Book Read Free

Devouring Raine

Page 22

by Zoey Derrick

  “I see,” he says like he’s really thinking about it.

  “What was that anyway?” I ask.

  “Kit kat.” I smile wide because he’s on the right track.

  “Dex’s girl is too many letters.”

  “Well, it could be shortened to D, e, x, s, g, r, l,” I tell him so he tries it and I giggle.

  “Wrong answer,” he laughs, then he types in 4 5 6 9 2 8 4 and my phone unlocks. “Glowbug, huh?”

  “I like the nickname.”

  “Why not bubba?”

  “Too boring, 28222?”

  “Okay true.” He looks back at my phone and points to a picture. “Where was this taken?” he asks me.

  I smile. “Addison took it after Nashville.”

  He pokes me in the rib. “Why don’t I have this picture?”

  I shrug. “She didn’t send it to me until we were on our way to Orlando. We weren’t exactly on speaking terms if you recall, then I just kind of forgot about it.”

  “You’re forgiven,” he teases as he pokes me again and I squirm.

  My being poked in the ribs turns into an all-out tickle war where I’m on the bottom being mercilessly tickled until there is a knock at the door. I raise an eyebrow at him.

  “Brunch,” he smirks and gets off the couch, pulling me with him. He sends me on my way with a smack on the ass. “Clothes, now,” he orders and I melt as I walk into our room.

  As I walk toward the bedroom and Dex the door, my phone starts to chime repeatedly. I turn back to look at it vibrating on the table. “What the hell?” Dex says, then I hear the door click open and he starts talking to the gentleman who brought us food and I duck into the bathroom to change. We have a sitting room and a bedroom in this room but there is no door to separate the two.

  I throw on a t-shirt and a pair of cotton shorts. Checking myself in the mirror, I look like shit. My hair’s a mess and the whole just fucked look isn’t working for me today. When I come back out Dex is setting our food out on the coffee table. “What was all over my phone?” I ask.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t and I won’t look at your phone, not like that,” he says with a genuine smile.

  “I’m impressed,” I say as I pick it up off of the coffee table.

  “Why is that?” He’s looking at me, honest curiosity in his eyes.

  “Well, I figured the whole ‘lifestyle’ thing…”

  “That’s not what it’s about. Me looking into your phone, with or without your permission, is a violation of trust and the last thing I want to do is lose that. You’ve freely given so much to me already, the last thing I want to do is put that rift between us.” I sit down on the couch.

  “Well, I appreciate that.”

  “Now, I do expect to know what the blow up was all about, however.”

  “Yes, Master,” I say sincerely and press the button on my phone, my thumb print does the rest and I can see several calls popping through, a few voicemails and lastly a couple of texts and only a few new emails since I last checked it.

  I start with the texts.

  Addison to Raine: we’re taking a harbor cruise, you and Dex want to join us? Leaves at one.

  I look up at the time, it’s only about 11.

  “Addison wants to know if we’d like to go on a harbor cruise?”


  “She says it leaves at one.”

  “Let’s eat first, then see what we feel like doing.”

  “I’m game.” I smile and move on to the next message.

  Cami to Raine: Morning Sunshine, wanted to let you know that Tristan and I will be heading to Tarah in May. Discuss it with Dex, you guys should come. We’ll talk more about it later, unfortunately, commercial flight is required. Bold won’t make it that far.

  Cami to Raine: Give Dex Tristan’s number. They can discuss it.

  “Well, what is it with all the invitations?” I tell Dex.

  He gives me a puzzled look. “Cami and Tristan are going to Tarah in May.”

  “Where’s that?” he asks, clueless.

  “It’s a private island near Tahiti.”

  “Now there’s a honeymoon spot.” He winks.

  I decide to fill him in on the details later.

  I flip over to my emails, nothing to out of the ordinary, just the usual Google alerts on Addison, 69 Bottles, Dex’s name and my own. Nothing to worry about. Upcoming concert news etcetera.

  There is one that confuses me.

  “That’s odd,” I say out loud.

  “What’s that?” Dex leans over, looking over my shoulder.

  “Unknown Sender, but it looks more like that’s the name of the person, not a mailer demon.” I debate on opening it.

  “No subject.” He reads over my shoulder. “Delete it.”

  “It’s in my work email…” He doesn’t let me finish the thought.

  “Anyone emailing your work email should have proper credentials on their email, correct?” I nod. “Then it’s probably spam that the filter missed.”

  “Good point.” I delete the email and then finally flip over to missed calls.

  Seventeen of them.

  “Well hell,” I breathe before turning the phone to show Dex. There are seventeen missed calls from unknown number.

  “One voicemail.”

  He shrugs. “Play it.”

  I flip over to the voicemail, press play and hit speaker.

  All that can be heard is heavy, sick breathing. I nearly drop the phone in disgust.

  “Ugh, fuckers,” Dex growls, stands and goes into the bedroom. He grabs his own phone, presses a couple of buttons before putting the phone to his ear. “Hey Rusty, can you come to our room?…Great, thanks.” He ends the call.

  “Why do you guys always call Rusty for this kind of stuff?”

  He smirks as he comes to sit back down, handing me a plate of breakfast awesomeness. “Because he has friends in all the right places. He’s ex-military for one, ex-cop for two, and I think he even did a tour in Sing Sing before hooking up with Mills.”

  “Well, that about covers it.” There’s a knock at the door and I stuff a piece of bacon in my mouth. Dex chuckles as he stands up to get the door, letting Rusty inside, Beck follows behind him.

  “What’s going on?” Rusty asks. “Hey Raine.”

  I swallow my food before answering, “Hi.”

  Dex grabs my phone. It’s turned to black again and he grins as he types in glowbug. Then he plays the voicemail.

  “Ugh,” Beck says. “What the fuck, Dex, don’t you breathe…”

  “Stuff it, dick, that ain’t me. She got a call at four this morning, no one was on the line, they hung up and I had her turn off her phone. We’re just now turning it back on and that was there. You know, come to think of it, Raine?”

  “Yes M…” Lucky for me it came out as more of a yes’m than what I was going to say.

  Dex unsuccessfully tries to hide his smirk. “Can you pull up that email? The one you deleted?”

  I frown and shrug. “Maybe.” I reach out for my phone and he hands it to me. I try going into trash. I frown and scowl at my phone. “No need to, it’s still here…” I look a little closer, “or rather was sent again.” I click on it, opening it up. I look at it, squinting, trying to enlarge it slightly, but I don’t need to, the image changes, it’s a gif, “Oh Jesus,” I squeak and drop my phone. Dex goes to reach for it and I practically shout, “No!”

  He gives me a hard look and I flinch back. He picks up my phone.

  He watches the gif. “Fuck,” he growls as he hands the phone over to Rusty and he looks at me. I’m trembling at what I saw. I hear the buttons on my phone as Rusty types something in, then grabs his phone as it chimes. But rather than looking at the email, he dials something. “Zach, hey it’s Rusty…” Zach, why would he be calling him? “I’m good, yeah, the band is fine, but, listen, can you put a tracer on an incoming email?…Raine’s account. She got a strange email this morning, but she deleted it, only to have it re
send again.” He looks back at my phone, pulls down with his thumb and says, “Yeah, it’s back in there as new, there are now two, one opened one unopened…you see it? Perfect, can we send back a tracer on it?…yup, yeah, no, let me know, forward over the report once you have it, I’ll get it over to Ryan. Perfect, thanks.” He hangs up his call. I only heard half of the call, but I gather I got the gist.

  “So they can do that?”

  Rusty shrugs. “Sometimes it works, sometimes not. He said he would reroute the email to him automatically so you shouldn’t see any more of that email. It will make it easier to trace.”

  “Do we take that seriously?” Dex asks the same question I was thinking.

  “Yes and no.”

  “That is a gif of me getting my head cut off…naked, thank you very much.”

  “Well, unless Dex is sending you the picture, who else would have pictures of you naked?”

  “I’m not entirely sure that was my body,” I tell them, Dex takes back my phone and looks at it.

  “Pre-tattoo, pre-piercing…no, it’s not her body.”

  “Well, that’s good to know,” I say sarcastically. “But still…”

  “Well, other than giving you a stranger danger pep talk, Raine, I don’t see when you will actually have a chance at being alone. So…” Rusty looks to Dex. “Here, let me put something on her phone.” He reaches for it and Dex gives it to him.

  “What are you putting on my phone?”

  Rusty gives me a wicked little ‘I have secret toys’ grin, then he does something on his phone and my phone chimes. “I need the password.”

  “Here,” Dex says and he puts it in and hands it back to him. Rusty pushes a few buttons and then after a minute he pushes a few more and then hands me back my phone.

  “What did you do?”

  He presses a number on his phone and suddenly my phone rings, making me jump. “Jesus, what is it with you guys scaring me today?” I say, trying to be funny and I look at my phone. It has Rusty’s name, but also his location and phone number on it. There is also a kill button. I look at him in confusion. “I don’t understand.”

  “I put an app or program on your phone that decodes callers. It catches on to their signal, and radios back where they are calling from and unmasks their identity.”

  “And the kill button?”

  He smiles. “That’s fun, but be careful. It will actually require your passcode to actually activate that. It obliterates any chance of that number ever calling you again. In this case, if you manage to capture the information, phone number, location etcetera, let me know and I can pull it, and get it to Ryan. Let him investigate and we can go from there. There is also a redirect button that will pop up with most numbers, the redirect button allows you to trace the caller for the next twenty minutes.”

  “Why didn’t I see that when you called?”

  He smirks. “You’ll never see it with mine, any of the security guys, Addison or the band. They all have the same program installed and because you have it now too, they can’t trace you, but they can permanently block you.” He rolls his eyes. “Okay, permanent isn’t entirely true, you can bring them back with a new phone. Basically all calls in and out of your phone, though dialed through the standard methods, are directed through that app.”

  “So can’t I just delete the app?”

  He gives me a knowing grin. “No, you can’t, it’s hardwired into your phone.”

  “Ya. Broke. Ma. Phone,” I tease and the guys laugh. “Thanks,” I say with a smile.

  “You’re welcome. I’ll let you guys know if I hear from Zach.”

  “I hope Ryan is on someone’s payroll,” I say.

  “Oh he is,” Rusty says. “Yours.”

  I scowl. “I don’t have anyone on my payroll.”

  Rusty laughs. “No, he’s on Mills’ and the band’s payroll. He bills us for hours worked and we pay him.”

  I sulk and the guys leave. “I need to figure out how to pay for Ryan staying at my apartment.”

  Dex just shrugs and sits back. “Already taken care of.”

  “Dex,” I scold him.

  He gives me a stern yet playful look. “Eat,” he orders and I sulk my way through my breakfast.

  “If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t pay for it until after we were married,” I tell her as she puts her plate on the tray.

  She gives me a sideways glance and a smile, then surprises me by leaning in and kissing my shoulder. “Thank you, Master.”

  My breathing hitches in my throat. “You’re welcome, princess. Why no argument?”

  She sighs. “Because I’ve already learned that I can’t win when it comes to you and money and I agreed to let you handle things.”

  “Wow, is that really how you feel?” I ask her with a chuckle.

  “It’s debatable,” she says with another sideways glance. “But truth be told, I really do appreciate it. Just please don’t go throwing a bunch of money at me or anything like that. I need to handle this one step at a time, in my own way.”

  I lean over and kiss her hair. “That I can handle.”

  “Good. Now what are we going to do today?” Her enthusiasm is infectious.

  “What would you like to do today?”

  “Hmm, let me think…shopping…nah…go to a movie…nope, too boring…” She looks so fucking cute while she’s pretending to think about what to do. I’m pretty sure she already has an idea or two in her head. I sit back, then in a cute, almost cat like motion, she climbs on top of me, straddling me. “How about we lock ourselves away in bed all day?” She blushes at her own boldness.

  “Oh, I don’t know…I thought maybe we could go shopping, go to a movie, grab dinner…”

  “I bet I can change your mind.” She gives me a hooded look filled with lustful promises.

  I turn my head in mock thought. “Hmm, I bet you can’t.”

  She wiggles her eyebrows at me and pulls her shirt up and over her head in one quick motion. I sigh heavily. “You’re going to have to work harder than that, you insatiable slut.”

  She shivers at my words, then leans back, cupping her breasts in her hands and I watch as she very carefully twists her tit in such a way that she’s able to take her own nipple into her mouth. My mouth falls open and I let out a rush of air. She moans as she sucks it into her mouth deeper. “I’d imagine my mouth would feel better.”

  She lets her nipple go. “Oh, I don’t have to imagine, I know it feels better.” She smirks at me then leans forward. She brushes her nipple across my lips, but I don’t move.

  “Topping from the bottom?” She pouts prettily.

  “I remember a time when I could make you melt.”

  I lean up and kiss her quick on the lips. “You still can.” I cup her breasts in my hands and squeeze, pulling her nipples hard between my fingers and I feel her entire body tremble with pleasure, letting her know who’s really in control. I release her tits from my grip and she whimpers.

  “Not fair,” she groans as I stand up, carrying her with me and then tossing her onto the bed before I climb on top of her, licking and kissing down her chest, then her stomach, making my way to the waist of her shorts. Just as I’m about to pull them off, there’s a knock on the door.

  “Go away,” I growl but climb off of the bed. Before I open the door, I toss her t-shirt at her and she’s pouting. One downside to being in a hotel with a rock band, you can’t leave without the world knowing you’re gone.

  Standing on the other side of the door was Addison. She begged and pleaded with Raine for us to come along. She pulled the pregnancy card on us. “Come on, pretty soon I’m gonna be as big as a house and cool fun things like this won’t be fun anymore.” She actually pouted.

  “How’s that our fault?” I teased her and she shot me a look.

  “Probably because I wouldn’t sleep with you, you put some weird Dex voodoo on me and I got knocked up.”

  Raine bursts out laughing and I just stand there in dumbfounded sh
ock. “Can we go?” she asks me sweetly.

  “You know, Addison, you interrupted us, I was just about to get busy with my girl.” I watch as she visibly shivers. “Thanks so much, sweetheart.”

  She laughs and begs some more.

  “Alright, let us get dressed,” I tell the girls and they get giddy. I would have rolled my eyes if it wasn’t so fucking cute.

  So we ventured out with Addison, Talon, and Kyle. When I asked where Peacock and Mouse were I got a sideways look that told me I should ask more later. Of course Rusty, Tori, Mills and Beck came along. Though they were very inconspicuous, I was impressed.

  We spent the nice weathered Sunday afternoon trolling around the Sound, island hopping and just having a good time. We came across a house for sale and I joked with Raine that we should buy that one. My joke backfired when she agreed with me. That was until she saw the sticker price when I pulled it up on my phone. I laughed, she panicked.

  We found a nice quaint little place to eat on one of the islands. The food was amazing and the companionship was even better. I could tell that Raine and Addison were getting along really well and it warmed my heart.

  I’d honest to god wanted to invite the band and Addison to Vegas when we got married, but I was more worried about Raine freaking out and saying no, at least with Derek, Cami, Dacotah and Tristan it wouldn’t have been a big deal, just old friends getting together.

  By the time we got back to the hotel, Raine had passed out with her head on my shoulder, so I carried her to our room and put her to bed. I grabbed her phone, remembering that I hadn’t set the do not disturb on it yet and when I put in the passcode, I was met with a shit ton of missed calls. All unknown until I clicked into the information. The number stayed the same, but the location kept changing. I’d made her leave her phone behind, not wanting to ruin the day with crazy phone calls and wild emails. She’d easily agreed and I’m glad I did. I turned on the do not disturb and scheduled it to come back on at six each morning. Not wanting to make it too complicated and knowing that whoever was calling her was calling constantly, I decided to program individual numbers for me and the rest of the crew, but not tonight.


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