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Forgotten Fairytale

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by Yumoyori Wilson

  This is work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  Copyright© Yumoyori Wilson, 2018

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  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  The publisher is not responsible for website (or their content) that are not own by the publisher.

  This eBook/Paperback is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook/Paperback may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.

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  Cover Design by Arizona Tape

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  Editing by

  Ms. Correct All's Editing and Proofreading Services

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  Format: Gina Wynn





  Host - Spirit Directory

  In the beginning…



  1. Forgotten Butterfly

  2. Recovering And Heartache Over Lost Memories

  3. Luna Of Distala

  4. Loneliness Of Miolana

  5. Isa And Children Of Wintalyn

  6. Training And Change Rooms

  7. Headaches And Solo Mission

  8. Uncertainty And Spring Blossom Festival

  9. Troubled Heart And To Love From Afar

  10. Unquestionable Reunion

  Coming September 2018: Forgotten Fairytale 2

  Reflections of You Sneak Peek

  Reflections Of You Blurb


  About Yumoyori Wilson

  Books by Yumoyori Wilson


  Thank you for purchasing FORGOTTEN FAIRYTALE

  Thank you to all my amazing supporters for being awesome and encouraging me to write every day.

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  Special thanks to my friend who was my sprinting buddy during the production of this book. You know who you are, and I couldn’t be more grateful for your continuous love and support <3~

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  Special thanks to my amazing Alpha Team. You continue to work marvellously together, and I couldn’t be more grateful to have you on my publishing team.

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  Thank you to my amazing BETA team for so being so epic and lively. You make this journey A LOT easier and I’m grateful to have all of you in my life.

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  Thank you to my amazing editor who made this one of the smoothest releases I’ve had in my career so far. Your hard work and determination helped keep me on track. <3

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  Special thanks to my amazing Mom for blessing me with the gift to write and supporting me in all aspects. I pray to continue making you proud as I strive towards success.

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  Finally, I thank God for giving me the strength to achieve my goals. Without Him, I would be nothing.



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  SOLACE: First six months of the year (Spring to Summer)

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  LUNAR: Second six months of the year (Fall to Winter)

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  CYCLE: Year


  Separate dimension (planet) within the galaxy, created by the Starlight Gods. Only ways of traveling between realms are through portal access, transportation ships or magical ability of teleportation.

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  Realm ONE: Latelia – Starlight God: Deathpre (God of Death)

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  Realm TWO: Wintalyn – Starlight Goddess: Kurani (Goddess of Water)

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  Realm THREE: Feminara – Starlight God: Amaterasu (God of Fire)

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  Realm FOUR: Phentailia – Starlight God: Lucifer (God of Hell)

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  Realm FIVE: Minato – Starlight God: Risuki (God of War)

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  Realm SIX: Earthala – Starlight God: Jehovah (God of Rebirth/Judgement)

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  Realm SEVEN: Distala – Starlight God: Laviathan (God of Lightning)

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  Realm EIGHT: Heila – Starlight Goddess: Nightmare (Goddess of Destruction -Daughter of Death)

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  Realm NINE: Miolana – Starlight Goddess: Yuikimiru (Goddess of Life/Mother Nature)

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  Realm TEN: ArchAilennia – Starlight Goddess: Aphroditeee (Goddess of Prosperity/Beauty)

  Host - Spirit Directory


  Roseline – DEMON

  Hopefilinia – ANGEL

  Lilylusha – PHOENIX

  Lexinalla – DRAGON

  Midnight – DARK FAIRY


  Stryker – DEMON


  Azriel – ANGEL


  EliaseAnne – FAIRY


  Ryuu – DRAGON


  Hinotori – PHOENIX

  In the beginning…

  Only the stars provided pinpricks of light throughout the galaxy. Overtime, the stars drifted together and collided, creating ten powerful beings – the Starlight Gods.

  The Gods’ purpose became to create life and light across the vast galaxy. Within the galaxy, they created ten separate realms, but began by creating life in only one realm. Cycles passed and their first creations – humans – blossomed and grew.

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  The Gods were pleased; however, they wanted more. So, they created spirits – angels, demons, fairies, animals and more – to bond with the human body, and the shifter race was born. They placed the shifters throughout the other realms.

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  Some realms were home to only a specific species of shifters, while other realms held an assortment of species – the shifters learned to coexist with each other in harmony

  The Gods created rules; a set for the human race to follow and a set for the shifter race. One rule was absolute…

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  “Thou shall not take upon the role of the gods. We bless you with thy protection, your purpose to defend not destroy. One shall be blessed with the number of spirits we bestow and commend. No creation shall be granted ultimate power over the species. Defy this law and you shall know nothing but catastrophe and everlasting despair.”

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  The Starlight Gods reside in the stars, having power and authority upon all beings. They can take any shape or form, whether human, shifter, animal or familiar. The shifter race looks to the Starlight Gods for power, strength, stability and hope

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  As long as the shifter believes, the Gods will always be there.

  ~In Stars We Trust~


  What if your life was like a forgotten fairytale? Would you cry in despair at losing the memories of a story you held so dearly? Or move on to start a new chapter, deciding to accept your fate?

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  That's exactly how I felt about my current dilemma as I faced this new world. My name is Mako. Codename: Bloody Butterfly. Adjusting to my new environment was a struggle during the day, while dreams that felt like memories haunted me at night. Regardless of my inability to accept this place as my new home, I had little to no time to consider my predicament.

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  My mission? To hunt r
ogues that are kidnapping children and shifters with high potential and throwing them in the hidden facilities across the realms.

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  My duty? To rid the world of them, one by one, with my new best friend Ann and my mysterious partner who sends tingles of pleasure through me with just a smile or a glance from his gorgeous ruby eyes.

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  Time is of the essence and my instincts tell me there is a lot more going on than meets the eye. The only problem is that in order to finally connect the dots and discover the meaning of the mark on the back of my hand, I'd have to do the one thing I'm fighting so hard to achieve:

  To remember the fairytale I had little hope of regaining.

  All I could do now was pray to the Starlight gods. Maybe then, my lost memories would find their way home to me.

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  ~In Stars, We Trust~




  Panic filled Kai’s voice, and we flinched at the pitch. I sensed Ryder's presence, but it felt rather groggy.

  "Shit. Kai, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Marcus’ face scrunched with worry as he questioned Kai.

  Ryder groaned through our bond. "Kai, too loud," he whined.

  "Aww, shit. Sorry Ryder, but this is important! I can't find Elyion!" Kai declared.

  "WHAT?!" all three of us shouted.

  "Fuck!" Marcus cursed and hopped off the bed.

  He slipped his shoes on and was out the door in moments. I followed him quickly, and we rushed over to the psychiatric ward.

  "How do you know Elyion is gone?" Ryder sounded a little more alert than before.

  "I'm here. Elias and Elyion aren't."

  "What about Karen?" I asked.

  "She's knocked out cold."

  "That's not like Karen. Even though she's exhausted with all the healing she did yesterday and today, she wouldn't fall asleep without someone being there to take over her duties," Marcus pointed out.

  "Ya, well the little plant on her desk could have been involved in knocking her out," Kai revealed.

  I sighed, immediately realizing that Eli must have used the plant to release a spell to make Karen sleep.

  "Kai, can you check? I know you're exhausted," Marcus acknowledged.

  "I could if this stupid bracelet wasn't on me. I'm banned from teleporting or foresight until my energy stabilizes," Kai grumbled.

  "You can't take that silly thing off?" I asked.

  "Nope. Only Karen or the King and Queen of Heila can."

  We sighed, turning the corner and reaching the medical center. I was about to head in to join Marcus when I noticed Ryder walking down the other hall, rubbing his eyes.

  He looked horrible, and I knew this wasn't helping. "Ryder, you okay?" I asked out loud, leaving the door to meet him halfway.

  "I feel like shit right now,” he confessed. His pale complexion and half-opened eyes were a clear indication of sickness.

  "You shouldn't be standing." Reaching his side, I put his arm over my shoulder and helped him toward the psychiatric ward.

  "Is Ryder okay?" Kai asked through the bond.

  "He's sick, guys. He shouldn't be here," I grumbled. Worry for his health filled my heart. I didn't have much magic left myself, but I could at least make him comfortable when we arrived at Elias and Eli's room.

  "I'll be fine. Just need some sleep," Ryder said weakly.

  "EliaseAnne!" Marcus called through our bond, but there was no response.

  "How do you know it was Eli and not Elias?" I asked Marcus.

  "Because Elias had been knocked out for hours. He wouldn't just get up and waltz out of here. EliaseAnne has stronger nature magic and would be able to put someone as strong as Karen asleep with little difficulty," Marcus replied.

  We turned the corner and saw Kai and Marcus in front of Elias and Eli's designated room. They frowned at Ryder's appearance and immediately walked over to help.

  "I'm fine," Ryder grumbled again and Kai huffed.

  Kai crossed his arms and eyed Ryder. "Ya right. You look worse than me when I was sick."

  "Whatever.” Ryder appeared too exhausted to argue.

  Marcus took him from my hold and carried him into the room to lay him down on the neatly made bed.

  Ryder sighed in relief, giving us thanks before he closed his eyes. "EliaseAnne."

  There was no response again, and we could feel Ryder’s impatience, which made us a little anxious. We knew from experience that Ryder could contact us from afar, but it was a very draining process for him, and it pissed him off to use it.

  He took another deep breath, opening his eyes that were close to pitch black. "EliaseAnne Kingsley. Do NOT let me call you a third time. Where the fuck are you?!" Ryder snarled, and we all shivered at the icy tone of his voice.

  "You don't need to use the scary tone on me. I couldn't reply before." A collective sigh of relief echoed around the room as EliaseAnne’s soft voice entered our bond.

  I didn't know if I was more relieved that Eli was okay or that we avoided Ryder's rage. Stryker was scary as is when upset, but Ryder's anger was something no one wanted to deal with right now.

  "I shouldn't have to use this much energy to talk to you, to begin with," Ryder snapped back.

  "Sorry," EliaseAnne whispered, her voice barely audible.

  Ryder took a deep breath and his feelings closed off from our senses. "Where are you?" he questioned.

  No response came.

  "Elyion. Seriously, we need to know where you are," Kai stressed.

  "I'm on my way to Distala," she announced.

  "Why?" Marcus exchanged glances with the others.

  "I'm gonna search each realm."

  "Eli, we were already going to do that," I pointed out.

  "By the time we got through the meetings of what we're going to do, Mako could be… I don't want to waste time. I can at least start from Distala and work my way down to Latelia."

  Sighing, we shared a look and turned to study a silent Ryder. He seemed deep in thought, most likely talking with Stryker.

  "Elyion, you don’t even know where to search on Distala," Kai pointed out.

  "I know Distala well from my visit with Luna. I'll be fine. Didn't the King say the royals would be informed to keep an eye out for suspicious activity? Luna should know what’s going on by now. She can help me with searching," Eli explained.

  Marcus looked troubled. "EliaseAnne. You make sure not to put my sister in danger, understand?"

  "I'll ensure her safety. You have my word," Eli replied earnestly.

  "Doesn't your sister have a boyfriend?" I asked.

  Marcus crossed his arms over his chest. "I haven't met him or any of the other candidates. Until then, hell to the fucking no."

  I smirked while Kai chuckled. Even Ryder had a small smile on his lips. "Fine. Are we going through with this then? If so, we need to start planning ASAP."

  Kai and Ryder exchanged a look. "Ryder and I aren't going to be much help until we regain our strength," Kai admitted.

  "How about this? Eli is already going to Distala. Daniel and I can go to Earthala and talk with Junho and Michael. They can keep an eye out for us," Marcus suggested.

  "There are issues down on Earthala," I revealed.

  "Huh?" They all responded in unison, confused expressions crossing the faces of those with me.

  "Fire outbreaks are popping up all over the place, and they aren't Mother Starlight's doing. I still think we should go and check, but if possible, don't let Scarlet know what's going on. I don't want us worrying her because that will only affect their team. Michael and Junho would keep this a secret if we asked them to." I made sure to make eye contact with each individual as I explained the situation.

  "That sounds like a good idea," Ryder agreed.

  "Ryder and I can start our search of the other realms in Heila," Kai admitted.

  Elias and Eli had been adventurous during their teens and would tra
vel around the realms for a cycle during the Solace rotations.


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