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Urban Vampire The Turning

Page 6

by Pepper Pace

  He stopped to look at me seriously. "No. Thank you. Come." He led me back to the Benz and Mei Wah was waiting at the door to let us inside. I wanted to call Arnitra so bad. But I knew that it wouldn't be fair to bring her into a situation like this.

  "I need to tell you something." Tony said.

  I didn't like the sudden serious tone of his voice. He looked out the window for a few moments before turning back to me.

  "I wasn't completely honest with you about something."

  "What?" I frowned.

  "About Johan."

  "What about Johan?" He shifted in his seat to face me so that his knee rested lightly against my thigh.

  "Because you are responsible for his can replace him on the Council." I didn't answer. I was digesting that news. I suppose that it was a big deal to the other Vampires, but it didn't really mean all that much to me. Still I needed to keep my options open.

  "How would it benefit me by being on the Council?"

  He gave me a look of pure disbelief. After a moment he spoke. "I forget that you are a Third Generation and don't have the old memories. The Council is what controls the Vampire Nation. Each Country is segregated into sectors that are controlled by a local Council. It's our responsibility to control the Vampire population and monitor the human mood. Each of us has a territory; Johan's was fairly large. When there's a problem his liege rely on him to settle it. Without him there would be anarchy. Therefore if a Council Member dies he must immediately be replaced by his Second or Third in command. But in the case of a Council Member being killed by another, that individual is allowed to take his seat. This is not something that happens often because there are rules against killing a Council Member. It's an automatic death sentence. But if the Council Member is clearly the aggressor and it is a fair fight then the rules change." He watched me before continuing.

  "In your case he...or we...were the aggressors. In self-defense Johan was killed."

  "So, why wasn't I offered his seat on Council?"

  "'re a Third. No third has ever been strong enough to defeat a Council Member. So...we deemed it an accidental killing which allowed for Johan's Second to take his place. I'm so sorry -" I waved away his apology. "So what am I if not a Council Member? I mean, what will be my role in this…Vampire Nation?"

  Tony's eyes hooded. "The lowest ranked on the totem pole."

  I made a face. "Tell me what it means to be the lowest on the totem pole?"

  "It would mean that you are the last to be considered and the first to be sacrificed. You have no voice in disputes. A second will always be above you. You would be watched to confirm that you did not try to mingle too closely with the humans because Thirds with no memories of our History are our biggest threat. Thirds handle all of our dirtiest jobs from killing humans that are undesirable to being the test animals when we suspect sun or silver. And being a Third means...that you will never be more than the lowest on the totem pole."

  Well that’s some bullshit! I looked out the window. Tony put his hand on my arm. I slipped it away from his touch gently.

  "And what are the fears of me being on the Council...other then the fact that no other Third Generation has ever been strong enough to do it?"

  "My fear is that it was a fluke that you killed Johan and there is no way that you have the strength to control a territory! My fears are that the first time Johan's liege set eyes on you they will all plan your assassination! And I fear that you have no memories of your abilities and therefore have no possibility of succeeding as a leader."

  My heart sank at his words. "So what was that shit you gave me about wanting me to thrive and not just survive?! That was bullshit, wasn't it?!"

  "No, it wasn't!" His eyes flashed at me, darkening in a strange way. "I mean for you to not have to take the Vampire scraps. I want you to be with me. At my side you will be my equal-"

  "Oh no you did not!" I said to the air while rolling my eyes. "Until you find the next Kaniji? And then I'm three hundred years old and out on my ass?!"

  He frowned. "I would never do that to you-"

  "And how many times have I heard that one?! I don't have one friend that hasn't been thoroughly screwed by a man...including myself! Besides that...I don't need the Council and I don't need to be a part of your Vampire Nation!"

  "Baby, it doesn't work like that. Listen to me!" I looked at him grudgingly. "Thirds can't leave. As soon as you try you're a rogue and that's an instant death sentence. Remember how easy it was for me to find you? Imagine thousands of Vampires searching for you. You wouldn't be out there more than a day."

  For the first time since the conversation started I got scared. I had to live under their rules. I couldn't be- or do-what I wanted? I closed my eyes and rested my head on the back of the seat. I’m a slave.

  "You understand now, don't you?" I felt his hand tentatively on mine. I didn't have the strength to move it. Tony would be my master…"I'm not going to let you get lost, Kim. You can be at my equal-" I turned away from him to the window.

  If I had tears I would have cried.


  When we got back to the house I didn't wait for Mei Wah to open my door, I just got out and headed to the house. He hurried ahead of me to open the front door and then to hold it open for me as I entered.

  Inside the house I went to the living room and folded myself into one of Tony's oversized sofas to wait for him. We hadn't spoken another word after I tried to cry but nothing came out of my dried up tear ducts.

  Tony entered the living room slowly and sat opposite me in a wing chair.

  I inhaled bitter air into my lifeless lungs. "What do I need to know to survive?"

  He studied me for a long time. "First you must die to your family."

  "Hmm? Why?"

  "Because they'll know you're dead. That's why. They'll know." My eyes flicked away but then returned to him because I knew that what he was saying was the truth. "I can handle that for you; sooner than later is best."

  I swallowed and then nodded reluctantly. My thoughts about my parents...well I think I'll just keep that to myself. For once, since this entire thing had begun, I bravely listened. I listened and began to accept my fate.

  First of all to understand the abilities of a vampire you have to understand that there is the world that we know, but there is also the world that stands alongside of our own. It's the limbo that we go upon death, when our soul doesn't go to its final resting place. It's the place of ghosts. Only vampires have circumvented the law that keeps the human world separated from the spirit one.

  No one knows for sure but the accepted theory is that Vampires are animated corpses; possessed by something that has never walked the earth. The other things that Tony explained to me are as follows:

  Travel is done in that world owned by the spirits. Using nothing more than thought, a Vampire can travel wherever they visibly imagine. And yes, a vampire must be invited into a home before they can enter.

  Vampires can not read minds, with the exception of the psychic link that a master shares with their blood donors and between vampires and their liege. But because of their heightened senses, Vampires can read human emotions; for example, by the sound of their heartbeats.

  Vampires can consume food and drink but at a cost. What goes in must come out. And because the intestines no longer process waste, it generally comes out in an 'uncomfortable' way. Otherwise, food has little appeal to vampires.

  Vampires continue to crave sex and relationships just like humans.

  Animals have a keen distrust of Vampires.

  Master Vamps generally take blood everyday but only need it once a week as long as they do not allow their system to become empty. The lack of blood will not kill a Vamp, but it would make for an unbearable existence.

  Garlic has no effect on Vampires.

  Vampires can be killed by mutilation of the heart, decapitation, being branded by a holy item, or caught in sunlight. Other things that would normally
cause pain to humans would also cause pain to Vampires—maybe even more so because where humans might die Vampires continue to experience the pain until they heal.

  Vampires have a limited control over humans by allowing a bit of what animates their body to slip into the human. It was the way we mesmerized or hypnotized humans. And because of this a human that continually feeds a Vampire can often gain some of the Vampire's ability.

  Vampires are required to take a number of regular human donors that willingly give blood. This cuts down on random human attacks.

  A Vampire gets their wealth from their human donors. But Masters are allowed to take financial support from specific targets that I found way too complicated to understand. Lower graded Vampires are not to be trusted to do this so being a Vampire doesn’t mean that you will automatically be filthy rich. I was informed that this is the reason so many lower Vampires are Pimps. They suck the life from their victims in more ways than one.

  I asked why Vampires didn’t run for President or Prime Minister and control the world and the answer is that they have. Tony asked me if I remembered The Fall of the Roman Empire. It was decreed then that Vampires must maintain the lower profile to protect their existence.

  And last but certainly not least. A Master Vampire wasn't the strongest thing by far. An Elder was stronger than any Master. To become an Elder you possessed a power that could not be defined. No vampire rules applied to an Elder.

  After our long discussion I had relaxed again. Preoccupied with keeping myself safe I wasn't interested in holding a grudge. But now my curiosity had gotten the better of me and it was all now focused on my benefactor.

  "Tony, who sired you?” His expression suddenly stiffened.


  "Somehow I'm not surprised. And Johan, did he sire her?"

  He shook his head. "No. But many years ago I believe they had a relationship. She denies it."

  I thought hard about my next question. "Why do you care what happens to me? You've taken an interest in me in a way that seems uncharacteristic for a Council Member to have with a Third."

  He gave me a surprised look. "'re my liege." I stared at him in confused surprise.

  "You didn't sire me-"

  "No but my Second in Command did and I sired him. So you are...apart of my family. Even when I first set eyes on you I felt the kinship. Didn't you?"

  I shook my head still shocked.

  He made an angry, dismissive sound. "Figures. Third Generation..." He closed his eyes briefly. "But I feel you, Kim. It's not your fault that you are not linked to me, the way I'm linked to you."


  "Yes. It means that we are connected in a small way; mentally. And that's how I found you. You don't know how to shield yourself yet, the way Tige does."

  "If you find Tige what will happen?"

  "He'll be put down." I looked at him surprised.

  "It's not that I want to. Tige is a rogue and the rules are pretty firm on the matter. Don't look at me like that. Tige is my Second; my best friend. I love him! But he created a Third-"

  "No, Tige saved me...sorta." I explained the events of my turning as I remembered them.

  Tony rubbed his chin, thoughtfully. "Still, he made another Neratomay, and then he ran."

  I was quiet for a moment. " will it be done?"

  "Well because he's my liege, if he's not killed in pursuit it will be my choice." I watched him until he continued. "He will probably be taken into the sun while he sleeps. It's painful but quick."

  "Damn, Tony. Tige sacrificed himself for me." I understood this now. He’d thrown away his existence to save me.

  "He's a good man."

  "Then why should he die?!"

  "Kim, just because I'm a Council Member doesn't mean I can just make and break rules. There's another Council above mine. I mess up and they'll have my head."

  "Another Council?"

  "Council of the Elder. They're over the entire United States. There are Elder Councils all over the world. They sit in on our meetings then they report back to their own Elder Council." He shook his head. "To be called out by them is not pretty. They are very powerful. They control our 'demons'." He nodded when I gave him a confused look. "This means that they can do things like knock you across a room without touching you."

  "Ok. And Tony, you're a Master?" Because he seemed young for a Master...

  "I am. A Master is based on his strength as well as his status, but also when we reach the age of one thousand years. By the time a Vampire is a thousand years old they are controlled and they are strong. But regardless of the age a Council member is always considered a Master because in order to get on the Council you have to be powerful."

  "And once you become a Master you can 'make' others." I commented. "You became a Master by getting on the Council and how did you do that?"

  "I killed my predecessor." He stood and offered me his hand. "It's a story that I'll save for another night." I took his hand and stood. "I want to show you the rest of the house and the location of my quarters."

  The main floor had a smallish, modern kitchen. I suppose it was for his human guests. Still it was larger than the kitchen in my home.

  There was a library decorated in dark wood and comfortable reclining chairs. A metal and cement stairwell led to a second level that had a different air to it. Here is where most of the glass could be seen. The floor was either acid stained cement or slate. Plush rugs broke up the surface.

  Tony had a huge media room. He had rolls of theater seating upholstered in what appeared to be black chenille. The room and seating was rounded. The head of it was a massive chenille pit loaded with pillows. I didn't see a screen but Tony told me that it lowered from the ceiling.

  There were only two others rooms on that floor. One was a conservative office with an oversized desk. The other was a room decorated in retro jazz posters. Albums lined the wall on expensive metallic shelves. He had a CD disc changer that held 2500 discs. Tony assured me that it was filled to capacity. The seating was just one reclining chair. I looked at him curiously.

  "I like being alone when I listen to Jazz."

  The final story of his house was entirely his bedroom. The stairwell didn't lead directly to the room. It was stopped by a brick wall with a metal door. He led me inside a loft that gave the impression that it was sitting on top of the city.

  I could see every window on three sides. They were floor to ceiling and gave the impression that we were a part of the outside.

  I turned slowly. Everything was done in black. Black bed, black slate floor, black wool rugs, black and glass tables, black flat screen television suspended from the ceiling, black fireplace, black component system. He turned on a light switch and I realized that we had been in total darkness but I had no problem seeing anything. When the lights came on they looked like stairs inbedded in the ceiling. The distant cityscape and natural star light from outside seemed to meld as one with his room.

  "Tony...I can't believe this room." He picked up a remote control and the sounds of Billy Holiday came from the speakers.

  "Do you like Billy Holiday?" He asked watching me closely.

  "I love Billy Holiday." He smiled seeming relieved.

  "Kaniji hated jazz. She could only listen to Japanese music. And she hated this room because of the windows. She was old enough to think that at some point the sun would weaken the protective barrier and fry her in her sleep."

  I ran my finger along a black marble sculpture of a warriors face. "So you built the suite in the basement for her."

  "No. She did. It was her design. I'm not into the harem look. I did have the gardenias placed in your rooms, though. That was my only touch."

  "It was a nice touch. Thank you." I could feel the slow building of heaviness in my limbs as dawn approached. Tony didn't appear to feel the effects of it as he watched me.

  Then I began feeling a little shaky and light headed. Being upset and angry had taken its toll, because hung
er hit me suddenly.

  I gasped and doubled over. There was no slight hungry feeling to lead up to it; Just a full blown crippling starvation.

  Tony put his hand on my back. "You're hungry. Why didn't you say something?"

  "I didn't know." I said while straightening up slowly. Why did it sneak up on me like this?!

  He began unbuttoning his shirt.

  "What are you doing?" I asked alarmed.

  "Feeding you." He paused. "Would you prefer Mei Wah, I can call him-"

  "No, I couldn't ask him-"

  "Mei Wah has already lost blood to me earlier today but if you didn't take too much he should be okay-"


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