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Bite & Release 3: Riley

Page 3


  Staring at myself in the full-length mirror, I brushed my hair. I appeared tired, older than my years, and a little ragged around the edges. After using my electric razor, I patted on some aftershave, then laced up my boots.

  Gray jumped up on my bed, tail wagging. He knew it was time for me to leave.

  “Oh no you don’t. Last time I gave you free range, you ate my pillows. And you, mister, could have gotten an intestinal blockage, so out you go, downstairs only, no bedrooms.” I noted mentally that the sofa and chair cushions were securely sewn into the furniture in the living room. Gray was strong, but he knew better than to tear up that room. All the other doors were closed. I could crate him but hated doing that, so I allowed him to roam the downstairs and, weather permitting, the backyard via the doggie door we’d put in years ago. He had the bottom half minus the bedrooms.

  I pulled him by the collar, moving down the stairs toward the living room. “You be a good boy,” I said, pouring extra food in his bowl and making sure he had plenty of water. Patting his large body, I grabbed my heavy coat.

  Jumping into my truck, I headed to school. Normally, I looked forward to my afternoons working at the clinic, but not so much today.

  After five hours of grueling tests and reading, I sighed, heading to Protected Paws. My mind wandered to my parents, wondering how they liked the weather and their new house. I was curious to find out if they had even seen the rescue yet.

  After parking and finger-combing my hair, I prepared to meet the new doctor. I should have gotten a haircut or maybe pulled it back into a short ponytail. What the fuck? I didn’t care what Dr. Tobin thought of me, because when I took over, my first act would be to let him go, eventually anyway. Hell, in three years, he’d probably beg to leave. Alaska winters were rough, and he picked a particularly brutal time to start a new job. And realistically, if the weather wasn’t enough to push him out, my behavior might.

  God, it wasn’t my personality to be an immature prick. I’d already made up my mind to dislike him, and he probably wouldn’t even know why. In truth, I wasn’t being an adult about this. At least not the one my dad hoped for. I might as well just accept the situation and live with it. There was no choice. Three years would seem like an eternity if I made that time miserable for both of us.

  “Looks like we’re busy today,” I mentioned to the receptionist Kathy while leaning on the counter.

  “Actually, it hasn’t been too bad for a Monday. Dr. Tobin is extremely efficient.”

  Crossing my arms. “Is he now?” I asked, buttoning the white lab coat over my sweater.

  “Umm… never mind. You’ll find out for yourself. Think of it as a surprise.” Kathy snickered, handing me a chart.

  “You are a weird chick. Did I ever tell you that?”

  She laughed. “Have I told you how much I love it when you call me chick? You make me feel so girly, Dr. Michaels… Now scoot. I’m dying for you to meet the new doctor.”

  Kathy had been with Protected Paws for fifteen years. She was close to my dad’s age, and her enthusiasm for me to meet the infamous Dr. Tobin had me inquisitive to say the least. Was there something about him that sparked my receptionist’s interest? She was a happily married woman, or so I thought. That’s all we needed—a Casanova. I’d already had many mothers, as well as daughters, hit on me. Now that I knew my dad’s full history, it became clear why they would attempt seduction. Was this one of the reasons Megan gave up on us?

  Don’t be an idiot. You know exactly why she bailed.

  I scanned the chart quickly and headed toward room two.

  “Dr. Michaels, Dr. Tobin is in the break room,” Kathy shouted after me.

  Changing direction, I headed toward our employee lounge, sucking in a breath before opening the door.

  Fuck, Dad, what did you do?

  Hazel eyes met mine as I stared at the name badge: Dr. Gabe Tobin. Why would my dad do this? Wait, had he known? I was livid. Was this a goddamn joke? A silent gulp stuck in my throat as I searched for words to speak. She was beautiful, with the perfect Californian look. My body began to betray my senses as my brain kicked in. This was too bizarre.

  What the hell, Dad? You expect me to work next to a woman that looks like this for three years?

  “Hello, I’m Gabriella Tobin, but everyone calls me Gabe. You must be Riley. Your father told me all about you,” she stated, standing and offering her hand.

  In a daze of confusion and anger, I took it. Her skin was warm, and I chastised myself for responding to her touch. This was not like me. Pretty girls surrounded me at college all the time. Hell, I’d dated some of the hottest in high school. But the person who stood before me wasn’t a girl; she was a woman. She was a tiny thing, reaching only to my chest, with long hair that reminded me of a late sunset in summer, brown streaked with blond and crimson. Her eyes were penetrating orbs of brown, green, and gold. Every facial feature was artfully detailed, her skin slightly tanned, which was to be expected coming from California.

  My eyes settled immediately on her mouth as she spoke. Full and plump lips stained a deep pink held my stare. I barely had time to ascertain her build because it was concealed beneath a white coat. From what I could see, she wasn’t a toothpick like so many others, and I noticed her breasts heaving as she spoke. Her skin became flushed, the attraction obviously mutual.

  Having no idea what I was doing because my thoughts were not my own, my persona felt as though somebody else’s reasoning had taken over. It wasn’t like me to scope out women. It had never been my nature. Sure, I enjoyed an occasional peek, but this felt more like ogling. My cock agreed, and suddenly I was grateful for my long lab coat. Having my body become aroused was foreign to me unless it was by my own hand.

  “I had no idea you’d be a woman,” I croaked. Because my dad is an asshole.

  “I’m sorry. I thought you knew. Your dad and I emailed for months. I suppose it never came up on my application. I hope it’s not too disappointing. My credentials are valid, regardless of my sex.” She laughed, sitting.

  Sex. What the hell is wrong with you? Get a fucking grip. You have to work with her for three motherfucking years. “No, it’s fine. I’d just been prepared for a male doctor,” I spoke, my voice heavy with sarcasm. Pouring a cup of coffee, I sat across from her. “So… what are your first impressions of Fairbanks?” I needed to get my mind off murdering my father. Had my mom known? Was this some calculated plan?

  “Cold and dark,” she replied, stifling a smile. “Thank God the motel has good heat. I about froze to death when I got off the plane Friday.”

  “Well, eventually you’ll have to find a permanent place to live, if you plan to stay. I know the winters can be severe, and it’s probably quite a culture shock coming from California,” I noted, taking a sip from my cup.

  “Oh, I’m staying. I hated the hot weather and the traffic. I needed the change. I suppose I’ll have to acclimate. I’m already impressed with the scenery.” An intense expression lit her face.

  Okay, was that my willful imagination, or did she just give me a compliment? I am being ridiculous. Exactly what would she find appealing about a twenty-year-old?

  “Well, if the weather doesn’t discourage you, the boring lifestyle might. Unless you’re into skiing, fishing, or hockey.” What the fuck, Riley? You’re rambling.

  “It’s worth it when you need to recalibrate your life. This will be good for me. I fell in love with the clinic the minute I saw it. Maybe this weekend I’ll start looking for a home, preferably one with excellent heat or a big fireplace.”

  “You’re awfully young to need such a reboot. Just saying.”

  “I just turned the big three-oh, so it was time for a change in direction. Moving here is just what I needed.”

  Glancing at the floor while taking a quick gulp of my remaining coffee, I tried to sound nonchalant. “Won’t it be hard on your family or your boyfriend?” Good grief. Just shut up.

  She didn’t answer right away. In fact, for a
moment, I had the feeling I’d overstepped.

  “It’s just me and my mother. And relationships… Don’t get me started.” She groaned, waving her hand. “My mother is overbearing, and we’ve never agreed on anything. She thinks I took a job in Arizona.”

  “You lied to your own mother?” I pretended shock.

  “She can be extremely needy and possessive. Me leaving, I hope, will force her to find someone else to cling to.”

  “Wow, we have more in common than I thought. My parents weren’t possessive, but helicopter parents. Always hovering, especially my dad. He’s a handful.”

  “He spoke highly of you in all our emails. He seemed very proud.”

  Evidently not in his eyes, since he sent some temptress to spy on me. Thanks, Dad.

  “Oh, don’t get me wrong. I love my parents, but getting them on that plane to Florida meant freedom for me,” I admitted.

  “I get that. I finally feel as though I can breathe. Leaving my problems behind me means independence, and hopefully, this will be a new chapter to a better life.”

  There was sadness behind those spellbinding eyes and in the timbre of her voice. Suddenly, the dislike I’d held for the new doctor was put on hold. We shared some familiar issues. But this was going to be a trial of restraint. I was highly disciplined in work and school. Occasionally, Kai and I would go bowling or to an underage club. His interest in girls far exceeded mine. But for the most part, my focus was on plans for my future.

  Being caught between a rock and a hard place sucked. My dick was so stiff it felt close to bursting. In only fifteen minutes, it was obvious this woman was able to loosen my self-control. How could I work with her?

  I was furious with my dad. He hadn’t vetted Dr. Tobin thoroughly, making me believe she was a man. And what possible motive would he have for throwing us together? Did he think I was him? Gabe was sophisticated, beautiful, and older. I was just a kid attempting to become a man, all previous attempts failing badly.

  My world centered on solace and a no-nonsense lifestyle. There was no wild behavior. Everything about me screamed dork. And now, because of my dad, my entire life was going to be a test of willpower. There was no doubt Gabe could be a temptation. But we were professionals, and she was an adult. This daydream I had suddenly concocted in my mind, it was definitely one-sided. In this instance, there was no clue why I was even entertaining these absurd thoughts. I’d never fantasized. Okay, maybe a little, but not like this and definitely not with another person present. I needed to sequester my thoughts, or this was going to be a very long three years.

  I groaned inwardly.

  “Should we get started, Dr. Tobin?” I inquired, rinsing out my cup in the sink.

  “Call me Gabe, and yes, Doctor Michaels, I’m ready.”

  Gripping my cup, a force of resolve surfaced. I was glad my back was to her because when she said my name, I closed my eyes and knew this was never going to work.



  T he rest of the week was a combination of hard-ons and a heavy workload. Basically, I couldn’t be in a room with her without my cock demanding attention. It wasn’t just the way she looked, but the perfume she wore. The woman was turning me into a prepubescent man-child. I was frustrated and horny. Two things I’d never had an issue with.

  I almost wished I could talk to my dad and ask him why he would do this.

  I supposed I could have a conversation with Kai or even Uncle Quinn, but all of this was rather embarrassing. The last thing I wanted was to become my father when he was my age. I could picture him now. He would have already taken Gabe on one of the examination tables or maybe in the lunchroom. There was no doubt because both scenarios had already crossed my mind. I didn’t have experience with these emotions. Megan and a few others before her had held my interest, but not like this.

  My skin felt tight and heated, causing me to constantly beat off in the shower while daydreaming about the body beneath that coat. Only five days in and I was a mess.

  “So what are your plans this weekend, Riley?”

  My mind went blank upon hearing her question. “Umm… maybe… Nothing really. Normally, it’s all study on my days off.”

  She began unbuttoning her lab coat. “Want to get a drink with me?”

  Look away. Don’t stare.

  Mortification flooded my cheeks. She had no idea how old I was. Well, this was definitely going to be a deal breaker. “I thought you knew. I’m only twenty. I have another eight months until I’m of legal drinking age,” I revealed reluctantly.

  “Oh, I’m aware. I thought maybe I’d get a bottle of wine and come by your place,” she responded nonchalantly.

  My place. The house. A bottle of wine. Us. Alone.

  My logic ticked off every single word she’d said. Maybe my age wasn’t a big deal, but there was something else that would be.

  Wait, I’m jumping the gun here. We’re co-workers, friends. She’s new in town and hasn’t met anyone besides the employees and me. Those things went hand in hand with cocktails after work. Cocktails. Now my dick was stiff and there was sweat above my lip. Jesus, it’s fucking drinks, not an offer of sex. Get a grip!

  “Maybe it was a little presumptuous to even ask. If I made you feel uncomfortable, my apologies. Just thinking of spending another evening alone in that motel… I guess it’s made me both stir crazy and bold,” she admitted. “I’m going to use that as an excuse. Plus, I hate drinking alone, so maybe, yes?” Gabe persisted.

  “Sure, if you don’t mind an overly affectionate pit bull. He’s almost eight years old and should have outgrown the behavior, but I swear he either has to eat or lick everything to death.” Crossing my arms, my mouth gaped as my face reddened. I surrendered. This woman made my IQ drop ten points whenever she was in the room.

  Eat and lick. Really, Riley? Please quit talking. You sound like a dumb shit.

  She raked me with a sensuous glance. “Two of my favorite things,” she claimed amusingly. “Red or white?” she questioned, sounding serious.

  “Huh?” My brain had completely shut down. I wished it had cruise control so my gray matter could take over because hearing her confession about eating and licking had left every bit of restraint crushed. “Red. I’m not much of a drinker. My dad was super strict about booze. I’ll grab some lemon-lime soda on the way home. I’m kind of a lightweight, so I may have to mix it.”

  “Don’t worry; I’ll take care of you. I don’t want to be responsible for the delinquency of a minor.”

  Removing my work coat and grabbing my ski jacket, I announced, “No minors here. Let’s say nine. I need to take care of a few things before. Kathy will give you the address.”

  “All right, see you then.”

  I sat in my truck for a while before turning over the engine. The temperature was glacial, but it wasn’t cold enough to bring down my pulse rate. The hot shower that was planned would include several releases. Cringing, I adjusted my crotch.

  I wondered how to survive this evening. She was sexy as hell, smart, and rang of experience. I was intelligent, single, and petrified of being alone with her. We were together a great deal when working at the clinic, but this was different. This was social. This was my home. We’d be alone, just us.

  I was making too much out of this. Just because we were having drinks didn’t mean shit. She said it herself. She couldn’t spend another evening alone. Technically, it was her first weekend here in Alaska. Dr. Castillo worked Saturdays, so we were both free the next two days.

  Maybe I should offer to take her apartment hunting tomorrow.

  When I got home, Gray was ecstatic. For the most part, the living room looked presentable. Thank God he did his business in the backyard. I sprayed some air freshener, fed the dog while having a long talk with him about manners, then hastily went to shower. Eating should have been the number one priority, especially since I’d be drinking, but my nerves got the better of me.

  Letting the steam flow over me,
I fisted my member. Closing my eyes and envisioning Gabe, I tugged faster and faster. My balls went taut as a tingling inched up my legs. A loud moan echoed through the room as I let the wall support me, streams of white release filling my hand. Damn, that felt good.

  I quickly dried off, then dressed in jeans and a long-sleeved flannel. I blow-dried my hair and sprayed some cologne. I didn’t want to come across as trying too hard, but rather casual.

  Padding downstairs, I stopped at the sofa and put on socks. After tossing a log into the fireplace, I turned on the radio. It suddenly occurred to me that my conscience was formulating our evening together. In my head, tonight was a date, but to her, it was just two co-workers having a drink. The reality was I might have Shea Michaels’s DNA, but I was awkward when it came to the opposite sex.

  I looked the part of a stud, though anything but. Even my best friend Kai didn’t know the truth. My dad never got the reason behind the word Player tattooed on my back. I thought it would scare them away. It gave me a reputation, one I never earned. Now everything I was leery about was going to be tested because one thing I knew without a doubt.

  I wanted Gabe.

  Even saying it to myself made me question my sanity. She was ten years older. Just because my dad managed to make the age thing work and it was no big deal didn’t mean his son could. And there wasn’t a chance she was interested, at least romantically. To be honest, the only thing we had in common was our mutual love of animals and some parental problems.

  She definitely came across as more of a player than I was or could ever be. Gabe appeared adept. There was no doubt she knew her way around men. This woman knew exactly how to toy with them because she did it to me through her play on words.

  Eating and licking.

  I needed to get my mind out of the gutter, or I’d be spending my evening willing my dick to fit in my pants. I could not be responsible for where my brain went the minute I saw her. Even now, hourly reality checks were made to make sure tonight was actually happening.


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