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Urban Vampire The Turning

Page 5

by Pepper Pace

  They were terrified.

  I could smell searing flesh and it was sickening. But what had happened? Her hand hadn't been in contact with silver any longer than mine had when I had touched the picture frame and before that the paper towel roll. It was time to go. I didn't want to think that Tony had set me up, but regardless of whether he did or didn't, I no longer wanted any part of the Council.

  I picked up my overnight bag and began shoving my belongings back into it. I was getting more and more pissed.

  How dare that bitch come up into my face trying to intimidate me? Yeah, I was scared and everything. But I wasn't going to get punked out.

  I had my bag in one hand and car keys in the other and was about to head out the door when I felt more then saw a flash of movement. Much quicker than the eye could ever see, Tony Yates was standing in front of me blocking the door.

  He looked at the bag and keys in my hand. "What's going on?"

  I made to move past him but he gripped my arm. "Kim, wait." I don't like being grabbed and I felt my teeth distend even further than ever.

  Tony gave me a surprised look then released his hold. "Kim, tell me what happened." Ignoring him I hurried around him. "Wait a minute Kim!" He grabbed my arm again and this time I pushed him off balance and without consciously thinking of it used that super speed I now possessed.

  I no sooner thought of the long corridor that led to this lower level before I was standing in it. But I also knew that Tony was right on my heels so I immediately leaped in great bounding jumps into the main room. Even still, as fast as I knew I was moving something bowled me over and left me sprawling on the floor.

  Tony had me penned face down on the cool polished wood floor. My bag and keys had gone flying. My first instinct was to struggle and kick and claw...but face down I had no power. So instead I froze.

  "Look," He growled in my ear. "I'm going to let you up but stop running. I can catch you without breaking a sweat, do you understand?"

  I still didn't move.

  He gave me a small shake. ""

  "Yeah," I grumbled.

  He rose up off me gracefully, then offered me his hand. I didn't accept it so my rise wasn't quite as nice as his had been.

  He teepeed his hands in front of his face and watched me intently. I brushed the dust off my shirt and discovered one of my buttons had popped off and the shirt was gaping open. Yes, I was wearing one of my cute Victoria Secret’s bra but I was really pissed at him and didn't want him gaping at my cleavage.

  Tony wasn't doing that, though. He was all eyes on my eyes.

  "I didn't know that Kaniji was here." He finally said. I watched him, crossing my arms over my chest partially to keep it close, and partially because I didn't appreciate being tackled.

  "When I brought you here last night there was no one in this house other then You, Me and Mei Wah. I didn't know Kaniji was going to show up tonight."

  "But she knew I was going to be here?"

  "Yeah. I told her I was bringing you in."

  "People just walk in and out of your house?"

  His mouth opened then closed. "She does."

  Oh. That bitch was his woman. I glanced around for my keys and bag.

  Seeing what I was doing he shook his head. "Hold on, don't jump to conclusions. Kaniji and I are not an item-"

  "Anymore?" I added trying to sound disinterested...because I was... mostly.

  "Anymore." He admitted. "And no one, I repeat, NO ONE will be allowed in here while you're here. Mei Wah understands this now. No one is coming in here, Kim."

  I sighed and he finally relaxed. "What in the hell happened?! I heard screaming. I thought it was you...I couldn't even imagine what could have happened. Then I caught Kaniji on the stairs. Her hand was...smoking." He looked haunted by the memory.

  "Smoking? I didn't do anything to her, if that's what you're thinking. She came downstairs...without knocking, mind you, and with an attitude. It was her idea to stick her hand into my jewelry box. I guess she was surprised to find that I hadn't yet weeded out my silver jewelry."

  Tony was shaking his head in denial. "No. It wasn't the silver...or not just the silver. Kaniji's hand held a brand, Kim. It was the brand from a crucifix."

  Oh. I was sooo happy that I hadn't experimented with touching it.

  "Well she couldn't have touched it for more than a split second-" I spoke quickly, not enjoying his accusatory look.

  "You don't understand. Silver hurts but it stops almost as soon as you're no longer touching it. And it heals in a short time." His brow had knit into an almost frown. I wasn't sure if he was mad at me... or if it was just his intensity. "But to be branded by a crucifix is an instant death sentence for us."

  Oh, shit. I killed Kaniji? I killed another Council member...and Tony's ex...

  He was shaking his head again. "No, Kim. She's not dead. But I did have to chop off her hand. She wanted me to chop off only her finger because she's so damn vain but I wasn't taking any chances and I chopped off the whole hand."

  I gave him a horrified look. He was either a damn good ex, or a really bad one.

  He gave me a wry smile. "Don't worry. It will regenerate...I believe."

  "You believe? guys, I mean, we regenerate limbs?"

  Tony paced. "Yeah if it's cut off. A hand should take about a year." He looked at me unsure. "But if we lose a limb to silver it can take a decade. If we lose a limb to a holy relic it never regenerates---that's why I chopped it off before it corrupted her entire body."

  "Your girl wasn't too happy with me before all this. She's really going to be unhappy with me now. I don't think this is the safest place for me."

  "First of all, she's not My Girl. Second, like you said; no one told her to stick her hand where it didn't belong. And I disagree with you. You wouldn't be safer anywhere in the city...then with me."

  I felt my limbs grow weak and my stomach flutter.

  Tony walked over and picked up my bag and then my keys. He strolled over to me and handed me the keys. I forgot about my opened shirt until his eyes glanced down then back up. I crossed my arms again.

  "I promise that I won't force you to stay here if you really want to go. But I think that there's a lot I can do to help you thrive and not just survive."

  So I allowed Tony to take my bag back downstairs. When he came back upstairs 3 seconds later he gave me a curious look.

  "Are you planning to keep the crucifix in your jewelry box?"

  "Yeah." I shrugged.

  "I've never allowed any one to carry a holy implement into my home-"

  I opened my mouth to protest but anticipating this he just held up his hand to stop me.

  "But under the circumstances, I understand. Just be careful. I don't want to have to chop off your hand." I gave him a wide-eyed look. Then I suddenly remembered that my shirt was gaping open and I clutched it shut. He smiled slowly. "First things first." He offered me his hand. "We're going shopping."

  I wanted to protest but couldn't. I really wanted to go shopping.

  Tony had a black Mercedes Benz waiting in the drive way. Mei Wah was behind the wheel waiting patiently. When I got in he gave me an apologetic look.

  "I'm sorry Miss Kim. Tony told me about Kaniji sneaking into the house." I noticed he referred to me as Miss but there was nothing in front of Kaniji's name.

  "Believe me, if I had known she was in the vicinity I would have made certain that she would have never entered the lower level."

  "Thanks, Mei Wah. I appreciate that." And I did.

  Once we were settled in, Mei Wah turned on the CD player and some gentle Jazz wafted through the speakers. That, Mei Wah's comments and Tony's presence, all worked to make me feel relaxed.

  "I guess I'm a handful already, huh?"

  "You say that as if it's a bad thing." He glanced down at my shirt but I was gripping it closed. He sighed and looked out the window.

  I was surprised when we pulled up to a deserted looking building
instead of a shopping mall. We had to still be in Cincinnati, but I had no idea where.

  Mei Wah let us both out. We were standing on a dark deserted street that looked very suspect.

  "You might want to retract your teeth." Tony said.

  Quickly I covered my mouth. "I don't know how." I admitted.

  Tony chuckled. Then he reached up and touched my cheek. Again I was struck by how warm his hand was. He took a step closer to me then placed his other hand on my waist.

  I looked up at him surprised. He made a slight shushing gesture. Gently he drew me to him. My hands clutched his forearms. I'm not sure if it was to push him away...or draw him closer.

  Tony lowered his face to mine then I felt his lips. Oh my my my. I have never felt lips like his before. The kiss was chaste, but it made my knees weaken and almost buckle beneath me. I didn't even know I was doing it, but my lips parted and Tony's tongue gently slipped inside.

  His hand on my cheek gently cradled my face and slid to the back of my neck to draw me even closer...if that was possible.

  I could feel his tongue brush the sharpened teeth. He groaned deep in his throat and drew first my lower then my upper lip into his mouth. A warm tingle spread from the pit of my stomach to tease my core like gentle fingertips.

  Tony drew back slowly, reluctantly. "I think your teeth are retracted." I ran my tongue along them.

  "How'd you do that?"

  He smiled. "I'll teach you later...and also how to mask your eyes after feeding." I blinked surprised. "Don't worry. These are friends. Still, they're humans and teeth give unnecessary anxiety."

  He took my hand and led me into the little brick building. I was feeling a little anxious myself. What should I make of that kiss? It was powerful enough to make me want for more. But damnit! Tony was a scary individual. Vampire, Council member and rich to boot! This was all too new and I wasn't sure that it was smart to get too emotionally involved when I didn't know the rules.

  I watched his back, still clutching his hand as he led me inside the building. He appeared sculpted from marble; hard but smooth. His muscles flowed like an athlete's. Even the way he walked made me think of someone ready to sprint, or leap. I swallowed dryly. I was really attracted to him...but...I couldn't get the inhuman sound of Kaniji's howling out of my head. Tony is not human. I'm not human but even he admitted I was more so than him. I had to really get it in my head exactly what we were--accept what I am.

  "Mr. Yates. Come in." We were greeted by a small, stylish man. I, at first, took him to be 40ish but upon closer inspection guessed him to be closer to 60! Still, there was no mistaking the fact that he was in above average shape.

  He took my hand in greeting.

  "Brett, this is my house guest, Kim Russell." Tony introduced us. "Kim, this is Brett Scott. He owns a number of fashion houses all over Europe and the United States. He comes through town as a special courtesy to me."

  "Yes. Mr. Yates and I go back. He was my best customer when I was struggling with my first shop in Hoboken. What was it? Thirty years ago?"

  "More, I think."

  I looked at Tony. I knew he had been 'turned' around the depression. He was now forever frozen at that very age, though he was older then my grandparents. What sights had he seen?

  "Won't you follow me?" Brett led us into a surprisingly rich room. It was tastefully decorated in creams and earth tones. Two oversized sofas were the focal points. The lights were dim and though it was just an old abandoned warehouse, the rich accessories made it feel like the most upscale Parisian store.

  Tony and I sat together on one of the sofas. I was a little confused. Where were the clothes? And what about the shoes and purses? Tony said that we were supposed to be shopping...

  Suddenly, music began to waft through hidden speakers strategically positioned around the room. There was a thumping, hip hop beat that made me feel as if I were back at Club Midnight and not a little hidey hole in the middle of who-knew-where.

  I was impressed. Who would have thought Brett Scott had it in him. Then a stylish model entered the room. She looked like she was on a catwalk.

  This was a fashion show! I had never been to a fashion show. I glanced around. We were the only people in the audience. Tony had it like that?

  For the next hour the most gorgeous people modeled for us. They allowed us to test the fabric between our fingers. One of the models even took off her coat and let me try it on.

  "Tell me what you like." He had whispered in my ear.

  I shivered and turned to him, my mouth slightly open.

  A lady was sitting behind us taking notes. It took me half an hour before I realized that he was signaling to her information about my reaction.

  Suddenly, the lights dimmed even further and the music changed. It was now a sultry, jazzy, rhythm. The next model to come out was wearing lingerie. I glanced at Tony suspiciously. I hoped he wasn't thinking that he was going to get a private fashion show later with me as the model.

  The lingerie was tasteful, though. The skinny models wearing the thongs made me remember that my new and improved body gave them a run for their money. Unlike theirs it was filled out in all the right places.

  The lights came up and I almost applauded. It had been a wonderful show. Tony watched me with a slight smile that made him look so sexy.

  "Did you enjoy that?"

  I nodded. "I thought we were going to the mall or something."

  "Never." He stood and took my hand.

  "What’s next?"


  I looked at the space where the models had disappeared. "When do we pay?"

  "We? You're my all ways. And I have already taken care of the bill. Our purchases will arrive tomorrow night." He waved Brett over.

  "I'll just be a minute." Then he stepped away to talk to Brett. I looked at some of the paintings and sculptures but before long they both joined me.

  "Miss Russell. Will you follow me?" Brett said.

  I looked at Tony quizzically, but he just smiled. "Okay..."

  Brett led me to where the models had disappeared. "Where are we going, Brett?"

  "Mr. Yates has made a small purchase for you to take home tonight."

  "Okay." And I had to go to it? It couldn't come to me?

  I heard the models behind a closed door. But we went to a different section.

  "Through here is a dressing room, Miss Russell." He gestured for me to go inside. "One of my assistants will bring something to replace your torn blouse."

  Embarrassed I thanked him and entered a little dressing room. Shortly a young woman tapped on the door. I opened it just enough to peek through then I let her in. She was carrying a wardrobe bag draped over her arms.

  I had to practically force her to leave because she wanted to help me dress. As soon as the door was closed behind her I unzipped the bag and gasped.

  Inside was a pure white pantsuit. It was the cleanest, purest white that I think I'd ever seen!

  The pants were loose and flowing and draped my legs like a water fall. I pulled on a sheer blouse of the most translucent silk. My black lacy bra stood out like a sore thumb so I removed it.

  I shivered at the feel of the cool silk against my naked skin causing my nipples to tighten. I shuddered then pulled on the matching wrap. I modeled in the full length mirror loving the look. Tony had chosen well.

  I stepped out of the little room only to see Brett waiting for me with ten pairs of shoes!

  I slipped off my black boots and tried on several of them before selecting my favorite. They were higher then what I would normally choose, but the outfit called for it.

  Brett led me back into the main room. Tony stood up and stared at me almost exactly the same way he had the first night he'd ever set eyes on me.

  He let out a low whistle then came forward to take my arm. We were quite a sight; him in his black and me in my white. He must have just stared at me for an entire minute before leading me to the door.

  "Brett," he sa
id, "as usual, a wonderful job. Thank you, my friend." They shook hands and affectionately hugged.

  "No problem. Anything for you Mr. Yates." He turned to me. "And Miss Russell, it's rare to see a beauty as yours. I hope to see you again."

  I smiled. "Thank you for the show. It was wonderful."

  Tony led us out the door. "Tony, thank you for the outfit. It's beautiful. I love it."


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