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Back with the Stuntman_A Single Dad Second Chance Romance)

Page 3

by Amanda Horton

  “Oh Jeff, I’m so sorry,” I said, feeling horrible.

  “It’s been four years. And I still have my son with me; Shaun.”

  Jeff suddenly smiled again and fished up his phone to show me a picture of a kid with messy brown hair and the bluest of blue eyes.

  “He’s got your eyes,” I said with a smile.

  “Yep. And my love of adventure. He’s a right handful. But he has some of his mother’s sensitive and creative side.”

  Suddenly I shivered.

  Jeff frowned.

  “It’s getting cold.”

  I nodded. I didn’t want to move — I wanted to stay and enjoy the scenery, but nights in L.A. get cold due to the desert climate.

  “How would you feel about a late night dinner at Mel’s like in the olden days?”

  I smiled.

  “It’s been a while. Think their milkshakes are still good?”

  “Oh, I know they are!” Jeff said and grinned at me.


  Three hours and as many milkshakes later (we’d shared so as to try different flavors — banana Oreo, raspberry white chocolate and good old peanut butter), I felt a lot more alive than I had in a long time. Jeff’s cheeky nature and deep laughter were as contagious as they’d been sixteen years ago.

  “Thank you for this,” I said, as Jeff paid the bill. “And I don’t mean just the food — it was great seeing you again.”

  Jeff smiled.

  “And you’re the same fiery redhead I remember. Six months to get a big acting gig, huh?” Jeff said teasingly, but I noted a hint of respect in his voice too.

  I nodded.

  “Crazy as they come. But you know, for years I resisted that part of myself. I’ve been a good wife for way too long.”

  Jeff smiled, his eyes twinkling.

  “I have a hard time believing that.”

  “Oh, believe it,” I said. I couldn’t quite keep the bitterness out of my voice.

  Jeff looked compassionate all of a sudden.

  “Listen, we’re having an audition this week. For a new series. I’m not in charge of the casting, but I can get you an audition. The role is a forty-something kick-ass detective in Maui who solves crimes riding a motorbike. You’d be perfect. Apart from the fact that you’re apparently still an appalling driver.”

  I looked at him, my eyes wide with shock. Those kinds of roles didn’t come by often. The chance of getting an audition for them even less often.

  “I’d be thrilled to audition. You know that. Thanks.”

  I wished that was the only thing that thrilled me in that moment, but as we stood up to walk to our respective cars, I felt the thrill of being next to a very attractive man. A very, very attractive man.

  As we made our way to the cars, Jeff put his arm around my shoulders in a friendly gesture. I felt goosebumps forming on my arms in response to the touch and was suddenly very happy I was wearing layers. The scent of his expensive perfume — leathery and smoky — mixed with what was the scent of him, made me weak in my knees. The tailor-made suit and white shirt, two buttons unbuttoned, made him look masculine and carefree at the same time. In exactly the right way.

  As we reached the cars Jeff gave me another bear hug. A long one.

  “It was good catching up, Pat,” he said as he let go. “I’ll arrange for the audition tomorrow. Then I’ll give you a call next week to hear how it all goes.”

  I nodded.


  He smiled, winked and jumped into his Porsche. And suddenly, I felt very alone.

  Chapter 4


  “Dad?” Shaun said.

  “Yes, son?”

  “I want one more story tonight.”

  I was reading bedtime stories to my son — I worked long days and irregular hours so things like bedtime stories weren’t always a given. That’s why I always made sure, in between films and whenever my schedule allowed, that I set time aside to do just that. I knew from my childhood that it was those simple everyday moments that mattered more than almost anything else.

  Shaun looked so sweet and innocent when going to bed — unlike the adventurous little creature he was during the day. I smiled.

  “Sure, you can have another story. But after that, daddy needs to relax too.”

  Truth be told, I was exhausted. The night before, I ended up spending three hours with Pat at Mel’s Diner, which I had not expected. I had to get up at 5 AM the next morning for a shoot.

  Still, Pat had been worth it. And I bet she was going to nail that audition I’d given her — it was tomorrow. It would be fun to work with her if she got it. And, I admitted to myself, it brought a certain level of excitement. Seeing her…she was still as attractive as she’d once been. In a different way. More confident of herself. Not as young and hot in that way, of course, but hot on a whole other level. I liked it. It was good to have her back.


  The next day, I was in the studio for another shoot, which went well. We worked with big studios for almost all our productions and for the past five films we had made deals with Daylight Studios. Like the other big names, they were out in Burbank and I’d spent so much time on their lot that it felt like home.

  After a long day, I was pleased with what we had accomplished — we were still ahead of schedule and under budget. I smiled to myself as I walked down the corridor. It felt good being the only person in Hollywood with a consistent track record of over delivering in the scheduling department. There was a reason the finance guys liked me.

  I looked down at my phone as it buzzed — another message from my secretary. Rounding the corner, I didn’t look up until I bumped into something soft.

  “Oh,” the soft thing said and I looked up to see a redheaded curvy goddess.

  “Oh,” I replied.

  “This time you bumped me,” Pat said with a giggle.

  “I did indeed. I do apologize. But at least I didn’t bump you with my Porsche.”

  She laughed.

  “No, that would have been worse. I’m not sure my Beetle could have handled it.”

  “So,” I said, “did you have your audition?”

  “Yes, yes I did.”

  She looked at me, eyes shining. The green in them would make emeralds look plain.

  “And?” I asked.

  “I got it. I mean I haven’t signed, but the casting director said she wants me and the director also he wants me. You’d have to approve as the main producer, but I’m guessing that’s not a problem?”

  I felt a smile spread across my face. Being this close to Pat was something I could get used to…and apparently, I would. I reminded myself of my decision never to mix business with pleasure, but this was Pat — she was someone I’d known since forever, so it felt different.

  “Congratulations! This calls for a celebration. I was just leaving…how about we head for drinks? Something on Sunset on the way home?”

  “Sure,” she nodded enthusiastically. I could see happiness radiating from her whole being and I felt pleased I’d played part in causing it.

  “I’ll race you to Chateau Marmont then. The bar. You know it’s not in the actual chateau.”

  “I know. My memory hasn’t failed me yet.” She winked at me.

  I laughed. Yeah, I liked this fierier woman in front me better than the Pat I’d known in her twenties. Or well, she’d been beautiful, kind, fun, but she’d always seemed somewhat insecure no matter how much she tried to cover it up with her fun ways.


  An hour or so later we were happily tucked away in Chateau Marmont’s bar. With a distinctly French bohemian feel — warm, inviting and luxurious — the bar was timeless.

  “Still one for wine and cheese?” I asked with a smile. I remembered Pat’s love for good food.

  Pat smiled.

  “You remember.”

  “How could I forget? You used to cook three-course meals when everyone else was living off noodles, or trying weird healthy diets.”

  “Yes, I always loved my food. Just found this brilliant café here on Sunset. Very cozy. Lots of home cooked goodies that are both healthy and comforting to eat.”

  “You mean Raspberry?” I asked. I knew the place well because Shaun loved their muffins…and so did I.

  “Yes, that’s the one! I found it one day when I first moved here and needed Wi-Fi. Hadn’t installed it at home yet. And ever since, I keep going back. I love the atmosphere.”

  “Yeah, it’s a nice place. I usually get take-aways though. Shaun wants to go play. Not one for sitting still.”

  Pat raised an eyebrow.

  “I wonder where he gets that from.”

  I laughed.

  “Yes, the kid loves adventure, just like his old man.”

  “Not that old,” Pat replied with a wink. Damn, was she flirting with me? No, I remembered she’d always been fun loving. But now…she was so different and I wanted to reach out and touch those curves. She was wearing a black outfit — black jeans, a black turtleneck sweater with big sleeves and high heeled black shoes. Sexy as hell. She’d be perfect as the fiery redhead detective riding a bike. I couldn’t wait to see her on that bike, clad in leather…

  I shook my head. I’d just the other day concluded I wasn’t fit for relationships and I didn’t want to lose Pat as my friend. She’d already been through so much with Bill. What a jerk. Not that I didn’t understand his need to sleep around, but if you have that need, you should have an open relationship. You don’t cheat someone. Relationships are sacred ground. And the thought of him hiring a hooker? Who would do that and bring her into their wife’s home? The Bill I knew all those years ago certainly wouldn’t. I felt my blood boil. I’d happily punch the man. But looking at the woman in front of me, I got the impression that she could do that all by herself — her new life was a testament to the fact that she’d learnt to stand up for herself. Even if she was still putting up with fame-crazed mothers. But soon she’d be the lead in what I hoped would be an incredibly successful TV show. We were just shooting the pilot for now, but we were already in talks with Netflix. They wanted a new action series with a strong female lead. I planned on giving it to them — with the help of Pat.

  “So, let’s get some wine to celebrate. And a big cheese platter. The Manchego cheese here is out of this world. Well, probably not out of this world — more likely from Whole Foods, but man, have you seen their cheese selection?”

  Pat shook her head.

  “No, I’ve stuck to Trader Joe’s on Sunset. Haven’t had much of a chance to explore yet. Had so much to do. Luckily, I found that chalet straight away and it was perfect, but then it was all about getting settled, buying some extra furniture, the Wi-Fi, getting clients in the door for coaching and looking for roles so I could build a showreel. It’s been non-stop.”

  “Well, let’s celebrate. Never mind the wine, let’s have some champagne. Because you and I are going to make history with a new TV show.”


  Two hours later and quite tipsy from champagne, the two of us made our way to the valet place just next to the bar, then waited for them to fetch our cars.

  “Thanks for the celebratory drinks,” Pat said. “I’m happy to be working with you.”

  She looked at me with bright green eyes and pulled a hand through her wild red hair, which had gotten caught by the wind — the Santa Ana was blowing tonight. Hot desert winds.

  I took a step closer and inhaled her vanilla based perfume. Soft. Sweet. But with undertones of something fresh and spicy. Just like her.

  “I haven’t had so much fun with someone in ages. I’m happy you’re back.” And it was true — I hadn’t. Pat made me relax and laugh in a way I hadn’t done for years.

  “Me, too,” she said with a smile, then leaned in for a goodbye hug. But I didn’t want it to be goodbye. As she hugged me, my hands traveled down her back, caressing her. For some reason she had me so turned on I didn’t know what to do with myself. No one made me feel that way. I knew girls whom I could have fun with. This was different. I wanted this woman. And I wanted her bad.

  “Pat,” I mumbled in her ear. “How about you come home with me instead?”

  I felt her body stiffen.

  “No,” she said and abruptly stepped away, her face contorted with anger. “I don’t know how you can ask that. Do you think I’ll sleep with you just because I landed that part? If you think that’s part of the deal, we are done. I’m here to work. Not be pushed about by Hollywood jerks.”

  I looked at her in surprise. How could she think of me as a Hollywood jerk? The woman had known me since her early twenties!

  “I didn’t…”

  “No, don’t. Don’t give me some stupid explanation. I know all the explanations. Unlike you and Bill, I’m not driven by something between my legs. I want a life. That’s why I came here. So just back off. Back the hell off.”

  “Madame, your car is here.” The valet guy looked sheepish as he touched Pat on the shoulder to make her aware of the car with the running engine next to her.

  “Thank you.” She shoved a twenty-dollar bill at him and got in the car.

  “Good night Jeff,” she said and drove off, steam still coming off her like a cloud.

  Shocked, I just stood there. So much for thinking we had chemistry!

  Chapter 5


  When I first met Bill, I’d have told you I had a beast between my legs and even towards the end, he was good in the bedroom. He was a beast. But the beast I had between my legs now was something entirely different. The way it moved, the power I could feel emanating from it, the heat…

  “This is great!” Jan called out. “You’re rocking this thing, baby!”

  I turned enough to see him grin at me. I couldn’t help but grinning myself — I was driving up a mountain slope in Maui, sun blazing down on me, rainforest around me. And between my legs was a red Victory bike. It certainly felt like a victory, too!

  A mere six weeks ago I had been cast as Victoria in Speed Bumps, a detective series set in Maui and since then, my life had been a whirlwind. I had to get a motorbiking license, I was fitted for my wardrobe, I had to learn my lines for a sixty-minute pilot episode and I had to work with a voice coach on my accent. In between all this, I had my regular clients to see to and I landed the lead in the indie film which would go into production as soon as I got back to L.A.

  I’d arrived in Maui three days ago and had since explored the island with one of the stuntmen who’d also been tasked with making sure I could drive in certain locations. This was one of those locations — we’d shoot a scene up here in a few days’ time.

  “Time to head back to the hotel?” I asked Jan. He was driving next to me and given we weren’t driving very fast, it was possible to have a conversation in this desolate area. I was getting tired and filming would start in the morning.

  “Sure, I could do with a cocktail and some food!” Jan shot back. “Race you there?”

  I laughed. We both knew that I’d race at the speed of a tortoise. While I’d managed to get a motorbike license fast thanks to the fact that I once used to drive a scooter and, of course, had a full driver’s license, I was nowhere near ready to speed unless necessary. I had to learn to drive on the freeway, but that was not as thrilling as it was unsettling. I loved speed when sitting securely in a car, but on a bike…

  So, when Jan turned around a bit further up the road and shot down the hill, I followed at my own pace. I was enjoying the scenery, the sun and the liberation of being on a bike. That was the best thing about it. That and being clad in leather. It gave you a whole new level of sex appeal! I always liked a sexy cocktail dress, but my everyday wear consisted of figure hugging jeans and cozy sweaters. Leather took things to an unprecedented dimension!

  Once I got to the hotel, I parked, got out of my helmet and walked towards the elevator. The elevator opened as I was a meter away, a man in front of me stepping inside, so I took a few hasty steps and ran into th
e elevator behind him. As the doors closed, he turned.

  “Oh, hi,” I said.

  Jeff looked me up and down, an amused smile dangling on his lips.


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