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Page 15

by Pamela Ann

  Recalling Pappou’s visit as I watched the fire in the nearby torch dance about Lindsey’s beautiful eyes made me feel like a man who was drowning and in dire need of some rescue. But that was the thing, rescuing myself wouldn’t do much any good because this helplessness wouldn’t go away until I had righted my wrong. And since I couldn’t immediately resolve the shadiness of the situation right this instant, I settled in lavishing my eyes at the very bright beauty that was all beaming with smiles, eyes glittering before me as she sipped her champagne. “I don’t want to sound like a spoilt brat because we both know that you always throw that at me whenever you’re angry...but I do love it when you spoil me. Much more so when it’s just you and me…so thank you—thank you for taking a break in your hectic schedule to spend some good times with little ole me.”

  Christ she was too adorable sometimes…even more so when she had this child-like fascination in her. “Don’t thank me…this is just a simple gesture I intend to do throughout the years. I know being with me and loving my stubborn arse can take a toll on anyone. Ask Pappou, he’d simply attest to that sentiment. But yes, I already cleared my schedule that I’m bound to take a short hiatus from work to enjoy some time with you every three to four months or so, depending on father’s availability to take over those certain days. His life is rather hectic with all those European golf vacations he’d been rather too fond of…”

  “Really?” Her eyes grew wide and big. “Elias is willing to do that for you?”

  “No…not me…” I shook my head. “But for us—he’s willing to sacrifice some of his precious retirement time for you and me.”

  “Aww that’s too freaking sweet.” She seemed like she was about to cry as she pressed her lips together.

  Frowning, I gazed at her, worried. “Why do I get the feeling that you’re trying to withhold yourself from shedding tears?”

  “Because,” she whispered with a loaded ache to her voice. “Because he’d been my father in law…and leaving you clearly was the wrong choice. I missed out on this, Dimi—a family I had always dreamt of having—and I didn’t even realize it then. I’m so stupid.” She tried to laugh it off. “Me crying over something that’s happened awhile back is truly stupid…but when you said that, I felt so touched, I just can’t help it.”

  Reaching for her hand, I held with against my own, feeling overjoyed with the profound love that freely flowed from my heart for this one particular fiery of a woman. “You’re family—they consider you as one. So don’t even think otherwise. You’re my woman. You’re a part of me…and they’ve already accepted long ago that I wouldn’t settle on anyone else but you, Linds. So don’t cry—you have them whenever you’re ready to open your heart to let them in. They’re just waiting…” My parents already considered her as their daughter in law but I best didn’t tell her that because the old Lindsey we all knew would run far and away and well, I was scared of that from happening. But seeing her and how far she’d changed from the woman I fell in love with, it was rather amazing to see one’s love simply transform someone.

  Love could be such a powerful thing. If the world knew that it was the key to save itself, maybe more would believe in it.

  Sniffing, she slowly got out of her chair and went across me before she sat on my lap with her arms tightly wrapped around my neck. “Thank you…for gifting me something so precious. I can never ask for anything better than to have a supportive loving family than yours. You complete me, Dimi…”

  Gazing into her eyes, I knew, deep down, I wouldn’t do a bloody damn thing to hurt her—especially not as deeply as sleeping with Claudine. My heart knew it…and for now, this comforted my troubled mind.

  Lindsey was mine and I would do anything to keep it that way. “Agape mou…” I whispered, smiling at her beautiful face before letting my thumb caress her silky soft cheek. “No more tears…no more anguish. Changes will come and things will be different from now on. I promise you that.”

  Holding each other close, I knew where my heart would leave me once more.

  Chapter 23


  We were mooring off the coast of Aspasia, and after that emotionally charged dinner at the shore, I was in great need of some laughs and fun times. So it was about midnight when Dimitris had to dash into the main salon that he was using as a temporary office to talk business, I used this time to relax in the massive infinity pool, stripping myself bare with any clothing as I floated about in the warmed water, stopping by on the other end of the pool that had my champagne waiting and chilled next to some chocolate, strawberries and some good freshly made cream.

  The warmth sluiced through my body as I did a few short laps. Once I reached the opposing end for the last time, I floated a bit to gasp for some much needed air when I felt someone’s presence.

  Scanning the area, I found those beautiful familiar eyes drawing me in. Throwing him an inviting look, I raised my brow. “Wanna come and join…maybe warm me up a little?”

  He smoldered, giving me an eyeful, making my body all the more aware of how much it longed to have it under his spell. When he didn’t say a word, I pressed on. “Well, are you game or what?” I threw him a challenging look, ready to take him on—Hell, I’d readily rape him if he chose not to do anything about it. I was desperate and one way or the other, I’m bound to achieve it.

  “Come and undress me,” he said in a commanding voice, sending sweet chills all over my body. “Convince me...seduce me to fuck you good, yineka mou.”

  That was a good dare I didn’t gamble backing down.

  Coming out of the pool, my body immediately shivered from the immediate chill of the wind hitting my body but even that didn’t deter me to go after him. I had alcohol in my system but even that wasn’t enough to warm me up from the excitement that was already building inside my body. Brazen, I tiptoed, almost sashaying towards him with the water dripping from my body. The second I stood before him proudly naked, he didn’t even break eye contact as it challenge me to go further more, coax him to fuck me raw. Hastily, I took care of his pants and in a heartbeat, he was as naked as I was with his cock jutting proudly, almost grazing the top part of my pussy as I closed in on him, letting my nipples hit his skin before wantonly rubbing my pebbled peaks against his hot body, while my hand gripped his hard length while the other massages his balls.

  He growled from my touch but didn’t say much else.

  Emboldened by his quiet demeanor, I sped up my ministrations while my pussy walls tightened when I felt something trickle out of it. The intense look he was giving me added to my heightened excitement, and before I could control myself, I got on my knees, stuck out my tongue and licked that tiny sliver of pearly goodness that sat on the small slit on the bulbous head of his cock. The taste of his essence made me moan deeply as I closed my eyes, blissful at the sweetness of his cream.

  “Lindsey—” he painfully hissed when he saw my mouth started closing in on him, almost engulfing his cock until it hit the back of my throat.

  Groaning with his cock inside my mouth, I felt him twitch before I continued on sucking him off, taking him all in while my tongue slid about, flicking on his delicious head, hoping it’d gift me another taste of him. And when I couldn’t think he’d get any larger than life, he proved me wrong.

  “Enough!” he made a bellowing screech before I felt his hand on the back of my head while the other took hold of my arm, using both to gather me up to meet his punishing kiss. He was merciless that I was almost sure I could’ve tasted blood but I was so lost in his kiss that I was so out of it.

  “You nasty girl…” he said as if reprimanding before he took hold of my wrists and swiftly spun me around, bent me over and slid straight into my pussy without hesitation. “Is this what you crave? Is your cunt this shameless that you willingly be a whore for me?” he grunted each words with precise pounding of his thrusts, ringing into my head with each motion he granted me.

  Oh God. “Dimi—” I screamed into my orgasm but he still
hadn’t stopped, big cock penetrating my walls with little to no care. It fucked me raw. It fucked me oh so fucking good and I couldn’t get enough of it.

  He merely had his hold onto my wrists, slightly angling my body so he could have his wicked way with me that at times, I was afraid that he might lose control and I’d end up falling but he was rather firm on his foot, and before I even had anther chance to think about our current position, I felt him withdrew and guided his cock towards my ass, making me hiss loudly from the immediate stinging pain I felt from his rather too big of invasion. One day…one day I won’t even bat an eyelash if he kept using this hole. I found pleasure in it, of course I did but there were times when his dick pushes through the sphincter like this for instance, I still felt the pain. But I was too much of a love fool to stop him from getting whatever pleasure he wanted from me. So if giving him this piece of heaven, so let it be so, I thought brazenly as I felt him pick up his pace, thrusting much harder each time.

  “Do you feel that, yineka mou?” he asked, clearly referring to his proud member. “That’s my cock about to unleash into your ass. How badly do you want to feel it excrete its nectar in your hole until its very last drop?” he harshly demanded, making me gasp for breath.

  He hissed, gripping my hair, bending my body as it slowly declined before my back hit his chest. “How fucking bad do you want to feel it throb inside your nasty hole, Lindsey?”

  Fuck. Me. Harder. “So bad,” I responded breathlessly. “Give me the best you got babe. Give it to me. Hard.”




  Four—four great lengthy hard strokes—was what it took for him to unload all of his cum inside me. He took me in such a way that I felt so violated and so loved at the same time. It was rather hard to explain but we were both gasping for air, both a little shaky from the experience. Sagging against his chest while he was still massively huge inside me, he planted a soft loving kiss on my shoulder before granting another one behind my ear. “I love you—you and you alone.” He vehemently vowed before I closed my eyes, smiling.

  I think that’s when I fell asleep. Sated and blissfully happy.

  Chapter 24


  I had woken up sometime during the night, brushing up on current events and checking up the emails that were waiting in my inbox when one of my security team decided to give me a call.

  My brain was still wrapped up on the things I had planned for us and later tonight, I had meant it to be a special night to remember. Much more so for her.

  “Ne,” I said as I took the call, impatiently waiting what they have to say for them to interrupt me when I strictly gave orders not to do so unless it’s highly important.

  The call merely lasted ten minutes. But those minutes were rather vital because I had all the information I needed to confront Claudine about what had transpired that night. Her foul handling of this scandal when I confronted her left nothing to be desired. She basically feigned any knowledge about what had happened. She hadn’t been very much forthcoming when it came to me drilling her for answers, to which she ended up accusing me of being the one taking advantage of her vulnerable state—that it was I who had seduced her into bed. But knowing myself, I doubt I would take the initiative of trying to seduce her because I wouldn’t do that—and the times I did with other women—I would recall thinking it before I ever take action. So for me to simply change my mind last minute wouldn’t be viable because I didn’t find her sexually arousing anymore…not for a very long time anyhow.

  And the facts were almost gathered together. I have about twelve hours to wrap everything up and by sundown, I best have it all or Claudine will truly know what it’s like to be on the other side of my gratitude.

  It was one of those instances that I could thank being a man in position with unlimited wealth because if this happened to me without any cash to spare paying off people for information, I doubt I could rest my case with Lindsey.

  Getting back to work, I had appointed a couple of people to follow through what I had in mind. As I promised Lindsey before, I meant to make it up for as long as I’m alive and by that, addressing this fiasco with Claudine was on top of that priority list.

  When she had woken up sometime about fifteen past ten in the morning, she was all smiles, donning only my white dress shirt as she came out of the room, seeking for me in the main salon. My minion as she had liked to call them, had been going in and out of the room, flying to and fro from the office just so they could get approval and signatures from me. Even meetings were done via videos or if need be, they fly here too. It was rather convenient if I say so myself, having work and having Lindsey at all times of the day.

  It was rather typical of her to seek me out with only my shirt on and nothing less even though there were people about working me for me, discussing about important events that needs to take place. She strutted in there with that gorgeous smile and the rest went still and silent, watching her…even I was speechless.

  I think the people that worked for me were more rather shocked that their boss was smitten by a woman…so smitten in fact that I was putty in her hands. When she requested that I join her for breakfast and that she wouldn’t take no for an answer, I barely kissed her and told her I’d meet her there in five minutes. I was at the top deck, joining her in four.

  I was a fair boss but my temper had been rather notorious if one didn’t do as I asked. So when they saw the softer side of my persona, it was rather surprising to them. It was true that there’s always a woman behind every successful man. And it sure applied to me. And whatever rumors swirling that I was done with Lindsey and ready to move in with Claudine could keep a lid on it because it was never happening. There were about ten people in there and one of them would squeal this story to the press…or they would accidentally tell someone in their friends and family and the grapevine will begin.

  Situating my relationship with Lindsey was rather significant to me, to her and to the rest of the population that meant to hurt her. I could try to sue everyone by slandering her name but these media outlets were like hungry wolves. Whether you do or don’t do the right thing, they’d hound you until there’s your blood had been sucked dry. And there was nothing perfect than to squash all those irrelevant rumors about Claudine and I getting back together.

  It was a good start…and they should expect more coming their way.


  Later that night…

  “Where are we going now?” She asked as I threw her a half smile, before I returned my focus on the operating system inside the chopper. We were leaving the yacht for the night, heading towards Athens airport with my jet waiting on standby.

  “Why must you know everything? Can’t you simply enjoy these fun moments being with me, hmm?” I took hold of her hand before leaving a kiss inside her palm. I had never fallen this far for her…even last year, I had thought then that I was so in love with her but this feeling I got this time around made it seem as if I wouldn’t recover if she decides to stomp on my heart like she did before.

  She was the one—whether if people agreed to it or not…my heart was hers.

  She made a considering look, as if trying to guess where we’re heading. “Are we going on a secret mission?” she giddily asked, eyes all lit up at the thought of doing something out of the ordinary.

  Well, maybe it was something a little extraordinary but it was something I’d rather keep to myself. For the meantime. “For some lovely good times,” I said, hoping this response would tide her curiosity over. Not wanting her to press on more questions, I turned the propellers on so that she’d be too distracted to even ask me about anything.

  The ride took about twenty minutes or so. We landed in Athens airstrip right about sundown before we jetted off to Switzerland to one of my cabins right outside Zurich. I had never taken her here before and since it was wintertime and Greece didn’t have snow, I wanted her to enjoy some winter fun bits that I’m sure she’d love t
o do with me.

  And once we landed in the coldness of the nightly Swiss air, she was about to have a panic that she didn’t bring any winter gear, making me laugh a little harder than one could imagine. “Ah, women!” I exclaimed as I took her in my arms. “There’s warm jacket waiting for you inside the Range Rover and all the other things that you might find useful. We’re leaving again tomorrow unfortunately…but I thought that you might like this, so I took a chance.”

  “This is truly amazing…you didn’t have to—I know you’re busy as it is even though you’re so busy. I can’t imagine what it’s like for you on a daily basis without your father helping out…”

  I shrugged. “Nah, it’s nothing I can’t handle. You forget I’m the kind of man that can handle a lot of thing,” I murmured right behind her, as I watched her slowly descend from the plane and went straight into the awaiting car.

  Once I watched her securely inside the vehicle, I took a quick minute to shake the pilot’s hand and both stewards, graciously thanking them for their outstanding service.


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