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Into Each Life

Page 5

by Shelia E. Bell

  “They’re upstairs. I gotcha back. I told ‘em you were right behind me walking with Prodigal, Debra and Chelsia. So tell me, where were you? I didn’t see any of y’all after the game.”

  “I was with Prodigal and Faith,” Teary lied. “I guess we just missed each other because like I said, I didn’t see you either.”

  “I don’t know why,” Sara lied too and turned her head quickly so her sister wouldn’t see the guilty look plastered across her face. “Maybe because it was jam packed.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure that’s it.”

  Teary didn’t want to tell Sara about Langston just yet. She didn’t feel like telling everything. She wanted to hurry up and get in her bed so she could dream about tonight. Langston was the first boy who ever kissed her like a real man. She felt throbbing between her virgin legs. When it came to sex, she was green as grass. She had heard some of the girls at school talk about doing it, but she couldn’t relate to anything they said. The boys who liked her never were as bold as Langston. There was something about him, something different. When he touched her, she found herself wanting more. Her spirit told her that she had better be careful with this boy - real careful.

  Chapter 5

  Growing Up Young

  Prodigal walked Faith to the bus stop. It was Thursday afternoon, and he was looking forward to the upcoming weekend. He and Faith had made plans to spend time together. He kissed her goodbye and headed for home. On the way, he saw Teary standing on the sidewalk, talking to Langston. As Prodigal came closer, he saw one of Langston’s buddies parked at the curb. Langston walked toward the car. Prodigal approached Langston and Teary. Langston threw up his hand and said, “What’s up dog?”

  “What’s up Langston?” Prodigal replied dryly. “Hey, Teary.”

  Before she could respond to Prodigal, Langston kissed Teary on the cheek, while telling her he’d call her later. He hopped in the waiting car and rode off.

  “What was that all about?” Prodigal asked.

  “Oh, nothing. Langston just dropped me off at the end of block so Momma and Daddy wouldn’t catch me riding in the car with a boy. You know how old fashioned they are.”

  “Yeah, sure.” Prodigal was finding it hard to contain his fury. Teary was taking unnecessary chances and doing things she’d never done before, all since hooking up with Langston Silverman. There was a time when Teary would never even consider disobeying her parents, now she was lying and sneaking around like some wild girl. Prodigal tried to push the thoughts of Teary’s new attitude out of his mind. The two of them walked the rest of the short distance to their homes, barely talking to one another. Standing in front of Teary’s house, Prodigal asked, “Hey, Teary, do you want to go hang out later this afternoon? We could go to Willow Lake. It’s been a while since we’ve been there.”

  “Sorry Prodigal, I can’t. Langston is supposed to be coming over later this evening. He’s going to help me study for my American history exam.”

  “Oh, I see. No problem. Well, guess I’ll talk to you later. Dang, why can’t she see me the same way she sees that punk, he thought as he walked across the street to his house. He slammed the front door behind him and stormed into the house. He threw his books on the table and jetted toward the kitchen. He thought about Teary and how much he liked her, but her mind was on Langston. There was something about Langston that simply rubbed Prodigal the wrong way. Something told him that he was bad news for Teary. But he didn’t want to burst her bubble or come off like he was jealous of Langston. But deep down inside the green monster lurked. It didn’t matter that Prodigal and Faith were an item, Prodigal was still fuming. Seeing Teary with Langston this afternoon, he could tell that she was definitely sprung. She couldn’t see pass Langston Silverman.


  “Teary? Is everything still on for next Friday night?” Langston asked her through the phone receiver.

  “Of course,” Teary answered. “My parents already said I could go with you to your friend’s birthday party. I know it’s going to be wild up in there and I can’t wait.”

  “Look, I have another idea.”

  “What’s up?” she asked him.

  “My parents are going to the coast for the weekend. I was hoping that after the party we could go to my house and spend some time alone.” His voice was full of wanton desire.

  “Is that right?”

  “Hey, better still, we can just skip the party altogether. There’s always going to be plenty of chances to go to some lame party.” He poured on charm as thick as sorghum syrup to persuade her.

  Hesitating, she finally answered, “I don’t know about that. I don’t want to get in trouble.”

  “You know we don’t ever have a chance to really have time to ourselves. How about it? Come on, Teary,” he pleaded in a sing song voice. “Do it for me.”

  “You know I want to be with you too.” Lying back on her bed, the phone drawn close to her ear, she fantasized about the two of them finally being alone together. “But I’m scared. I don’t want anything to happen that will mess up our relationship.”

  “Hey, don’t you trust me? You know I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. You’re my baby, my sunshine. My parents are leaving me the car, so I’ll pick you up Friday around seven, Langston said, pretty much saying ‘yes’ for Teary..

  “Okay, I’ll be ready.”


  Friday night came quickly. At seven sharp the doorbell rang. Mrs. Fullalove appeared on the other side. “Good evening, Langston,” she said after opening the door.

  “Hello, Mrs. Fullalove. How are you this evening?” He spoke politely.

  “I’m fine, honey. Come on in. Teary will be down in a few minutes.” Mrs. Fullalove shook her head in wonderment. “You know that girl well enough by now to know that she’s never ready on time.”

  “No problem. That’s Teary for you, ma’am,” Langston chuckled. He made sure to present himself as a perfect gentleman whenever he was around Teary’s parents.

  “Go in the den and have a seat Langston. I’m going to the kitchen to check on my muffins.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he replied.

  Within a few minutes of his arrival, Teary came galloping down the stairs into the den. Her sky blue, form-fitting skirt rested just above her knees. He imagined unfastening the buttons streaming down the front of her almost sheer blouse. Her blue mules were perfect for the outfit she’d chosen. Her hair was twisted and pulled up with a blue and white scrunchie. She looked absolutely gorgeous to Langston.

  “You ready?” Teary asked Langston.

  “Yeah. By the way, you look great.”

  “Thank you Langston.” Teary and Langston headed toward the front door. She turned and yelled into the kitchen, “Mom, we’re leaving, and don’t worry, I’ll be home by curfew.”

  Mrs. Fullalove came out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on a dish towel. “You sure better and I don’t want any excuses either. Tomorrow is Sunday and I don’t want to hear you talking about you’re too sleepy to go to church. And Langston, when are you going to come to church with us?”

  Teary couldn’t believe her mother was bringing this up now. She just wanted to go.

  “I told Teary that I would go with her to one of the services you all have during the week, Mrs. Fullalove. You see, my parents really aren’t too keen about me visiting other churches. We go together every Sunday as a family, and they won’t let me out of it. I’m sure you understand how that is.”

  “Sure, I do. What’s the name of your church again?” Mrs. Fullalove asked.

  Teary interrupted before Langston could respond. “Mom, please. If you keep on talking, it’s going to be time for me to be back home.”

  “Oh, okay. Get out of here, and y’all have a good time,” she said, waving Teary and Langston off.

  Langston was glad Teary interrupted when she did. He couldn’t remember what church he told her that he and his family attended. He would have to make sure when he lied that he remembered the lies he told. H
e would definitely have to be more careful.

  He opened the passenger door of the champagne Ford Taurus. “Did I tell you how pretty you look tonight?” he complimented Teary.

  “Yes, you did.” She blushed while easing her freshly shaved legs into the car.

  “Do you want to stop and grab something to eat before we go to my place?”

  “Sounds good to me. I am a little hungry.” And nervous too. I want to be alone with him but I don’t want things to get out of hand, she thought to herself. When they reached Langston’s house, Teary was surprisingly pleased. The inside looked like it had been professionally decorated. Everything looked expensive and plush.

  “Let’s go in the family room and eat, okay?” Langston suggested.

  “Okay. By the way, I like your house,” she said, looking around as she followed behind him.

  “Thanks, but you’ll probably change your mind when you see my room.”

  He turned on the stereo once they entered the family room. While eating they listened to one of the local radio stations, cuddling between bites.

  Langston whispered softly in Teary’s ear. “What’s on your mind?” he asked.

  “Nothing, I’m just a little shaky, that’s all,” she answered, shrugging her shoulders.

  “I can fix that. You ever had wine?”

  “I tasted it one Thanksgiving when we went to my aunt and uncle’s. My parents let me have a sip. Why do you ask?”

  “See that bar over there?” he pointed.

  “Yes,” Teary said, looking in the direction Langston was pointing.

  “Every kind of drink you can imagine is inside. Come on, let me show you.” He took hold of her arm and pulled her toward the bar. When he opened the door, her eyes almost popped out of her head when she saw all the different kinds of liquor inside.

  She protested. “I hope you don’t expect me to drink any of that. I have enough to repent for already without adding drinking to my list of sins.”

  “Teary, stop being so naïve. Do you think God is standing over you keeping a record of everything you’re doing right now? I don’t think so. He has robbers and murderers to judge and people doing a whole lot worse than what we’re doing. Plus, he knows we’re young and we’re going to make mistakes, so stop worrying.”

  His words sounded right, but in the back of her mind, she knew better. But when it came to Langston, she found it hard, and down right impossible to say no.

  “As for my parents finding out, girl, they have so much stuff in here, they won’t miss it.” He used his quick tongue to convince her that everything was going to be fine. “Anyway, we’re just going to try a little wine. One glass; that’s all. Do it, do it for me. Please, pretty please.” He leaned toward her and planted a light kiss on her lips and nibbled on her ear lobe. “After all, we have to celebrate.”

  “Celebrate what?” With him kissing her the way that he was, it was getting harder to concentrate. “What do you mean?”

  “We have to celebrate you and me.” He spoke in a deep, hypnotizing tone.

  “Oh, okay, I guess we are worth celebrating,” she said, hesitantly but smiling nonetheless.

  “Now that’s more like it.” He reached overhead and pulled two wine glasses down from the glass holder. He searched in the bottom of the bar until he found the bottle of Chardonnay.

  “Let’s go to my room. We can listen to the music up there.”

  “Okay,” she responded in a meek voice.

  Holding her hand in his, he led her to his bedroom. She continued to peruse the house with a keen eye, trying to ignore the flittering motion in her stomach. She focused on a room arranged like a den. Langston quickly bypassed it and guided her to his room. His king-sized bed was draped in a blue chenille bedspread with a pile of matching pillows expertly fluffed and placed against the oak headboard. Except for a few clothes scattered on the floor, the room was spotless.

  He sat the wine and glasses on the night table beside the bed. “Come here. Don’t be acting like you’re scared. This is your man you’re with,” he said, holding his arms out to her.

  She took a seat on the bed and he turned on the stereo. While Sade’ sang, Your Love is King, he poured each of them a glass of wine.

  “Come on, let’s have a toast,” he said, picking up his glass.

  “What are we toasting?”

  “Our future together, baby.” His eyes gleamed and his body ached for hers. But he had to take her slow. He couldn’t allow his emotions to get out of hand.

  Her mouth puckered and her eyes squinted at the taste of the bittersweet wine. After a couple of sips, she felt herself relaxing.

  “Come here, I’m not going to bite you; at least not yet,” he said, making a Dracula face and laughing wickedly.

  “Boy, you’re so stupid.” She grinned and took another swallow of wine. They lay back on the bed listening to the soft, romantic music. He watched carefully to see when her glass was getting low and refilled it without her putting up any fuss. After her third glass, he removed it carefully from her hand and pulled her close to him. He took this chance to make his move. When he kissed her face, a light sound escaped from her lips and he felt her body arch toward him. His kisses were gentle and she slowly succumbed to his touch. The wine was doing its intended job. Any fear and apprehension she had was replaced with the flame of desire for him. She hungrily accepted his kisses. His firm, experienced hands caressed the length of her legs ever so softly.

  When he reached around and underneath her back to undo her bra, she weakly resisted.

  “No,” he said hoarsely. “Let me do this. I’m going to show you how much you mean to me tonight. Just trust me, Teary. I promise not to hurt you. I want you to remember,” he whispered raspily in her ear, “that you’re my girl.” His voice was like a magnet drawing her under his spell. “My goodness, you’re beautiful.” His hands pulled the scrunchie from hair, allowing the thick locks of hair to blanket her shoulders.

  To her amazement, she wasn’t bashful when he raised himself up to look down on her intimacy. The wine had made her totally relaxed as desire for him filled her virgin thoughts.

  He was careful not to let her feel his excitement, not just yet. He reached for one of her hands and intertwined it into his. She allowed his other hand to travel to secret places that only she knew of. Before she could resist, he started kissing her more forcefully.

  “Langston, what are you doing?” she said, barely able to speak.

  “Loving you,” he spoke hoarsely. “I want you, Teary. I need you.”

  “Ohhh,” she moaned, as he slowly, made her - his.

  chapter 6

  First Pain

  The phone rang just as she climbed out of the tub. It was Debra. “What’s up, girlfriend?”

  For a few seconds there was silence on the line. “Hello,” Teary sang in the phone. “I’m standing here dripping wet, so speak up. You are still there aren’t you?”

  “Yeah, I don’t know how to tell you this,” Debra said, “so I guess I should just come right out and say it.”

  “Tell me what?”

  “Tell you what I saw, or should I say who I saw?”

  “Debra, will you stop stalling and just tell me what’s going on.”

  Debra took a deep breath and then started. “I was coming from Chelsia’s earlier this afternoon when I saw Langston and that new girl who moved down the street from me. They went into her house.”

  Teary plopped her wet, naked body down on the side of her bed.

  “Hold up a minute, maybe there’s a good reason he was with her.” Teary was on the verge of tears.

  “She was grinning all up in his face. I’m telling you, I believe they’re messing around.”

  “Do you really think so?” Teary was crushed.

  “Yeah, and anyway, what would he be doing going over her house when her parents aren’t home? Prodigal was right. Langston ain’t about nothing. In the beginning he acted like he was so crazy about you, and now look
at him. Girl, if I were you, I’d quit him and never look back. And another thing.”


  “It’s good you didn’t do anything with him.”

  “Anything like what?”

  “I mean, you know what I’m talking about, the sex thing. 'Cause even though he told you he was crazy about you, look at his good for nothing tail now.”

  If she only knew the truth, Teary thought. She was glad she hadn’t confided in Debra about her and Langston’s sexcapade. Debra would be sure to think the worst of her. But then again, Debra couldn’t possibly think anything half as bad as what Teary now thought about herself. She felt used and betrayed. How could the boy she loved do her this way? There must be a reasonable explanation for what Debra saw, and she would get to the bottom of it once and for all.

  “Debra, I have to go. I just got out of the tub. I need to dry off and put some clothes on.”

  “Okay, sorry I had to be the bearer of bad news.”

  “Yeah, sure, bye,” Teary said, quickly hanging up with Debra. After she dried off and slipped on her robe she plopped on the window seat in her room and then dialed Langston’s house.

  “Hello, Mrs. Silverman, this is Teary Fullalove. Is Langston home from his dance audition?” Teary asked.

  “Dance audition? Honey, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Langston is over to a friend’s house studying.”

  “Oh, I see. Thanks Mrs. Silverman.” Teary hastily hung up the phone. A flood of tears fell from her eyes. She called to tell Debra what happened. “Debra, I can’t get over that dog. His momma didn’t know anything about a dance audition. She said he was over to a friend’s house. He told her he was going to study.”

  Debra’s ears perked up, and with a voice of sarcasm she said, “I know you can’t be for real. He sure has some weird study habits, not to mention the study partner.”


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