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Broken Road (Fate's Intent Book 7)

Page 4

by Bowles, April

  Adele looked around again and this time mouthed mine name.

  “Okay. I’ve got her. Now what?”

  “You know what.” Zayden said obviously.

  I nodded and started writing with the pen.

  You going to tell me why you’re reading that particular book?

  I waited and saw the look on her face. It was curious like maybe she was hiding something. She started to reach for the pen and I allowed her to take it to get somewhere.


  I sighed and immediately took the pen from her.

  “What?” Zayden asked.

  “She’s being Adele. What else? Hang on. I’m not done.”

  Is it you?

  Adele took the pen back.


  She held it out to me, knowing I would right something else and just waited.

  Then who?

  I watched Adele look around like she was trying to keep something from someone else that was there and she went over to the door, closing it. I sat anxious but kept this to myself until I had an answer for something.

  “Well?” Zayden asked. “What’s going on?”

  “I think she’s going to tell me. She just closed the door but it’s not her.”

  “I think I’m going to throw-up.” Darius sighed.

  Izin laughed. “Perhaps you can hold that for a few more seconds.”

  I kept my focus on Adele as she ripped the pen from my hand. She kept glancing up at the door while she wrote like she was worried that someone would come in.

  All right but you didn’t hear this from me. She wanted to tell you before you left but she didn’t want the news to interfere with the trip.

  I stared at those words very carefully and it slowly began to sink in what the words ‘she’ and ‘you’ meant. Adele was talking about Jaylyn. My eyesight became blurred and images of Adele’s smile were fading out. I blinked one time and I was all the way back in the moving carriage.

  “Troy?” Darius asked, giving me a little shake.

  I didn’t move my eyes away or even blink when I verbally tried to tell myself the news. “I should have seen it.”

  “Seen what?” Zayden asked.

  “That’s why she didn’t want me to go.”

  “Oh, shit.” Darius said. “Jaylyn’s the one that’s pregnant, isn’t she?”

  I could only nod.

  “Well, I suddenly feel better.”

  “Congratulations.” Izin said. “But I think she didn’t tell you so you wouldn’t be like this the whole time.”

  “That was exactly it and now I’m going to be.”

  “We can help keep your mind off it.” Aleksander said. “We’ll be there soon and you’ll get a lovely Kitten to help distract you.”

  “What the fuck would I want a kitten for?”

  Aleksander laughed when he saw all of us baffled by this. “No, it’s a Hintin tradition. Kittens are temporary gifts for their high class guests to entertain them in any way they wish.”

  That still made no sense.

  “They’re women. They just call them Kittens. You get one if you didn’t bring a date which you didn’t.”

  “And what are we supposed to do with this Kitten?” Darius asked.

  “Whatever you want.”

  “For someone that dislikes their ways, you seem pretty content with that tradition.” Izin said.

  “I’ve been acquainted with it for a long time. You can’t decline them. That would be very disrespectful.”

  I suddenly became quite uncomfortable with this and I knew I wasn’t the only one.

  “So, we’re supposed to just spend our nights with a strange woman while being away from our wives and be okay with that?” Zayden asked.

  “Yeah. I won’t breathe a word of it. What happens here, stays here.”

  “Something’s wrong with you.” Izin said. “It makes me sad to see you this way. It’s like you forgot completely.”

  His mood completely changed and he looked at Izin with a serious tone. “I don’t live in the past. That was fourteen years ago and no, I’ve never forgotten. It’s not something I could. You may have pretended to know what it’s like all these years but you knew nothing. I had to watch her die and knew there wasn’t a thing I could do about it. So, yeah, something like that changes a person.”

  “But I do know about that. You weren’t the only one affected.”

  Aleksander looked away and everyone kind of kept to themselves after that. We didn’t want to carry it on any further and drag out the loss of Adele’s mother all those years ago and the silence set in.

  Chapter 8


  I couldn’t believe it. Troy was lucky. I was happy for him, sure but I won’t lie and say I wasn’t envious. I tried to keep my mind off it and really, it was easier than I thought when we arrived in the city and got our first look at Hintin life. It was a city like any other with long streets and stone structures on each side but I did notice that the women here seemed unhappy. In fact, I didn’t see any outside at all like they were always kept inside and only had an open window to look through. It was depressing. I could see why Adele didn’t want to come.


  I shouted it after calling his name for the third time like he couldn’t hear me at all until he finally looked over. “What?”

  “We’re here.”

  “Oh, right.” He got up and stepped outside.

  “I know. That’s not what you’re thinking about.”

  “You’re right. It’s not.”

  “Well, I’m happy for you and I’m sure she’ll tell you her own way when we get back. You just have to act surprised.”

  “Oh, I don’t think that will be a problem. I’ll be surprised for a long time.”

  I laughed. “Really? Did you already forget what you said to me? It takes sex and you already admitted you always want that.”

  “All the more reason she shouldn’t have. We do it a lot. Doesn’t that have something to do with it?”

  I just smiled and patted his shoulder. “Come on. Worry about it at the right time. Looks like we’re going to meet our Kittens.”

  Troy sighed and we caught up to the others at the palace doors.

  “Welcome, your majesties.” A man said, bowing to us. “I am Reginald, the event organizer. We have been expecting you.”

  “Thank you.” Aleksander replied.

  I looked down at Rift and put my finger over my mouth for him to be as quiet as possible. His ears flattened and we walked through the grand hall where there were tons of people rushing around for the event.

  “Forgive the hustle around here. Due to some minor complications in the wedding ceremonies, we’ve had to move it up for tomorrow night. Lucky you’ve made it on time.”

  “Lucky we’ve taken a short cut.” My father smiled, looking back at me for a moment.

  I smiled back as we continued and noticed people would begin to stop right where they were and just look at us.

  “What do you suppose that means?” Darius asked.

  I smiled proudly with my head held high. “That they’re scared of us. History tells that the last time a Senian was here, some very bad things happened.”

  “That was a long time ago.” My father said, looking back. “And before our time.”

  “Still. They’re afraid of us and they should be.”

  Darius and Troy both smiled because they saw it too and we reached a set of large doors on the other side of the grand hall.

  “Before entering the throne room, I must first ask you to surrender your weapons.” Reginald said as he stood in our way in front of the large doors.

  Aleksander and my father took their weapons off first, handing them to well-armed guards beside the doors.

  “And yours, your highness.” Reginald said, looking directly at me. “Surrender them or we’ll do it for you.”

  I had my hand down on one of my short staffs and widened my stance like I was getting ready to pull it out. “You
can try.”

  Darius and Troy got ready too when six more guards surrounded us. Rift even began to growl and be defensive towards us.

  “Don’t be foolish, son.” My father said. “You’re out numbered here.”

  “We’ve had worse.”

  “Do not make this be a mistake. Nothing good can come from it.”

  He was sadly right but I never liked giving up my weapons. This was no different but I pulled both of them out at the same time, holding them out as an offer. Darius and Troy took off theirs too and they were taken by the guards.

  “You’ve made the right choice.” Reginald said. “They will be waiting for you when you come out. Now, come. The King is waiting.”

  The large doors were opened and we all followed Reginald inside the throne room. It was long and narrow with large pillars on each side.

  All the way at the end sat King Viktor in his throne. He sat tall yet a perfect image of a fat lazy King. He’s probably never done a thing for himself in his life. His powder blue eyes looked upon us and I could see the same look everyone else was giving us on our way in; fear.

  Sitting to his right was a more slender young version of himself who I guessed was to be Prince Wyatt. He wasn’t looking very happy either but it wasn’t fear. To the King’s left was a large stone platform raised just a foot off the floor where the Queen sat like she was on display. A perfect figure. Her brown-eyed gaze was off into nothing and her position tall and firm. I could barely see her breathing.

  I looked over at Darius and Troy and they looked back. Things did appear to be different here and we all knew it without words having to be spoken.

  “Ah, welcome.” King Viktor said, standing up and taking a few steps down some stairs. “I hope your journey was well.”

  “Of course.” Aleksander replied. “You know of King Izin of Seni and his boys.”

  “Yes.” King Viktor smiled as he stepped down more and shook hands with my father. “There isn’t one who doesn’t know of the greatest ruler of the east with the Great Seni Fighters as his flanks.”

  “So I’ve heard.”

  “Indeed. Well, we’re honored you could join us on this joyous occasion. My son, Wyatt, thanks you for coming as well.”

  Wyatt sat in his throne with a dignified look of scorn on his face, not any kind of delight. It only lasted a minute before he got up, walking out a door on his right.

  “Well. As you can see, he’s awfully anxious about the wedding.”

  “Is that what you call it?” Darius muttered under his breath.

  We all tried not to smile but couldn’t help it including Aleksander. “And so he should be. Where is the bride-to-be? We’d love to meet her before the wedding.”

  “Ah, yes. She’s being held down in a detention cell. Reginald will be glad to take you.”

  “Of course I would, your majesty.”

  “Until later.” Viktor replied, walking back up the stairs towards his throne.

  No one said anything else to him and we followed Reginald out of the throne room where we were given back our weapons. I was glad for that but I was still kind of hung on something that was said.

  “They’re keeping her in a cell?” I asked.

  “Why do you think they had to move up the wedding?” Aleksander answered with his own question.

  “They’re forcing her?” I shared a look with Darius and neither of us like the idea of that at all. It seemed the girls were right about this place.

  We made it to the entrance of the detention cells and Reginald simply pointed ahead like nothing was wrong with this situation at all. “She’s in four. I’ll wait so I may bring you to your rooms when you’re finished.”

  Aleksander nodded and led us down a set of stairs where we could hear voices.

  “Say it.” It was a very stern man’s voice.

  “I’ll be there.” A woman said with heavy emotion behind her words. “The day you finally fall and I’ll be the one smiling.”

  “Bitch!” I heard the sound of skin on skin in a loud slap and then the banging of metal and a woman crying.

  Aleksander stopped and had us stop behind him.

  “Say it now!” The man shouted.

  There was a pause and the sound of the woman’s sniffles filled the quiet moment and her voice sounded even more broken. “Yes.”

  “Yes, what?”

  “I’ll give you what you want and will no longer be a problem to you.”

  “Good. It will be much easier on you that way. Now get up. You’re staying with me tonight.”

  “But I thought—”

  “This isn’t discussible! On your feet!” The woman let out a moan of pain and I heard movement on the floor. “I’d like some—company before our wedding.”

  The door was opened and Wyatt came out with the woman we heard and he was holding her tight to his side. He didn’t even see us at the other end of the hall as he turned them to walk the other way but the woman’s eyes met mine. They were a beautiful lavender but I saw the terror in them while she was forced to turn away when they rounded the corner.


  “Zayden, no. We are not getting involved.”


  “I said no! I don’t want to find you going anywhere near them. It could be cause to another war and we don’t want that. We just got out of one.”

  “Why don’t we have Adele sink the islands?” Troy asked.

  Darius laughed. “Yes! That wouldn’t lead to war!”

  “Not an option.” My father cut in with a strict voice. “We’re just going to forget about this and Zayden, stay away from that girl.”

  “Why don’t we get our stuff to our rooms?” Aleksander said as he started back towards the stairs. “And we should probably pass on dinner after seeing that. We wouldn’t want anything to come up.”

  “I agree. How about you three?”

  I looked at Darius and Troy and they just looked back. “Of course, father.”

  We left the detention cells and met back up with Reginald. “Shall I show you to your rooms now?”

  “Ah, yes.” Aleksander answered. “She was lovely.”

  Reginald just smiled and turned back towards the grand hall with that same attitude like nothing were wrong. I nearly wanted to hit him but forced myself to hold off. This place was definitely not for me and I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible but we still had something to do.

  Reginald led us up the first set of stairs and walked passed a few doors before he stopped. “Aleksander, this is your room. Your Kittens are ready for you. They were actually quite excited when they heard you were coming.”

  “They?” My father asked with a smile.

  “Strictly a don’t ask don’t tell policy around here. Goodnight.” Aleksander went inside his room, closing the door behind him.

  “And as for the rest of you, these next four are for you. No order. Just pick. You each also get a Kitten of your own.”

  “Great.” Troy stepped forward and I was surprised by his excitement for it. “Tell me. Which one of these girls has dark eyes, dark straight hair, very petite especially in the chest?”

  “Ah, well, that’s pretty specific but let me see.” Reginald looked down at a list he was holding and looked towards the doors. “Closest is behind the last door, my lord.”

  “Thank you. Goodnight.”

  Reginald smiled while watching him walk down to the door and go inside. “The world needs more men like him. Are there any other requests?”

  “Ah, no.” My father replied. “Thank you.”

  “Then I’ll leave you to it.” Reginald started to walk away back down the hall the way we came.

  “Does he know he just chose the complete opposite of Jaylyn?” Darius asked.

  “I think that was the point.” My father said. “That way he won’t want her and I suggest you both follow his lead and think with the head on your shoulders tonight. After what’s already happened, you two should be the last ones who wa
nt another mistake.”

  “Yes, father.” I said obediently.

  He gave us a nod and went into the room closest to Aleksander.

  “Well, you pick.” I said.

  “I don’t really think it matters. Nothing will happen.”

  “Smart thinking. I’ll take this room.”

  Rift and I walked into the one just down from my father’s and there was immediate movement. I looked over and a woman walked around the curtains of the bed in a sheer robe with nothing underneath. Her hair was long and brown and she looked directly at me with her blue eyes.

  I sighed and dropped my bag. “This is going to be harder than I thought.”

  This woman in my room reminded me much of Adele and being away from her wasn’t helping this situation at all.

  I kept that in mind as I stepped closer. “Hello.” The woman stood without a word but gave me a gentle smile. “You must be my company for the evening.”

  The woman nodded once and reached for the tie on her robe. She untied it and took it off, letting it flow to the floor.

  I admit that I fell into a stuttering speech pattern from her standing in front of me completely naked. “Ah, I didn’t actually plan for my evening to be like this.” The woman was stepping closer but I couldn’t seem to move. “You see, I’m happily married and though my wife isn’t here I—” The woman got right in front of me and put her hands on my chest, moving them up to the cuff around my neck. “I really, really don’t want to get mixed up into anything though you’re making it really hard.”

  My hands found their own way to the soft skin of her body and she was being pulled even closer as my head was leaning down to meet her lips. Our breaths were right on each other’s and I felt myself craving to not just kiss her but bite her. I wanted to. Every thought in my head was leading me to just do it. The touch of her holding me was something I missed and her skin under my hands was smooth and flawless.

  My breaths were getting heavier as my desire for a woman increased but a glimpse of Adele’s tears came over my thoughts and I backed away before I tasted her. “I’m sorry. I can’t. Why don’t we just cancel whatever it is that would happen and you can go home.”


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