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Friend of a Friend . . ._Understanding the Hidden Networks That Can Transform Your Life and Your Career

Page 23

by David Burkus


  13. Jessica R. Methot, Jeffery A. LePine, Nathan P. Podsakoff, and Jessica Siegel Christian, “Are Workplace Friendships a Mixed Blessing? Exploring Tradeoffs of Multiplex Relationships and Their Associations with Job Performance,” Personnel Psychology 69, no. 2 (2015): 311–355.


  14. Ibid., 339.


  15. Rick Aalbers, Wilfred Dolfsma, and Otto Koppius, “Rich Ties and Innovative Knowledge Transfer Within a Firm,” British Journal of Management 25, no. 4 (2014): 833–848.


  16. Ibid., 844.


  17. Whitney Johnson, interview with the author, March 29, 2017.


  18. Ibid.


  19. Clayton M. Christensen, The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, 1997).


  20. Whitney Johnson, interview with the author, March 29, 2017.



  1. Nicholas A. Christakis and James H. Fowler, Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives (New York: Little, Brown & Co., 2009).


  2. Albert-László Barabási, Bursts: The Hidden Pattern Behind Everything We Do, from Your Email to Bloody Crusades (New York: Dutton, 2010).


  3. Nicholas A. Christakis and James H. Fowler, “The Spread of Obesity in a Large Social Network over 32 Years,” New England Journal of Medicine 357, no. 4 (2007): 370–379.


  4. Nicholas A. Christakis and James H. Fowler, “The Collective Dynamics of Smoking in a Large Social Network,” New England Journal of Medicine 358, no. 21 (2008): 2249–2258.


  5. Christakis and Fowler, Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives, 116.


  6. James H. Fowler and Nicholas A. Christakis, “Dynamic Spread of Happiness in a Large Social Network: Longitudinal Analysis over 20 Years in the Framingham Heart Study,” BMJ 337 (2008): a2338.


  7. Christakis and Fowler, Connected: The Surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives, 51.



  A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


  Aalbers, Rick, 202

  advice, 5, 108–9

  Al Qaeda, 64, 73–74

  Albert, Réka, 115, 130–32

  Alhazmi, Nawaq, 73

  al-Midhar, Khalid, 73

  alumni networks, 50–51

  Amaral, Luís, 98–99

  Amazon book purchases, 165

  American Mathematical Society, 38

  Anderson, Sherwood, 75

  arm’s-length ties, 80, 86

  Art of Charm, The (podcast), 120

  attitudes, on networking, 5–7

  average network size, 111–16, 147–48


  Bacon, Kevin, 35–38, 43–44, 115

  Barábasi, Albert-László, 115, 130–32

  Barfield, Owen, 75

  Barra, Mary, 72–73

  Beatty, Warren, 108

  bell curve, 114

  Ben & Jerry’s, 196–97

  Berkshire Hathaway, 194

  “big sort,” 165

  Bishop, Bill, 163

  Bisnow, Elliott, 81–84

  blinks, 65

  Blumberg, Alex, 168–71

  body mass index (BMI), 211

  Botha, Roelof, 92

  bridge, card game, 193–95

  brokers, 52–70

  defined, 59, 61

  exercises, 69–70

  McGonigal’s video games anecdote, 52–57

  in military, 63–68

  structural holes and, 58–63

  value and, 68

  Brooks, David, 162

  Buffett, Warren, 192–95

  building bridges. See brokers

  Burt, Ronald, 9

  garment industry network, 79–81

  innovation, 60–61

  on structural holes, 58–59, 78–79

  on success, 60


  Calley, John, 108

  career paths, 62–63

  Casciaro, Tiziana, 6–7

  Catmull, Ed, 186, 187–88

  Center of Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D), 213

  Centola, Damon, 77–78, 81

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 65, 73–74

  charity: water, 27–32

  Chen, Steve, 92

  Cherokee language, 59–60

  Cherokee Phoenix, The, 60

  Christakis, Nicholas, 209–14

  Christensen, Clayton, 204–6

  Christian, Jessica Siegel, 200–203

  Clarium Capital, 95

  cleanliness, networking and, 6–7

  Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 158–63

  close-knit ties, 80, 86

  clusters, 71–90

  advantages of, 76, 81

  creating, 81–84

  defined, 58

  exercises, 88–90

  Italian glassmakers, 71–72, 74

  military, 64–65

  safety and, 72–74

  timing of, 77–81

  writers and, 75–76

  See also super-connectors; teams

  Cohen, Ben, 196–97

  collaboration. See teams

  collaboration distance calculator, 38

  comfort, 181


  company structure and, 101–3

  network building, 118

  silos and, 76

  teams and, 100

  communities. See clusters

  company structures, 62–63, 100–101, 185–86

  concussion, 52–53

  Confinity, 93

  connectedness, 35–51

  degrees of separation, 35–38

  exercises, 50–51

  Facebook, 45

  impact of, 45–46

  Milgram’s studies on, 38–41

  network navigation, 46–49

  small-world effect, 41–45

  See also super-connectors

  Corrado, Raffaele, 198–200

  Course Match (software program), 151

  CreativeMornings, 85–87

  creativity. See innovation

  Cross, Rob, 8

  Cruise, Tom, 36

  “curiosity conversations,” 110

  Cushing, Rob, 163


  Dalí, Salvador, 137

  Davis, Andrew, 143–46

  degrees of separation, 35–38

  del Giocondo, Lisa Gherardini, 135

  depression, 213–14

  disruptive innovation, 205–6


  brokers and, 62–63

  dormant ties, 24, 25–26

  exercises, 172–73

  issue of, 168–71

  Pixar and, 188

  social events, 126

  super-connectors, 110–11

  teams and, 102

  weak ties and, 22

  See also homophily

  Dodds, Peter, 44–45, 133–34

  dormant ties, 22–26, 32

  Dorsey, Jack, 31

  double opt-in introductions, 121–22

  downloads, 34, 51, 70, 90, 105, 122, 140, 157, 173, 191, 208

  Duchamp, Marcel, 137

  Dunbar, Robin, 112, 114

  Dunbar’s number, 112


  eBay, 92, 94–95

  education, 185–89, 196

  efficiency, 24, 26, 181

  Eisenberg, Tina Roth, 84–86

  Election Day 2016, 158–63

  email, 105, 122, 166–67

  embedding program, 67–68


  creating clusters for, 81–84

  social even
ts for, 125–29

  Summit Series, 82–84

  weak ties and, 20–22

  Erdős, Paul, 37–38

  “Evoke” (game), 54, 1

  executive study, 22–26, 181–83


  clusters, creating your own, 88–90

  connectedness, 50–51

  homophily, 172–73

  majority illusion, 156

  multiplexity, 207–8

  preferential attachment, 139–40

  shared activities, 190–91

  structural holes, 69–70

  super-connectors, 121–22

  teams, 104–5

  weak ties, 33–34

  experimentation. See innovation


  Facebook, 7, 93, 96

  degrees of separation, 45–46

  exercises, 51, 173

  majority illusion, 151–55

  shared activities, 190–91

  Facemash, 151–52

  familiarity, 25–26

  Fass, Craig, 35–38

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 65, 73–74

  feelings, on networking, 5–7

  Feld, Scott, 147

  Ferriani, Simone, 198–200

  Ferriss, Tim, 141–43, 146

  Fertitta, Frank, Jr., 13

  Fertitta, Lorenzo, 13–18, 19

  firefly syncing, 41, 159

  fluidity, in organizational charts, 101–3

  Fonti, Fabio, 198–200

  Ford, Gerald, 164

  former coworkers, 50–51

  Four-Hour Workweek, The (Ferriss), 142–43

  Fowler, James, 210–14

  Framingham Heart Study, 210–14

  François I (king), 135

  Friedkin, Billy, 108

  friendship paradox, 147, 148–51

  funding, 96


  Gaignard, Jayson, 123–29

  Gamble, James, 195

  garment industry network, 79–81

  Gates, Mary Maxwell, 193–95

  Gates, Bill, 193–95

  General Motors (GM), 72–73

  genius, solo vs. teamwork, 97–98

  gerrymandering, 164

  Gimlet Media, 168–71

  Ginelli, Mike, 35–38

  Gino, Francesca, 6–7

  glassmaking silo, 71–72, 74

  Godin, Seth, 125

  Granovetter, Mark, 19–20

  Grazer, Brian, 106–11

  Green Day website, 2

  Greenfield, Jerry, 196–97

  growth, strategic approach to, 141–46

  Guare, John, 46

  Guimerà, Robert, 98–99


  happiness, 213–14

  Harbinger, Jordan, 116–20

  Harris, Bill, 94

  Harrison, Scott, 27–32, 82

  Hawk, Tony, 31

  head trauma, 52–53

  Hemingway, Ernest, 75, 81

  Hill, Russell, 112

  Hoffman, Reid, 3, 93, 96

  Hollywood network, 43, 107–9, 115

  Holyfield, Evander, 15

  homophily, 158–73

  diversity, as issue, 168–71

  Election Day 2016, 158–63

  exercises, 172–73

  neighborhood research, 163–64

  origin of, 164–65

  research on, 165–67

  See also innovation

  hosting, 139–40

  Houston, Sam, 60

  Howard, Ron, 110

  Howery, Ken, 93, 95

  Humphrey, Hubert, 163

  Hurley, Chad, 92


  IDEO, 101–3

  Ignition-switch issue, 72–73

  Imagine Entertainment, 106, 110

  Influencers Dinner, 174–78

  influences, on you from network, 171, 212–15


  structural holes, 58–59

  weak ties and, 19, 20, 22

  Ingram, Paul, 181–83

  “The Inklings,” 75–76


  brokers and, 60–61

  creating clusters for, 81–84

  “curiosity conversations,” 110–11

  disruptive innovation, 205–6

  funding for, 96

  Levy’s Influencers Dinners, 176–78

  multiplexity, 197, 201–2

  PayPal Mafia, 93

  Pixar and, 186, 188

  silos and, 74, 75–76, 78

  team rotation, 100, 102

  weak ties and, 20–22

  See also homophily

  instrumental networking, 6–7

  interdependence, 184, 187, 189

  Internet, 115

  Internet Movie Database (IMDb), 37, 43

  introductions, 121–22, 156

  investment banking study, 78–79

  Italian glassmakers, 74


  Jackson, Bo, 47

  “Jane the Concussion Slayer” (game), 54–55

  job transition study, 19–20

  job hunters, 19–20

  Jobs, Steve, 185

  Johnson, Whitney, 203–6

  Joint Special Operations Task Force, 63–68

  Jon Stewart Show, The, 36–37

  Jones, Benjamin, 97

  Joyce, James, 75


  Karim, Jawed, 91–92

  Kelley, David, 101–3

  Kleinbaum, Adam, 61–63, 66

  Kossinets, Gueorgi, 166–67

  Kouchaki, Maryam, 6–7

  Krebs, Valdis, 165


  Lazarsfeld, Paul, 164–65

  Leonardo da Vinci, 135–38

  LePine, Jeffery, 200–203

  Lerman, Kristina, 148–51

  Levchin, Max, 93

  Leve, Brett, 81–84

  Levin, Daniel, 22–26

  Levy, Jon, 174–78, 184

  Lewis, C. S., 75–76

  liaison officers, 66–67

  Lieber, Matt, 168–71

  Like-minded people. See clusters; homophily

  LinkedIn, 6, 7, 51, 93, 96, 173, 190–91

  Lord of the Rings, The (Tolkien), 76

  Lucas, George, 185


  majority illusion, 141–57

  Davis’s Tippingpoint Labs, 143–46

  exercises, 156–57

  Facebook and, 151–55

  Ferriss’s success in, 141–43

  research on, 147–51

  super-connectors and, 146–47

  “Mastermind Dinners,” 126–27

  “Mastermind Talks,” 128–29

  mathematician collaboration, 37–38

  Matthew effect, 130–32

  May, Thornton, 125

  Mayer de Rothschild, David, 82

  McCain, John, 15, 17

  McChrystal, Stanley, 63–68

  McCormack, Andrew, 93, 95

  McCormick, Tyler, 113, 115

  McGonigal, Jane, 52–57

  McKenna-Doyle, Michelle, 46–49


  election coverage, 158–61

  majority illusion, 142–43

  mixed martial arts TV show, 16–17

  multiplexity study, 198–200

  six degrees of separation, 36–37

  median network size, 113–14, 147–48

  medicine and video games, 52–57

  Mercy Ships, 28

  Merluzzi, Jennifer, 78–79

  Merton, Robert, 130, 164–65

  Metcalfe’s Law, 4

  Methot, Jessica, 200–203

  Michigan, 2016 election, 160–61

  Milgram, Stanley, 38–41

  military, structure of, 64–65, 112

  misconceptions, 5, 7–8, 161

  mixed martial arts (MMA), 13–15

  mixers, vs. shared activities, 180–85

  Momeni, Naghmeh, 148

  Mona Lisa (painting), 135–38

  Monroe, Marilyn, 36

ds and mental health, 213–14

  Moore, Michael, 161–63

  Morris, Michael, 181–83

  Moskovitz, Dustin, 82

  Muhamad, Roby, 44–45

  multiplexity, 192–208

  Ben & Jerry’s, 196–97

  Buffet and Gates’s relationship, 192–95

  defined, 192, 195

  economic vs. social network, 197–200

  exercises, 207–8

  Johnson career path, 203–6

  performance, 200–203

  Procter & Gamble, 195

  trust and, 197–98

  Murano, 71–72, 74

  Murnighan, Keith, 22–26

  Musk, Elon, 93, 94, 96

  Mycoskie, Blake, 82


  N Is a Number: A Portrait of Paul Erdős (documentary), 38

  Namath, Joe, 47

  National Football League (NFL), 46–49

  National Public Radio (NPR) podcast, 168–71

  National Security Agency (NSA), 65, 74

  neocortex, 112


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