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Back with the Stuntman_A Single Dad Second Chance Romance)

Page 4

by Amanda Horton

  “Hello yourself,” he replied.

  I shifted uncomfortably. I was enraged the last time I saw him. As I got home that night and sat down on my porch, I tried to blame it on the Santa Ana. The wind had been shaking the palm trees; hot gusts of air making dust swirl around. Everyone knew that when the Santa Ana was blowing, all bets were off. Anything could happen. It was believed that people went a bit mad. Sort of like a full moon madness, but science had tried to debunk the effect of the full moon. To my knowledge, no one had managed to debunk the Santa Ana though.

  If Jeff thought he could sleep with me because he gave me an audition, he deserved my anger and then some…but if he just wanted to sleep with me, because well, he was Jeff: he liked sleeping with women then… My anger wasn’t right. I wanted to text him and apologize, but what if I were right and he did turn into one of those idiots who thought women would sleep with him just because he had some power? Besides, I was happy to find a friend and he’d…he’d just ruined it all. I didn’t want to become one of his many conquests. I knew what happened to them — within three weeks the fling would be over.

  “I didn’t know you were getting in today, assuming that’s what you did?” I said, mainly to have something to say. Elevators are weird places where you feel stupid speaking and stupid not speaking.

  “Yeah, I just got to the hotel an hour ago. Had a swim and a snack by the bar.”

  Jeff looked genuinely happy, dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, water dripping from his hair that looked as black as it’d been in his twenties when it was wet. He was the kind of guy who could appreciate a swim and a bite to eat — he always enjoyed simple things like that. He was a California boy through and through, even though he’d been born and bred elsewhere. He always used to say that if you can surf before going to work, you’re a lucky man.

  A twinge of regret made itself felt within me. Had Jeff really thought I’d sleep with him just because of the part? The man I used to know would never have thought that. But people change, I reminded myself. Bill had changed. The Bill I married would have never slept with a prostitute.

  “Nice,” I replied. I didn’t really know what else to say.

  Jeff looked me up and down once more.

  “I see you’re getting into character.”

  I nodded.

  “Enjoying yourself?” He asked.

  I smiled.

  “Yes, this place is great.”

  “And the biking?”

  “Yeah, that’s great, too. I guess I’m not really a racing driver, or as cool as Victoria with a bike though…I prefer driving slowly and taking in the scenery.”

  Jeff laughed.

  “Yeah, I get that. You always loved nature. And you were never a risk taker.”

  “I’m becoming more of a risk taker. But I wouldn’t want to injure myself for the sake of driving fast. It’s not worth it. It makes me feel unsafe. I get more of a kick driving fast with a car.”

  “I can appreciate that, but I can’t say I understand it.” Jeff shook his head. “I get off on the speed.”

  Bing. The elevator chimed. I’d reached my floor. To my surprise Jeff walked out too.

  “This your floor, too?” I asked.

  “Yep. I’ve got room 604.”

  “Oh.” I felt my mood sink — it was the room next to mine. There was no need this had to be awkward, I reminded myself — I’d known Jeff for twenty odd years. So what if he hit on me one night and I turned him down? Maybe I should apologize for my reaction…but I still didn’t know his motive. And whatever it was, I wasn’t looking for sex. One day I’d find the right man, but right now I was busy mending myself and my life.

  “I believe that’s the room next to mine.”

  ‘Room’ was a bit of an understatement — this was the ‘executive floor’ where each bedroom came with a kitchenette, bedroom and living room, as well as a bathroom and a balcony with a jacuzzi overlooking the ocean. It may not have been as fancy as the suites one floor up, but it sure as hell wasn’t bad.

  Jeff smiled.

  “We’re neighbors then.”

  “Yup,” I nodded.

  “Listen,” he said, suddenly stopping and grabbing me by the arm. “You upset me the other week. You know I’m no Harvey Weinstein. I realize Bill did whatever he did, but come on Pat, what do you take me for? I like sleeping with women, yes. Telling them to sleep with me to get a part…never. I don’t even head up the castings. I always leave it to the director and casting director. We’ve been friends for twenty years, Pat. Give me some credit.”

  Jeff looked serious. I could also see flares of anger in his blue eyes. Suddenly I felt sheepish. He was right — I was supposed to be his friend.

  “I-I’m sorry.” I stuttered. “It’s just…I’m a bit broken at the moment. Bill…” My voice faded out as tears came to my eyes. I felt vulnerable just talking about it. The man I’d been married to, the man who was supposed to have my back no matter what, had let me down. Badly.

  The look in Jeff’s eyes softened.

  “I’m sorry, too. I misread your signals. Here, give me a hug.”

  Thankfully I stepped into Jeff’s bear hug and sobbed against his hard chest. I felt safe there. He was right — I’d been a fool to mistrust him. And maybe he hadn’t misread the signals, but I wasn’t ready for anything but friendship at present.


  The next morning, I woke up early to get to rehearsal for a stunt scene. It wasn’t like I was pulling my own stunts, but I was involved in a stunt scene where a guy jumped on my bike from behind as I raced off. And while I didn’t have to deal with all the jumping, I needed to be caught on camera driving with the guy on my bike. I had never had anyone riding behind me before.

  The morning air in Maui was fresh and the sound of tropical birdsong greeted me as I stepped out of the hotel. Waves were crashing against the shore, slowly, rhythmically. The scent of sea air was refreshing. I almost felt like giggling — this was a far cry from my sleepy life in Wood Creek. I felt alive here. Like I was living…even if I was still sleepy this morning!

  I made my way to my bike, then drove to the rehearsal location — a spot practically in the middle of nowhere. There was a café and a parking lot, but that was it. All round was just greenery. As I got there, I was surprised to see only Jeff.

  “Good morning,” he said with a wave. He was standing in the parking lot, leaning against his bike, his helmet off and his hair messy. He looked like a commercial for the perfect alpha male. Good old Jeff. I couldn’t help but grin at him.

  “Morning! Where are the others?”

  “I gave them the morning off. I figured the best way for you to learn is just to go for a simple bike ride. I’ll ride on the back. I thought the others deserved a break before filming starts. Besides, all they’d do is stand around watching you drive across this place with someone sitting at the back.”

  He was right. It wouldn’t have been much fun for them — or me. Going for a ride would be more fun.


  “Have you had breakfast?” Jeff asked.

  I shook my head.


  “That’s no good. First rule of filmmaking, always show up ready for a shoot. You’re not ready to handle a bike if you haven’t got the energy to do so. Let’s have breakfast here. It’s the best place for it, too. The most delicious breakfast you’ll have on this island!”

  “Let’s go,” I said with a smile, as I got off my bike.


  Jeff made me laugh as he told stories from films he’d worked on over the years as I ate a stack of wholemeal pancakes, served with ricotta, maple syrup and blueberries.

  “Really? He played a prank on his fellow actors by spraying them with a bottle made to look like an Evian bottle?"

  “Yeah, everyone on set looked like they’d peed their pants at one time or another.”

  I laughed…and made a mental note that I could expect being pranked by fellow actors! I’d been away from t
he industry for so long I’d forgotten about those pranks!

  “These pancakes are divine,” I mumbled between bites.

  “I know. I found this place years ago. Thought I’d give it a nod by including it in the plot of Speed Bumps. And they were thrilled about it. Not everyone likes having film crews around. Not least because they have a tendency to remodel properties to suit their interests.”

  “Do you think I can get the recipe?” I asked. “These pancakes are much fluffier than the average ones I make.”

  Jeff smiled and winked at me, mischief glittering in his eyes.

  “Oh, I know the secret already.”

  “Really? Hand it over!” I exclaimed.

  “What do I get in return?”

  “What do you want?”

  “I’ll have a think. Now get off that bottom of yours and swallow the last bit, because we’re off. But don’t worry, I had them pack us some sandwiches and a thermos filled with coffee.”

  We got outside and walked towards my bike, while putting on our helmets.

  “I’ll drive first,” Jeff announced. “I want to get us to a safe spot for practice before you drive. There are some empty roads a bit further, and a field.”

  I nodded, feeling relieved.

  Jeff got on the bike, so did I.

  “Hold on tight!” He said as he started it and I had no intention of doing otherwise. Falling off a bike would ruin my career right now.

  As we made our way out onto the road and started driving, I couldn’t help but enjoy the sense of freedom. The beautiful exotic scenery made me relax and feel rejuvenated all at the same time — after a while I could even see the ocean, glittering like blue diamonds in the sunshine.

  A few minutes into the ride I also became aware of the body in front of me. The hard packet of muscles I was holding onto, as well as the faint scent of aftershave and Jeff’s own, distinct scent. I felt safe. Protected. I didn’t want to pull away from him.

  I also felt my body react in ways I’d forgotten. The excitement of feeling a new man’s body against yours…not that Jeff was naked, but I could easily imagine him without a shirt on. Holding onto his bare torso, feeling the strength of his muscles underneath my hands… My body started aching at the thought and I almost regretted turning him down the other night. Almost.

  I sighed. If only relationships with men weren’t so complicated and you could keep that feeling of safety forever! But I knew from experience that men who felt safe could turn unsafe. Lust was an unpredictable thing.

  Chapter 6


  As we rode along, I couldn’t help but think about how close Pat was hugging me. I knew it wasn’t out of choice — she had to hold on, or she’d fall. Still. The sensation of her body next to mine…I couldn’t control my lust. It was an ache inside of me. I didn’t know why — I had plenty of women I was seeing who kept me happy in the bedroom. Yet here I was, turned on by a woman who’d made it clear she wanted nothing to do with me sexually! Maybe that was the turn on? Most women were a lot easier to charm.

  I felt her curves pressed against my body, her breasts against my back. Of course, there was lots of leather in between, but I had no problem imagining what it would be like without it there… Right now, she was straddling a bike and holding me from behind, but I kept thinking about what it would be like if she was straddling me instead, her breasts pressed against my torso, my cock inside her. I wanted to feel her; all of her. Wanted to know what she was like in the bedroom…what her fiery spirit would be like when there was no inhibition…

  Gently I shook my head and decided to give up on thinking about it — I had to respect her wishes and the truth was we were working together. I couldn’t risk spoiling our work relationship, or our friendship. So even if she was interested (and the faint blush on her cheeks as she got off the bike and the embarrassment in her eyes as she looked at me, hinted that she was), there was nothing I could do about it. Sex just wasn’t worth it.

  “Did you enjoy that?” I asked as she climbed off.

  “Uhm, yes. Beautiful scenery,” she replied, looking flustered. I hadn’t meant the question to come out the way it did, but I could see that it could be interpreted in more ways than one.

  “Yes, Maui is stunning. I really hope the pilot is picked up, so that we get to spend more time here,” I said to try to brush over my accidental innuendo.

  “Me, too,” she nodded.

  “So, your turn. There’s no one around up here, just us and this dusty old road.”

  “Sure, let me just stretch my legs,” she replied.

  Then she walked around, having a peek at the forest around us.

  “OK,” she announced. “I’m ready. I feel the blood pumping in my legs properly again!”

  “Great, get on and I’ll jump on behind you.”

  As I positioned myself behind her on the bike, I felt a current of electricity run through me. Damn, this woman had a strange effect on me! It was all very well to respect a woman’s wishes and remain within the boundaries of a working relationship, but I couldn’t control my body. I almost felt ashamed of myself — like a little schoolboy. And unlike the Harvey Weinsteins out there, I’d never forced myself upon a woman. I liked flirting and I was the first to try it on with any woman I felt drawn to, but I could read women. I knew when they wanted me and when they didn’t and I ALWAYS respected that.

  With Pat it was strange as her body language told me she wanted me, but she was of a different opinion. I guessed that was because of her inner turmoil after Bill.

  “OK, let’s start,” I said. “This is easy. You’ll work with trained stuntmen, so it’s not like someone will try to rock the bike. You just drive and everything will be fine.”

  Pat started the bike and we were off — at a slow pace.

  “Great,” I said loudly, to be heard over the roaring engine.

  We kept driving and as the road snaked its way through the forest and up the mountain, it gave her some practice with turning as well. We weren’t driving fast, but she wouldn’t need to do that to shoot the scenes.

  As we reached a plateau, I told her to pull over.

  “This is the best place for a hike and then lunch,” I said. “Want to see some of the forest?”

  “Sure,” she nodded, with a smile. “I could do with a break from wearing this leather outfit.”

  “I know,” I replied. “It’s getting hot. When you drive fast it cools you down, but we aren’t really driving that fast.”

  We both got out of our gear and packed it in the saddle bags.

  “Let’s go,” I said. “There’s a really cool waterfall only moments away.”

  We hiked through the forest, mainly in silence as we took in the scenery, and after only about twenty minutes, reached the waterfall.

  “Wow,” Pat said, in awe, looking at the waterfall.

  “I know, it’s pretty epic, isn’t it?”

  “Sure is! Can you swim here?”

  I nodded. And before I knew it, Pat was stripping down. I was about to protest when I realized she was wearing a bikini underneath her clothes.

  I decided to join her — black boxers might not be swimwear, but they were not see-through either, so they’d do.

  “Wanna jump off the cliff over there?” I asked, pointing to one above the waterfall.

  “Is it safe?” Pat shot back, looking worried.

  “I’ve done it at least twenty times,” I said. “The pool below is deep and there’s nothing that you can get tangled up in on the way down, no cliffs shooting out. Also, that cliff is the low one. It’s only about three meters up. The one above,” I pointed again, “is a lot higher.”

  Pat’s eyebrows shot up in her forehead as she saw the cliff, looming about ten meters up.

  “I guess you have jumped from that one?”

  I grinned at her.

  “Of course, but your butt can get a bit sore as you land in the water…”

  She laughed. I hadn’t seen her this relaxed s
ince she’d been…about twenty-seven.

  “I think I’ll stick to the low one for today then — wouldn’t want my butt to suffer just before we start shooting tomorrow. I mean I’ll be riding a bike.”

  “You’ve got a point there. Come on then, last one in is a chicken.”

  Then we both ran for the cliff and jumped into the water with big splashes — she before me. It made me smile — this was the carefree Pat I’d once known. Only in a more grounded, mature, version. The fun loving girl had grown up.

  Pat laughed as she splashed around in the water.


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