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Hiding Katherine

Page 19

by GG Shalton

  He searched her face as she gave him her full attention. “You are correct that having a baby now would make your child a bastard. No one would believe that you were married, and the questionable behavior would never allow someone to marry you. My only thought is that we marry as soon as we can, even tonight if possible. We have no land or contract negotiations. I already have the king’s permission. I will send you off to one of my private estates to have the baby. We will keep you there at least a year with only hand chosen servants and backdate the birth date by a few months. The baby will take my name and if it’s a boy, he will be my heir. No one will ever know he is not mine.”

  Katherine’s face turned pale. “I don’t understand. Why would you do that?” Her swollen eyes widened in confusion.

  A slow sympathetic smile extended across his face. “Honestly, I do not know. There is something about you that makes me want to protect you. I wish we had time to court, but we must decide today.”

  Katherine’s mind could not settle. This man is offering her his name and inheritance for her child. Ian was dead, and her child had a chance at a noble life. If it was a boy, he would inherit an earldom and many lands. How could she say no? She reached for his hand and held it with both of hers. “You do me a great honor with such an offer. I can hardly believe that you would be serious. Perhaps you should think about what you are saying.”

  He lowered down on his knee and made eye contact with her. “I will not change my mind. You are all I have thought about since the day I left you. I chose not to disrespect your betrothed by announcing my affections and left the next day. But I knew in my heart, you were the only woman I wanted to marry.”

  “What if I have a son? Can you really give him your title? Suppose we have sons, would you be able to love my son as much?”

  He dipped his head seemingly resolved with his true feelings on the matter. “Yes, if he is part of you, then I will love him as my own. If your child is a boy, he will inherit everything. We may only have daughters—it’s a chance I am willing to take if you are. There can be no question of the bloodlines. We must marry tonight and move on to my estate in the north. You will stay there until you deliver. We will backdate the birth and introduce the child into society by a few months. We can work it out. But it will be our secret.”

  She nodded as a sob hung in her throat. “Yes… Yes, I will marry you. Thank you for doing this for me… for us.”

  He opened his arms and pulled her close to him as he remained on his knees. “You have made me the happiest of men.”

  He let her go and cupped her face. Leaning down, he brushed his lips across hers. “I will tell your brother-in-law to send for the priest.”

  Katherine kept hold of his hand as they walked out of the garden. He squeezed it as they entered inside. “You must tell your sister and prepare for tonight. We leave afterwards.”

  Katherine nodded, a little disappointed about leaving so quickly. But knowing the offer would save her, she quickly pushed the feeling aside and walked to her sister’s chambers.

  Chapter 22

  Deanna was with Claudia and they were arguing about one of the stablemen that Claudia had been spending some time with.

  Katherine ignored their bickering and sat on the bed. “I must speak to both of you.”

  They stopped speaking and looked at Katherine. “What is it?” Deanna asked.

  Katherine pinched the bridge of her nose searching for words. Taking a deep breath, she composed herself. “It seems that I have some good news.” Her shoulders shook slightly giving away her apprehension.

  Deanna raised her brows in question and asked, “What good news?”

  Katherine bit her bottom lip and responded, “I am to be married.”

  Claudia and Deanna looked at each other. “Married?” Deanna blurted out.

  Katherine grabbed the pillow and hugged it. “Yes, to the Earl of Barragan.”

  Deanna sat beside her. “So soon? Your fiancé has only been dead for a short time.”

  Katherine’s heart felt like it fell into her stomach. Defensively, she narrowed her eyes at her sister. “I loved Ian and will never stop. This marriage is about protection and it’s a good offer. I think he will treat me well, and I’m not sure if I will receive another offer like this. I have accepted.”

  Deanna glanced at Claudia and back to Katherine. “Please honey— think about what you are saying. Are you sure he offered marriage? You barely know him and have no dowry. A man of his station would only marry with the permission from the king. He would demand some political advantage. You are a daughter of a poor English landowner who used to be a lowly knight. It doesn’t make sense.”

  Katherine stood up from the bed and walked to the table to pour herself some watered wine. “I did not misunderstand him. I assume he has permission from the king. I don’t know why he offered, he only said that he couldn’t stop thinking of me. That is enough for me.”

  Deanna crossed her arms. “I don’t like it. Something seems amiss.”

  Katherine took a sip of wine and finished the glass. “All I know is that he wants to marry me tonight and leave afterwards.”

  “Tonight? Are you jesting?”

  “He doesn’t want to wait. The earl is asking Dorian and the laird for their permission to use the chapel.”

  Claudia interrupted their conversation, walking over to loop her arm with Katherine’s trying to appease the mood and separate the sisters. Deanna’s face was turning red and she was unable to control her temper. Claudia looked to Katherine and said, “Tonight? We haven’t much time. Let’s go find you a gown to wear.” And they left the room.

  Deanna entered Katherine’s chamber a few minutes before the ceremony. She walked to her and helped straighten some curls coming down from her barrette.

  “You look beautiful,” Deanna said with tears in her eyes.

  “Thank you. The gown is old, but it was the best one I had.”

  “Trust me, your earl will not be looking at the gown.”

  Katherine put her hand on her stomach, trying to calm her nerves. “I feel a little nauseous, I need to sit down.” She walked to a chair near the window. “I think they will come soon.”

  Deanna sat on the bed and spoke to Katherine, “I apologize for my behavior earlier. You just surprised me that is all.”

  “No matter, I would have thought it was odd if you didn’t question my decision.”

  “There is something else I wanted to talk to you about. I know it’s embarrassing, but since we have no mother, I feel it’s my duty.”

  “It’s not necessary, Deanna.” Katherine looked away unable to meet her eyes.

  “Trust me, you will be glad you listened to me. Your wedding night may frighten you, but you are very fortunate that the earl is not an old decrepit man. You should be able to enjoy his touch. But the first time can be painful and confusing. If you would like to speak about it, then let me know.”

  Katherine felt her face grow warm at such an intimate discussion. She knew her sister had no idea that she and Ian had been married and had already enjoyed marital relations. Not wanting to have this conversation, she shook her head and said, “Sister, I appreciate your willingness to enlighten me on the duties of being a wife. But I prefer not to discuss them.”

  Deanna straightened her shoulders looking a little disappointed. “Very well. I will see you in the chapel. Dorian will come in a few minutes to escort you.”

  Katherine watched her leave the room and closed the door. Unable to handle any more feelings for the day, she started to giggle at the irony of the situation. Those giggles turned into laughter and she had to cover her mouth breathing deeply to stop.

  A knock on the door came a few moments later—it was Dorian ready to take her to the chapel.

  Katherine entered the chapel with Dorian
by her side. The earl had a few of his men beside him and she could see from the corner of her eye both Deanna and Claudia standing in the front. The laird and his wife along with a few other warriors from the clan sat in the back.

  The earl held out his hand to her as she approached him. He looked very handsome in his white tunic and black trousers accompanied by a wide black leather belt. Around his shoulders laid a rabbit furred cloak that fell down his back.

  Katherine accepted his hand watching Dorian stand by Deanna. The priest began the wedding mass and she tried to focus on her groom. Thoughts of Ian played in her mind as she tried to accept his death in her heart. She did not love the earl, but he made a generous offer, and for that, she would be forever grateful. One day she would tell her child the truth about their real father. An honor she would bestow to the man she once loved, his child would know he existed. Not to betray the man that will raise him, she would keep the secret guarded in her heart until the time was right.

  The priest announced they would take their vows. Katherine felt she was outside of her body, unable to participate in what was taking place in front of her. She forced herself through the motions blocking out any dreadful thoughts of her future. Before she could focus her mind on the present, she faintly heard the priest announce them husband and wife. A tug on her arm broke her out of her stupor, and she looked up into the brown eyes of her new husband. He smiled down at her and rubbed her arm reassuringly with his hand. She met his eyes as he leaned down and kissed her quickly to seal their vows. Katherine found her feet and walked with the earl outside of the chapel back to the castle. Many servants wished them well as they strode up to the great hall. The earl declined to stay for the feast telling Dorian he had business to attend to up north and must leave immediately. Katherine ‘s trunks were already loaded into a carriage and Deanna stood by her side with tears in her eyes. Claudia hugged her. “If you need a lady’s maid, you know who to send for.”

  Katherine sniffed her nose and hugged her back. “Who would that be?”

  Claudia narrowed her eyes playfully and laughed. “I wish you well.”

  Deanna curtsied and winked. “My lady.” She started laughing and then hugged Katherine. “You better get used to your new title, Sister.”

  “I will miss you and hope to visit after winter.”

  The earl said goodbye to his hosts and his men mounted and were ready to go. The earl stepped inside the carriage with Katherine to ride for a few hours with his new wife.

  The earl slid onto the opposite bench from her and closed the carriage door. They waved goodbye out of the window to Dorian and Deanna. After a few minutes, Katherine leaned back into the carriage and tried to relax although the rough roads were slinging her around in the carriage. Her new husband watched her intensely with an apology on his face. He finally broke his stare. “It was hardly a wedding celebration. Forgive me, my dear, for not providing a better afternoon. I promise to make it up to you.”

  “There is no need, Husband. I know our wedding vows had to be rushed. I put no fault on you.”

  A smile formed on his lips as he moved from his seat to sit beside her. He reached for her hand rubbing it between his. “You were the most beautiful bride today. I feel honored to be your husband. I will spend my life trying to make you happy.” He turned her hand over and kissed her palm. Her heart beat against her chest. The guilt consumed her, and she felt unfaithful to Ian. This marriage happened too quickly, and she was not ready to say goodbye to her feelings for her first love. Looking up at her new husband, she recognized the desire in his eyes. Knowing he would claim his husbandly rights soon, she wrung her hands in despair.

  He put his arm around her and pulled her closer to him. “Why don’t you try to rest a bit? We have a couple hours before we stop at Lord Grant’s estate. He is a friend and I sent a missive with one my men to prepare a room for us tonight.”

  Katherine woke a few hours later. The earl met her eyes. “You’re awake?”

  Katherine nodded. “Forgive me, I must have been tired from all the excitement.”

  “Quite all right, my dear.” He pointed out the window. “The light from the village is coming into view. We should stop in a few minutes.”

  She smiled. “That sounds wonderful. My muscles ache from sitting in the carriage for so long.”

  Chapter 23

  The carriage stopped in front of an old castle with the biggest walls Katherine had ever seen. The knights met them outside of the moat and lowered the drawbridge for them to enter. An older man and middle-aged woman met them in front of the keep. The woman wore her hair hidden in a wimple and her dress had a high neckline. She looked at Katherine with her braided hair uncovered, disapproval written on her face. A quick twitch of her eyebrow was soon covered up as she moved her attention to the earl.

  The woman curtsied as her husband bowed. “My lord, we were honored to receive your missive. I have asked the servants to prepare a feast.”

  The earl smiled. “That is good of you, Samuel. I have brought my new bride. May I introduce Lady Katherine, Countess of Barragan.”

  The woman curtsied unable to meet Katherine’s gaze. The older man bowed. “It is an honor, my lady.”

  “Katherine, may I introduce, Sir Samuel and his wife, Mrs. Merritt.”

  Katherine smiled and curtsied in return. “It’s so nice to meet you both. Thank you for your hospitality.”

  Mrs. Merritt held out her arm. “If you will come this way, I will show you where you can freshen up before a late dinner.”

  The earl touched Katherine softly on the shoulder. “I have some business with Samuel and will meet you later to escort you to dinner.”

  Katherine arrived at the chambers, and a few servants had already prepared a bath and delivered her trunks. Katherine enjoyed the quick soak and was careful not to get her hair wet. She wanted to get ready quickly, so she could eat. The hour was drawing late, and her stomach reminded her that she had skipped lunch. After her bath, she donned her green gown and plaited her hair. Waiting by the fireplace for Alexander to arrive, she grew weary. After sitting and staring at the fire for what seemed like a long time, she decided to find Alexander. Leaving the chamber, she realized she didn’t know where to look. A servant passed by and curtsied.

  “Miss, excuse me? Have you seen my husband?”

  “Yes, my lady. He is down the stairs speaking to Sir Samuel.”

  Katherine thanked her and walked to the end of the corridor. As she glanced around, she noticed the silhouette of her husband shadowed by candlelight in the stairwell. He was whispering, and she couldn’t help but lean against the wall to listen. Not wanting to admit that she was eavesdropping, she convinced herself that she was simply waiting for him to finish before she interrupted his conversation.

  A stern voice echoed up the stairs. “The rebels need to be controlled is all I am saying. I have lent support to Dunbar’s cause and the extra income has lined the king’s coffers.”

  Sir Samuel faltered, “I agree with you, my lord. It’s just that some say it’s striking a deal with an enemy to squash a domestic dispute. Any deal with the Irish is a bad deal.”

  “Do you question me, Sir Samuel? Need I remind you that I own the deed to your land? Don’t make me regret giving you another month to pay your rent and taxes. You will send another load of goods to the Irish, just as we had planned. In exchange, they will sacrifice their own men to stop the rebellion. The last thing we need is for them to join forces with our rebels.”

  A strained whisper squeezed out of his mouth, “But Sir Burney said many Scots died in the counter attacks. Our lands are burned, and castles sieged. He refuses to pay until the king takes action.”

  Katherine heard a thump hit the wall. She peered around the corner and saw her husband placing his hands in a choke hold around Sir Samuel’s neck. His voice was threatening, a
s a growl escaped his mouth, “I will not tolerate insolence! Your hesitation in carrying out my orders have cost you precious time. You will now pay me my full rent amount before I leave in the morning, or your wife will be taken as a servant and perhaps one of my guard’s whores. Am I clear?”

  Sir Samuel gasped for breath as his face turned a shade of purple. The earl let go of him and he collapsed on to the floor trying to catch his breath. He rubbed his neck coughing and frantically trying to find air. The earl smoothed the edges of his jacket watching Sir Samuel struggle for composure. He made no attempt to help him. Katherine could not take anymore and ran back to her chamber. She slipped inside and leaned against the door, trying to catch her breath. After a few seconds of regaining her composure, she walked to the chair near the fireplace hoping to block the memories of what just happened.

  A knock sounded a few minutes later, and she jumped up, took a deep breath and opened the door.

  “You look rested, my dear. Are you ready for dinner?”

  Katherine nodded her head a little hesitant to take his arm but trying to remain the dutiful wife. She had heard the conversation and wondered about the man she was now married to. Was it façade? Was he cruel? How would he treat her?

  They went to the great hall. A few couples were seated at the table, but most of the hall was empty as the hour was late. Katherine imagined they had already eaten and were in bed by now.

  The room was quiet when they approached the table. The other couples stood and offered their courtesies to both Katherine and Alexander. A few of the earl’s men joined them as well. Katherine noticed that Sir Samuel’s expression was stricken with anxiety. His disheveled appearance gave away his discomfort. His wife’s face was indifferent, and she offered only guarded pleasantries.


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