantly she was on her feet. Brady woke Poseidon up with a hand covering his slightly agape mouth and pointed up. Within seconds they were all up and ready for a fight. They let Corina sleep, not knowing what was happening.

  A creak sounded from the floorboards over head and dust fell down on them. “He said it was here somewhere,” a gruff voice said, none too quiet.

  Azul pulled out his knife and Atty did the same. Brady had his fighter skills, but if they had weapons he’d have to use his super speed to get away. He looked over his shoulder at his friends. He couldn’t leave them. He’d have to find a way to fight back.

  The trap door opened, filling the dim light with blinding brightness. “Down here, I think I found them,” the voice said.

  Brady and the others had to hold a hand up to shield their eyes from the noonday sun. It was definitely something that went against them for the fight, but Brady wasn’t going to give up easily. He tensed as he entered his fighter’s stance.

  “No need to fight, Zeus sent us to get you. And from the smell down here, I demand that you hurry.” The man gagged and Brady stifled a chuckle. He understood all too well what the man was going through. That first assault on the nostrils was a killer.

  “How do we know we can trust you and that you aren’t here to take us to Marin?” Poseidon asked, his large muscular body tense and ready.

  Corina mumbled and rolled over, opening her eyes. “Oh my gosh! They found us.” She scrambled to the far wall.

  “No, we’re here because Zeus sent us,” the first man repeated.

  “Why didn’t he come himself?” Azul asked, stepping slightly in front of Atty.

  The second man spoke up, “He’s with the Center being filled in. In your absence we’ve had to do things to survive, but we need a leader. That’s a position none of us want because if the leader is caught unimaginable things will be done to him. Marin is powerful and we have to play along to survive.”

  Azul nodded, shielding his eyes even more. “Is that you Pothros? It’s hard to see down here with all that light.”

  “Azul, you always did have a good ear. It is I,” Pothros said.

  “Wherever Zeus wants us to go must be good. Besides, you might like the smell but I don’t think I can take another minute with it,” Poseidon darted toward the ladder, climbing it without reservation.

  “Right behind you,” Brady said, nearly licking Poseidon’s heels as he rushed up the ladder.

  Atty and Azul followed, then turned for Corina. “Are you coming?” Atty asked, leaning over the hole in the floor.

  Wide eyed and still uncertain, she nodded and Atty helped pull her to the ground floor of the home.

  “Come on, we don’t have much time. Since your arrival, Marin has upped his patrols looking for you.” Pothros dashed to the door and looked outside before stepping out. “If you see anyone, run the other way. We are the only Centers out of headquarters right now.”

  The seriousness in his voice drove spears of anxiety into the group. Don’t get caught, got it. Brady let the familiar hum of energy run through him as he got ready to sprint should he need it. He would run, but not run away. He’d come back. He always came back. Besides, that’s what he told Karis, he couldn’t fail now


  Chapter Six

  Karis stared out over the ocean, watching the sun set, wrapping the shawl around her shoulders to ward off the chill coming off the water. She missed the days when the rare night cooled her skin on the island. The salty breeze carried a familiar warmth to her soul.

  Taking the corners of the shawl in her hands, she wound her arms around her knees and pulled them tightly to her chest, leaning her cheek on them. She used the only energy she had to keep herself from falling into another death-like sleep. It would be so easy to close her eyes and let the sound of the waves carry her away.

  “How long do you think he’ll be gone?” Karis asked Alexis, who sat next to her, nursing a cup coffee.

  Alexis lowered the cup, watching the same timeless tides that rolled onto shore as Karis. “As long as it takes to save you. You know he won’t stop until he finds the necklace. His world is with you, Karis.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’m just exhausted.” Karis sucked in a long shaky breath. Her eyes wanted to close but she fought against the heavy sensation. Without her necklace, whoever was using her powers was draining her but she couldn’t let them. But, maybe just a nap? “Alexis, I really need to sleep. Will you wake me?”

  Alexis smiled at her and took a sip of her drink. “Of course I will. You rest now.”


  Poseidon paced the wooden floor. His legs ached from being out of water for so long, and he knew that Perditus needed him. The two needs heightened his anxiety. The world called to him like an unsung verse in a fairytale, begging him to come to the watery city.

  Their new hideout was more spacious and less revolting than the space under Corina’s house, but it wasn’t where he was needed. The continuous commotion of the Center grated on his ears. He longed to hear the current rush past his ears and the soft moan of the whale’s song.

  “You look distressed, buddy.” Brady gave him a pat on the back as he entered the small area where Poseidon tried finding solace.

  Poseidon chortled. “You could say that.”

  Brady walked over to the small window that overlooked the city. “I can’t believe Marin hasn’t found them here. It’s only a matter of time.” He heaved a sigh then turned to Poseidon. “So, talk to me. You know I might be some earth boy, but I have warrior blood pumping through my heart. I bet that I’ll understand more than you think.”

  Poseidon folded his arms only to unfold them again. “I need to leave. You’re only part Syrenae. The gift that flows through your veins is just that, a gift. You won’t understand the need for water, or the pull of the ocean as it creates typhoons in my absence, craving my return.”

  Brady wanted to laugh, but thought better of it. Considering a Greek God as old as the myths and probably just as strong was the one confiding in him. “I beg to differ. It wasn’t that long ago that I was trapped in the sea, dreaming of air. As a matter of fact, I think you were there. I can say without a doubt in my mind that I can understand your need. So what do we do? Go for a swim in the Shank Sea?”

  Poseidon shook his head. “No this goes deeper than just taking a dip to wet my fins. I need to leave. I need to go home.” His eyes told Brady everything he couldn’t say. It was hard enough admitting his needs, let alone spilling his heart’s desire to another guy. “You understand, right?”

  Brady nodded. “I do. Let’s go talk to the others and see about sending you away.”

  Finding Zeus was easy. The members of the Center surrounded him, soaking in every word and piece of advice he had to offer. He lifted his head as they walked in. His own expression sobered when he saw Poseidon. “Alright, I think that’s it for right now. Let me have a few moments with my brother and then we can begin implementing the plan.”

  A shuffled of feet scurried around the room as they prepared for whatever plan Zeus made. Knowing him, it was probably some training exercise to strengthen the Center’s bond with each other. Everything about Zeus was about loyalty and family.

  “What is it, brother? What causes you such grief that it has written itself clearly upon your face?” Zeus stabbed the wood table with a knife, the tip of the blade embedding enough to hold the weapon straight up. Piles of scrolls and papers littered the cherry wood top. He was definitely in his element here, leading an army, becoming a commander.

  Brady took a step back. “I’ll let you two talk while I find Atty an
d Azul.”

  He laughed when he found them sparring in hand to hand combat in the lower quarters of the building. “I can’t leave you two alone for five minutes. One day I’m gonna place a bet on who kills who first.”

  Atty bent over, her hands on her knees, taking in deep breathes. “That’s not even a fair contest. I’ve commanded in some of the greatest wars that are older than him.”

  “If I could breath, I’d make you retract that, but it would be unfair to take down an old woman like that.” Azul wiped the sweat from his brow and chuckled. His braided hair hung over his shoulder, looking blacker than before with the damp sheen covering it.

  “It looks like you’re the one who had his ass handed to him,” Brady said as he stepped down into the makeshift boxing arena. Two couches from the lounging area were pushed out of the way to either side of the fighters. “Hey, so you should come up here. Poseidon is with Zeus and he might be leaving us for a while.”

  Both, Atty and Azul, snapped their heads toward Brady. “What’s wrong? Did something happen?” Azul asked.

  Brady held a hand up. “Just come up when you’re done.”

  “You ready? We might only get one shot at this. We don’t even know if it will work.” Azul waved his hand over the security pad of the royal portal. The door opened and the inside lit up. “What do you know, it still works. There was only a few of us who had clearance to make this work. The royal family has a certain amount of power inside the walls, allowing the portal to work. I don’t know how much is left, so let’s just hope it’s enough for everything we need.”

  “Let’s just get Poseidon to Perditus then we can figure out the rest,” Brady said as he watched, waiting for a mass of soldiers to surround them.

  Zeus nodded. “Yes, we need to be quick. The light alone will alert the patrol units, but once the funnel reaches the sky with its silver light Marin will know we are up to something, and where we are. We’ll need to leave as soon as we know Poseidon made it.”


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