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Forgotten Fairytale

Page 2

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "I'll be fine. I brought my phone. We can keep in touch, and there's the bond, even though it's more tiring at such a distance," Eli acknowledged.

  "Elias is going to be pissed at you," Marcus pointed out.

  "I'm aware and willing to deal with the consequences of that once we find Mako. Karen's gonna be mad at me too," she whispered, and we could feel her hurt.

  I knew she didn't like to admit it, but Karen was like a mother-figure to EliaseAnne and Elias. I didn't even want to imagine the hours of lecturing that they would have to endure when they returned.

  "We'll talk to her on your behalf. Just focus on the mission," Ryder reassured her, and we all sensed her relief.

  "Thanks, guys… and sorry," she apologized, and we sighed.

  "It's fine, EliaseAnne. Just don't do anything reckless," Ryder replied.

  "Don't get my sister in trouble either," Marcus cautioned.

  "Make sure you eat and rest when you need to," I suggested.

  "EliaseAnne, be careful and take care of yourself. We trust in you to find Mako, just as you trust in us to do our tasks to help locate her," Kai whispered.

  "I'll do my best. We'll find Makoto. I swear to the Starlight gods we will." Determination laced EliaseAnne’s tone as she declared her promise.

  We shared a look and nodded in affirmation.

  "In stars we trust," we vowed.



  "I can't believe you did this, EliaseAnne. I swear to Starlight when this shit is over you’re fucking grounded," I snapped, trying to control my utter rage.

  EliaseAnne was quiet in the corner of my mind, which only made me more pissed off. I'd been exhausted and desperately needing some major snooze after our mental breakdown a few days ago.

  EliaseAnne's panic had stirred me to awaken in haste. I'd watched with her as Jeffrey walked away from who knows where and into that portal with our Princess in his filthy hands.

  Since then there had been no updates, no progress. Everything was slow as fuck, and it got to the point neither of us could handle the anxiety and fear. The last thing I remembered was taking my daily medication after Karen had woken me up.

  She encouraged I get as much rest as possible, and when I was up for it, we'd start therapy to help control my recurring panic attacks. I thought if I did as she asked and gave myself enough sleep, it would improve my overall mood and lessen the time wasted in that sterile smelling room.

  The faster I recovered, the higher the chance of me getting to join the others in the search for Makoto. I didn't think I'd wake up on a transport ship headed to Distala thanks to EliaseAnne's impatience.


  "No buts, Elyion!" I cut her short, deciding I needed to be serious and not be as lenient as I normally was. "I'M your host. Not the other way around. You know what kind of trouble we could get into when all this is over? As a matter of fact, how about if this whole fiasco plan you have fails miserably and we don't end up finding Mako? HUH?!"

  She was silent once more, and it was taking the little control I had left not to smash something in our current room. I was glad the ship's rooms were soundproof and no one could hear my outburst. They would think I was nuts, shouting to myself.

  "I'm only going through with this plan because Ryder and the others APPROVED of it. This doesn't mean you're not getting in trouble for this. The moment we get back on Heila soil, you'll apologize to everyone, ESPECIALLY Karen. Understood?!"


  I let out a huff and sat on my bed, totally ignoring her in my mind to concentrate.

  "Anyone awake?"

  "Elias? You're finally up." Marcus was the first to answer me.

  "Ya sadly. Would have contacted you all earlier but I was surprised to find myself on a damn ship." I mentally grumbled as I ruffled my short locks.

  I lifted my legs to pull off my socks, followed by tugging my shirt off and throwing it on the couch across from my sectioned bed. I laid down and stared at the ceiling, needing a moment to calm down.

  "Elias, take a few deep breaths," Daniel coached.

  I closed my eyes and did as he suggested, knowing my anger must have been leaking into our bond without me even noticing it. I hadn't been this angry with Elyion for cycles.

  I was okay with her taking control and doing her own thing because she'd earned that privilege, but with this stunt she pulled? I was questioning if I'd let her continue having such a right.

  I could only imagine Karen waking up and realizing she had been put to sleep and the hurtful expression that would form on her face. I didn't like to admit it much, but Karen was the Mother I wished I had as a kid, and just the thought of hurting her made my heart ache and my anxiety spike.

  "What if Karen won’t forgive Elyion and me?" I questioned, trying to ignore the stinging in my eyes.

  "Elias, calm down. I know you're upset with Elyion right now, which you should be for what she did, but for now, you gotta be positive and conduct this search mission," Kai suggested.

  I sensed Ryder as he entered the bond, but it felt like he was barely awake. "Ryder?" I asked.

  "Don't worry about Karen. She said she'll forgive you. EliaseAnne is in trouble though," Ryder mumbled. A few seconds later he was gone.

  I tried to distract myself from EliaseAnne's sadness that pulsed through me. She needed to realize her actions were wrong and unprofessional as a knight.

  "What's wrong with Ryder?" I asked.

  "He's been sick since EliaseAnne left, which was yesterday if you haven't figured out the timeline yet," Marcus explained.

  "I think we should leave Heila tomorrow," Daniel suggested.

  "Why?" Marcus, Kai, and I asked in unison.

  EliaseAnne informed me they were heading toward Miolana and ArchAilennia. The only thing I was happy about was avoiding my home realm. I didn't want to deal with my father now, or ever again if possible. I was dealing with enough mental issues. Didn't need him adding to my pile of mental breakdowns.

  "Ryder's reacting, not from our emotions, but from the intensity of everyone’s emotions in the castle. The guards and maids had grown to love Mako just like when she was younger, and they fear for her safety just like we do. All their emotions are lingering in the air, and it's putting a huge strain on Ryder's gift," Daniel explained.

  "Makes sense. We know how to control our emotions to some degree, but everyone else doesn't. It's not like they're accustomed to closing them off like the maids and guards in the Minato castle. Ryder isn't going to get better if we stay here," Kai admitted.

  "But facing that man in Miolana in such a weakened state could be a disadvantage. Even if you're going with the King of ArchAilennia, he'll laugh at you guys if you don't give off a threatening appearance as a whole," I put forth.

  "Elias has a point," Marcus replied. "We need Ryder's influence. He's also the leader of the star knights. With him in such a compromised state and without Elias as well, we aren't going to give as strong of an impression as we'd like to."

  "We'll go to ArchAilennia first," Kai suggested.

  "But what about my father? I doubt he'd want to travel home and then venture to Miolana," Daniel pointed out.

  "We're not going with your father. As reassuring as it sounds and generous of him to offer, I think we're going to have to do this on our own. I personally don't like King Kinsley thinking we're pathetic or need another king to request information from him. We weren't appointed knights for no reason," Kai stressed.

  "I feel Ryder would say the same," Marcus added.

  Daniel mentally sighed. "You do have a point. Let's worry about Ryder getting a mental break. That gives us at least a few days for him to relax. I'll ask Karen for some herbal meds that can help Ryder's senses. He dealt with sensory overload at least three times yesterday."

  "The longer we stay here, the longer it's going to take him to recover," Marcus determined.

  "What time is it where you guys are?"
I asked. I glanced at the window but was greeted by space which made it difficult to determine what time it was.

  "Two in the morning. Marcus and I were training," Daniel explained.

  "Kai?" I asked.

  "I was drawing."

  "Can't sleep?" Marcus asked.

  "Ya," Kai replied.

  There was a moment of silence before Daniel replied. "We'll come over there."

  "Okay," Kai said, and he left the bond.

  I mentally sighed. "He's depressed."

  "Kai thinks it's his fault," Marcus whispered.

  "It's not..." I trailed off, knowing how Kai felt.

  It was easier to lay down the facts, but when you see the woman you love being taken with your own eyes and have no means to stop it, your mind plays games with you.

  Even though I was mad at EliaseAnne, I felt her anguish. She felt like this could have been prevented if she'd responded faster. Maybe if she could teleport like Kai, we could have saved Mako.

  We would know if she wasn’t among the living thanks to our star knight bond, but it didn’t stop us from worrying or ease the guilt brewing within us.

  "It's technically Xavier's," Marcus mumbled.

  "What happened when the King, Queen, and Kade found out?" I inquired. I'd been unconscious, and even Eli didn't know what occurred when she'd passed out.

  "Kade lost it," Daniel revealed.

  "Lost it as in?" I inquired.

  "Lost it as in he almost destroyed half the castle. He would have if his parents hadn't interfered. Jeez, I thought Daniel was scary, but Kade is a lethal explosion of anger and thunder." Marcus shuddered.

  "Arch Angels are most dangerous when their emotions are all over the place. I thought Xavier would be the more dangerous one since he appears to be the quiet one," Daniel admitted.

  "That's what I thought too, but Ryder said even when they were kids, he could tell Kade was the one you didn't want to push to his limits. After his meltdown on Xavier, I can see why," Marcus replied.

  "What are they up to then? Like, are they even talking?" I asked.

  "Kade's with the King right now," Daniel revealed.

  "And Xavier?" I pressed.

  "He's with the Queen. I saw them in the garden when I needed some air. He looks pretty beaten up about everything. Well, aside from his actual wounds and a black eye," Marcus commented.

  I yawned before I took a calming breath. "I feel we're going to need them for this. They may hate each other, but they've been to all the realms."

  "Ryder said the same thing. Once he's better, he'll talk to them. Ryder's going to need a week to recover properly, and to be honest, I think we all need a few more days," Daniel confessed.

  He had a point. Even though I was on my way to Distala, I didn't feel mentally prepared for this mission.

  "By the time Ryder recovers, and we get all the supplies we need and head to ArchAilennia, two weeks would have passed. Now with the new policies about visitors, we'll be stuck in ArchAilennia for two weeks for safety measures," Marcus said.

  "Two weeks?" I asked.

  "When did this policy go through?" Daniel questioned.

  "Yesterday. I heard Matthew talking about it. Aside from Miolana and Earthala, the other realms are being stricter. Within two rotations we'd only be able to check ArchAilennia, Miolana, and do a full search of Heila," Marcus concluded.

  "Such a waste of time," I mumbled. What if we don't make it?

  "I think we have time," Daniel announced.

  "You think?" Marcus asked.

  "I've been thinking about everything that happened in regard to Jeffrey's activity. It's not making much sense to me. If he wanted to kill Mako, he could have," Daniel explained.

  "But he did," Marcus snapped.

  I shivered at the memory and felt EliaseAnne's concern in my mind.

  "He did yes, and thanks to our combined efforts, Mako survived, but let's be realistic. If Jeffrey wanted to kill Mako, he could have easily killed her right away. He could have dealt a blow that would ensure she didn't survive. Not to forget that tip we got, from an unknown source, that there was suspicious activity on Latelia. Who else would be on Realm One who'd tip us off on the location of the facility?"

  "You have a point," I replied.

  "Let's wait till Ryder is better and Kai's in higher spirits. Then we'll talk about it together, but my gut is telling me Mako's life isn't in jeopardy. Doesn't mean she's not in danger, but I think we need to do a thorough search of everywhere rather than rush through," Daniel concluded.

  "Hmm, someone got all leader like." Marcus hummed. "OW! Don't go hitting me."

  I grinned and allowed my eyes to close. My temper had come down significantly thanks to our talk. Maybe the thought of Mako being okay was helping ease my fears.

  "Thanks, guys," I whispered.

  "Elias. I know you're mad, but don't be too hard on EliaseAnne. Again, what she did wasn't right, but you know better than anyone that she meant well. She's anxious not only for Mako but Midnight too," Marcus pointed out.

  "So are all of you. Stryker, Azriel, Ryuu, Hinotori. All of your spirits are frightened for Mako and her spirits. Didn't see any of you jumping on a ship," I muttered.

  "Technically, you wouldn't have seen anything since your ass was sleeping for cycles," Marcus commented.

  "Fuck you." I huffed. "Daniel punch him for me."

  "OW! Really, Daniel. You're an angel! Peacekeeper!" Marcus whined.

  "Peacekeeper my ass, but I'll agree with Marcus on this one, Elias. You and EliaseAnne do your best when you’re working together. I think we all learned that when we were younger," Daniel acknowledged.

  "Hmph," I replied.

  "Just sleep it off and think about," Marcus suggested.

  "Fine," I replied. "I'm a bit tired, so I'm going to sleep. You guys should get some rest and make sure someone keeps an eye on Ryder."

  "His parents are here. His Mother's watching over him right now," Daniel revealed.

  I mentally nodded. "Good. I'll check in with you guys later."

  "Stay safe, Elias," Marcus replied.

  "You too. Make sure you both rest." I pulled out of the bond immediately following my response. I didn't sense EliaseAnne in my mind, and I sighed.


  "I'm sorry. Don't be mad at me anymore. Please?" EliaseAnne begged.

  I wanted to be mad, to stay upset with her, but her tearful plea was already breaking down the walls I hoped to keep up. I didn't want to be such a pushover, but I had such a soft spot for Elyion after everything we'd been through.

  "You understand what you did could potentially get us exiled or killed, correct?" I asked out loud.

  "Yes. I'm aware what I did could lead to life-threatening consequences," she whispered, shame bleeding into the connection.

  "I'm going to sleep. You're going to think of what you did and what you're going to do when we get back as an apology to Karen and the King and Queen. Not to mention an apology to our friends for making them worry."

  "Okay. Sorry, Elias."

  I didn't reply, turning to my side and hoping the darkness would whisk me away to dreamland. It didn't take long, and the last thought I had was of Mako's smiling face.

  Mako...our Firefly, please. Wherever you are, stay alive long enough for us to save you. In stars, we trust.



  "My area is clear."

  I opened my eyes to the sound of Nighty's soft purrs. I tilted my head back to observe the sky filled with stars, yet they felt dull in my mind, having little to no significance.

  Shifters and humans believed in the Starlight gods, beings who helped to create our world and watch how we interacted with one another.

  I didn't have much belief in them. Maybe I had at one time, but not currently. In the last two rotations of being here, I hadn’t had much time to be worried about a bunch of gods I'd never see until I took my last breath and ascended into th
e stars above.

  Since I’d been pushed into this new world, there had been no time to waste. I guess 'world' wouldn't be the right word, but that's exactly how I felt, even after the eight weeks of learning, growing, and killing we'd done.

  Even now as I stood 20 feet from the ground on the sturdy branch, my presence hidden as I leaned against the bark of the wide willow tree, I knew what the result would be for the men heading my way.

  I should have felt sympathy for them or even a bit of pity, but I didn't. They were nothing but bugs to be squashed and justice to be delivered for their continuous crimes that had killed one too many.

  "Bloody Butterfly, they're coming your way. You'll be okay?"

  I couldn't help but grin at the hint of worry that leaked into Anna's voice. I stood up straight as I stretched, reaching out to pet Nighty who sat on my right shoulder. Her three tails curled around my neck and she lifted her head to rub her cheek against my hand.

  I pressed the button to activate the communicator device in my ear. "You worry too much, Ann."

  "We're supposed to use code names, Mako." Anna huffed. "And its Anna when you're on duty."

  "Sure, Ann," I replied, my eyes locking on the group that approached. I began to keep a mental count as I took in as much detail about each person while I multitasked.

  "You two suck at this."

  The deep voice made my stomach flip and my body grow hot, which wasn't because of the warm weather in these parts. Adding the fact that midnight would soon be upon us, I was well aware that the culprit of my distraction was our third partner's sexy voice.

  "Hush, Dark Panther," Anna grumbled.

  "I still don't want to be named after a classic movie, nor is my spirit anything near a panther."

  "Really? Are we having this discussion right now? You are a distraction!" Anna proclaimed.

  "Not my fault I distract you. Mako's doing just fine, right Bloody Butterfly?"

  "Again, using her name and her code name in the same sentence defeats the purpose," Anna groaned.

  "I'll be done in two minutes. I'll meet you back at base," I replied, lifting my left arm to stare at the watch on my wrist. My gaze drifted to the mark on the back of my left hand, the different colors reviving the ache in my heart.


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