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Calling Mrs Claus

Page 5

by Charlie Conwell

  Ann shakes her head, “She has been very clear that the discussion is over.”

  Sophie laughs, “You’re just going to give up, you really didn’t need her help?”

  “Of course, I need her on this project. Her work is amazing, and it speaks to me. I know that sounds corny. I saw that centrepiece last night and I could just feel the characters and hear their story. Good old frosty knickers in there doesn’t hear that part of why I need her.”

  Sophie laughs out loud, “Frosty knickers, you called her that?”

  “She had an attitude and it came out but that is beside the point. Now I am going to go home and try and find another artist that will never be as good as Frosty knickers in there.”

  Sophie laughs again, leans in the window, “Don’t give up on Lina yet, give me a chance to talk to her and get her to see sense.”

  Ann looks at her incredulous, “I know you are some kind of wonder woman to make sure that she eats, but I really don’t think you can get her to change her mind.”

  Sophie smirks, “Oh you haven’t seen anything yet. You watch this space.”

  Chapter 7

  Sophie watches as Ann drives off and knows how disappointed she is. She turns and walks towards the warehouse knowing that the reception is going to be somewhat frosty. She can hear muttering the closer she gets to the door. She contemplates knocking first but decides against it. She opens the door and waits as she watches Lina pace back and forth, muttering and shaking her head. She spins around and stops what she is doing when she spots Sophie. “I don’t want to talk right now. I think it would be better for us if you just left and maybe call back later.”

  Sophie smirks, “When have I ever listened to you? Sit down and tell me what is going on in your head, please?”

  She doesn’t wait for the response, just guides her into a nearby chair. “You look how Ann feels. I just saw her before she drove off. I’ve never seen anyone so disappointed before. I guess you told her no, to working with her project? Did you explain why you didn’t want to do it? Or was it that you didn’t like what she was going to do?”

  Lina sighs and leans back in the chair, running her fingers through her hair. “I knew exactly what type of project she was looking at before I met her. It’s all commercial and getting their name in some stupid magazine and being in competition with another dumb store. My work would be in the background and the claim to fame would be some dumb award. I don’t want to be seen as a sell-out and losing what I stand for.”

  Sophie can’t believe her ears, “Are you kidding me? She was giving you free reign to design and create everything your way. Of course, it’s commercial, dumbass, she works in a department store. What did you expect it to be? Wow, Lina, you could have blown the biggest opportunity you have had in your life all because you cut off your nose to spite your face. She seemed nice and had a genuine interest in your art and for some reason liked you. She was right, you really are frosty knickers, I never noticed that before. You turn cold as soon as you get a sniff of something new and different. What are you going to do now?”

  Lina is shocked by Sophie’s outburst, gets up and walks around the chair processing what she had just said. She spins around, pointing her finger, “Did you just call me frosty knickers? Ann called me that and for no reason at all. I was charming, nice and pleasant. She was the one that started name-calling and you are not allowed to call me that again. I don’t know what I’m going to do. The discussion is over, and she knows how I feel about it all.”

  “You are a dumbass! You can always call her and tell her you have reconsidered. Give her the real reason why you said no and tell her you are a dumbass, she will appreciate that.”

  “I am not telling her I have reconsidered, I don’t know that I have. What reasons would I have to do that?”

  Sophie shakes her head, “How about everything that you create is given to local kids and if there is any furniture that is given to those who need it. Would that be in line with your heart of creating?”

  Lina smiles softly realising once again how well Sophie knows her. “Yeah, of course, but I have burned that bridge, Sophie, she will not talk to me again. I may have been a jerk to her…just a little bit.”

  Sophie throws her hands in the air, “Oh my God, you are insufferable. You get to work and for the love of all that is holy start creating designs for what you would do for Ann if you got the project back again.”

  She gets up and storms out not giving Lina a chance to say anything. She hears Lina growling and smirks knowing that her words have landed, and Lina is realising what she has messed up.

  “How do I get the two of them together to talk this out and get this project started and I do believe there was a spark of admiration of Ann too. I think I may need a little help with this.”

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  “Ann, how did the meeting go? Did you get your Santa Claus?”

  Ann spins around glowering at Olivia, “No, she turned me down and now I’m up the river without a boat. Mr Willems is going to kill me. I can’t believe she turned me down, she was so…arrrgh…infuriating.”

  Olivia cocks her head to the side and then smirks, “Don’t you mean without a paddle…” With the look that Ann gives her, she surrenders immediately, “Okay, boat it is. Wait, Ann, is she under your skin?”

  Ann stops pacing and throws her hands up in the air, “What do you mean under my skin? She is the best artist and would be perfect for this project.”

  “You like her, oh my God, finally, someone has turned your head.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, I admire her art, she is a genius.”

  Olivia quirks an eyebrow, “Sure, that’s what it is that you admire about her!”

  Ann narrows her eyes, “Where am I going to find another artist that is better than her?”

  “Maybe try to talk to her again, see if she will change her mind?”

  “No, I don’t think so, I am not going to beg her to do it. I want her to want to do it.”

  Ann lowers her head and walks away leaving Olivia alone.

  “Excuse me?”

  Olivia jumps when she feels a tap on her shoulder, “Jesus, you scared me.”

  She blushes and rushes to apologise, “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to swear. How can I help you?”

  “Don’t apologise, I’m the one who made you jump. I was hoping you could tell me where I could find Ann Peeters?”

  Olivia looks over her shoulder, “Honestly, I don’t think now is a good time to talk to her. Is it something I can help you with? I know this store like the back of my hand.”

  “My name is Sophie and I’m a friend of Lina Wouters, I wanted to speak to Ann about the project.”

  Olivia is intrigued, “You’re brave, she has been ranting and raving about Lina all morning. The meeting didn’t go the way she had planned, she is disappointed but for me, I think there is something else underneath that. I think she likes Lina and not just her art.”

  Sophie is excited and puts her arm around Olivia, “I think, you are the one I need to talk to after all. Let’s grab a coffee and see what we can come up with to get these two knuckleheads together again.”

  They sit at one of the tables and take a sip of their coffee. Olivia is the first to speak, “Are you saying Lina likes Ann too?”

  Sophie smirks, “Oh yeah, Lina got so mad after Ann left, I knew it couldn’t just be about the project. Ann challenged her in a way she had never had before. She was shaking when I talked to her afterwards. Sure, she had issues with the project but expected Ann to know and understand her reasons without telling her. Now, she is too pig-headed to call her and set up a meeting to talk it through with her.”

  Olivia laughs, “That sounds like Ann, I just asked her to call Lina and see if she could change her mind. She went on a rampage of “I am not begging her, I want her to want to do it.” She is just as stubborn as Lina and that will lead to an impasse as big as the Grand Canyon.”

  Sophie laughs, “They
are both dumbasses. Okay, so they need a not so subtle nudge in the right direction. Here is what we do.”

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Lina fixes her shirt and looks in the mirror, “Wear something nice and don’t be late. I hate going out for dinner, she knows that especially when I am starting my creative process and thinking of something new to do.”

  She huffs and puffs some more until she is finally ready. She grabs her jacket and keys and goes to meet Sophie at the restaurant. When she parks the car, she sits and leans her head against the headrest. “What am I doing here? I should be working.”

  She contemplates leaving but knows that Sophie would never forgive her and would probably come to the warehouse and take up so much time that it is better to have the meal with her. She sighs and makes her way into the restaurant. She is met by the maître d’ who smiles brightly at her. “Good evening, Madam, do you have a reservation?”

  Lina looks around the restaurant, “Damn Sophie, this is way swankier than we have ever done before.”

  She smiles back nodding, “Yes, it’s under the name of Sophie Brel.”

  He checks the reservation list and smiles, “The other member of your party has not arrived yet. Would you like to wait at the bar or at your table?”

  Lina shakes her head, “Typical, she tells me not to be late and can’t be on time, herself. I will wait at the table, thank you.”

  He smiles at her and leads her to her table, “Would you like a drink while you wait, Madam?”

  “Yes, can I have a glass of Cava, please?”

  “I’ll have that brought over to you right away, I wish you a pleasant evening.”

  He rushes off leaving Lina looking around. She spots the artwork and begins to see what way she would have done it or what she would have painted instead. She is in a world of her own until she hears the shuffling of a nearby chair. She looks over and her mouth drops open. There is Ann in a sweetheart neckline black dress being seated by the same maître d’. He hurries off again and only then does Ann spot, Lina, at the next table.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Ann frowns leans in, “If I am correct, this is a restaurant and normally people eat at restaurants.”

  Lina blushes already hearing her tone, “I’m sorry, I was just surprised to see you. I’m here to eat too. You look nice…uh…beautiful.”

  Lina looks around wishing that she would stop talking. Ann is shocked at both the outburst and the compliment.

  “One glass of Cava, Madam.”

  Lina smiles, “Thank you.”

  The maître d’ is back again, “Excuse me, ladies, I’m sorry to intrude, I just received a call to say that your dining partner cannot make it.”

  Lina looks at Ann, “I’m sorry your date can’t make it.”

  Ann quirks an eyebrow and is about to respond when the maître d’ interrupts again. “Sorry, I meant that both of your dining partners cannot make it, but I have been told that you should both have a beautiful meal at their expense.”

  “You have got to be kidding.”

  “I’m afraid not, madam. Would you both like to sit at the one table?”

  Ann is stunned while Lina narrows her eyes, “I think we have been played.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, I was meant to have dinner with Sophie, and she doesn’t turn up. Who were you going to have dinner with?”

  Ann sits back in her chair, “A work colleague, Olivia, she was the one that gave me your name and number.”

  Lina laughs despite herself, “I did wonder about the call out of the blue to go for a meal and to be told to dress nice.”

  Ann laughs, “Would you mind if I joined you? I really don’t want to sit and eat at a table alone.”

  “Of course, oh and can we have a really expensive bottle of Cava brought to the table. I am going to teach my nosy friend a lesson.”

  Ann laughs, takes her seat, “Olivia, will have serious questions to answer when I see her tomorrow, but for now I just want to eat, I’m so hungry.”

  Lina nods in agreement raises her glass, “Here’s to nosy friends and a nice meal with good company.”

  Ann grins and raises her glass in toast, “Couldn’t have said it better myself.”

  Chapter 8

  The waitress brings the bottle of Cava and pours Ann a glass and waits while Lina finishes her glass before pouring her another one. She quickly leaves them to look over the menu smiling brightly at them.

  “Is it wrong that we ordered such an expensive bottle?”

  Lina quirks her eyebrow, “Are you going soft on me already?”

  Ann laughs, “Of course not, it was a moment of weakness. They deserve to put their hand in their pockets for this one.”

  “Precisely, so let's enjoy this meal and if it would be okay with you, can we start over again?”

  Ann is pleasantly surprised and is very quick to agree, “I would like that very much.”

  Lina grins and raises her glass, “I have a new toast, to new beginnings and the possibility of working together.”

  Ann smiles so big and bright that Lina is lost in the beauty for a moment. She clears her throat and gathers herself before clinking her glass to Ann’s. Ann notices the look, knows it for what it is and can’t stop the blush forming on her cheeks. She smiles back softer at Lina, feeling calmer than when she first sat down.

  “Have you eaten here before?”

  Lina looks around her shaking her head, “No, honestly, I prefer a more relaxed atmosphere. I feel a little out of place here. Have you been here before?”

  Ann nods, “Once, it was a work thing with one of our merchandisers. It was the most boring night of my life. The only good thing was that the wine was good, and the food was great. The company almost put me to sleep.”

  Lina giggles, “Well I can tell you that I have left my frosty knickers at home so the company should be a little better for you this time.”

  Ann laughs out loud, “I am sorry about that, I didn’t mean it.”

  Lina shakes her head, “Yes, you did and that’s okay, you had every right to say it. Sophie, however, has taken to using it now too. I blame you for that.”

  Ann’s eyes widen, “Now that’s funny.”

  Lina throws her napkin at her playfully and the atmosphere between them is very relaxed. “Okay, enough playing around, what do you recommend eating?”

  Ann looks over the menu carefully, “I would recommend the lobster tail with garlic butter to start then perhaps the slow-cooked beef with carrots and turnip and then if you are feeling up to it, we could maybe share a dessert. I have one in mind that I think you would like.”

  Lina is licking her lips at the thoughts of the food and is intrigued by the idea of sharing a dessert. “I think that’s my order and what will you have?”

  Ann grins delighting in the fact that Lina has taken her suggestion, “I’m going to start with the Vitello Tonnato followed by the ravioli filled with mushrooms that are served with a delicious truffle sauce and then perhaps the dessert to top it all off.”

  Lina nods her approval, “Where is that waitress, we need to order, you have made me hungry.”

  Ann looks around spots the waitress and gives her a nod. The waitress is at their table in seconds, takes their order and disappears again.

  There is a silence at the table and Lina looks uncomfortable, Ann picks up on her unease.

  “Tell me how you got into art and sculpting.”

  Lina takes a sip of her Cava, “It was something that just happened naturally when I was a child I was always drawing or painting. We didn’t have much, in the way of toys they were a luxury that we couldn’t afford. I had one doll and when Matthias came along, he got one teddy bear. We had great imaginations and when he was old enough, we would act out things to have fun. My grandfather was awesome he would whittle us whistles and little wooden toys, no bigger than your finger. They were rough outlines of soldiers, but we didn’t care. It was like Christmas every time h
e came to visit. One day I got up the courage and asked him to teach me how to whittle. He was so happy and spent hours with me. It was one of the happiest times I can remember. Matthias had no interest in learning and was always at friends kicking a football or playing some random running around game. My grandfather taught me everything he knew and in a short space of time it had picked it up so well that my figurines were better than his. He was so proud and gave me his old whittling tools, I still have them to this day. The more I did the better I got, I got more adventurous and started carving different things. I replaced a chair for my mother that had broken and made her little cupboards that she could keep her sewing and knitting stuff in.”

  She takes a sip of her Cava and smiles at the waitress who has brought them their starters. Ann is loving how much Lina is opening and sharing with her.

  “Can you tell me some more while we eat? I would really love to hear some more.”

  “Sure, but first I want to try this food it smells delicious.”

  They both tuck into their starter sharing appreciative oohs and aahs. Lina is surprised at herself for talking so much about her past but is enjoying the memories it is bringing back.

  “The time came around to Christmas and other kids were putting in their orders for what toys they wanted to their parents. Matthias came home from school with a list as long as your arm and I could see the panic in my mother’s eyes. Matthias didn’t have any idea of the cost of anything. When I looked at his list, I saw a few things that I could try to make. I went off to my little section of the shed out the back and started to work. He asked for a skateboard as his main present. I just thought how hard could that be its one easy shape and four wheels attached. I went off and created a skateboard was it perfect? Definitely not but he loved that damn thing. When I brought it into my mother, she cried tears of joy and hugged me so tight. She wrapped it up in brown paper so carefully. I was afraid that she would get so angry I took the wheels off my old roller skates and found another set in a dumpster. I made him a chess set too, which drove me insane with all the different pieces, but I got it made in time. He still has it to this day. I started to recycle different materials and created things that my mother needed, or a neighbour would like. I didn’t mind, I just loved to build and create. My mother came to me when I was nineteen, I think, and told me about two families that had fallen on difficult times. They knew they had no money to spare for toys for their kids that Christmas. She asked me had I made any toys, or would there be enough time to make something for them. Every Christmas, since that first time I had made Matthias some toys as stocking fillers so he would be able to get his main gift. I knew I could come up with something, so I told my mom to leave it with me and off I went to my shed and starting to make some toys for the kids. I made some jigsaws and I made a doll for the little girl, and a whistle and little cars and trucks. I swear I have never seen so much joy and happiness in my life before. I am the go-to person now if someone needs something restored or made. I love doing it and get joy and contentment from helping others. I paint every so often, oil painting, acrylic, whatever the mood takes me. I’m at my happiest when I am knee-deep in sawdust and the smell of turpentine and wax. For me, it has never been about what my creations are worth but the smile it brings and the enjoyment that people get from them.”


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