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Broken Road (Fate's Intent Book 7)

Page 5

by Bowles, April

  The woman still had her hands on me and finally spoke. “My home is wherever you sleep for the next few days. I cannot leave.”

  “You can’t? I’m sorry. I’m not from here nor have I ever been here before. I’m not used to things being this way. Do you even know who I am?”

  “You can be whoever you want to be here.”

  “And that’s going to be me. I am Prince Zayden of Seni.” The woman gasped and backed away from me, trying to cover herself up as she reached down for her robe. I didn’t take offend to her reaction. “And I’m committed to my wife. I have no intentions to mistreat any woman here as is the way. That’s not me. So, tonight, you can take the bed and I’ll take the couch.”

  “Thank you, your highness but it is I who should be condemned to the couch, not one such as yourself.”

  “Please. I insist. Get dressed. I’m giving you the night off so to speak.”

  The woman looked more impressed now than afraid and she went to the other side of the bed and started putting on a slip dress that couldn’t be seen through. “Um, thank you. I don’t know what else to say. This has never happened before.”

  “I’m sure it hasn’t. My perspective has changed since I met my wife. She’s—different in the outspoken way.”

  “Well, she sounds very lucky.”

  “Tell me. What’s your name?”

  “My name? Yes. Well, they call me 1-307.”

  “Your name is a number?”

  “I was sold by my family at a young age to be trained in this life. I had to surrender my name.”

  “Oh, okay. I’m sorry. Just forget the name. I was just trying to get better acquainted so I could ask you something.”

  “That’s okay. Ask anyway.”

  “Um, I wanted to know more about the traditions around here, specifically about the weddings and Prince Wyatt’s bride.”

  “Her name’s Meg. The Prince chose her from Kalu, meaning, she is now his property.”

  “That’s horrible and she doesn’t have a choice?”

  “No. She’s been chosen by him to produce a son. Anything less and they’ll both be terminated.”

  “You mean killed?”

  “It’s the way of royal life here. They haven’t had a bred Princess live longer than a minute.”

  “No wonder Adele never wants to come here.”

  I said it to myself but she still heard me. “Did you say Adele?”

  “Ah, yes. She’s the one I married. You know her?”

  “Everyone knows of the Kalu Assassins. They’ve been around here a few times in the past.”

  “Of course. Everyone knows her. She’s perfect.”

  My mood started to change and the woman saw it. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”

  “It’s okay. I just miss her. She chose not to come with us due to the location. Perhaps it’s best if I just try to get some sleep.”

  “Oh, of course.” She got off the bed and grabbed one of the pillows with a blanket and walked it over to me. “Here. You’ll be more comfortable.”

  “Thank you. Sleep well.”

  “Thank you, your highness.” She walked back to the bed and shut off the lantern as she got in.

  I used the light of the moon and took my shirt off before settling myself down with Rift at the perfect arm’s reach on the floor. “Goodnight, boy. We won’t be here very long.”

  I laid on that couch long after Rift and the woman fell asleep, thinking of Adele and being in this horrible country without her but I also still felt as if I had to do something about this Meg, the bride. I knew Adele would have thought the same. It wasn’t right that she was being forced to marry and I made plans to save her.

  Chapter 9


  I was woken up by a knock on the door. I knew it was early or I just slept badly but I got up and shuffled to it.

  “Morning, son.”


  “Just checking in. Breakfast?”

  I paused and tried to focus. I think I was still half asleep. “Ah, yeah.”

  I took a step out the door but my father stopped me. “Get dressed first. We’re the guests here.”

  I almost forgot and turned back in the room. “Of course. Not used to being the guest, I guess.”

  “How was your night?”

  I looked back and figured out what he meant by the direction of his eyes towards the bed and the woman still in it. “Not like you think. I slept here.”

  I showed him the couch dressed up as my bed and he smiled proudly. “I admire your choice. I did something quite similar.”

  “It was hard though. She kind of reminded me of Adele. I came this close to giving in.”

  “You just miss her is why but don’t worry. We can leave right after the ceremony. No need to stay longer.”

  “I agree. I really want to get home and I’m sure Troy does too.”

  “Quite right and please, leave the dog.”

  Rift was already at my feet, ready to go when I looked down. I didn’t want to but I knew that I should. I didn’t know what things were like here. “Stay here until I get back, okay? I won’t be long.”

  He put his ears down and ducked his head as he started to shuffle back to the couch, this time jumping up on it to lay where I was.

  “Good. Come on.”

  I nodded while I put my crown on last and left the room with my father. We spent breakfast in the dining hall with the royal family and talk was strictly between the three Kings.

  Wyatt sat firm and quiet with Meg, his bride-to-be on his left. I watched her every few seconds and noticed bruising on her shoulder and chest. She looked over a time when I was and pulled her shirt up and closed it together as she took tiny bites of her food.

  “And where is the young Prince this morning?” Aleksander asked, taking my focus back on the conversation.

  “He’s being kept in a safe place since his mother had the—accident.” King Viktor answered while Wyatt tried holding back his smile. “She was a highly selfish girl.”

  Meg quivered at Wyatt’s side and I realized they must have had her killed for something. It sounded completely barbaric and I was sure the reason was just the same but I still wanted to know. A curiosity to their ways overran me.

  “I’m going to go see if he’s eaten yet.” Wyatt said as he rose to his feet.

  This sparked my interest and I stood right up from my chair. “May we come with you?” Everyone seemed surprised about what I had asked and I looked to my sides at Darius and Troy for a quick glance. “We’d love to meet your son.”

  Wyatt stood there for a moment and shared a look with his father but Viktor seemed a bit more encouraging to the idea, giving him a slight head nod not to be noticed. “Of course. This way.”

  Darius and Troy got up after me and we started around the table towards Wyatt.

  “I’ll be sure to send your bride away so that she may prepare for later.” Viktor said.

  “Thank you, father.” It was quiet while we walked through the halls and only the sound of our footsteps was heard echoing until Wyatt stopped in front of a door. “Come. He should be finishing up with his morning training by now.”

  “Training?” Darius wondered.

  “How old is he?” Troy asked.

  “He’s five. It’s tradition.” Wyatt opened the door and we stepped into a large wide open room with training equipment everywhere. “Gavyn! Company!”

  There was a little brown haired boy on the other side of the room fighting hand-to-hand with a grown man.

  “That’s enough for today. Go greet your father.” The man said.

  Gavyn ran over to the door like a child would but then stopped briskly and bowed his head with his arms fastened straight to his sides. “Father.”

  The discipline was remarkable.

  “Have you eaten?”

  “With the sun, father.”

  “Very good. Our guests wanted to meet you. Can you place them?”

  Gavyn looked
over at us and his little brow creased. “Shall I run them through, father?”

  Wyatt laughed. “I love your enthusiasm but I doubt you could.”

  “Oh, I don’t know.” I said. “I thought I saw some force behind that right hook. I bet you could. Give it a try.”

  I kneeled down and held out my left hand, tapping my palm with my right. Gavyn looked up at his father and Wyatt cracked a smile and nodded. Gavyn smiled back and stepped up, slamming his little fist right in my hand.

  I had to hold myself from falling back by the force. “See? That was good. How long have you been learning that?”

  “For two years. Father says every generation should grow better than the one before and I tend to make it so.”

  “Very well motivated kid, Wyatt.” Darius said. “I don’t see why you would try for anything more than that.”

  Wyatt looked up at the training teacher and waved him over. “Take Gavyn to his meditation training.”

  “Yes, sir.” He bowed his head and walked off with the boy.

  “It’s a necessity around here.” Wyatt said, getting back on the subject after wanting to get his son out of hearing distance. “You can never have enough. Ask my father. He knows. He started out with three sons and now I’m the last living one.”

  “Really?” Troy wondered. “We never knew that.”

  “A grave disappointment to my father, that’s what I am because I’m the youngest. He never thought that he’d need me but I changed all that with the raising of my son. Knowing that there’s someone better in line makes him feel better. I don’t see him lasting much longer anyway.”

  “He’s sick?” I asked, sharing a look with Troy.

  “I was born when he was thirty-nine and now I’m almost twenty-three, do the math. He’s practically old enough to be my grandfather.”

  “What happened to your brothers?” Darius asked.

  “Ah, well, my oldest brother, Stephen, I didn’t know. He died before I was born. You know, war. Then my other brother Venny, died four years ago in a training accident. My father is still not really over that but Gavyn is helping it along. He’s our perfection for the future.”

  “Sorry to hear about his mother.” I said.

  “Don’t be. She was a bitch and deserved what she got.”

  “Mind us asking what she did?”

  Wyatt looked around as if he was making sure no one else was in range of hearing him. “She attempted to murder her own son.”


  “That’s horrible.” Darius muttered. “He seemed like an okay kid.”

  “Okay? He’s more than that. You three should be able to appreciate perfection. I didn’t know what her problem was nor did I really care and I wasn’t going to allow there to be a second attempt. It had to be done. Building for the future is important, especially here.”

  There was a pause.

  “Well, this has been fun.” Wyatt said as he started to turn with a more upbeat tone that I haven’t heard from him before. “I should check in on some of the preparations for later but I look forward to when we can get drunk together. So until then.”

  “Bye.” Darius and Troy said together as Wyatt walked out.

  “I really hate to say it but he’s kind of—cool.” Darius said.

  “That is weird coming from you.” Troy replied. “But even worse, I’d have to agree.”

  “Well, I don’t.” I cut in. “It doesn’t change how they really are around here.”

  “Lighten up, Zayden. It was just an observation. We came here for a party and that’s what we should do.”

  “Actually, you’re just trying to not think about your wife all the way back home being pregnant. We’re not going to drink like you want tonight because tonight we’re going home. You shouldn’t want to stay here another minute.”

  He sighed loudly to the truth. “I guess you’re right. I don’t want think about that right now.”

  “And so you won’t. At least not yet.”

  He sighed again and we left to head back upstairs. We still had something to do before he had to worry about facing Jaylyn or―I had something to do. I stopped in the middle of the hall and looked down it instead of going in my room

  “What are you doing?” Darius wondered.

  “Huh? Nothing.”

  “You’re waiting to see her.” Troy smiled. “His room is down there, you know.”

  “That’s not what I’m doing.”

  “Right.” Darius laughed. “We saw that look at breakfast.”

  “Please. There’s nothing I could do.” I turned into my room and didn’t want to have this discussion out in the open. Rift perked right up from the couch and hurried over with joy. “See? I wasn’t that long.”

  “Why don’t we believe you about her?” Troy asked.

  “It’s not our place, remember?”

  “Like that ever stopped you before.” Darius said.

  I only sighed and knew what I wanted to do but I wasn’t sure if it was safe to tell anyone even if it was them. This place was not right.

  “Oh, shit.” Darius muttered. He walked closer to my bed and noticed the woman still asleep in it. “This is yours?”

  “Not mine. I haven’t done anything with her.”

  “Really?” Troy smiled. “Because she seems awfully familiar.”

  “Not something I requested.”

  “Should have done what I did then.”

  “It wouldn’t have mattered. I’d only be enjoying this trip if she really was here.”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean.”

  “Have you visited her?” Darius asked him.

  “Visited her how?”


  “No. What would I say? I can’t tell her I know. I’m sure she wants to tell me that herself. Adele wasn’t supposed to say anything.”

  “Well, then I’m sure she will. Come on. We should find something to do until tonight.” I said. “We’ll give ourselves a tour and see who dares to stop us.”

  “A chance to be intimidating? I’m in!” Darius said.

  “Come on, Rift. You can come this time.” He was excited and hopped up and down. “We should probably find a side door somewhere to let you out for a minute too.”

  “And don’t forget about feeding him.” Troy said. “They’re probably finishing with breakfast. You should grab him something.”

  “How paternally thoughtful.” Darius joked.

  Troy’s eyes rolled as we left but at least Darius was trying to make it fun. He was just being Darius. I’m sure if the tables were turned things would be much different; worse.

  Chapter 10


  This place was done in me. I didn’t want to have to stay here another minute but I had no choice. We still had a function to attend and I still had my plan to carry out.

  “It’s almost time. We should get out there.”

  My father entered my room just as I had completed my own dressing. “Oh, looking forward to it. Are the arrangements set for us to leave right after?”

  “You still think that’s going to be a respectable choice?”

  “Like they know anything about respect around here.”

  “Zayden, don’t make me regret this night.”

  “I won’t, father. Just stating a true fact. They don’t. The sooner we get out of here, the better. I want to get back to Adele. We haven’t been apart this long before.”

  “I know. We’ll leave as planned. I was actually thinking you could speed up the trip to the docks so we could sleep on the ship like normal.”

  “Sounds like a better plan.”

  It really was and I really wanted it to be now but I knew my father would have objected and so I obeyed.


  “And what?”

  He looked down towards my feet and I did too. Rift was looking up and already seemed sad.

  “This is the last time you have to stay. It will be a little longer but we’ll be out of here tonigh

  He whined a little and walked back over to the couch.

  “You really do have him trained.” My father said. “Can you understand him yet?”

  “Why does everyone ask me that?”

  “What do you mean everyone?”

  “Well, you and Ryon. It’s like you’re all waiting for me to tell you the signs before it will happen.”

  “Aside from Ryon still being involved, I’m just being cautious. It can be dangerous.”

  “He’s going to help me so it shouldn’t come as a surprise, remember? I just don’t know when I even want to.”

  “You better tell someone when you do feel those changes. Now, let’s go. Don’t want them to start without us.”


  The ceremony was beautiful. The Hintin colors of sky blue and their prosperous diamond mines lit up the ballroom with its own kind of light like ice. I guess it made sense since it was always cold and there was always snow in some part of the country year round. Tables were set up and music played peacefully as the guests mingled with one another. Everyone seemed full of joy to be there. Well, everyone except for the bride.

  I sat with my Kitten as my date to my right and had a clear sight of Meg at another table. She looked simply miserable to be there at her own wedding. I could see it and planned to do something about it. I had to help her. I knew Adele would insist on it too and that just made me completely devoted to getting it done. I had to get her out of this dark place she was in and I knew exactly how. I just had to plan it out perfectly; no mistakes.

  Darius and Troy moderately tried taking my advice to not drink like they wanted to because we were going to be leaving. It would have made the quick trip and the ride across the sea an unpleasant experience but they still opted to have fun. I limited mine while I kept my watch on Meg’s behavior and my conversations with others were short.

  Dancing was a main focus of the night and that’s when I saw my chance. “Would you excuse me for just a moment?”

  My date only responded with a nod and I walked out into the crowd to where Wyatt was dancing with his unwilling bride.


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