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Timeless Tides

Page 4

by M. R. Polish

  Poseidon stepped into the middle of the shimmering room. Cascades of crystal-like sparkles danced down the walls. The marble flooring reflected the glisten, making them seem endless.

  Azul flipped his fingers over another touchpad and soon Poseidon’s body was weightless, becoming one with the twinkling lights. Most portals used wind and sheer force, but this one was much stronger, used by royals long before his birth. He couldn’t help but wonder as his body became lighter than air, if his parents had used the same portal, and if they stood in that exact room. The thought made him close his eyes and smile. He’d relish in the idea, and carry it with him as the light faded around him. The scent of salt and moss saturated the air around him. He’d never been more grateful to smell what he called a homey scent.

  A bright blinding light filled the room he now stood in. Shielding his eyes, he took a step forward and let the world around him come into focus.

  The green patches on his skin, that he thought were long gone, faded into just a memory, returned to the surface. His arms itched as the new scales broke forth like a snake who shed his skin, Poseidon ran his fingers over the new patches.

  A sharp intake of breath jostled him from his self examination. Standing but a few feet away was an older man who donned only black pants and a leather type pouch which hung across his shoulder and chest. “It’s you.” The man stared at Poseidon, willing him to stay in that spot so he couldn’t vanish before his eyes.

  Poseidon’s heart seemed to freeze only to beat again at a rapid rate. He stared back at the old man. Surely it wasn’t possible. “I’m not sure who it is you are thinking I am, but it’s been years since I’ve been here. I’m not sure you would know me.”

  More men and women came from the city. His mouth went slack as he saw what had to be the entire city surrounding him. “Friends, I mean you no harm. I am here to help.”

  “We know who you are, Poseidon. You are the one we sent to Earth a very long time ago. The prophecy said you would only return when it was time.” A man with long white hair crept forward even closer, using a long stick to help stable him as he took another step. “You are the one to save us. You are here to save Perditus!”

  The crowd hollered out, rejoicing his arrival. Poseidon stood there, unable to express his shock and surprise to his welcome. Never in a million years did he think when he returned home they’d accept him, or welcome him as they were.

  A young woman broke through the crowd and grabbed his arm. “Come, we’ve fixed the palace after Coron’s passing. We knew you’d come back to save us. We need our rightful leader.”

  It had been so many years since he’d been in the palace, he wasn’t sure he would still be wanted there. Memories of playing with his friends in the water over the city flooded his mind as they walked silently through the sea-stoned streets. Colorful houses adorned each side, flanking him as he followed the woman to the tallest structure in the city.

  Splashing caught his attention as more Syrenae came through the wall of water to stand there, dripping wet, and watch him pass. A little girl with blue hair stood with wide eyes, watching his every move. She ran up to meet him, stopping him.

  “Do you know about Karis?” she asked, her innocent expression melted Poseidon’s heart.

  Poseidon squatted down to her level. “I do. She’s not well. We had to leave her on Earth while we searched for the thing making her sick. How do you know her?”

  The little girl looked up at a woman walking closer. “She saved me when Tharious and Coron tried to capture her.”

  “I’m sorry,” the woman said. “My daughter has been waiting of news about Princess Karis for some time now.”

  “The intended queen is fairing ill. But, don’t worry because she has many people who are helping her right now. She’ll be back leading the troops before we know it. Shamike needs her, we all do.” How true that was. Even though there were multiple worlds, the royal family of Shamike held them all together like glue. Poseidon didn’t want to think about Karis not being there for Perditus, or Aridam… every world he thought of needed her. Even Earth.

  Chapter Seven

  Poseidon stared at the portrait hanging in the great hall. The young woman who escorted him said those who prepared the palace for his arrival found it covered in a storage room, but thought it would be better suited hanging for a passerby to see and take in its beauty.

  With each minute he stared at the painting he agreed more with the woman. It would be a shame to hide such an exquisite relic. But, more than anything, to hide it would be treason to his heart. His mother’s exotic eyes stared lovingly back at him, and for the first time in years, he remembered.

  Life as a child wasn’t the easiest with his father from a different world. He learned the ocean from his mother, and the land from his father. If he listened hard enough, he could still hear her song of the sea drifting on the current above the city. He closed his eyes and let himself float back to happier days.

  A throat clearing startled him. The same woman gave him a smile. “I’m sorry, I know it’s been a long time, but the people are getting anxious. I don’t know what to tell them, if anything. They know that having you home means something, but they need a plan.”

  Her red tresses glowed like dying embers of a fire. Her petite frame reminded him of Karis, and he wondered how fragile a creature she might be. Although, fragile isn’t the exact word he’d use to describe Karis, she had certain frail qualities.

  The woman’s sea green eyes rippled like tide pools. He could stare into them all day had he the chance. He looked away before making a fool of himself. “Will you be my advisor? I need someone I can talk with.”

  The woman jerked back, splaying her hand across her chest. “Me, sir? I am a woman, not fit to be included in such a high calling.”

  This news took him back. When he was a child and his parents were king and queen, women could do so many things. What changed? Even on earth he kept his parents laws so the Syrenae wouldn’t feel so alienated from home. “Since when?”

  Shifting her eyes around the hall, she made sure no one was around to hear their conversation. “Sir, it’s been that way since I’ve been born.”

  He chuckled. “Well, tell me, how long is that?”

  Her shoulders dropped and her entire body relaxed. “A few hundred years, but no more. Not near as, um, mature as you.”

  That made him laugh even more. “What is your name, woman?”

  She smiled sweetly at him. “Rachael.”

  “Well, Rachael, what do you say to my offer?” Clasping his hands behind his back, he waited for the answer he knew she’d give. How could she refuse? So much hope came from changing the law set by Coron.

  Rachael nodded. “I’d be honored. But, I don’t know how the people will accept this.”

  “It is not up to them. This was the law when Perditus was formed, when my ancestors, my parents, and all those who have reared the world up to be the home of Syrenae were born. Trust me, it’s the first start to restoring our home.”

  She looked away, but not before he caught the glistening sheen in her eyes. Something about her intrigued him and if for no other reason, that alone was the reason he wanted her beside him during the new beginning for Shamike. Thousands of years on Earth, and plenty of women have come into his life, not all of them Syrenae, but his heart was still empty. He still longed for that connection his parents had.

  She cleared her throat and turned around to face him with her head held high. “What is my first task, sir?”

  He chuckled again. “Your first task, Rachael, is to stop calling me sir.”

  She smiled, lowering her eyes. Her cheeks mimicked the scarlet coloring of her hair. “I’m sorry, it’s just that, well, you’re sort of a legend and it’s hard to believe you’re here. I can’t believe I’m here with you.”

  “Well, since you are the one brave enough to push through a crowd the size of a city to get to me, I think you earned it.” He winked at her, making her cheeks
an even warmer crimson.

  Tensing again, she looked away, unable to meet his eyes. “I hardly pushed through a throng of people. Besides, they were all kneeling so I saw my opportunity.”

  He thought about testing the waters and push just a little more, needing to know how far he could go with her. He wanted her to like him, but he didn’t want to break her. Teasing and joking was his way of controlling a situation. “So, the truth comes out. You were purposely looking for a way to be alone with me.”

  She snapped her head back up, the red flush grew down her neck. “What? I, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  And there is was, the crack of the ice. He gave her his best smile.

  Rachael relaxed even more. “You tease me, sir, but I have yet to show you what I am capable of. I think you are a very brave man. That or very stupid.”

  Curiosity peaked, Poseidon cocked his head. “Due tell, my young advisor.”

  She closed her eyes. Her heart beat faster, skipping perfect beats as it rhythmically hammered out a nervous tune. You can trust him. Mother and father trusted in him and so should I. Opening her eyes, her mind made up, she inhaled a shaky breath. “I came to you because I thought I could help. Coron was not only malicious, but he did things to those who had powers. I’ve hid mine for so long so I wouldn’t become chained to him like some slave. I think I can show you.”

  He was intrigued that she would come to him with something that was obviously hard for her. “Whatever it is, Rachael, I’m here for you. I have lived years away from Perditus so I could save it. But, it wasn’t just my sacrifice, it was yours, it was everyone’s.” He reached out, taking her hand. “I can only be as good of a leader as people let me. Trust is earned, and I understand if you don’t have that with me yet. I’ve only just arrived, after all.”

  She wiped a small tear that escaped down her cheek. “We don’t have time and you know it. Time is short now that you’re here. The prophecy didn’t just start yesterday, we all knew that when you returned it would only be a matter of days before the end would come. If I don’t show you, it might cost someone their life if I were needed but too cowardly to come forth. Whether or not I trust you is not in the priorities right now.”

  Poseidon couldn’t take his eyes off her. Her intense sincerity and honesty awed him. “Please,” he said as he let go of her hand. “Show me, so that I might know what you mean.”

  Nodding, she raised her hands to the crown of her head. Instantly, the color of her hair started changing under her fingers, spreading down until all the red was gone, replaced with a corn silk yellow. Poseidon took a step back as he watched her transform. Her face shimmered as it reshaped to more of an oval and not her normal heart shape. Lowering her hands, she opened her eyes, revealing azure irises deeper than the most treasured sapphire.

  She smiled. “Do you like it?”

  Incredible. “I know it’s you in there, but I can’t see you. How did you do that? Who else knows about this rare power?” He glanced around the hall. “Maybe we should take this conversation elsewhere, just in case.”

  “I agree,” she said looking around as well. She knew all too well that traitors hid in the shadows, and right now they couldn’t afford to tip one off. Following close behind him, he led her to his bed chambers. Rachael hesitated before entering. It was silly to be worried, but being alone with him stirred things in her soul she couldn’t explain, and standing in the room where he would sleep, with his bed only feet away, made her legs weak.

  He shut the door, tossing the latch down to lock out any unexpected, unwanted visitors. “Okay, so I have to know. Who all knows about this? I’ve never seen it, let alone even heard of this power before.”

  “I call it Mimic because that’s all it really is. I can only transform into others who I’ve seen before. So I can mimic their appearance.” She placed her hands on top of her head once again and let the power flow from her, unmasking her true form. “And, as for who knows… You. I’ve never told anyone else for fear of Coron and Marin.”

  Poseidon linked his fingers and ran his hands over his head down to his neck. “I just can’t get over it. I think you are right though. Don’t tell anyone, so if, and that’s a strong if, I need you then no one will expect anything.”


  He let his arms drop to his sides. She couldn’t help but notice his muscles in his bare arms and she let her eyes travel, taking in his manly presence.

  “Wow.” His voice startled her from her silent thank you to his parents for having children. “Now that you’ve shown me that, my news about the Earth bound Syrenae coming to Perditus will seem like codfish.”

  Her eyes widened and mouth fell agape. “You’re serious? They will be here? When?”

  “I’m not sure of when, but yes they will be here. They are coming to help fight.” His own eyes filled with pride as he talked about his own pearl of Syrenae from Earth. And why shouldn’t they? He was the chosen one to save their world, and was the king of the sea on Earth.

  He told her about the pearl he left when they came to find who was making Karis sick, their home in the Pacific Ocean, and how life was different, yet the same. He promised he would return Perditus back to a state of utopia.

  Rachael only hoped he could carry out all of the wonderful things he spoke of, but even if he just helped them become a free world once again it would be enough for her. But, as she walked from the palace to talk with the people, she could feel her soul connect with her hearts wishes and knew she wanted all that he promised.

  Chapter Eight

  “We can’t wait anymore,” Brady said as he slammed his fist down on the banister. The crowds in the Center kept him from descending the stairs any further. The restless ambience in the room grew as more people joined in conversations, filling the space with mumbled voices.

  Each boisterous laugh grated on his nerves. The man on the stair below him lit a soggy cigar hanging from his mouth. The smoke wafted up. Brady waved the smoke away and growled. The walls suddenly became too close and the ceiling too low. “I’m not waiting,” he said before jumping the banister, landing a few feet below. Pushing through the throng of people, he made his way to the front door. With Zeus now in charge of The Center, he felt comfortable leaving.

  Azul grabbed his shoulder and spun him around. “And you think I would stay behind?”

  Atty shook her head. “Brady, you should know by now that we’re a team. We are in this together.”

  Brady was so caught up in how he felt that he forgot there were others who wanted to help Karis just as badly. He nodded. “Thanks, but I can’t wait here anymore. I don’t know what Poseidon is doing, or if he wants to come. I just can’t be here doing nothing while Karis is back on Earth dying.”

  “I know. We feel the same way,” Atty said.

  “Besides,” Azul started. “You’ll need someone who knows this world. You wouldn’t have a clue how to track someone here. So, it looks like you need me again. This is becoming a habit.”

  Just when Brady was starting to think he liked the guy, Azul had to go and say something to piss him off. He hated needing someone, especially Azul.

  Rain pelted down on him. Keeping his head down, he tried to shield his eyes so he could see where he was going.

  “Brady, wait up,” Atty called after him.

  He didn’t stop. He couldn’t. The longer he waited, the longer it would take to complete his mission. Karis needed him to keep going.

  “Brady, would you stop?” Azul asked.

  The next step Brady hesitated. After that sucker punch he was sure Azul would want to finish the fight, but with all the anxiety and frustration built up inside him, he knew it was a bad idea. But, oh how he wanted to. To turn around and toss around a few more hits made his heart hammer faster. His blood screamed for him to beat Azul until all his emotions were out. But, that was something Brady promised he would never do again. Ever. He raised a hand to touch the scar over his eye from the last time he let
his emotions fight.

  Atty and Azul caught up to him. “Hey, I get why you did what you did, but don’t think I’ll forget it,” Azul said. “So where are we headed?”

  Brady’s nostrils flared. “Tharious. We need to find him because he’s the last person we know of with the necklace.”

  “Alright.” Azul nodded. “Wait. Shhhh. Do you hear that? I think there are guards up ahead,” he whispered as he scooted up next to a house.

  Muffled voices filled the air, followed by laughter. Azul was right. There was a group of guards ahead, but how many? Brady didn’t care. There could be a hundred guards and he was still going through the city. He’d be damned if he was going back to hide in the Center.

  Brady and Atty mimicked Azul and pushed their backs up against the rough plastered wall. Brady hated to slow down, but he wasn’t stupid. If he walked into a group of guards he wouldn’t be any help to Karis.

  The clamor of their armor filled in the void when they stopped talking. Brady guessed it was the same lightweight tin he noticed the other guards wore. He wasn’t sure why they even covered themselves with something that gave little to no protection. If a man hit hard enough, he was sure they could punch right through the vest.

  Waiting, he counted footsteps splashing in the puddles. There couldn’t be more than three of them. He hoped he was right as he scooted closer to the edge of the wall. Azul quizzed him with his stare across from him on the opposite wall, but Brady nodded his head.

  Damn, he wished it weren’t raining so he could see them easier. Brady took in a few quick breathes before walking away from the wall and around the corner, nearly bumping into a guard. “Hey, watch it,” he said, controlling the tone of his voice. He didn’t want to let them know how he felt. If they knew how riled up he was they might have an upper hand.

  “Excuse me? I think you’ve forgot your place. We are the King’s guard and you will not speak to us in such a manner,” the man he almost ran over said.


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