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Bite & Release 3: Riley

Page 4


  Gabe showed up promptly at nine with a bottle of wine and some plastic cups. Bundled up in heavy outerwear and gloves with rosy cheeks from the cold, her eyes appeared more of a brilliant green than brown.

  “It’s nice and toasty. Feels wonderful. Thank God, I think several body parts have gone numb,” she said, unbuttoning her coat. “Your home is beautiful.”

  I took her outerwear so she could pull off the gloves. My eyes wandered from her pink-painted fingernails to her face. I’d never seen her without the lab coat. She was shapely. Large breasts, a narrow waist, and voluptuous hips all nicely wrapped in a black sweater with burgundy slacks. My hands trembled as I took the bottle of wine and cups.

  “I have actual wine goblets. You didn’t need to bring these.”

  “I thought it would be easier than dirtying yours.”

  “I just toss everything into the dishwasher. When I run out of utensils, it gets turned on.” I confessed.

  Gray entered the room and immediately went to Gabe. She rubbed his belly, cooed to him, and got kisses.

  “Enough. She doesn’t want your slobber all over her,” I said, pulling him by the collar.

  “Oh, you’re such a handsome boy,” she murmured, patting him on his sides. “He’s gorgeous, so adorable.”

  “That’s my baby, all seventy pounds of him.” I chuckled. “Now go lie down,” I requested, pointing to his bed next to the fireplace. He trotted over and, after circling several times, settled into his space.

  After pouring the wine, I motioned to her to take a seat on the sofa while I reclined in a chair across from her.

  “So this was your parents’ house?” she asked.

  Nodding, I answered, “Yes, it was originally my mom’s, where she grew up, and when my dad moved in, he did a ton of remodeling. So it’s stayed in the family. I’d eventually like to do something creative with the backyard, but the weather is either too warm or too cold when I get inspired.”

  She chuckled, taking a sip, which prompted me to take a drink. The wine was sweet, but it burned my throat. I took another gulp, which earned me a rush of heat into my chest.

  “How long have you had Gray?” she questioned with a smile.

  “My dad rescued him at three months. There was a huge raid in the next town over, and he was being kept as a possible bait dog for fighting. I got him when I turned thirteen.”

  Gabe shook her head, her expression one of sadness. “Thank God he was saved. Dog fighting makes me sick. We had quite a few roundups by the police. Fighting rings are prevalent in some areas of California. I suppose when you think about it, they’re all over the place. A huge moneymaking business. It’s sad. Gray got lucky.”

  “Not only him, but me. He’s helped me through some rough times. I’m sure that’s what encouraged my mom and dad to relocate and take over a pit bull rescue. It’s a great vocation.”

  “I have to agree.” She stood, walking over to me and clinking her glass with mine. Then she wandered around the room, inspecting the family pictures. “Your mom, she’s quite beautiful, and your dad’s very handsome. It appears your sister and you came from pretty stock,” she commented.

  “Well, it may have skipped me, but the rest of the family, yeah, they are pretty modelesque.” Nervousness made me finish the rest of my wine, and I headed toward the kitchen for a refill. “Want me to top off your glass?”

  “Sure.” Her reply came from behind me. She had followed me into the kitchen.

  Gabe was close enough that her breath laced the back of my neck with warmth. My cock instantly grew hard, and my sudden need was painful.

  “I’ll bring it to you in the living room. I’ll be back in a moment. The alcohol went right through me. I need a bathroom break.”

  I sensed her leaving, then turned around. All of this was too complicated. On the other hand, maybe it was my fault for having such high expectations and twisting tonight into some big event. I needed to go with the flow and stop being so tense. This didn’t need to be difficult.

  I had manufactured tonight’s scenario and how it would be handled in my head, and the anticipation was killing me. Should I kiss her? Did I want to? Would she respond? Would she expect more than a kiss? Why did I have to allocate everything into some analytical order? If anything were to happen, I should just allow it to progress naturally.

  Yeah, you’ve tried that before. Remember Megan? Don’t be an idiot. Gabe’s a woman. She’s not interested in a boy. She wants a man with experience. We’re buds. She wants me as a friend, like a little brother. For being a brainiac, I’m acting as dumb as a box of rocks right now.

  After getting my erection to calm down, I relieved myself. Replenishing my wine, filling it to the brim, I headed back into the living room, definitely buzzed, slightly off-kilter and sweating. I yanked on my collar several times because my body was burning up.

  We talked another hour and polished off the remainder of the bottle.

  “I suppose I should head back to my luxury motel,” she mentioned casually.

  Standing, I handed Gabe her coat. “If you want, we can drive around tomorrow to check out apartments. Assuming you have some in mind.”

  She began buttoning her coat. “I have my rental car and honestly have not been as diligent as I should have about that, so no, I haven’t picked any out to see yet.”

  I felt wobbly with intoxication. “Look, this may seem weird, but I’m living by myself in this huge house that has two empty bedrooms. I took the loft, so the downstairs is vacant. If you want, you can stay here… until you find a place to call home.” What? Huh? What the fuck? Where did that come from? It appeared the words just magically spewed from my mouth.

  She stopped, holding her gloves in one hand. “That’s a very generous offer, Riley, but I wouldn’t want to put you out. I’m sure your father’s offer of employment didn’t include sharing the family home.”

  I leaned against the wall, trying to hold my balance. “It’s better than the motel, I’m sure. And it wouldn’t be a permanent thing, just something until you find another place to live.”

  Her hand touched the crook of my arm. “I wouldn’t want to intrude on your social life. Wouldn’t your girlfriend be opposed to such an arrangement? Even if it is a benign offer.”

  I cleared my throat in an attempt to swallow. My mouth was dry and felt thick. “I don’t have anyone special. Just Gray and Kai, my best friend. My life isn’t very exciting. It’s fairly dull, if you want to know the truth. Yeah, I know what you’re going to say. I appear like such a wild partier.” I swayed.

  She squeezed my bicep. “Well, I would like to get a few things from storage, and the motel room is small. So if you’re sure you wouldn’t mind and I wouldn’t be cramping your style, I’d love to be your roommate. I promise it won’t be for long. I’ll start looking by next weekend.”

  “There’s no rush. Take your time. It’ll be nice to have someone around, and Gray seems to like you.”

  The space between us narrowed. “I hope he’s not the only one,” she whispered as her eyes drifted to my mouth. “Thank you for everything. I guess I’ll go get some of my stuff tomorrow and come over around noon.”

  “Anytime.” I pulled out my ring of keys and handed her my extra house key. “I should be here, but just in case I’m taking the dog for a walk, let yourself in. My sister’s room is the one on the right. It’s empty except for the bed and a dresser. Consider the bathroom next to it yours. I have my own upstairs.”

  She stepped back and pocketed the key. “Alrighty, then I suppose I’ll see you tomorrow. Thank you again, Riley.”

  I moved to open the door as she reached up and pecked me on the cheek. Her perfume wafted around me as I closed my eyes, inhaling deeply. Momentarily stunned and in a drunken fog, it was all I could do to keep myself from crushing her body into mine. Gaining composure, I finally opened the front door.

  The wind slapped me in the face as I saw a single snowflake fall. “I guess you’re going to be moving in on
a snow day,” I commented hoarsely.

  “I’ve been in snow before. I used to ski. I’m so excited to get some of my shit out of boxes and leave that motel. I’ll weather whatever.”

  I winced. “Oh, you say that now, but just wait. I’ve gone through twenty years of Alaskan winters, and this is your first. Normal daylight doesn’t arrive for another few months. Buckle up!”

  White teeth pierced the darkness as she stepped outside. “I’m sure I’ll figure out a way to keep warm. See you tomorrow.” Gabe strolled toward her car.

  Standing at the door, freezing my ass off and watching her drive away, I leaned against the frame after it closed. I wasn’t hallucinating. That woman had an agenda that surpassed friendship. Her sexual innuendos were blatant. I should have tried my hand at seduction tonight.

  Laughing aloud, I banged my head several times against the door. Riley, you’re playing a dangerous game. It never works out, and you know the reason.

  When it came to girls, my experience was limited. But knowing when one wanted me wasn’t one of them. I’d always known when the opposite sex was interested. But there was no follow-through from me unless I was emotionally invested. Being in love meant everything to me. Nothing was more important to me than achieving the romance my parents had, but for a long time, I suspected that particular emotion was never going to find me.

  Now I’d met Gabe. These sensations flooding my body were more than desire. That’s what scared the hell out of me. I’d broken up with so many girls that, judging from the backlash I’d received, it wasn’t something I wished to suffer. There wasn’t a doubt if I’d get my heart stomped on, this woman could do it.

  I recognized she was interested, maybe even enamored by a younger man. But how far did her regard for me go? And what the fuck had I been thinking by inviting her to stay here? I could blame it on intoxication, but the truth was I’d been more than pleased with myself when I made the offer.

  She was right to question whether or not my parents would approve. My dad would slap me on the back and high-five me. My mom… well, this situation would cause her concern. And right now, I’d have to go with what my gut was saying.

  It’s not your gut. It’s your damn dick that’s making all the decisions.

  A course of action would have to be implemented. I was mature enough to make sure this friendship stayed platonic. We worked together as colleagues, and now we’d be sharing a house. Ugh. No matter how old I felt inside, presently I was acting like a confused, unprepared, frustrated little kid.



  I was semi asleep when I heard the downstairs door creak open and a female voice.

  “Hello, Riley, you home?”

  Tossing my blankets off, I turned to look at the clock. Damn, it was almost noon. That wine had really done me in. I never slept this long. I yawned, rolling out of bed and grabbing a T-shirt from a chair, then bolting down the stairs.

  “Oh shit, did I wake you? I’m sorry,” she asked, flustered, her voice trembling.

  “It doesn’t matter. Normally, Gray doesn’t let me sleep in, and I needed to get myself up.” I yawned again.

  She set a box on the floor, her eyes lingering on me, perusing me from top to bottom. I realized I had on thin thermal pants and a T-shirt. My hair was sticking every which way, and a five-o’clock shadowed my face. My nipples grew stiff as she continued to stare. My eyes locked on hers while she sucked on her bottom lip. Suddenly feeling on display, it made me want to laugh. I wondered what she’d do if I scratched my balls, because right now they really itched.

  “Let me throw on clothes and help you,” I offered, breaking the trance.

  “I can do it. I don’t want to bother you. I’m sure you have more important things to do.”

  I contemplated her words.

  Where the hell was Gray, and why was he so quiet? This was never a good sign. “Just give me five minutes to get dressed and find out why my dog is nowhere to be found. I tend to become suspicious when he’s so silent.” I ran upstairs and threw on a pair of jeans. A pounding headache was making my stomach feel queasy.

  “Your child has been found,” Gabe announced loudly.

  I took the stairs two at a time, following her voice. Gray was lying on the bed in Holly’s room. I had opened the door last night to air it out.

  His tail wagged as I stepped toward him. “What are you up to, mister? Do you miss Holly, or is it Gabe?” I asked, sitting next to him. “Come on.” I scratched behind his ears. “Let’s get you fed before you chow down on the furniture.”

  She laughed, setting down a box.

  “You think I’m joking. When I said he enjoyed eating and licking, I wasn’t kidding. My little man Gray has made a disaster of quite a few chairs. Even at his age, he’s still in the chewing stage, although he’s getting better.” I called him off the bed, and he trotted after me as I headed into the kitchen.

  “I can make you breakfast if you’re hungry,” she called after me.

  My stomach growled, but the thought of food nauseated me. “I’m not sure food is a good idea. I kind of feel like hell.”

  “Hungover?” she asked, leaning in the doorframe. “You really are a lightweight.”

  My cheeks warmed. This only emphasized my inexperience. “Hey, I suppose, but you were warned.”

  She nodded, moving toward me. “Let me make you bacon and eggs. The grease will absorb the excess alcohol. I bought some groceries.” She opened the refrigerator and began unloading a bag. “It’s the least I could do since I bought the wine. I feel responsible.”

  My eyes sparkled. Sexy and wise. And she cooked. This might be a win-win after all. “Clearly, I could have said no, but I was at least honest,” I admitted. “I never built up a tolerance to booze. Binge drinking or drugs never appealed to me.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind for next time. Now while I whip you up a hangover breakfast, could you maybe bring in the other three boxes in my car?” she asked, tossing me a set of keys.

  “No problem. It’s the least I can do, and thanks for the meal. I’ve been living primarily on takeout and microwaveable crap since my parents left. My mom did all the cooking, although my dad had a few culinary skills. Among all the other attributes I didn’t get, cooking was one of them.” I smiled, going to retrieve her belongings.

  I returned with large boxes, dropping them on the living room floor. When I sauntered back into the kitchen, I saw every single cabinet was open and all the drawers pulled. For a moment, confusion hit me, until I realized I hadn’t bothered to tell her where anything was. My hand went to my mouth as the aroma of bacon hit me, and I belched loudly.

  “Well hell, excuse me.” I groaned.

  “Here. Sit down and try to eat this.” She set a plate of food in front of me.

  I struggled to sit. If I puked, I’d never be able to show my face again. I was so worried about her judging me. All of this had gotten out of control.

  My fork clanged as it hit the edge of the plate. “Can we just be friends?” I asked loudly, not looking at her.

  She scooted out the other chair, allowing her hand to rest on my wrist. “I thought we were,” she replied softly. “Were you expecting more?”

  My eyes lifted to hers. “It’s complicated. I mean what I want… Choose to ignore anything I say right now. Obviously, the wine from last night has made me delirious today. But it would be easier if we just lay out everything.”

  “Look, Riley. Please don’t be apprehensive. I don’t want the fact that I’m staying here to be problematic for either of us. And of course we can be friends. We can be whatever you want. But I want to be honest, too. I’ll leave the door open if you might want more. I find myself extremely attracted to you. But if any of this makes you feel uneasy, I’ll go back to the motel. We have to work together for the next three years, and the last thing I want is any awkwardness between us.”

  She’s attracted to me. I didn’t expect that. I’d wished for it, but hearing he
r admit it was surreal. I could never fulfill her needs. My entire life would end up laid bare for her to see. Did I want to take a chance? Could we stay platonic and never cross that line?

  I had a rigid schedule. A routine. Gabe threatened to turn my entire life upside down.

  This was my doing. I’d invited her to stay. “Okay, let’s cross that bridge if it comes to that and for now just be friends. I believe in things happening on their own timetable.” I pushed my plate away. “Thanks for the eggs.”

  “No problem,” she said, taking the plate to the sink. “While I’m busy unpacking, maybe you should get some more sleep. You don’t look well.”

  I nodded in agreement. “I might do that if you’re sure you don’t need me to help you.”

  “No, I’m good, but maybe some sheets and towels. I’m sure I’ll be dirty afterward, so I’ll want to take a shower.”

  Padding to the linen closet in the hall, I grabbed a set of sheets and a few towels. “Sorry, I should have gotten these earlier.”

  “No worries,” she said as she took the linens. She put them in her room and then returned to the living room and retrieved another box.

  I dragged myself up the stairs and dropped face down on the unmade bed. Jesus, a shower. The woman would be downstairs, naked. What the fuck, Riley? Are you fourteen? No, but I might as well have been. I tended to flip-flop from the maturity of an adult to childish banter.

  At least I kept these thoughts to myself.



  “H ey, dude, you here?”

  I thought I was hallucinating when I heard Kai’s voice.

  Shit, I had fallen back asleep. I leaned over, seeing the clock, and realized I’d been out for five hours. Trying to shake off the hangover I still had, I sat on the edge of the bed while contemplating brushing my teeth and shaving. The wine from last night, along with bacon and eggs, emerged with every breath.

  Just then, my bedroom door flew open, and a stunned Kai looked breathless. “What the fuck? I just ran into some half-naked chick wrapped in two towels… Dude, they looked like your towels.”


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