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Hiding Katherine

Page 9

by GG Shalton

  Deanna smiled. “You are most kind. Our maid Claudia is with us as well. I believe she will be along shortly.”

  A knock on the door interrupted the women and a few men brought in a tub. A few others came in with steaming buckets of water and the women thanked them for their hospitality. Katherine was looking forward to a good soak.

  The sisters washed their hair and cleaned the dirt and grime from their bodies. They wrapped themselves in blankets and sat by the fire to dry their hair. A few moments later, a woman arrived with many dresses that she laid out on the bed. She had a young boy with her who carried the women’s bags. They were relieved to have their belongings and tried on the different dresses the seamstress brought. Katherine settled on a green gown and Deanna wore a blue one. They combed their hair and styled it with ribbons that they had in their bags.

  “Do you think Dorian will treat me differently now that he is home?” Deanna sat on the bed putting on her slippers waiting for Katherine’s reply.

  “I hope not. The whole trip he seemed concerned with your welfare. He gave you his undivided attention. My fear is if Father doesn’t pay. Will we stop being guests and then become dispensable servants? Maybe sold off like Grandmother’s clan was going to do to us.”

  “Let me remind you that it was I that was going to be sold off. You were going to be married.”

  Katherine looked straight into her eyes and replied, “Not much of a difference if you ask me.”

  Deanna turned to the looking glass and smoothed her hair with her hand. “How right you are, my sister. You are a fast learner.”

  A knock on the door silenced them. Deanna answered as Claudia came in eating some fruit. “Are you hungry?”

  Deanna placed her hands on her hips irritated. “Where have you been?”

  “Forgive me. The kitchens are better than I have ever seen. I lost track of time.”

  Deanna rolled her eyes. “We need a new maid, Sister.”

  Katherine smiled while checking herself in the mirror one last time. She left part of her hair cascading down her back with the sides braided and arranged on top of her head. Claudia smiled while watching her. “Your man will not know what hit him when he sees you.”

  Katherine looked away without saying anything. A knock on the door interrupted them and revealed Dorian. He gazed at the women and bowed. “You look beautiful, ladies. I will be the envy of every man there when I escort you both to dinner.”

  Deanna stuck out her bottom lip. “I am happy to hear you didn’t forget about us.”

  He brought her hand to his lips. “Forgive me Sweetheart—I had to attend to the families of my fallen warriors.”

  “Oh, please forgive me. Of course, that is more important.”

  Katherine smiled at her sister. “Sweetheart is it?” The couple looked at each other and laughed.

  They entered the great hall and a hush came over the room as the other guests saw them come through the doors. Dorian escorted them to the dais where they sat with other honored guests and the laird. Dorian introduced the women to the laird, who gave them a huge welcome. His wife stood and greeted each woman with a hug.

  Ian stood when he saw Katherine, and Dorian pulled out the chair beside him for her. Her heart pounded against her chest, but she graciously accepted. A few chairs down, Dorian pulled out the chair for Deanna as they spoke in whispers to the laird.

  Ian leaned down and whispered in her ear, “You look beautiful this evening.”

  She looked down at her lap bashfully. “Thank you, Sir Ian.”

  “Ian. My name is Ian.”

  “As you wish, Ian.” She quickly looked away and found it hard to concentrate on what was going on around her. Many of the men had noticed her, pointing toward the dais, and whispering among each other. A look of jealousy briefly came over Ian’s face, but he kept his senses.

  The servants began to pass out the trenchers and platters of food entered the hall. Katherine felt famished and was looking forward to the fare. Ian helped put food in her trencher and sliced her meat with his dagger. After a few bites, he turned to her to ask, “Have you avoided me today?”

  She was surprised by his direct question. “Not at all.”

  He paused and studied her reaction. Looking around at the others, he was seemingly relieved they were in their own conversations. He whispered near her ear. “Was it the liberties I took last night?”

  Her breath caught in her throat as he guessed her discomfort. He reached for her hand and held it under the table. “I beg your forgiveness if I made you feel uncomfortable. But your silence and indifference today has kept me tormented.”

  She looked at him surprised. “I doubt that an inexperienced young maiden could keep a man like you in torment. You are afraid of nothing.”

  He looked at her without smiling. Keeping his voice low, he confessed, “That is not true. I am afraid of you. You hold my heart in your hands.”

  She swallowed hard. Looking up at this fearless warrior whose fierce reputation was the talk of legends, her body trembled. His giant hand gently held hers with affection—something she never felt with anyone before. Glancing around the hall, she realized that not a man in this room would challenge his warrior skills, yet no one saw this side of him that spoke to her in the kindest of ways.

  He rubbed her hand with his thumb under the table where no one could see. “Let’s take a walk after dinner. I need to speak with you alone.”

  After dinner, they excused themselves and went outside. He pulled her arm tightly through his and brought her fingers to his mouth. “You drove me mad through dinner. I have waited to get you all to myself since I saw you enter the hall.”

  She blushed. “Your words are smooth and drip with honey.”

  He laughed. “They are true. And I suspect you torture me on purpose now that I have confessed my devotion to your cause.”

  She walked beside him as he took them off the path near the castle walls toward some overgrown grass. He stopped and pulled her next to a tree to obscure the views of any guards near the castle gatehouse.

  She looked up at him trying to read his face. His hand gently pulled her hair back away from her face. “Dorian has asked me to stay another day. The council wishes to engage me in a proposition. I can only imagine it is to hire us to fight with them. We have been known to lend our services if the cause and price are right. Though I am not sure if they can afford us. My men are expensive warriors but effective. My clan is allied with his now, so there is no conflict of interest. Although, it depends on the terms if I shall stay past tomorrow. I am due for a visit at home in a fortnight. I gave my word to my brothers.”

  “Do you wish to stay for only the proposition?”

  He smiled at her innocent question and reached for her chin with his hand. “Nay. I wish to stay longer because of this.” He bent down and brushed his lips with hers. She slid her arms around his neck burying her face against his chest. He held her tightly against him. “If I leave, I want you to come with me.” He took a deep breath watching her closely by the light of the moon. “I have my own tower in my family’s castle with many rooms that belong only to me. It goes unused mostly because I am never at home. I also have a few other small castles that belong to me as well.”

  She slanted her head in confusion. “You want me to stay with you?”

  “You’re in my constant thoughts. I dreamt about you last night and want you as my wife. I know this proposal may not be proper in your world. Our union would not be arranged by our parents. But due to our circumstances, I am not able to negotiate for you properly. I would give anything to have you as my own and beg your father for his permission if it were possible. You must believe me, I have never wanted anything more.”

  She stared at him in shock. “I don’t understand. You have only known me a few days. I a
m English, and your family would probably disapprove. Besides, you may grow bored of me once you bed me.”

  He shook his head. “Never! I know that wouldn’t happen. I am the fourth son and have not been arranged in a marriage to anyone. They knew my wild ways and felt I would never settle. I used to claim I would never take a wife and they had accepted that. I had thought females weakened a man and kept my distance from any of them that wished to tie me down.” He looked away and ran his fingers through his hair searching for words that came hard for him.

  She searched his face “Why such an aversion to females? Have you been hurt?”

  “I have never allowed a female to get close enough to hurt me. My life has been about battles and leading men. Living up to a reputation and trying to make people fear me were my pursuits. I have never wanted anything different.”

  “That is sad, Ian.”

  He cupped her face. “Until now. You are unlike any female I have ever known, and I find myself thinking about you all the time. Please say you will be my wife and put me out of my misery. My desire for you builds each day. I wish to be a good husband and father. You will want for nothing.”

  She stepped away from him. “This has taken me by surprise. Although, I must admit I find it tempting to seal my own destiny. It would destroy my family, but I am finding myself wanting to follow my heart. Please let me discuss this with my sister. I will give you my answer tomorrow.”

  He smiled and kissed her again quickly. “Tomorrow.”

  They walked back to the castle in comfortable silence.

  Chapter 9

  The next morning the hall was filled with people when Katherine entered for breakfast. Looking around she didn’t find anyone familiar at first glance. Deanna had not been in their room when she returned from her walk with Ian last night. One of the maids told her that Deanna was given a private room and had asked not to be disturbed. Katherine could only imagine why she didn’t want to share a room with her. Waking up alone, she was without a sister or a maid. Some maid Claudia was! Katherine ended up dressing and pulling her hair back in an easy style all by herself.

  She noticed Ian walking toward her as she looked for a place to sit. He looked like he had been training with his men for the morning workouts. Sweat beaded across his brow and his arms glistened with perspiration. His enormous size stood out among the other warriors.

  “You are finally awake and grace us with your presence.” He teased her with a look of amusement in his eyes.

  “I needed my rest. Have you eaten, Sir Ian?”

  “Aye, several hours ago, but I will sit with you.”

  Katherine sat at a table with him by her side. He bent close and asked, “Did you think about my proposal? Have you spoken to your sister?”

  “They gave her a different chamber last night. When I came into our room, she was not there, and I was not able to find her or Claudia this morning,”

  He looked around the hall. “I saw Dorian this morning. We are meeting in a few minutes with his council. I will find you afterward and hopefully by then you have spoken to your sister and we can discuss our plans further.” He kissed her hand then walked away.

  Katherine accepted some fruit from a kitchen servant who smiled and cleaned up around her—such a contrast to the treatment they received from their grandmother’s clan.

  After finishing her fruit, she noticed Deanna speaking and laughing with a small group of women. Katherine enjoyed seeing her sister happy and watched her from afar. Deanna followed the women to the side of the hall and disappeared. Katherine finished her glass of mead and decided to take a walk around the bailey. She would speak to Deanna later when she wasn’t occupied with the other women in the keep.

  The chill in the air stung more than she thought. The shining sun was a bit deceiving as the chilly air was frigid. “Mistress?”

  Katherine turned to see Claudia running up the hill a bit disheveled. Katherine narrowed her eyes, placing her hands on her hips in annoyance. “Where have you been?”

  Claudia didn’t respond and grabbed her hair trying to put it back up in the pins.

  “Indeed, Claudia. You must have some decorum about your activities.”

  Claudia opened her mouth wide at her accusation. “It’s not what you think., Jacob, one of the groomsmen, told me he needed help with a horse that was going to foal. I was there all night trying to comfort the horse.”

  Katherine laughed. “A likely story. Perhaps this Jacob man is the one who needed comforting.”

  Claudia said no more on the subject and asked. “Do you need any assistance? Perhaps you would like me to prepare a bath or some food?”

  “No, I already ate. I am just taking a walk if you would like to join me?”

  Claudia obliged and walked beside her. “How was your walk last night with the Cold-Hearted one?”

  Katherine drew her eyebrow down in discomfort. “I wish people would not call him that. I honestly don’t understand why people can’t see how wonderful he is. Not only is he kind and gentle, but he is smart and makes me feel special.”

  Claudia scowled. “The man barely speaks and when he does it sounds so deep and dark. He scares me. Jacob told me that his sister married a servant from your admirer’s clan. Apparently, rumors are that even his own clan is on edge when he is home including his brothers.”

  Katherine stopped walking and looked at Claudia. “Those are only rumors. They are probably jealous of his warrior skills.” She entwined her elbow with hers. “I have a secret, but you mustn’t tell anyone. Not even Deanna until I can speak with her first.”

  Claudia nodded in agreement.

  “We spoke of our affection last night and I want to marry him.”

  Claudia’s eyes widened in shock as she covered her opened mouth. “You can’t be serious, Mistress. Your father would never allow it. Not to mention your sister.”

  Katherine shrugged her indifference. “I will be seventeen soon. I am of age in Scotland. I don’t need his permission or blessing to marry.”

  “Miss Katherine, please. You don’t know this man. Sure, he is a bit gritty and manly. Many women probably throw themselves at him due to his accomplishments in battle. But marriage? I tremble at the thought. You were brought up to be a wife of a rich baron or an earl. You’re so pretty and educated. I hardly see what the attraction would be to a man like that.”

  “He is a great prospect! How can my father complain?” She protested defensively. “He owns land and a few castles given to him for his triumphs in wars and battles. If that were all I knew, it would be an advantageous match. I am but a daughter of a knight. I hold no titles and my dowry is a pittance.”

  “You know you hold a lot more than that. Think about the matches you would exclude yourself from if the two of you were to marry.”

  “I care nothing for titles or lands. I think I love him.” She said it out loud for the first time realizing her feelings were deeper than she wanted to admit. She would tell him tonight when they spoke about their plans.

  “If that is the case, I would give your sister some time. She will not succumb to this news with a good spirit. Let her see how you feel about him and get to know him herself. At least a few days.”

  Katherine smiled at the idea. “Very well. We will keep this our secret.”

  Dorian asked Deanna to take a walk. He had just finished his meeting with Ian and a few of his men, and Deanna was anxious to hear the news.

  “My family likes you.” He smiled as he kissed her hand, keeping her hand in his as they walked up the hill toward some wooded parts of the estate.

  “I like them as well. They have made me feel most welcomed. I met with the seamstress today and she offered to make me a few dresses. Their kindness is touching.”

  Dorian slowed his pace and asked her to take a seat on a fallen
tree. He sat beside her looking out over the fields. “It is my wish that you will stay with me and not return to England.”


  Dorian bent down and kissed her. “Aye, I want you to be my wife.”

  Deanna squealed and threw her arms around his neck. “Yes! I want that too.”

  He hugged her and held her close to his chest. She couldn’t stop smiling. “I can’t wait to tell Katherine.”

  Dorian pulled away from her, his smile fading. “Do you think she will go back to England without you? I don’t mind if she lives with us if that is your wish.”

  “I must think about it. I don’t wish to bring your clan trouble. My father can be callous when it comes to money and he sees Katherine as a way to a better life. He has provided only a puny dowry for her in the hopes that her beauty would have men forget themselves and their money.”

  Dorian sat quietly absorbing what she said. “My men would protect her with their life if you say the word.”

  “I could never ask them that. Besides she has a champion who already can’t keep his eyes off her. He will be leaving soon, and we will need to decide if we contact my father or not. Eventually he will send guards to the McEntee clan and come looking.”

  Dorian cracked a smile. “Speaking of her champion, he has agreed to help my clan with the McGregor’s. They are afraid of his clan and he thinks he can negotiate on my behalf. His price was steep, and we will need to sell off some land to pay him. But it will be worth it. I honestly think the only reason he agreed to help us was not the money, but to spend a few more days with your sister. She has captivated him and all our men, including his own, don’t know what to make of it. They said he has spoken more in the last few days than in all the years they have known him.”


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