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Garrett: A M/m BDSM Romance (Bound & Controlled Book 1)

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by Shaw Montgomery

  That wolf grin was back as Garrett sat down and pulled Wyatt onto his lap. Still holding tight to his clasped hands, Garrett set his other hand on Wyatt’s legs after he got him settled. Wyatt wanted Garrett to hold him tighter…and to move his hand higher. Just a few more inches up his leg and Wyatt would be in heaven.

  Garrett seemed to be content not to rush things. He leaned back and relaxed, watching Wyatt closely. “I have some questions for you.”

  It wasn’t a question but Wyatt nodded anyway. He’d been expecting some questions, probably even some embarrassing ones. Garrett had to have tons, unless Ben and Conner had told on him. That wasn’t likely. Although, the two must have said something.

  He had a question before Garrett started. “How did you…How did you find out about the business?”

  Garrett chuckled. “I have several of the club’s policies as well as some of their personal ones. I’m probably the only insurance agent who would have known right off the bat what B & C Corporate Holdings was.”

  He could feel the heat rising on his face. “They didn’t tell me that.” Those two had set him up.

  “They told you to go see your agent, huh? Did they know you did everything through me?” It was clear Garrett could see the set-up too.

  “Yes, they recommended you when I told them I was moving down.” That was mostly the truth. They’d just been the ones to clue him into the fact that his crazy major crush was also an insurance agent.

  “Those two. They wouldn't tell me anything about you. I think I’ve filled in some of the gaps, however.” His fingers started drawing little circles on Wyatt’s legs making him want to squirm. “I’m assuming you’re single?”

  “Yes.” That was an easy one.

  “How long has it been since you’ve had a Dom?”

  “About a year and a half.”

  “That’s a long time. Have you played with anyone since then?” He didn’t look like he was judging, only curious.

  This one was harder to answer. “No…I…I like…I’m more on the full-time end of the spectrum and a lot of Doms don’t want to deal with that.” Did Garrett? Would Wyatt end up being too much for him?

  “That’s fine. How full-time do you prefer?” Again, no judgment, just open curiosity.

  It took him a few deep breaths before he could start. He wanted to show Garrett he could do this. “I need to be able to work. I like what I’m doing but I like for my Dom to take control over things. I…I…I’m a complete sub in the bedroom. Like my Dom would control everything in there.”

  This was the part that started making some Dominants wary. He couldn’t meet Garrett’s eyes any longer, so he looked down to watch Garrett’s fingers trace patterns on his legs. “I also like to have my Dom be in charge of things outside of sex.” He felt a ridiculous amount of pride when he’d managed to say it without stumbling. “Asking permission to go out with friends…Um…Having him approve my schedule…Serving him when we’re together...That kind of stuff.”

  “Look up at me.” His voice was firm but still warm and sexy.

  Wyatt peeked up and tried not to squirm. “Yes, Sir.”

  “That’s good. Now, I’ve never had a full-time submissive but I’m not opposed to the idea. There would have to be negotiations and extensive discussions first before I would take over as your full-time Dom, but it’s not a deal breaker for me, Sweet.” It was such a different response than what Wyatt had been expecting. At first, he didn’t get it.

  “You’re not? I mean, it’s not?”

  “No. Now, would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow?”



  “Yes, the meal where you generally take a date so you can get to know them better.” Garrett was laughing at him, but it made shivers dance down his spine so the Dom could laugh all he wanted.

  “You want to get to know me? I mean…” He wasn’t sure what he meant. It had been so long since a Dom hadn’t made polite excuses when Wyatt explained what he was looking for, he wasn’t sure what to do now. A date hadn’t been what he was expecting.

  “Yes. I want to get to know you before we take things too fast. I want to take you out and ask you stupid questions about what kind of movies you like and what your favorite dessert is. Then I’m going to drop you off at home and give you a good night kiss to remember.” The last part came out almost as a growl and Garrett’s hand had tightened on his leg making it hard to think.

  The crazy level of sexual arousal was the only thing Wyatt had to blame his impulsive offer on. “Would you like to have dinner at my house instead? I could show you the things I made.”

  Garrett licked his lips, making Wyatt’s cock even harder. He couldn’t believe he said it, but he wasn’t going to take it back. He loved to cook, and they’d be able to talk more openly, if they had privacy. Garrett must have thought it was a good idea as well because his fingers started wandering higher up Wyatt’s leg, almost to his cock but not quite.

  Garrett was going to be a Dom that loved to tease. Wyatt couldn’t wait.

  “I would love to, cutie. Is tomorrow too soon? I don’t want to wait.”

  “No, that’s fine.” He looked down at his lap again, shyness getting the better of him. “I don’t want to either.”

  “Very good. Is six o’clock good for you?”

  “Yes, I have to work at the store for a few hours tomorrow. Then I have some things to do here but that should be good.” He was in shock. The sexiest Dom he’d ever seen wanted to have dinner with him.

  “Wonderful. And, Wyatt?”

  “Yes.” Wyatt glanced up at him. He shouldn’t have. There had to be all kinds of naughty things going through Garrett’s head. The look on his face was pure sex.

  “I said I didn’t want to go too fast…That doesn’t mean I want to go slow.”



  “Couldn’t stay away, huh?”

  “Yeah. You’re just that awesome. Let me in or I’ll call Mom and tell her you’ve found Mr. Right.” Brent grinned, he knew how terrible that threat was. He might have been trying to look happy but something seemed off. The normally laid-back brother seemed…sad, maybe.

  “What did I do to you?” Garrett was sure it was too early to have to deal with family. Especially, someone who was being vague about why they were there.

  “You made me get up at a ridiculous hour to check on your sorry ass since you wouldn’t answer the phone last night.” Then Brent shouldered by, inviting himself in. “Where’s the coffee?”

  Oh yeah, something was very wrong.

  “Where it always is. What has you in a mood this morning?” Garrett was starting to think the morning visit had less to do with his love life and more to do with Brent. He ignored his family on a regular basis. It was the only way to get peace and quiet some days.

  “Nothing. You should have answered the phone. You dashed out of the meeting last night saying you had to get the papers signed, then nothing. I got calls all night asking if I knew what the hell you were up too.” Wandering into the kitchen, Brent made himself at home. Pouring coffee, he started rummaging around for the goodies he knew Garrett would have hidden somewhere.

  Garrett watched as his disgruntled brother poked around the well-appointed kitchen until he found the chocolate chip muffins Garrett had hidden with the pots and pans. It might be his house but enough people dropped by that if he didn’t put them some place weird they’d be gone before he got one. He was going to have to find a new hiding spot. They had been entirely too easy to find.

  When his brother was settled with caffeine and sugar, Garrett walked over to the table. Sitting down with his own cup, he folded up the paper he’d been reading. For international and national news he used the computer or his tablet but for local stuff the paper seemed more fitting.

  He’d also been having a pretty good fantasy about what he would have loved for Wyatt to have been doing. If things kept moving like he thought they would, one day he was
going to have that sweet sexy sub on the floor warming his master’s cock while Garrett read the paper. But his fantasy would have to wait. Thank God he’d already gotten dressed this morning or Brent would have gotten an eyeful when Garrett opened the door. Pajamas didn’t hide an erection.

  Grabbing another muffin, Garrett thought it might be safe to approach his normally calm brother. “So, what’s really up?”

  Brent picked some of the chocolate off and shrugged.

  Well, that hadn’t been helpful. “I stopped by and saw Wyatt last night. I’m not saying anyone was right, but he and I might have a date this evening.”

  That at least got Brent to smile. “So he’s really a sub?”

  “Oh yes.” Garrett thought that was an understatement. “He’s looking for more of a lifestyle relationship so it’s been difficult for him. It was easy to tell he was expecting me to take off when he said he wasn’t just looking for a play-on-the-weekend kind of guy.” Brent winced as Garrett finished. He hoped they might finally be getting somewhere with whatever was making Brent nuts.

  “Yeah, that’s hard. Guys are willing to fool around and play a little but that’s about it. When it comes to someone who wants a serious relationship in the lifestyle, and not just inside the bedroom, that’s harder to find.” Brent started taking his muffin apart again. Still not eating anything but the chocolate.

  “Your evening not go well?” That would explain things but Garrett wasn’t sure if he should ask.

  “Oh, it was a spectacular failure.” Brent slumped down in the chair and took a sip of his coffee.

  “You’ve been talking to that guy, the one you met on the kink site?” He thought that was right. Brent was a little shy sometimes, so he didn’t always volunteer information on who he was dating. Leftover shit from growing up with mostly Dominants in the house.


  Garrett was still getting one-word answers, but the tone was starting to change. A little softer and Brent’s frustration was starting to ease because he actually took a bite of the mangled muffin. “I thought things were going pretty good. He said he wasn’t into something completely lifestyle but he didn’t want to just keep stuff in the bedroom.”

  “Well, that’s what you’ve been looking for. Y’all have been talking for a while, right? Like about real life stuff first?” At least, that’s what he thought Brent said. Something about wanting to take things slow. It had helped that the guy lived a few hours away. No way to rush a three-hour car trip.

  “Yeah, good thing too. We were on FaceTime last night and his wife came home early from her business trip.” Brent said it so matter-of-factly that it took Garrett a minute to get what he’d said.


  “Yup, turned out he was married. His wife and Domme called me back about an hour after he hung up unexpectedly. He’s a sub who evidently does this every couple of months if she has to travel too much for work. She apologized and said she thought she’d found all the fake accounts.

  “Are you sure? That sounds weird.” It sounded less real life BDSM and more like something on TV.

  “Yeah, he even got on the phone too. He’s bi, and she was gone for a couple of weeks with some kind of international business deal. It didn’t seem like anything was off. He was trying to get her attention, but she’d been too busy to notice. She said that usually she catches on in a few days. Recently her work hours have been crazy, it just got out of hand.” Now Brent was back to picking apart the rest of the muffin.

  “Man, you have the worst luck. I’m sorry.” He reached over and gave Brent’s shoulder a squeeze. His brother closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  “It’s not like I loved the guy. We hadn’t even met in real life. I’m frustrated more than anything. It sucks.” Brent really did have terrible luck with men. If there was a loser in a hundred-mile radius, he’d tried to date Brent.

  It wasn’t even like Brent was ugly or something. Average height, trim and muscular without being too big, he looked like the rest of the guys in the family. Even Garrett could see he was cute. Other Doms had to find him attractive. But Brent didn’t come across like most guys thought a sub should. He wasn’t a twink, and he was so calm and in charge at work and with regular day-to-day stuff most people in the lifestyle thought he had to be a Dom.

  “We need to get you back to the club. D.C.’s dripping with Doms.” They’d all been too busy to relax lately. He wondered how long it’d been since Brent went up to even hang out.

  “That doesn’t help. Going up there alone is boring. Most of my friends are either vanilla or paired off with the perfect partner. And when I go with you guys, people either assume I’m taken by the sheer number of Doms I’m with or that we’re all really kinky.” Brent was starting to come out of his funk because he started laughing. “Remember that old guy with the bad hairpiece. He was so sure we were in some kind of incest relationship when he realized we were brothers.”

  Garrett shuddered. “That guy was weird. Just the look on his face. It went way beyond being open-minded to creepy giddy.”

  Brent nodded. “Ben and Conner said they had to banish him not long after that. He was making some of the other couples uncomfortable.”

  There was only one couple Garrett could think of that the guy would have upset. “You mean Aubrey and Lincoln?”

  “Yeah, as soon as someone outed them as brothers to the douche he wouldn’t leave them alone. It was creepy.”

  “I hadn’t heard.”

  “You’ve been busy. And possibly avoiding the club?” Brent looked like he was fishing for more information.


  Not that he would admit it. Something about going up there without his own sub hadn’t been appealing lately. Sure there were other guys looking for serious relationships, but he always attracted subs who were just looking for a good time before they went back to their high-powered jobs. He didn’t have a problem with subs who had full-time, important jobs. It just meant they couldn’t relocate. His life was in Richmond. Between family and the business, leaving wasn’t an option.

  “I hope whoever outed them got in trouble too. It was so easy to see the guy was disturbed, whoever mentioned it had to be doing it on purpose.” That shit was wrong. A few members had a problem with them, but anybody who remembered what happened didn’t begrudge them happiness.

  “Ben and Conner were kind of quiet on that but I had a feeling they had a serious talk with someone.” Brent seemed to be pushing past his own issues because he looked up at Garrett and smiled. “So you had fun last night?”

  Garrett laughed. “Not that much fun but he was so cute. And God, the furniture. It’s the stuff from the club but there’s more too. He makes custom stuff for people. He’s going to show me some pieces he has at his house, after we have dinner.”

  Brent gave him a look like he could see where that was going. “Dinner at his house?”

  “Yes. He offered, not that it’s your business. I asked him out on a real date but he wanted to cook for me. I couldn’t say no to that.” Garrett had found that offer entirely too tempting.

  “Did he calm down when he realized you were interested in him?”

  “Nope, just made the twitchy boy even worse. But now I don’t have to sit there and watch him bounce around. I can say or do something to help him relax.” Staying professional and keeping his hands to himself had been a lot harder than he’d realized.

  There had been so many times in the office he’d wanted to rest his hand on the boy to see if that would help him calm down. Wyatt had probably been trying to push back his natural tendencies around a Dominant as well. It only made him jumpier than usual.

  As a more lifestyle-oriented sub attracted to a Dom, he’d probably been afraid he would unintentionally out himself. Garrett still couldn’t quite figure out why Wyatt had thought he needed to hide his preferences. It probably didn’t even matter at this point.

  Just being able to touch Wyatt, to take control of him and the conversat
ion made both of them relax more. “I think we’ve been fighting our instincts, and that made everything weirder. He’s still wiggly but now I don’t have to try to treat him like a vanilla guy.”

  “Sounds like you two hit it off, about time.” Then Brent gave a wicked grin. “When you gonna tell Mom?”

  “You throw me under the bus and I’ll tell her you’re lonely. I’ll sweetly tell her that you thought she should come back home for a while. She could even stay with you.” Two could play that game.

  Brent grimaced. “All right. I was just teasing. No need to haul out the big guns.”

  “Have you heard from her lately?” Their mother was currently touring Italy with some of her friends. At least, Garrett thought that was right. Maybe it was France?

  “Entirely too often. You?”

  “Same. I thought when she started traveling, she’d find something else to obsess over besides us. I think being gone made it worse.” Now when she called it was endless questions on what they were doing. Garrett had hoped the traveling would give her other things to talk about. Instead, it made her more focused on them. Why would she want to talk about what she’d seen when she had children to interrogate?

  “Yup. Now she doesn’t have anyone to boss around and control on a regular basis. She’s going through withdrawal.”

  “Serves her right for putting together a travel group with only Dominants. I told her she needed to mix it up more.”

  “You heard her. She was afraid too many of them would get distracted.” Brent was laughing but only because their mother had been a lot more descriptive in her explanation. Something about wanting to keep them focused on doing stuff outside the bedroom.

  When their dad passed, she lost not only her husband of forty years but the only submissive she’d ever had. It hit her hard and for about a year they’d been afraid she was going to follow him. She lost her will to do anything.

  Eventually, they’d stepped in and made her see a therapist. She slowly got better and turned her need to control on them. That’s when they decided she needed a hobby. A few trips slowly turned into a travel group for Dominants.


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