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Garrett: A M/m BDSM Romance (Bound & Controlled Book 1)

Page 3

by Shaw Montgomery

Now they were looking at him like he was an idiot again. “What?”

  “He’s head over heels for you…or in this case ready to kneel for you.” Then Bryce paused like he was waiting for something.

  It took Garrett a minute to really hear what he’d said. Huh? Ready to…With his earlier conversation with Ben fresh in his mind, things were looking a little different.

  Brent evidently wasn’t sure that Bryce had gotten through to their thick-skulled brother because he cheerfully chimed in. “If you had met him at the club the first time instead of here in the office what would you have thought?”

  That was easy. “That he needed a master to settle him down. The boy’s a mess.”

  “There you have it!” Bryce had a fake cheerful tone like Garrett was a child who’d done something impressive, like add two plus two.

  “Bingo.” He was going to throw something at Grant if he didn’t stop the sarcastic bullshit.

  “Yup.” Brent was nodding and trying not to smile.

  “You following now, moron?” The last comment came from Calen. Drunken ass.

  “Yes, I’m following now.” He just wasn’t sure what he was going to do now. “He’s still a customer.”

  “Who was ready to jump you. I’m not sure there’s going to be a problem.” Bryce responded in a deadpan expression. Then he looked over at Brent. “Maybe it was easier for us to notice because we see things differently.”

  Bryce was the switch in the family so he thought he was smarter than Garrett and Grant who had a tendency to see things with “Dom-vision” as they called it. Basically, it was like tunnel vision but with the Dom tendency to always believe they’re right. Garrett thought it was insane. He was just always right, it didn’t matter if he was a Dom or not.

  There was no way he was going to let them believe they were right.

  “He can’t possibly have been attracted to me for that long.” It wasn’t possible. Was it? If he was honest, he’d been fighting the attraction to the…hell, to the boy for that long.

  The general consensus was that he was an imbecile. A blind one who’d missed a sexy sub in desperate need of a Dom. “Do you think I could have met him at the club before? He seemed anxious that I would know the business name of the club when he came in today.”

  Grant piped up, obviously very curious. “What did he need?”

  “He’s working as a subcontractor, building the furniture in the new club. Evidently, he makes custom pieces.”

  Calen evidently thought Garrett was being too subtle because he called out. “He makes the spanking benches and stuff. Hey, I wonder if he did the cross too. The one with the carvings and the cut out for—”

  “Enough. We have real things we need to get to. Garrett’s love life will have to wait.” For once he was grateful for Grant’s need to take charge and run the show. At least it would get him out of the spotlight.

  And give him a chance to think.

  Wyatt was a submissive who evidently was as interested in Garrett as Garrett was in him. He had to fight to keep the smile off his face. That still didn’t answer the question about how he knew Garrett was a Dom. It wasn’t something he went around advertising.

  Ben and Conner wouldn’t have randomly told someone his personal information. Had he met Wyatt before? Nothing came to mind right off the bat, but he knew it was possible. It had been months since he’d been up, but he couldn’t remember anyone like Wyatt.

  If he’d met the boy before, why wouldn’t he have said something? Hell, why wouldn’t Ben and Conner have said something? Privacy was normal, but this felt like more than that. Wyatt had said the “owners” had told him to go to his insurance agent…and those asses hadn’t been surprised at all that Garrett was the agent.

  He was trying to keep things in perspective but he was starting to feel like Calen acted, suspicious and a little crazy. Everyone else thought Wyatt had been attracted to him for a long time because of the behavior. If that was true, he would have been interested since he’d first moved down.

  Suddenly, Garrett had a feeling that he needed to be a conscientious agent and take the papers down to Wyatt. It would only be the right thing to do. Without a signature and a payment, the policy wouldn’t go into effect anyway and he’d wanted it to start as soon as possible. Yup, taking it down personally was the only right thing to do.

  “Are you listening?” Bryce’s voice broke through Garrett’s thoughts.

  “No.” No point in lying. He hadn’t the foggiest idea what they were talking about.

  Grant sighed and leaned back in his chair. “This is going to take forever. Can you please stop mooning over the guy and pay attention?”

  “Fine. What were you guys discussing?”

  “Damn it! He wasn’t listening at all!” Grant’s voice got louder when he realized Garrett hadn’t just missed part of the conversation, he had no idea what was going on.

  “You are entirely too wound up.” Garrett wasn’t going to take shit from Grant. The guy needed a weekend off and to get laid. It would probably help if he didn’t look like a biker or bouncer at a club. He’d never attract the guys he wanted looking like that.

  Brent broke in giving them both an exceptionally well-done version of their mother’s stink eye. “Enough.” Then he turned to Garrett. “We were trying to discuss the advertising campaign we were going to be doing on the local radio station.”

  Damn. He actually had to pay attention. This was supposed to be his part of the meeting. He looked over at the clock on the wall. This was going to take forever.



  Wyatt jumped and nearly dropped the sander he’d just turned off when the voice came from the door of his workshop.

  “You know, you should lock the door.”

  He would know that voice anywhere, it even gave him butterflies in his dreams. Garrett. What was he doing here? Wyatt took several deep breaths and put down the tool before he let himself turn around. Every good intention to try and look like a normal person went right out the window the second he caught sight of the sexy Dom.

  If Wyatt had thought Garrett looked good in a suit, the man was incredible in jeans and a t-shirt. The pants molded to his body like a second skin and the shirt was even worse. How was he supposed to be able to make his brain work when the man looked like that?

  “I…um…you…and…um…” He sounded like an idiot. Taking another deep breath, he focused over Garrett’s shoulder at the street light outside the door. Hoping it would help if he wasn’t looking directly at the sexy Dom, Wyatt tried again. “Um…Well, hello…Um…Can I help you?”

  It came out too formal and still stuttered but it was at least a sentence. Most of one at least. Wyatt fought the urge to kneel and just look up at him. He probably looked even more ridiculous now than he had earlier.

  Just thinking about the meeting had Wyatt’s stomach in knots. The butterflies had turned into giant sci-fi-sized moths. Had he figured it out? Even if he had, Wyatt knew he shouldn’t be panicking. So he designed furniture for interesting activities. The guy was a Dom for goodness sake, it wasn’t like he was going to judge.

  But the idea of Garrett knowing made his knees weak.

  Garrett grinned and leaned against the doorframe. He crossed one leg over the other highlighting his—Giving his head a little shake, Wyatt went back to focusing on the soft glow of the light. When had it gotten so dark?

  “I wanted to come bring you the papers. I needed a signature.” There was a little pause then his voice got a little deeper, rougher. “I also wanted to see your…furniture.”

  That little pause told Wyatt more than anything else the Dom had said. He knew. Now what? Pretend he didn’t know that he knew? That didn’t make enough sense. Most of the blood in Wyatt’s body was not in his brain.

  The Dom must have known he’d fried Wyatt’s brain. His grin got bigger and he straightened up. Wyatt watched as the Dom quietly moved closer. This wasn’t the same insurance agent he’d been dealing
with for the past year. This was the Dom he’d been fangirling over. What changed?

  He decided, he probably didn’t want to know.

  Maybe he did. It was too confusing. Garrett tossed some papers down on a table but didn’t stop. He kept getting closer until he was almost touching Wyatt. Wyatt had a weird bubble. Sometimes he liked having people close and sometimes it made him crazy. With Garrett, Wyatt wanted to climb all over him or kneel at his feet. Neither one was an option so his body couldn’t decide what to do.

  That made his normally twitchy body even worse.

  Hands clenched then opened. They went in his pockets and then came out. When he started biting his fingernail, he knew he looked nuts. The wiggling and shifting didn’t help either. He couldn’t decide what to do. Everything was always easier when he didn’t have to fight his instincts.

  Garrett took the decision away from him.

  “Hands behind your back.” His voice sent shivers through Wyatt, and he instinctively obeyed. “Very good.”

  Hearing the pleasure in Garrett’s voice made Wyatt’s cock even harder than it already was. This had been his fantasy for months, probably longer. He wanted to pinch himself to see if it was real but he kept his hands clasped tightly. Disobeying the Dom was out of the question. Even a fantasy version.

  Wyatt didn’t even realize he’d been staring at the man’s sexy chest until Garrett spoke again. “Look at me.”

  Obeying that order was harder. Wyatt knew he wouldn’t be able to hide his desire from the Dom. His eyes moved up the sculpted body until he was looking into his eyes. “That’s a good boy.”

  Shivers raced through him and he couldn’t help the little moan that escaped. Garrett didn’t seem to mind. His devilish grin got wider, heat flared in his eyes. The Dom liked making him nuts. Wyatt wasn’t sure what to make of it but that expression didn’t lie.

  “Here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to take a few minutes and finish up the paperwork so I can send this up to Ben and Conner. Oh yes, boy, I know what that business is. That’s what you were so nervous about, wasn’t it?” Garrett waited and it took Wyatt a minute to figure out he had to respond.

  “Um, yes...” That was one of the things he’d been nervous about. So technically he’d been honest. And what was he supposed to call the man now? Garrett was too informal now and Sir seemed presumptuous. Master would be even worse so maybe Sir wasn’t that bad. “Sir?”

  “That will do…for now. Once we’ve gotten that out of the way you’re going to show me your custom furniture.” Oh yeah, he knew. The Dom looked like he was very interested in a tour of the workshop. Wyatt couldn’t decide how he felt about that.

  He wasn’t sure if a response was required so he simply nodded, waiting. Garrett wrapped one hand around Wyatt’s waist and rested it on his back. It was like electricity shooting right through Wyatt and another little sound escaped.

  Garrett’s smile got almost wolfish. Pressing his hand tighter, he steered Wyatt over to the table where the papers were lying. Once he had Wyatt positioned where he wanted, he removed his hand and took a step back.

  Wyatt had to take a deep breath to clear his head as Garrett started explaining what everything meant and what was spelled out in the bond. He was glad Garrett was taking it seriously, but even on a good day he only understood about half the insurance paperwork. Today wasn’t even a good day, but he tried to follow along as best he could.

  Garrett must have realized Wyatt wasn’t following because his voice softened and he smiled almost tenderly. “We’ll get this ready to be sent off today so you’ve got everything in order for the contract, but I want you to email me this weekend with any questions you have. You’re going to read it through several times. Are we clear? I want you to understand what everything means.”

  Nodding, he looked up at the Dom and tried to smile. “I’ll read it.”

  “And email me with any questions. I think doing it that way might be easier for you to stay focused. Calling might be…difficult.” His smirk made Wyatt want to blush. He was right though. Calling the sexy man with real questions would be nearly impossible.

  “Yes, Sir. I’ll email questions.” Wyatt signed the papers and agreed to call the office Monday to make the payment.

  “That’s all set then. Now for my tour.” That wolfish look was back. “I’m very curious to see your work. I’ve seen it first-hand, but this is very different.”

  He’d never seen the Dom using anything he’d made but just the idea made his knees weak. “Um, yes…sure…I’d…I’d be happy to show you.”

  Garrett put his hand back on Wyatt’s back, this time making slow caresses up his back. “Why don’t you show me what you were working on when I came in?”

  It had to be that.

  Wyatt’s face lit up like a bright red Christmas bulb but he couldn’t think of any reason to say no. It wasn’t that he was ashamed of the piece. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to find the words to describe it. The warm hand, rubbing his back only made his focus worse.

  Leading them back over to the bench where Wyatt had been working, Garrett looked down at the pieces. It probably looked like a big 3-D puzzle, but when it was all put together it was going to be a beautiful—

  “That’s going to be an incredible spanking bench. Almost like the ones in the D.C. club but not exactly.” Garrett’s eyes lit up. He reached out to run his fingers down the unfinished wood. “It’s very smooth.”

  “It has to be.” He got some of it out before his nervousness clicked back in. “Um…Well, you know…because of the use and all…I’m really careful…” He sounded like an idiot again.

  Garrett’s fingers dipped low on his back for a second teasing at his senses. Then the Dom grinned a sexy wicked smile. “Oh, with something like this you’d have to be very careful. So much tender bare skin that you wouldn’t want injured—at least, not by the wood.”

  His face was so red it hurt, but he did his best to respond, “Yes, Sir.” It was almost a sentence.

  He didn’t even realize his hands were fidgeting again until the order came again. “Hands behind your back. Good boy.”

  His cock jumped at the firm control in the Dom’s voice. He thought it would be possible to come from just hearing the man. Smooth and sexy, he sounded incredible. One of Wyatt’s favorite guilty pleasures was to go in and ask questions to hear him talk.

  When the Dom reached down to wrap his hand over Wyatt’s clasped ones, he almost did come. A needy little whimper escaped, it was all he could do not to beg for more. It was a ridiculous reaction to such a small touch. But it was so much more than he’d ever expected. Each little thing sent his body into overdrive.

  “Aren’t you so cute.” His hand tightened on Wyatt’s, not enough to make him feel bad trapped or anything…just enough to make him feel crazy sexy good trapped. “So responsive, aren’t you?”

  It might have been a question, so Wyatt nodded. He was desperate for more but Garrett just left his hand holding Wyatt’s as he looked around. “How about you show me more? I’ve never met anyone who does such beautiful work.”

  He had to walk? And talk?

  His brain and body both protested loudly, but he cleared his throat a couple of times then managed to croak out a short response. “Sure.”

  Wyatt didn’t seem to mind his fried brain though because he just smiled. “Lead the way…this time.”

  That didn’t help his coordination any.

  Just the images that popped into his brain were enough to make his dick start leaking precum. He had to get a hold of himself. His mind wanted to fantasize about everything the Dom might do to him. It didn’t help that every time Wyatt started talking about a piece or answered a question, Garrett’s fingers would start caressing the top of his ass.

  Still holding on to Wyatt’s hands, Garrett would let a few fingers trail over the bottom of his back, right at his crack. Just enough to make his breath catch and he had to fight the urge to beg. He was a better sub than
that though. He needed to show Garrett how good of a sub he was.

  There were only so many things he could explain as they walked around the warehouse. Sooner than he wanted, he’d run out of projects to talk about. Finally, he gave a little shrug and looked around. “That’s about it.”

  “You have some incredible designs. You said you do custom work for individuals as well?” He honestly seemed to be interested and Wyatt couldn’t help but get a little shy talking about his work. He still wasn’t used to sharing it with people.

  “Yes and sometimes I’ll make something just because I get an idea. Then I’ll put that on my website to show people.” Setting up the site hadn’t been as hard as he’d been afraid it would. Carter had been a huge help. He’d set up the shop’s website, and he hadn’t minded showing Wyatt how to do it too.

  “When you get done with the pieces for the club, I’ll have to see about getting you to make something for me. Do you have any finished pieces I could look at that aren’t going to the club?” There was something in his voice that sent shivers down Wyatt’s spine.

  “Um, nothing here but…I um…Um, I have…Well, I have a few pieces at home I ended up liking too much to sell.” He couldn’t decide if it was a good idea to confess that or not.

  “Hmm, interesting.” The Dom looked like he wanted to say more but he stopped. Looking around, he seemed to switch gears completely. “Do you have anywhere to sit?”


  “Um, there’s just…it’s…” He pointed over to an overstuffed chair in the corner that was covered by a sheet. He only used it when he got too tired to go home and needed to sleep there.

  “Ah.” Then he started leading Wyatt over to it. Pulling back the sheet, he grinned at Wyatt. Then Garrett gave him a little wink that made Wyatt try to hide a giggle. “There’s only one seat, so I guess you’ll have to sit on my lap.”

  Then he gave Wyatt a gentle, questioning smile. It was clear Garrett wouldn’t force the issue if it made him uncomfortable, but there was no place else Wyatt wanted to be. This was dream-come-true time. “Yes, Sir. Um, I want to…Um.”


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