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Devouring Raine

Page 21

by Zoey Derrick

  Once we were on board, Dex’s switch flipped to his Dominant side and I fucking loved every minute of it. We were on the bus, so yeah, it was nothing like Derek’s playroom, but he found ways to make me feel small and contrite without any issue.

  When we got to Seattle, we checked into the Marriott Waterfront. Putting us in the heart of Seattle with an amazing view of the harbor from our room was the icing on the cake. It was early Saturday when we arrived, so we had a good portion of the day to do just about anything we wanted and we did. We all went to Pike Place Market and wandered around, had lunch and then the band and crew had dinner.

  By the time we returned to the hotel, we were wiped out.

  Until my phone rang at four in the morning…

  “Hello,” I answer, my voice heavy with sleep.

  There is no one there…

  “Hello?” I say again, and again there is no one there. I look at the phone, the number is private. When I put the phone to my ear, I get the disconnected beep.

  “Who was it?” Dex asks, wrapping his arms around me.

  “No clue, no one was there.”

  “Turn it off.”


  “Princess,” he says in that voice that makes me weak in the knees. This is truly the first time he’s used his position to control something about my life.

  I hesitate, not wanting to miss anything important. He senses my hesitation and looks at me in the glow of my phone, his eyes are stern. I frown but power it off. “If anyone needs you, they have my phone to call or the hotel room,” he grumbles before settling against me and dozing off again.

  Something about the call bothers me and I have no idea why that is. It takes me until almost six to fall back to sleep.

  I’m pleasantly surprised when Raine is still asleep next to me when I wake up Sunday morning. It takes me all of ten seconds to slide my hand down her stomach and start massaging her clit. She moans and stretches but doesn’t wake up. I smirk and slide under the covers. She has her one leg straight and the other is bent and off to the side. I slide over her straight leg and move the other one slowly, making room for me between her legs.

  I grin with satisfaction as I swipe my tongue along her sexy pussy. She moans above me again, but she still doesn’t move. Being under the covers, I can’t tell whether or not she’s really awake. I suck her clit into my mouth and her legs tremble and her back arches. Her hand comes to rest on my head. Then it moves, sliding in under the covers and into my hair, holding me to her. I breathe against her clit.

  “Please don’t stop,” she whispers.

  I nibble on her clit, intending to make it hurt, but she moans. I move my mouth over to her thigh and bite down.

  “Ow!” she squeaks.

  “Please Master, please lick my clit, and finger fuck my pussy until I come.”

  “I fucking love it when you talk dirty, you little slut.” I smack her pussy and her back arches as she cries out. “But who’s in charge here?”

  “Mmm, you are Master, always you,” she breathes out.

  “Good girl.”

  I tease her again with a single swipe of my tongue across her sex, then stop. Her hand fists harder into my hair, trying to control my head to her pleasure. It makes me smile to know that I’ve gotten her so worked up already.

  I lick her again.

  I pause, her breathing is more ragged.

  I lick again…

  Then pause…

  She groans in frustration and I smirk under the covers. I slide my hands up her stomach and find her nipples and I tug on the barbells. She groans in pain and I know I’m winning. Finally. I bury my face in her juicy cunt and I lick and suck at her clit while I roll her nipples between my fingers until her back arches, her hips buck and her legs begin to shake with an impending orgasm. She hasn’t asked permission yet, but just when I know she’s on the verge I pull my mouth away, removing my hands and I sit up, bringing the covers with me.

  “Wha…no…why?” she whines as she looks at me.

  “That’s for this morning, and wanting to argue with me about your phone.”

  “But I…” I give her a warning look and she sinks back into the sheets. “Yes, Master. I’m sorry,” she whispers.

  I watch as rejection washes over her and she fights to roll over, but I’m in her way. “No, Raine,” I tell her.

  I see tears welling in her eyes and my heart breaks, but if I learned anything from Derek, it’s to remain strong. “Talk to me, pet.”

  She brushes the tears away from her eyes. “This morning was the first time you’ve asserted yourself in something that directly relates to me or my job, by requesting I turn off my phone. The request took me by surprise and…I hesitated only because you’d never done anything like that before. Then this morning, I wake up to you between my legs and your soul intention was to deny me an orgasm. I’m trying to wrap my head around how that is fair.”

  “It’s not,” I state simply. I move from between her legs and lay back down on my pillow, she tries to roll away from me. “Raine,” I snap and she reluctantly rolls back to face me. “It’s not fair, but it is also not fair for you to think that you can question what I tell you or ask you to do. I told you to turn it off last night because, well, I did not want it waking you up again. Wrong numbers can do that, because they keep calling until they’re satisfied. Or it was something else entirely. Either way, you are not unconnected from the world. Anyone who needs to reach you has my information and if they’re here in the hotel, they have our room number to call or someone will pound on the door until we’re up. Also, it was four in the morning. There is absolutely no reason for you to still be working at that time.”

  “I understand that. But I…”

  “That is why your orgasm was denied this morning. You’re arguing with me.”

  “No, I’m trying to talk to you,” she snaps and throws the covers off, climbing out of bed. “Communication, Dex,” she snaps again as she walks around the bed, but I’m quicker and I cut her off before she can hide in the bathroom. She tries to move around me and I move with her. “Damn you,” she growls.

  “Give me one good reason why someone needs to reach you in the middle of the night?”

  “The press.”

  “How so?”

  “Story confirmation.”

  I shake my head. “You and I both know damn well that they will run a story regardless of whether or not you confirm it. Try again.”

  “My boss.”

  I shake my head again. “She has my number. Try again.”

  She stomps her foot in frustration, I bite my tongue, hard, to stop from laughing. “I...” She stops, and I watch as she fights for a good, logical reason for her phone to ring and she keeps coming up empty.

  “Starting tonight, at midnight, your phone goes on do not disturb, understood?”

  She deflates and concedes with the lowering of her head, contrite. “Yes, Master.”

  “Good girl.” I reach out for her and she doesn’t move. “Raaaine…”

  “Am I not allowed to be upset, Master?” By the end of her question her voice is condescending and it outright pisses me off.

  I lean into her. “You know that tile, by the door? Get your ass over there, on your knees, now,” I snap.

  “I have to pee…”

  “Tile, now.”

  I watch as she turns red with anger before stomping off to the door. Then she lowers herself to her knees and sits back on her heels. “Nope, up, on your knees.”

  She doesn’t hesitate. I go to my jeans pocket and pull out a quarter and walk over to her and place it on the wall. “I’m sorry, Master,” she says.

  “No, you’re not, you just don’t want to hold the quarter. Try again,” I tell her and she leans forward, pressing her nose to the quarter. “If you drop it, I will deny you pleasure for the next twenty-four hours. Understood?”

  “Yes, Master,” she breathes and I stand, turning on my heel and going into the bathroom and i
nto the shower.

  Not sitting there watching her is a test of her honesty. If she truly values this relationship, she will tell me if she dropped it or not.

  I dry myself off and wrap myself up in a towel and walk out of the bedroom. “Did you…”

  She jumps and squeaks, the quarter falling to the floor. She immediately starts to cry as she scrambles for the quarter. I walk over to her, grabbing her wrist gently. “Calm down.”

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you coming. You scared me.” I release her wrist and cup her cheek in my hand. She settles and leans into it. “I’m sorry, Master, I’m sorry I got cross with you, I’m sorry I did not accept your decision to take control of my phone, I’m sorry I snapped at you…” She continues to sob.

  “Glowbug.” She stops and stares at me. “Breathe.” She takes a deep breath, then another one. Her panic tells me that she didn’t drop the quarter before now. She is so utterly freaked out right now. But, needing to trust her I have to ask, “Did you drop it?”

  She sniffles, “Not until you scared me, Master.”

  I smile softly at her. “Good girl. Now, go to the bathroom and take a shower.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  I lean in and kiss her and her body hums right back to life. I regret kissing her only for the fact that it is not my intention to fire her back up. She whimpers when I pull back and release her. She doesn’t stay and argue, she simply stands and walks off to the bathroom.

  While she’s in the shower, I text a quick rundown of what happened to Derek.

  Derek to Dex: are you telling me because you feel guilty or because you’re afraid you crossed a line?

  Dex to Derek: both

  Derek to Dex: feeling guilty is normal, I do with D, a lot, especially if the punishment doesn’t exactly fit the crime. Crossed a line? Not at all. Cotah has very specific rules when it comes to her phone and electronics. I don’t monitor her on them, but she’s incapable of lying to me.

  Dex to Derek: I feel a little bit better.

  Derek to Dex: Who called at 4a.m.

  Dex to Derek: no clue.

  Derek to Dex: Open the communication lines, ask her to show you. Don’t just look.

  Derek to Dex: Well done. You may feel guilty - but truth be told, you should be proud of yourself. It’s not always easy to lay ground rules, sometimes better with a lesson to accompany.

  Dex to Derek: I feel like I still have so much more to learn.

  Derek to Dex: you’ll get there.

  The water turns off and I move into the bathroom doorway to watch her towel off. When she catches me staring at her, she stops while holding the towel over her body, like she needs protection from me. “I apologize for scaring you,” I tell her gently. “It was not my intent.”

  “I know, Master,” she replies before finishing toweling off. I’m still naked, having ditched the towel. I watch as her eyes wander south, taking in my erection. I watch as she licks her lips.

  “I’m still angry with your tone,” I tell her.

  “I understand. I am truly sorry I snapped.”

  “I agree that the lines of communication must never be closed. In this case, it was not up for negotiation. Your phone goes on do not disturb at midnight. Understood?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  I play the debate game in my head. Pleasure her or leave her wanting? I decide to leave her wanting so I get dressed. Her disappointment is evident, but I need her to understand that I’m serious about being angry with her tone. Which is what this has switched to versus the whole phone thing.

  That’s when she does something completely and totally unexpected.

  She comes into the sitting room, naked as can be and she moves the coffee table out of her way, then grabs a pillow from the couch, tossing it on the floor next to me before kneeling down and leaning in, sitting at my feet. My cock throbs and my heart nearly explodes. I never knew I would find this attractive until she actually came in and did it, on her own, without my asking her to do so.

  My hand slides into her still damp hair and I caress her head. I start playing with her hair as she lays her head on my thigh.

  Dex leans forward. His hand comes around to my chin and he lifts it up to look at him. “Why?” he breathes.

  I shrug. “It seemed like the right thing to do. I guess it’s my way of apologizing to you, again. You didn’t deserve my tongue, you didn’t deserve to have me react the way that I did. I guess it was a gut reaction.”

  “I forgive you,” he tells me softly.

  “I know, but I’m not sure I forgive myself.”

  “So sitting at my feet is you punishing yourself?” he asks.

  “No, it’s more repenting for my actions. I know that this isn’t going to be easy, for either one of us. At times, I wish you’d take control and then other times, I feel like I’m losing my grip on who I am when you’re taking control. Like last night. Rather than feel relieved that you took over, told me to shut it off, I stewed about it. I was up for almost two hours.”

  “I know.” His voice is very matter of fact. “I could tell you weren’t sleeping.” He gives me a small smile.

  I smile in return. “It just seems so trivial. Something as tiny as a phone call is the first thing you assert your domination on.”

  “I didn’t plan for your phone to be the first thing, believe me, but it is appropriate. Part of my being your Master is ensuring that you’re taken care of and that you are taking care of yourself and that means that I see absolutely no reason why a cell phone should ring after midnight. In fact, I really think ten should be the cutoff, however, given where we are and what we do for a living, midnight seems more appropriate.”

  “I understand,” I tell him and I do. “I understood it when you told me to turn it off, but I just couldn’t quite wrap my head around it. Then you cut me off and I saw red. Communication is important and I felt like I wasn’t being heard.”

  “Then that is my fault. I did not let you finish what you needed to say and for that, I am sorry.”

  Wow, that must have taken a lot for him to do that. “Apology accepted.”

  “Good, now kiss me.” He smiles and I lean in, pressing my lips to his and my body ignites, my pussy pulsing, back on the verge of the orgasm he’s denied me, and I hiss in a breath and pull back. I lower my head.

  “I’m sorry, Master, it’s just…”

  “Come up here, pet.” He leans back and pats his lap. I go to sit on one thigh. “Straddle me,” he commands and I do because it’s what he wants, regardless of my discomfort. His hands slide up my thighs, over my hips, along my sides to cup my breasts. His touch obliterates me, sending shockwaves of desire everywhere. I whimper. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m scared.”

  His eyes grow concerned. “About?”

  I want to cry. “That you’re going to deny me again. That you’re going to work me up just to let me crash back down.”

  “I should deny you again, and again, but you’ve been punished for your hesitation, then for your mouth toward me. You’ve served your punishment with good grace and until I scared you, you hadn’t dropped the quarter, so…” His hands move along my breasts and over my nipples, my back arches, pressing my tits into his palms and he takes my nipples between his fingers. “I think you’ve earned it,” he breathes before replacing one hand with his mouth.

  My body ignites, white sparks flying though my veins. His free hand slips down between my lips and flicks at my clit.

  “Ahh!” I cry out as he flicks and slides past, sliding his finger up into my pussy. I can’t stop the flick of my hips against his hand, it is certainly not his cock, but it is so much better than nothing at all. “Please…”

  He releases my nipple. “What, princess, what do you want?”

  “I need you. Please.”

  “Lift,” he says and I lift off of him and he slips his shorts from his hips, exposing his erection that slaps back against my ass. I moan and take his shaft in my han
d and begin to stroke him up and down while rubbing the head of his cock against my wet sex.

  I notice his hips start to minutely thrust upward and I take the hint, lining his cock up with the entrance of my sex as he releases my nipple again. “Take me,” he orders and I shiver as I slide down his cock. “Ohhh,” I groan as he takes my nipples between his fingers and I claim his mouth with my own. Holding on to him, I start to slide up and down his cock, his little thrusts up with my downward slides are the perfect balance and my orgasm is so close, sitting just under the surface.

  Desperate to please him, to make right my wrongs today I call out, “Please Master, may I come?” He smiles against my lips as he wraps one hand around my neck, holding me to him.

  “Yes,” he growls and I explode, his mouth swallowing my cries of ecstasy.

  “Bring me your phone,” he orders as I return to normal from our exploits.

  I clamber off of his lap and go to the bedside table and grab my phone. I don’t turn it on. I don’t do anything but bring it back to him and he pats his lap. This time I sit sideways and snuggle into his shoulder while he turns on my phone.

  When the passcode comes up he strains to look at me, I giggle. “Guess?” I tease and realize that could go one of two ways, either he’ll laugh or demand that I tell him.

  “Hmm,” he murmurs. “If I get it wrong will it wipe out your phone?”

  I giggle again. “No, I don’t trust myself to remember. But then again, my thumb works too.”

  “Well, then give me that,” he laughs. I tuck my hands under my chin.

  “If you think about it, you’ll figure it out.”

  He smirks and I kiss his prickly chin.

  I watch as he hits 548528 and I giggle. “You’re missing a number and that’s the wrong combination.”


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