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Page 16

by Pamela Ann

  The second I got into the car with Lindsey, my mind focused on the short trip ahead to the cabin and what I had in mind with her tonight. From what I know, Bass Cole too had a cabin somewhere around here but he and I haven’t vacationed along with out women. And with his new bundle in the oven coming about, I was sure going to places weren’t his priority.

  He was actually one of the few who had immediately called me upon learning of the scandal. Apparently, Emma threatened him because Lindsey’s phone was off—which I had no idea it was at the time—that if Bass didn’t decide to call, she’d very well fly to Europe and give me a run for my money. I didn’t doubt Emma wouldn’t follow through with her threats. That woman was another all sorts of crazy—pretty adorable if you ask me—but it was no wonder she was Lindsey’s closest confidante. Crazy and crazy went hand in hand. But all jokes asides, I believed that Bass found happiness with her, knowing that they complimented each other. I suppose each man had it’s own weaknesses. Mine was Lindsey. It was rather funny how we all met while filming my last movie. And never did I consider that I’d forever make friends with the people I had met then. But we all shared something…something got us together, making us bond—a bond would turn into solid friendships. And hopefully one day, once Lindsey and I would be ready to have our own mini versions of ourselves, I could easily see play dates in the horizon.

  Glancing over at the woman in question, I took hold of her hand, letting her know that we weren’t that far from the cabin, hoping that she wasn’t at all tired from our short jaunt.

  Sending her a reassuring smile, she returned it in the same fashion…I saw my future with her, as if flashing before me, giving a glimpse of what laid ahead.

  It was us—


  And irrefutably united.

  Chapter 25


  Once settled in the cabin, sharing a light meal, I was more thinking on the line of using the hot jacuzzi that over looked the massive flittering lake before it, surrounded by beautiful snow-capped mountain. The crisp cold air and the very beauty itself, made me feel so close to nature. I felt like I was on top of the world—well, Dimitris literally made me feel like I was.

  These little instances might be the norm for him, but for me, this was rather too much—so much so that the fear of him leaving me would take hold, giving me nightmares and I’d wake up immediately looking for him, seeking for him in ways that terrified me a little.

  The statement would always ring in my head, “Everything’s too good to be true,” would always somehow find it’s odd way to taunt me. But then Dimitris would say or do something so sweet and I’d readily brush these doubts under the rug and it’ll come out once I was alone again. It was rather annoying but I wouldn’t let it ruin my days with him.

  Sipping my hot green tea as I enjoyed the darkened view of the lake, I could feel him come towards me. Maybe it was the warmth he radiated or the way his signature smell would reach me before he does, but when I felt his arms wrap around me from behind, I instantly leaned against his hard chest, sighing with pure happiness. I could simply live like this…and I wouldn’t utter a complaint whatsoever.

  Muzzling my neck, he was leaving kisses about before whispering into my ear, “Come with me…I want to show you something.”

  Well, that surely perked up my curiosity. “What is it?”

  “Just come…” he took hold of my hand, waiting. “I don’t want to tell you. I’d rather show you instead.”

  When he told me this, I had never imagined that this oh so simple request would surely be something I’d forever remember. Because that view I had enjoyed several moments ago turned into a winter wonderland, brightly lit with Christmas lights, a partial part of the lake was frozen in ice and two sets of skates were sitting on some ginormous lit sleigh and there were snowflakes everywhere appearing out of nowhere and some glittery stuff that I couldn’t very much comprehend at the moment because I was in too much awe—and in too much of everything to even move.

  “Merry Christmas, Lindsey.”

  I was about to cry, feeling way too overwhelmed as I tried to laugh it off. “Umm that was days ago—”

  He simply led me further into the icy lake before kissing my forehead. “I know…but since we never got to spend it together, I thought we’d make a night of our own.”

  It was too rather much that I somewhat anticipated reindeers with Santa flying in out of the blue—since the setting was too surreal like ones we see in movies but so much better because it was all planned by Dimitris.

  “GOD I fucking love you so—so much argh! I can’t believe you did this for me!” I was freaking out and I knew it but I was more in for a shocker when we almost reached the sleigh that had our skates when he suddenly got on his knee, looking up to me as if I was the most beautiful woman in the world. Tonight, I sure was. In his eyes, I was everything.

  “Don’t cry—I know you’ve been in such hellish ordeal for the past couple of weeks, most especially for the past several days. Even through such turbulent times, you’ve shown me love and affection even though I’d almost believe that you would be so forgiving enough let alone stay with me through it all. My love had merely quadrupled seeing how you’ve handled things. You’ve shed the old views and embraced loving me even if doubts consistently hounded you. For that I’m always going to be grateful. I know I’ve nothing but been rotten to you—but if you give me another chance, let me do this right with you this time…I want you to be my wife once more—but not because you love me, I know you do and would do anything for me…but I want to ask your hand in marriage again because I had let my fears rule me…fearing that something will trigger you and that you’d eventually turn out like your mother…but seeing how you’ve been and how different actions comparing to how you used to be, I know in my heart that my fears were untoward. And when things started falling apart, the thought of losing you again—I simply couldn’t fathom a life without you in it. I don’t know where we’ll be few years down the line but I can move to the States and be with you—just give me time to train my cousins—I would do anything…anything to make you officially mine—my wife—once again.”

  “Dimi…” Was he crazy? He didn’t need to go through this…I swear it. “You don’t’ have to marry me to secure me never leaving you. You must know…I can’t live let alone function not having you in my life. I’m yours…so there’s no need for this. Seriously.” I meant them too…I knew he didn’t want to get married and I had accepted that.

  “Call me crazy in love…but I know you’ve accepted it…and the moment I realized that you did and actually started not bringing it up, the idea itself kept keeping me at night. I want you—I need you and marriage might just be a piece of paper to many, but to me—to me it means commitment—and more importantly, I don’t want any other man thinking that you’re available. I just don’t want any of that—so they can all go to hell.” He lightly laughed it off, seeming silly. “I love—love you Lindsey Mason Kosta. So please, do me and the bloody world a favor and be mine, my wife once more.”

  “Please…” I sniffed. “Please get up…there’s no need for you to be down there.” The second he got on his feet, I embraced him for being so wonderful to me. “You’ve proven time and time again that love could heal any wound. You showed me that. My scars and ghosts that I’ve nurtured since childhood have slowly left me because of your consistent love and devotion. The kind of worth you’ve given me had freed me from my old beliefs—and I can’t thank you for that. There’s nothing in this world that would honor me than be your wife again…only—but only if this is what you truly want. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “This is what I want,” he murmured before kissing me softly. “This—this magic we make once we’re together…that’s what I want for the rest of my life. Let me do right by us…and I promise you, you will never regret it.”

  It was I who had tons of regrets, but I was slowly making amends. “All right, I’ll marry you�
��but please let’s do it right this time. This time let’s involve our friends and family.” I grinned at him, thinking about what the first time he and I got married.

  “That actually wasn’t so was rather perfect if you I could recall it properly.”

  “It was, wasn’t it?”

  Taking my hand, he produced a beautifully crafted ring with a green stone in it. “It so was…”

  “Wow—this kind of emerald is so fascinating.” I gushed, trying it in different angles as it caught the different facets of the lighting around us, dazzling me into enchantment.

  He snickered, giving me a thoughtful look.


  He shook his head, amused. “It’s not an emerald, yineka mou. I actually had to fly to South America for a short time to negotiate this rare gem for you. It’s a green diamond and one of the rarest of its kind—I couldn’t settle for anything less worthy of you.”

  See…these speeches always never failed to make my precious heart palpitate. “I could listen to you all night speak and talk nonsense… and I tell you, I’ll fall in love with you over and over again.” Maybe it was the faint accent or the way he passionately would talk about anything. To me, he was simply enthralling to watch.

  “Maybe tonight, perhaps?” he wickedly raised his brow before kissing my hand with his ring proudly on display. “You can listen to talk all the nasty things I’d like to do to you? Last night’s festivities left me quite hungry since someone decided to fall asleep on me right after I gave her an orgasm of her life.”

  I huffed, pouting. “Yeah right—you can’t blame me for being too exhausted because you’re an insatiable stallion.”

  “What happened to stud?” he questioned, incredulous. “I happened to like the stud instead of stallion!”

  “Well maybe you just need to perform better tonight, don’t you think so mister?” I threw him a challenging look before he tackled me into the sleigh, ready to prove me how awfully badly behaved he surely was.

  Instead of skating, we ended up cuddled in the said sleigh, seemingly happy just as enjoyed our surroundings. I felt like I was on my first date and we just started making out…because goodness, The Greek McHottie kissed me until my lips were raw…only then did he decide to take it indoor for much more feasible activities.

  The next morning, we had woken up rather late than planned. Our scheduled flight was supposed to be at nine in the morning but we didn’t leave until half past ten. I could only thank the convenience of having a jet and a pilot ready to do his bidding because the nightmare of booking another flight had we flown on commercial airlines simply would’ve been a nightmare. I suppose there were perks in dating a hotshot.

  I was about to take a nap after thirty minutes in the air when Dimitris decided to sit with me after rapidly typing on his phone for the past forty minutes or so. “Can we have a quick detour en route to Athens, I hope you don’t mind?”

  “If it’s that important, I don’t mind at all.” I knew he had all sorts of business to take care of and I was more than happy to tag along.

  “All right then. We’ll be landing in Paris shortly.”

  That perked me up way too much than expected. “Paris you said?”

  “Yep. Paris.” He threw me a look. “You’ve been there before, have you?”

  Paris…Claudine…or was she still in Athens? “I hope this doesn’t involve a particular someone from your past…or current…depending on—”

  “Depending on what?” he pressed on, setting his phone aside as if to fully focus on our rather strained conversation.

  “It’s just that—I don’t think this is right.” Where was he going with this? Why would he put me through this the day after we just got engaged? What the flying mother of fuckers.

  He made a sigh. “Trust me on this will you? Just this once, please…just trust me.”

  Fuck. Okay. “If you mess this up…I’ll make your first year as my husband really difficult.” I threatened with all seriousness. “I’d most likely show up in your meetings pretending that you’re cheating on me or something scandalous. I’m not joking, Dimi—you of all people know how much I hate her—so please, don’t scar me up or I will smash your balls and feed it to the pigeons in hangs around the Eiffel Tower.”

  “Jesus woman—some imagination you have!” he barked out laughing before kissing my hand. “Yineka mou…spending a lifetime with you sure won’t be boring, ne?”

  I did have a weird tendency of being aggressive, even though my threats were merely just threats, some people simply couldn’t take me for what I am and that’s fine. But this Greek guy, well he sure wanted to strap himself with me for the rest of his life…so good luck to him. All fun and games aside, I was rather surprised to find Claudine in one of the more prestigious hotels, waiting for us. She was rather look drab with her eyes in a ball of redness.

  “Go on, Claudine—tell her what you confessed to me.” Dimitris rigidly said to her before turning to me.

  Claudine gave me a haughty look before turning her gaze to Dimitris. “Must I do this? It’s not as if she deserves you—you know she doesn’t!” she insisted and was about to start tearing again when Dimitris started speaking to her in French, threatening.

  Since I had no idea what in God’s name they were talking about, I remained close to his side, hoping someone would shed some light on what they were discussing with.

  It took about ten minutes and a few yelling sessions until Claudine fessed up, confessing that she had planned and instigated everything to set-up Dimitris so that I’d eventually leave him. And when I didn’t, she meant to do more harm by trying to set him up and announce to the media that she was with child so that I’d leave him permanently. She even went on to say that she placed a sleeping pill in his wine so that he’d fall asleep—though she was tempted to have sex with him whilst passed out, she felt guilty enough so she didn’t went ahead with her rather radical plans.

  The meeting took about less than an hour. A time in my life where I would never get back because it was rather traumatic to hear the woman I loathed more than anyone alive—since my parents were dead so they didn’t count—actually was suffering from a nervous breakdown and that after her confessional, Dimitris had hired people to help her with therapy and she won’t be out until she was well on her feet. Therapy—AKA the psych ward.

  “Don’t you think that was rather harsh that you have to put her through that knowing that she wasn’t well?”

  “I know and I felt bad as it is that I did…but I didn’t want to take any chances that you might not believe me…” he dejectedly said, looking sad. “Someday you might decide to look into the story…what then? I’d rather I cover this now than later on…I promised not to cause you any more pain, and I want to stand by that promise. I would never put you through that again—I swear to you.”

  It was my turn to confess. “Dimi…” I started, a little nervous. “I actually saw the newspaper in Heathrow before arriving in Athens…I wasn’t sure what was going on but upon seeing you, I knew I simply couldn’t let you go. I think that night…I had forgiven you already.”

  “Hell—you knew all along and you never said a damn thing?” he exclaimed, looking as if he didn’t know what to do with himself. “Fuck, Linds—I’m sorry. I really am.”

  “There’s nothing to be sorry for, okay? So please…let’s just go home and forget about this ever happened. Last night was magical and I don’t want to taint that memory with Claudine in my memory.”

  “You’re right…but if you think last night was magical…you should think again,” he murmured before holding me close.

  “Why…what’s next on your agenda Kosta?” I immediately prompted, curious.

  He winked at me, bestowing me the sexiest smile ever. “You shall see.”

  The One & Only


  “OH MY GOD!” I gasped in pure utter shock. “What is all this?” I gazed at him then at the familiar faces I held dear to my heart�
�Emma, Trista, Carter, my Aunt Alice, Uncle Gary and even Amber were all there waiting for us in the yacht. They were all dressed as if there was…a wedding? “OH GOD—” I shrilled just when I saw Pappou, Elias and Maria came out of nowhere to join us in the small gathering in the main salon turned into a beautiful altar made of white everything and accented with pink peonies.

  He beamed, looking somewhat teary-eyed. “I’ve brought them all here to celebrate with us.”

  “I know,” I gushed, holding down my tears. “But for us to do it right now? Are you sure?” I was more than perplexed.

  “Never more sure in my life than this moment…”

  Gazing at Carter, he came over to give me a hug. “Be happy sis. He’s the man for you—not a lot of guys can tolerate your kind of crazy…besides, it’s high time you become happy again. I think you’ve shed enough tears…it’s time to smile again.”

  “When did you become so mature?” I poked him before all of my friends gathered, sensing that Emma and Carter didn’t seemed awkward at all…did I miss something? Hmm. While Trista was busy crying and congratulating Dimitris that he had finally had come to his senses, I reached out to the one person I had missed having in my life. “Amber…thank you for coming. I know you and I haven’t been on the greatest of terms—”


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