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Hiding Katherine

Page 8

by GG Shalton

  “Do you think my sister will be here soon?” She looked around the camp as darkness started to fall.

  “I do.”

  She accepted his answer and leaned back on the blanket looking up into the sky. He stretched out beside her holding his head up on his elbow studying her face. “You are complicated to read.”

  “I am afraid I am very ordinary, Sir Ian. At least in my mind, I am. Not skilled in the art of conversation. I had very little practice growing up. I was confined to my home and had only my family as companions. But they grew weary of my chatting and tattling choosing to spend their time elsewhere. Especially my brothers.” She laughed out loud. “My father allowed very few visitors near me. Only his close advisors. I didn’t understand at the time, but I do now…”

  “What do you understand?”

  “I may be young, but I am not dim-witted. The men in my life see me as a pawn and not as a person. They say other men see my beauty. But I don’t feel beautiful. I feel sad. Women are not kind to me and men want to use me for either a conquest or financial gain.”

  She studied his reaction to see which one he fitted into. He drew his brows in concern as she sat up looking into his face. “Which are you, my lord? You say you will help me, but would you help me if I were not beautiful?”

  He looked down thinking of his response. “An honest question deserves an honest answer. The truth is that I don’t know. I won’t lie to you and admit your beauty is very tantalizing. But there is more to you than beauty. Your unspoiled innocence intrigues me. I don’t usually spend a lot of time with women. I used to think men who spent too much of their time with women were weak. But now I am not so sure.”

  She watched his expression trying to memorize his features. He made her feel like she could talk about anything. “I respect honesty. Tell me, Ian. Did your family arrange a marriage for you?”

  “I am the fourth son and never thought I would marry. A few of my brothers had their marriages arranged. Being tied down to one woman never sounded appealing and we would poke fun at those who did. Meeting you yesterday, made me think about it. Honestly, I am not used to talking this much. Part of my strength is staying quiet and listening. Listening can make others vulnerable.”

  The ground shook as the sound of hoofs beat against the ground. Ian shot up to his feet and reached for his sword. One of his warriors held up his hand to calm him. “It’s Dorian.”

  Ian looked down and held out his hand for Katherine, she accepted it and stood up to greet the party. Her sister’s face relaxed when she met Katherine’s eyes. Dorian slowed down and helped Deanna quickly unmount.

  She ran to Katherine and hugged her. Ian kept his hand on her lower back in a possessive gesture. Deanna looked up at him and then back to Katherine. “Come let’s speak privately.”

  Katherine looked up at Ian who showed no emotion. He stared at Deanna for a long second then nodded his head and stepped aside. The women scattered away leaving the men to set up camp. Claudia stayed and helped the men prepare their meal.

  “Tell me, Sister. How do you fare? You were without words and looked positively ill when you left this morning.”

  “I am well. Ian has taken care of me.” The women stopped by the loch to wash up. Deanna took a cloth and wiped the dirt from her face. She pulled out the soap from its wrappings and used it to take the stench away. She handed it to Katherine, so they could share.

  “What is he like? He seems so serious and hardly speaks. All the men fear him. Even Dorian is cautious of him.”

  Katherine smiled. “I know the stories about him. But the man I know is not a savage at all.”

  “You like him.”

  “Aye. He kissed me.”

  “Only a kiss?”

  Katherine drew her head back shocked at her question. “It was enough. He did not ravish me if that is what you are thinking. Although I may have let him.”

  Deanna gasped. “You do not know what you are saying. Your maidenhood is your prize. Don’t give it away without his vows.”

  “My virtue is mine to give to whom I please. Not to who my father or any other man tells me to.”

  Deanna sighed. “I stand corrected. I couldn’t agree with you more.”

  Katherine smiled at her and looped their arms as they walked back to the camp.

  Katherine approached the fire and Dorian took Deanna’s hand. He had some food set aside for her and she joined him on his blanket. Ian was sitting beside him and motioned for Katherine to sit next to him.

  Dorian looked at Deanna. “Some of the men have battle wounds along with two of the horses. I spoke to Ian and we will camp here a few days, so they can recover before we journey to my keep.”

  Deanna nodded. “Of course.”

  The men were singing some Scottish tunes after dinner that night. Ian kept hold of Katherine’s hand and she enjoyed his closeness. As the fire dwindled, Katherine felt her eyes grow heavy and the last thing she remembered was Ian whispering in her ear to lean back on him, so she could rest.

  The next morning, she woke next to Ian covered in furs near her sister. They had not used the tent and slept in the open. She stirred enough to wake Ian as he looked down at her and smiled.

  “You look refreshed. I can’t believe the things you speak about in your sleep.”

  Her eyes widened before seeing the smile slide across his face. “I know for a fact, that I don’t talk in my sleep.”

  “So you say.” He reached out and touched her face with his hand gently. “I am going to check on everyone and will be back soon.”

  Katherine nodded and got up out of the furs. She straightened her dress and found Claudia speaking to a few of the men. They went to wash up and gather some berries for breakfast.

  “You are in a good mood.” Her maid smiled teasingly.

  “Ian is just so wonderful.” Katherine popped a few of the juicy berries into her mouth. “I don’t understand the men’s aversion to him. I love being around him.”

  “Oh! Mistress. I have never seen you blush like that.”

  Katherine laughed as they made their way up to the camp again. She saw Deanna rolling up the furs and putting them away. “There you two are. Dorian is tending to some of his men that are wounded. I wanted to make some salve if we can find any herbs. Do you want to take a walk?”

  Katherine was about to agree when she saw Ian approach. “Would you like to take a ride?”

  The women looked at each other and Katherine nodded taking his hand. She looked back to her sister. “I will see you later.”

  Ian took her to his horse and they rode together away from the group. They reached some cliffs and he slowed the horse, so they could walk. He was careful with her as he reached for her waist and helped her off the horse. Ian held her hand as they walked through the tall grass looking for a nice place to sit down. There were some overgrown trees that had large branches and vines close to the ground. Ian sat on one and Katherine sat beside him.

  “Everyone says the forest is quiet, but if you listen close enough, it is loud.”

  Katherine sat in silence and then slowly smiled. “I see what you mean. I can hear many noises if I listen close enough. I have never sat in a forest before. My father kept me near the castle and within the walls. I did have a garden and my favorite activity was sitting in it for hours.”

  Katherine turned towards him and studied his face. “Tell me about your fostering. Was it an adventure to travel at a young age?”

  He shrugged. “Fostering was competitive. I was a squire and made rank quickly. I left before my time was up.”

  Katherine crinkled her forehead. “Where did you go?”

  He lost his smile. “I don’t usually tell anyone. Talking about myself is not my strong point.”

  She reached out and touched his arm
. “I want to know everything about you.”

  Her pleading tugged at his heart. This was the first time he wanted someone to know more about him. Feeling a closeness to her that was a bit foreign to him, he cleared his throat. “Very well, I will tell you my secret. But you have to promise to never tell anyone.”

  She nodded. “I won’t tell a soul.”

  He winked. “I would hate to have to kill you.”

  “I bet.” She said teasingly. “Now stop stalling. Please tell me your secret.”

  He chuckled. “I was at a tournament with some knights from the clan I fostered at. I was supposed to be cleaning their equipment but was distracted by a robbery I saw behind our tent. I intervened and saved a man that looked very different than the average Scot. He told me he was from a foreign land and offered to take me to his friends for a reward. I hesitated but followed him dreaming of some coin.”

  He took a pause watching the expression play across Katherine’s face. She raised her brow. “Do not keep me in suspense, tell me what happened.”

  “Patience, my dear.” He took her hand and kissed her knuckles. “His friends spoke in a language I did not understand. After I stood watching them, the leader of the group told me in a thick accent that they had no coin to give me but would show me their appreciation by training me to fight.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t understand. You were already trained by seasoned knights.”

  He nodded. “True, but their fighting was different and required using your mind and learning to anticipate your opponent’s next move. They called it an art form and they studied it for years.”

  He took a breath and shifted on the tree. “I watched them for a few hours training with each other and was mesmerized. They used long sticks instead of swords but were just as deadly. I took them up on their offer and never returned to the tournament. They took me in as a stranger and we lived in the mountains. I was only fifteen and practically a boy. When I returned a year later, I was a man.”

  “What happened to the men?” Her inquisitiveness captivated him. He enjoyed her attention.

  “Do not fret, my dear. They sailed away from Scotland and traveled to their homeland. They were only here by accident and waited for their ship to be repaired. They asked me to go with them, but I wanted to return to my family. I kept their secret as they were hiding from some adversaries.”

  She looked at him with admiration. “You’re a fascinating man, Ian Travis.”

  He touched her face. “I find you fascinating.”

  They spent the rest of the afternoon talking and laughing. Ian had never felt so comfortable with a woman in his life. Katherine was very special, and he wanted to know her more.

  They soon felt hungry and rode back to the camp to eat lunch. Ian joined is men on a hunt for dinner and Katherine spent the rest of the day with Deanna tending to the wounded.

  Later that evening, Katherine waited anxiously for Ian to return from the hunt. She thought about him all day. The women had cleaned up the campsite and prepared a fire, so they could cook as soon as the men appeared.

  A few hours later, Ian and a few warriors came back with lots of rabbits. His men took them and began to skin them for the dinner.

  He came by and smiled at her. ““I missed you. Come sit by me, I need you to keep me warm.”

  She smiled and followed him to his furs. He pulled her onto his lap and pulled the furs over them. The men finished cooking and passed around skewers of meat. After eating her fill, she leaned back enjoying the warmth of Ian’s body. The warriors told stories and their jokes were becoming bawdier. Katherine eyed Dorian leading Deanna away from the men to a secluded area near a tree. She turned and watched Claudia giggling with a new man from Ian’s group. Katherine yawned, and Ian lifted her up from his lap. “Let’s go to the tent. The men are getting restless and want to speak more freely, some of their conversations may become improper.”

  Katherine snorted. “If the jests I heard were not improper, I would hate to hear the ones that were.”

  Ian smiled. “Hence, why we are taking our leave.” He gently pulled her in front of him protecting her while they walked to the tent. She entered the small structure covered with blankets and he lay beside her closing the flap—leaving them alone and away from prying eyes.

  “You smell so good and feel so soft.” He breathed her in as he held her close to him. Leaning back, his gaze roamed over her face.

  She stiffened feeling nervous at their closeness. His face was practically touching hers. The tension was strong and they both surrendered to the seduction. She felt his lips brush against hers. His kisses were slow and skillful. As he opened his mouth, they became more forceful and she could feel his need possessing her. He released her mouth moving his kisses to her neck, the sensation was intoxicating, and she liked it. His mouth moved down her throat giving her chills and causing a soft moan to escape her lips. His hands roamed to the neckline of her dress and he began to pull it down placing kisses on his descent. She gasped uncomfortably at the liberties he was taking and tried to pull away. “Stop.”

  He stilled with a frustrated sigh and lifted his head. “Forgive me. I lost myself. I have never wanted a woman more than I want you right now.”

  She straightened her dress and brought her knees up to her chest covering herself with a blanket. “No, please forgive me. I am just not ready for such affection. I should have stayed with my sister tonight and kept myself covered.” She reached for her bags and tried to crawl out of the tent.

  Ian reached for her and pulled her back on top of his lap. Burying his face into her neck, he whispered, “Please don’t leave.”

  Her eyes burned with tears. She was embarrassed and tried to wipe them away, but a sob escaped, no matter how hard she tried to keep it in. He rubbed under her eyes with the tip of his thumb. “Don’t cry. I just want to hold you.”

  She leaned against him as they lay back down. He held her against his chest running his fingers through her long hair. Sniffing, she tried to calm her nerves. “You must think I am an exasperating young girl who knows nothing about the world.”

  “On the contrary, I think you are quite extraordinary. And for the first time my life, I may be in danger of losing myself to a woman.”

  The next morning, she woke alone. Ian was gathering his men and cleaning up the camp. She could hear Deanna speaking to Claudia outside of her tent. She peeked out as they laughed. “We were just getting ready to wake you. Let’s go wash up.”

  The women left the camp and Claudia spoke incessantly about a man named Clyde from Ian’s group. After cleaning up, they ate a small breakfast and loaded their saddlebags. Katherine insisted on riding with her sister to Ian’s visible disappointment. She needed to speak to Deanna about her womanly duties and was frightened. No one had explained to her the actual act of mating.

  Chapter 8

  They did not stop for lunch only a short reprieve for their horses to rest. Ian tried to approach Katherine with mundane conversational topics, but she refused his advances and kept her eyes from meeting his. She stayed near her sister, making excuses not to walk with him when he asked her for a few moments of her time. Her sister held on to her arm tightly and the women kept to themselves. Ian was visibly frustrated and stormed off to his men barking orders and rearranging the saddlebags.

  The group was on their way shortly afterward. Katherine rode in the back of the group with Claudia. The next few hours went by quickly until they finally came upon the castle surrounded by a quaint village bustling with activity. Dorian announced they were near his clan and sent messengers up ahead to announce their arrival. Ian’s group accepted Dorian’s offer of hospitality to stay over a night for rest before moving on to their home the next day.

  As the group rode through the village, many of the villagers welcomed the men home. They stared at the women
and Ian’s group with apprehension but offered to take their horses to the stable.

  When they reached the keep, Dorian unmounted and hugged an older woman. “Aunt, may I introduce a few friends of mine, Deanna and Katherine. They will be staying with us a for a while. Please show them our hospitality.”

  The woman smiled. “Of course.” She looked at the women with a warm smile. “I am happy to make your acquaintance.”

  The women curtsied, and Deanna replied. “We are happy to make yours as well.”

  Dorian’s aunt looked back to him. “Your sisters went to McKenzie’s wedding last night. They should be home shortly.” She motioned towards a couple of servants who eyed Katherine and Deanna with caution as one of them motioned for the women to follow them inside to a private chamber.

  Upon entering the door, one of the women turned to them. “I will order a bath for both of you. You can rest, and we will have your bags brought up. If you need a fresh gown until yours can be wash, we have a seamstress who has a trunk full of extra dresses.”

  Katherine smiled in gratitude. “You are very kind. I would appreciate any dress that you can provide.”

  The young woman tilted her head in question. “You are English?”

  Katherine looked at Deanna who widened her eyes in alarm. Deanna cleared her throat to respond. “Only partially. We are both Scot and English. I hope you don’t hold that against us. Dorian was most kind in offering his protection until we can return to our father.”

  The older maid put clean linens on the bed while the younger woman shrugged her shoulders in indifference. “A little Scottish is enough for me. I am glad to make your acquaintance. My name is Meg and Dorian is my cousin. Laura is one of my maids and can help you during your stay. We will serve dinner in a few hours and I will send up a few dresses for you.”


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