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Urban Vampire The Turning

Page 7

by Pepper Pace

  I didn't want to do that. I couldn't imagine putting my lips on that old man's neck. I liked him and everything but he was old.

  "No. Maybe tomorrow we can find-" I felt a spear in my gut. There was not going to be any waiting until tomorrow. I was starving!

  I felt Tony's hand on my chin as he lifted my head to look at him from my doubled over position.

  My eyes widened at the sight of his shirtless torso. I didn't know if it was the Vampire in him but his body was perfect. I could count the ripples in his stomach muscles. His arms were hard and smooth at the same time.

  He had me stand. His hands moved to undo the white wrap. This he tossed over the back of chair. I couldn't seem to stop looking at the contrast of black and white cloth there.

  Then I felt his hands move to the buttons of my translucent blouse. I put my hand over his to stop him.

  "Wait. What are you doing?"

  "One drop of blood will ruin this." He continued to unbutton the blouse. He was right, of course, but I wasn't wearing a bra-

  "Ahh!" Another cramp gripped me in a vise like grip. It was worse than the others and would have brought me to my knees if Tony hadn't caught me. I could feel him pulling me to him. I was groaning in agony. How could it overwhelm me so quickly?! I felt my blouse being roughly tugged from my pants and then it too disappeared along with the wrap.

  Tony's arms were pressing me to him and he had his head turned away so that I was facing his neck.

  "Oh God!" I cried at the sight of his offered neck. I wanted to taste him so badly.

  But suddenly Tony pushed me away roughly. When he looked at me his teeth were distended and he was growling angrily.

  "No! Not in here! Never say that in here!"

  I just stared at him confused. "I...I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." I grimaced light headed. You know I had to be feeling shitty if I was standing naked from the waist up and not caring about it.

  He sighed and pulled me to him again. "Distend your teeth."

  I started crying tearlessly. "I can't. I don't know how!"

  His hand reached out to cup my cheek. "We don't have time for the nice way. The sun will be rising soon." He squeezed and I thought he was going to break my jaw!

  Instinctually, in response to the pain, my hands came up to claw him and my teeth distended into sharp points. Tony easily caught my hands. He turned his head and offered me his neck again.

  Breathlessly I could think of nothing but staying the hunger pains. Tony's neck had somehow transformed in my head. He was food now. His neck was succulent and I wanted to trace the line of his pulse with my tongue. I could feel drool dripping from my mouth at the idea of it.

  I struck like a snake but even though I was in the grips of a feeding frenzy I remembered not to rip and tear at my food. But the desire was there. It was definitely there to sink my teeth in deep and to draw the salty/sweet elixir.

  There was an animal growling in the distant and I was shocked to understand that the sound was coming from me. The knowledge helped to draw me back a bit. Tony was groaning; I wasn't sure if it was with pain or pleasure.

  I understood which it was when his hands dropped to my hips. He pulled me taut against his pelvis. Oh but he was ready. I could feel his hardness straining against me. No! The feel of him made me bite all the harder, but it also made him groan louder. He liked it. He liked being fed from.

  His right hand came up to cup my naked breast. I sighed into his neck and then sucked harder, drawing the blood faster and faster.

  Tony's other hand moved from my waist to my bottom. He gripped me roughly and pulled my pelvis against his until we were flush. His hips rotated into me until his hardness felt like it would bruise. It was maddening and wonderful at the same time. I wanted to feel him in my hand; his hard length. I knew that he would be massive whether it was because he was Vampire or he just had it like that. It didn't matter. I was Vampire, too, and I knew I could handle whatever he had.

  I felt Tony gently pulling away from my grip on his neck. But he was so good. Everything; his taste, the feel of him grinding against my body. I couldn't stop sucking on him. He released my breast and gently pushed my head away from its death grip on his neck.

  We both staggered as I finally broke my hold on him. I had taken too much, I knew instantly, Tony was swooning in front of me. But my head wasn't all too steady either. I was seeing splashes of color everywhere. My vision was crystal clear as if everything was magnified. I could hear fluttering, it was a bat outside. Outside? I looked.

  There was just the slightest hint of pink...and then there was nothing more.


  I woke up, as usual, not knowing where I was or what had happened. But my head instantly pounded painfully like I was experiencing one of my most hellafield hangovers!

  I groaned and froze. I was lying under the covers of an oversized black bed. For a split second I thought the bed was outside sitting on a rooftop, and then I understood that I was looking at a ceiling twinkling with artificial star light. Realization came slow. I was in Tony's bedroom. Last night had been...WOW! It had just been a little dry humping but today felt like I'd had the most satisfying sexual encounter of my life.

  I stretched like a cat sunning themselves then looked around. Where in the world was Tony? How could he already be up and about when I was just waking?

  I climbed out of (or a better description is lowered myself out of) his bed. Quickly I pulled on the blouse. I was still wearing the pants. Impressive, they weren't even the least wrinkled. I slipped on my heels and ran my hand through my loose hair. I haven't had to comb my hair since turning into a Vampire. I blew my breath into my cupped hand only to discover that Vampires did have morning breath although they didn't have to pee.

  I walked out of the room and down the stairs to the second level. Now I could hear music. He was in his private music room. I could plainly hear even though it wasn't being played loud.

  I could still see and hear things with even more heightened perception then I could before. I decided to try an experiment. Tony had mentioned that he was linked to me and that I wasn't experienced enough to cloak my whereabouts. He had been surprised to learn that I had not detected the link. I tried now.

  When I opened my mind things got weird. I could hear people talking even though I knew there weren't others in the house. I could hear cars and telephones ringing. I was hearing the nearby neighborhood. I could smell things, too. Mei Wah had eaten some type of pork for his evening meal. Tony...I could smell him! I remembered his smell from last night. It was akin to fresh baked bread although I understood somehow that it wasn't his true smell but how I interpreted it...because he was my kin, my sire. Wow. I shook my head. I could understand that now.

  I reached out with my mind to locate that line...funny but there were two...

  Tony was suddenly standing in front of me. He gave me a surprised look.

  "Did you do that on purpose?"

  "What?" I asked.

  "You called me." He gestured to his head. "Here. It's something we can do within our liege."

  "You mean I can make you come?"

  "Very easily." His eyes twinkled. "Oh, you mean come to you? No. We still have free will." I felt myself grow warm at my poor choice of words.

  "How do you feel this evening?" He asked. "Of course you felt damn good last night..." He had jokes today.

  I rolled my eyes but smiled. "I feel fine. But how do you feel? I think I almost killed you."

  "Vampires won't die from being drained. But it's damn uncomfortable."

  He walked over to a remote control and the room was flooded in a subtle glow. We were in the media room.

  "Would you like to watch TV, listen to some music? I need to finish up some things in the other room. Then...well we're going to need to take care of your hunger situation."

  My hunger situation? I felt a surge of warmth spreading throughout my body. His words had caused an instantaneous horniness. How was he intending to take care of
my hunger situation?

  "Make yourself at home." Then he disappeared. Literally. He was there then he was gone.

  Mei Wah entered the room a second or two later as I was trying to figure out how to work the remote control to the entertainment center.

  "Good evening Miss Kim. Would you like me to show you how to work that?"

  "Hi Mei Wah. No, I think I'm going to go down to my quarters."

  "Mr. Brett has delivered your clothes. If you find anything to your disliking please let me know and I'll have it returned and replaced."

  I beamed. "Thanks Mei Wah". I didn't foresee me sending anything back, though!

  I took my time going down to my quarters because with the heels I didn't want to risk using my super speed and finding that I had twisted an ankle or something.

  Mei Wah had come in and cleaned. The bed was made and the new clothing was lying on the bed and draped carefully across a chair. Damn! Tony had bought me an entire wardrobe!

  I luxuriated in the Jacuzzi tub experimenting with some of the bath oils until I got a scent that made me happy.

  I rubbed my skin with shea butter then slipped on a set of my new lingerie. For today I had chosen a buttery cream wireless bra with matching boy pants underwear. Of course I had to look at my butt in the boy pants and do a little dance. Then I looked around to make sure no one had crept downstairs again. Last time that had happened a woman had to lose her hand.

  Thinking about that unnerved me. But also was the memory of taking the lord's name in vain. It made Tony uncomfortable to hear me say it. No...that wasn't quite right; it hurt him. But it had not affected me at. What was that about?

  I put it to the back of my mind for the time being and went through the selection of clothes. I decided on pale gold slacks and another pale sheer button down blouse. This time the blouse hugged my form in a fashionably urban yet sophisticated look.

  This outfit was crying for my thin gold chain. I dug through my overnight bag and found my jewelry box securely tucked in the bottom of it.

  Sitting on the faux white fur of the bed I dumped the contents of the box out. Everything twinkled in a mess of earrings, bracelets and chokers. I was never good at keeping my jewelry separated, except my diamond earrings, of course. Those were a present to myself and they were safely tucked into its own personal velvet lined box. I used an empty clothes hanger to nudge things aside and the crucifix lay centered amid the chain I thought I might want to wear and one of my dangly gold loops.

  I looked at it mesmerized. Kaniji had lost her hand touching it...but how is it that I could say...God. There, I thought it and nothing happened.

  I reached out. I would just touch the tip and then it wouldn't brand its impression into my flesh.

  My hand started shaking before it got within inches of it. Kaniji's hand had been hand had looked like sausages after touching silver for just a split second.

  I took a deep breath and quickly pressed my finger against the crucifix before jerking it away.

  ZING! I got zapped and I jumped with a yelp. I gripped my hand and squeezed my finger...wait a minute. It wasn't the finger that had touched the crucifix that was now throbbing. It was the side of my pinky that looked seared.

  I looked at the heap of jewelry. I leaned in close. My pinky had brushed the back of an old watch that had long since been relegated to the jewelry box; the back of which was sterling silver.

  I gasped. Tentatively I reached out and picked up the crucifix.


  I heard a knocking at my door. I had removed the silver jewelry and left it in a wooden bowl I had found on the bedside table for Mei Wah to dispose of. But the crucifix had been wrapped in cotton and placed in the bureau next to my bed. I had made the decision that I would keep my discovery to myself. I didn't think that Tony knew that with all of the things Thirds couldn't do, one of the things that we may be able to do was to withstand holy relics.

  "Come in." I spoke to whoever had been knocking on my door.

  Mei Wah entered. "Tony would like you to join him in the living room, if you please." He gave me an appreciative look. "You look beautiful this evening, Miss Kim."

  "Thank you." I followed him up the stairs. "Mei Wah, how long have you been with Tony?"

  "Since the beginning Ma'am."

  "The beginning? 1929?"

  "Yes, Miss. My mother died during the depression. My brothers, sisters and I didn't know who our father was and to be Chinese in New York during the depression was...not easy."

  "How old were you Mei Wah?"

  "Seven, Miss. Mr. Tony took my family to a safe house that he owned. He made them go to school and learn a trade. But me, I wouldn't do what he asked." Mei Wah chuckled. "I never went to school; I would follow Mr. Tony from a distance. One day," He stopped to look at me, "I discovered his secret. It was strictly by accident as Mr. Tony had shielded this from me and my family. By then I was twelve and I swore to stay by his side and be his personal assistant."

  I stared at him. "So, you're not like us? You are actually human. That means you're pushing 90!" I wouldn't have taken him to be older than fifty or fifty-five.

  He smiled. "Yes. My relationship with Tony has affected my aging process. I figure that my life span has doubled, maybe even more." He glanced down. "I have outlived my siblings and many of my nieces and nephews."

  I didn't speak for a moment. "I hope I'm not being too personal, but did you ever want Tony to turn you?"

  "He has offered, when I was at the peak of my life. But if I were like him then I would not be able to assist him during the day. I've always been his assistant. I don't want to live to see anyone else do the job." I smiled in understanding. Their relationship was special. It wasn't Master Servant. Tony had begun as a father figure to Mei Wah and as it sometimes happens, Mah Wei was now like a father to Tony.

  He held opened the door for me then led me into the living room that Tony and I had spent hours in discussing Vampire facts.

  He was sitting in an arm chair looking quite sharp in black. This time it was a pair of linen pants and a loose flowing shirt. His jewelry of choice appeared to be platinum.

  Mei Wah excused himself and Tony stood to appraise me silently.

  "Is black all you wear?" I joked.

  "It fits my mood most times." He gestured to me. "You do that outfit more justice then the model did."

  I smiled shyly. "Thanks. The entire wardrobe that you bought for me was a bit of a surprise." He took my hand and kissed the back of my fingers. I felt a surge of feeling coursing through me. The events of last night and how it could have taken a different turn came back to me. There was no doubt that if the sun hadn't chosen that moment to rise I'd have gotten me some last night!

  But this night, things were a little different. I didn't think I was going that route. Tony was a Vampire, but me...I was something different. I didn't know exactly what I was...but I think I'd always known I was different. I delicately pulled my hand from his grasp and walked to the loveseat and sat.

  "So what is this about teaching me to deal with my hunger?"

  He grinned at my slight rejection.

  "You will need to find a willing human donor."

  My mouth opened and closed. "Now?"

  "The sooner the better. You seem to need blood at least every other day. You'll need to start selecting because it sometimes takes time to find the right people."

  I stood up and paced. I so didn't want to do this. Once the hunger was gone the idea of sucking on people's necks lost its appeal. And besides it was sexual for me. I mean, if I couldn't go out and suck Brad Pitt's neck, or Denzel Washington's, then it all felt no better than a one night stand. Hell satisfying a blood lust was turning out to be no different than satisfying a sexual one. I don't go out on the street looking for just anybody to scratch that itch could I be expected to just search for people just for the purpose of sucking their blood?

  "Kim." I looked over at him, putting asid
e my thoughts.

  "Last night..."


  He looked at me closely.

  "You spoke a holy word. I know that you were gripped with the blood lust and didn't know what you were doing but it almost didn't seem to hurt you to say it-"

  My mind began to work quickly. "I didn't look like I was in pain?...Tony I don't know what hurt worse, saying...the name or the hunger."

  He nodded. "We all do it in the beginning. Once."

  "Oh. Why'd you ask?" He took so long to answer that I thought he was ignoring me.

  "There is a belief among the Neratomay that Third Generation's cannot be trusted for more reasons than because they have no instinct. Some believe that certain Third's can retain their human abilities. Meaning that if they are not restricted by the same abilities that Masters and Seconds are then these special Thirds could be even more powerful than other Vampires."


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