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The Devils Apprentice

Page 10

by Cilla Lee


  “Do you have anything stronger.”

  “I have some brandy.”

  “Sounds good” I head over to the sofa and sit.

  “Here you go” he hands me the amber liquid in a small crystal glass, and I sit back

  “Something on your mind,” he asks.

  “Not really.”

  “Tink, you've been quiet all night.”

  “Just thinking about life lately that's all,” I tell him.

  “Life,” he says, and I nod my head “A life with me” I bite my lip, and he smiles “I've been thinking a lot about you Tink” I look at him

  “You have.”

  “I have” he leans over the side of the sofa and opens the side drawer pulling out a black leather ring box.

  “Markus,” I say in shock (fuck is he going to propose)

  “Tink,” he says, and I shake my head

  “Markus, please don't” but he gets up and kneels down on one knee in front of him.

  “I wanted you to meet my parents before I done this and they love you,” I think he's on something because his Mom hates me

  “Markus, please don't do this,” I tell him again.

  “Look Tink I know your nervous but I lo...”

  “Markus stop” I jump up and step away from him.

  “Tink,” he says looking confused

  “No Markus I don't want to marry you,” I tell him.

  “But where great together,” he says

  “We haven't even slept together, and we've only been dating a few months.”

  “I love that you’re waiting, it means our wedding night will be amazing.” (Oh god he's crazy)

  “No Markus, I can't marry you” he stands up frowning at me.

  “Is it that biker” I look at him


  “One of the twins.”


  “It is, isn't it, what the fuck does that fucking criminal have that I don't?” I'm taken back it's the first time I've heard Markus shout let alone swear

  “Markus, Jaxson has nothing to do with this”

  “Bullshit, I see how you pine over him.”

  “Don't you fucking dare, you don't know me you only see what you want to see,” I tell him getting pissed off.

  “What don't I know?” he asks.

  “Look, Markus, we've had fun, but I just don't have those sorts of feelings for you,” I tell him honestly

  “You fucking cock-tease,” he says

  “Excuse me.”

  “You heard me; I bought you a nice dress and shoes, did you say thank you know I pay for everything.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about, I told you I would pay for myself, so don't you dare accuse me of taking you for a ride.”

  “Oh, I wouldn't dream of it, are you even a virgin or have you fucked all those men at that clubhouse your sister is marrying in to”

  “What the fuck did you say?”

  “You heard me, I bet you've fucked them all” I grab my bag and pull my phone out to call Lilly to come and get me, the phone is slapped out of my hand and goes flying against the wall smashing.

  “You, asshole” I yell and as my back is turned Markus grabs my hair.

  “Let’s see if you’re a virgin or not you little slut” the fight to stay alive kicks in, I spin around and slap Markus in the face even though he still has my hair in his grasp. He slaps me hard, and I fall to the floor hard my four-inch heels are not the ideal shoes to argue in. I hit the floor hard landing on my side pain radiates through my hip, and I scream, my arm that I tried to stop my fall me burns with pain. I don't think it's broken, but it fucking hurts. Markus pulls at my legs, and I kick out at him, his face contorts into a face of a person I don't know “Come here you bitch” he yells pulling at my legs, trying to get them open but I kick, and one of the heels gets him in the thigh. He pulls me to him more punching me in the face. I'm stunned for a minute as he pulls me closer to him, pulling my dress above my hips and rips my panties off. My head is screaming in agony, and I feel his fingers at my entrance, and he slams them in, and I scream, he covers my mouth with his hand trying to unbutton his trousers. I bite his fingers hard and he leans up giving me time to kick him in the balls. I scramble back grab my phone and bag and run out the door as fast as I can my hip arm and head screaming in agony. I run as much as I can, and when my lungs are burning, I stop. I walk as fast as I can, looking back the whole time to see if Markus follows me. I make it home in about an hour and sit out on the front step; I just can't go in. I sit there for what feels like hours when Lilly comes out

  “Tink why are you sitting out here,” she asks as she sits next to me and I burst into tears “Tink what's wrong what happened”

  “Lilly” is all I say holding onto her so tight

  “You're frightening me Tink what happened?” I cry so hard drenching her t-shirt with my tears when she lifts my face up and freezes “What the fuck Tink what happened?” I cry harder my head now pounding my hip on fire and my arm screaming with pain “Tink please do you want me to call Stryker” The guys have been away for their annual run to Sturgis, I shake my head no “Tink what happened?”

  “Markus tried to rape me.”

  “WHAT?” I cry so hard again the tears just don't seem to stop

  “Come on.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “The hospital.”

  “No, I can't.”

  “Move it now Tink; I'm not fucking around” I go to stand up and scream in agony

  “What hurts?” she asks worriedly

  “My arm and hip.”

  “Come on” she helps me up and to the car

  Chapter Thirteen


  The ride to Sturgis was a long one over twenty hours, but fuck it was worth it. Jordan was still healing from his bruised ribs, but he held up pretty well. As we ride to the site, the club owns a huge gate with the club emblem on it and DEVILS SOLDIERS written in big letters. The clubs own it for over twenty years, I smile it's only the second time I've been here, and this year hopefully I get my patch “Fuckers” Cuff says pulling me in for a hug and a big slap on the back, we greet all of the clubs when Razor motions for Jordan and me to follow him

  “Tell me everything,” he says, Jordan and I go over everything that we did for Preacher. The money he made, the cut we got for fighting which Razor said we earned so we get to keep it “Ok you two go and relax” he says, and he heads off to the rooms where all the Presidents sleep. The place looks like a motel it's got outbuildings built enough to accommodate everyone shower blocks and toilets nothing fancy but it works a huge kitchen to feed us all. I watch as all the guys from each Chapter interact; I think of the first time that Jordan and I saw the club riding through town, growing up in Coral City everyone always talked about the club. It wasn't always in good standing with the town as it is now, the previous President was a bit of a madman people would say, but when Razor came to power things changed, not straight away, it's only been over the past four years that the real changes have happened.

  “What you thinkin’ about fuckhead?” Stryker says walking up with Colt

  “The club,” I tell him.

  “Yeah you worried you won't get your patch,” he asks.

  “Nah man just thinking about the first time Jordan and I saw the club ride through town” they both smile cause it's a fucking sight to see

  “Yeah, I remember the first time I saw Tiny” Colt says “Almost wet my pants,” he tells us, and we all laugh

  “You got this” Stryker says giving me a chin lift.

  We head into town that night and party like no tomorrow, getting back to the playground there are guys everywhere fires are lit men drinking, talking and music blaring. The club do this ride every year to catch up meet recruits and talk business as well as party, and I fuckin’ love every minute of it.


  By two, I'm fuckin’ tired as fuck and head to the bunk-house that hol
ds all of the Prospects. Jordan's already asleep, and I lay down in the bunk next to him, and within seconds I'm dreaming of a little blonde with blue eyes a sprinkling of freckles on her cheeks and nose. I wake the next morning the buzz in the room is electric, today we see who makes it through the last test.

  This last test for all the Prospects to prove our determination for the cut the club call it 'THE LAST TEST OF BROTHERHOOD' I just can't seem to eat anything my nerves making it difficult “You nervous” Ratchet asks me

  “Yeah man.”

  “Good I thought it was only me,” he says, and I smile.

  “Nah man I fuck shitting it.”

  A bell rings, and we all head outside and assemble, I make my way out to the back of the property where the six Presidents are standing, Razor steps forward “Brother’s it's fuckin’ good to see you all here, we make this run every year to affirm alliances with other clubs to make new deals new contacts and initiate new brothers. This year I have two, Scoop has one Preacher has two Dozer has two Muppet has one and Arrow has one. Nine men waitin’ to see if they've worked hard enough to be called brother, so let’s get this started Jaxson, Jordan, Ratchet, Boogie, Bear, Charlie, Miles, Thunder and Rocky all step forward” We all work our way to the front and stand with our backs to the Presidents facing all of the other guys.

  “These nine men are here to be judged and voted in look at them, you've gotten to know them you've gotten to measure their character are these men you want watchin’ your backs are these men worthy of keepin’ your family’s safe are these men worth dyin’ for, what say you?” I hear Razor step forward, and cheers go up, and Jordan's pushed forward than more cheers, and I'm pushed forward more and more cheers, and the other are pushed forward. Where led to the back of the crowd where the guys form two lines facing each other. I look down the line and see the Presidents at the end of the row and see the Cut I've been dreaming about for years, the Cut I've worked my ass off to earn. My dream at the end of this line of men, who are going to make me run in the middle as they punch kick and beat the shit out of me. All I have to do is make it to the end. Jordan is pushed forward, and the first blow hits him hard, he stumbles but puts his head down. I watch as he makes his way to the end and Razor hands him his Cut helping him into it and hugging him. His smile could light the night sky, and he turns to me his face bloody and smiles. I laugh because of his missing teeth. Still, he gives me a chin lift, and I step forward taking a deep breath and run into flying fists legs and more fists. I stumble halfway but am pushed encouraged to get the fuck up more blows, and I stumble to the end where I'm handed my Cut tears prick my eye's but I hold them back Razor helps me put it on and then pulls me in for a big hug

  “Proud of you Brother,” he says, and I smile, I turn to see Ratchet step up and I give him a chin lift Jordan grabs me

  “We fuckin’ did it,” he says, and I smile, but he laughs so hard

  “What?” I ask

  “Where fuckin’ twins alright,” he says, poking my mouth and I feel a tooth missing laughing even harder. We watch all of the guys run through the rows of men each being handed their Cuts and each holding back the tears.

  The party is fuckin’ epic that night, and after the tenth shot I felt fuckin’ wasted, I really don't remember much after that.



  “Miss McKinnon,” the doctor says as she comes in the room.

  “Yes,” I say Lilly holding my hand so tight it stung a bit.

  “Can you tell me what happened?”

  “I fell over.” I lie to her

  “TINK” Lilly says

  “Please Lilly,” I say with tears in my eyes the doctor closes the curtain and sits on the seat

  “Miss McKinnon if you've been hurt sexually, I really need to know” I put my head down and the tears fall down my face “Miss McKinnon.”

  “No, he didn't rape me, but he did put his fingers in me” Lilly's fingers squeeze my hand tighter

  “Is there any pain down there.”

  “A little”

  “Any other pain.”

  “My hip where I landed and my arm is on fire.”

  “Ok let’s have a look at your arm and hip, and then we'll have a look at your private area.”

  “Do you have to.”

  “Just to see if there's any more bleeding” I look in between my legs and see blood.

  “Shit I didn't even notice.”

  “It’s ok honey, let’s check your arm first” She raises my arm up and I scream, the pain so intense I feel like passing out.

  “OK, Miss McKinnon you've got a dislocated arm I'm going to have to put it back into the arm socket ok” I nod my head.

  “Now this is going to hurt like a bitch,” she says, she lifts my arm up, and I scream so loud the pain burning so much, but then I feel a pop inside my shoulder the pain disappears almost instantly

  “Now it's going to be sore for a few weeks, and I need you to get it checked in a week to make sure there no permanent damage, now let’s have a look at your hip” she moves my leg left and right and sends me for an x-ray

  “The hip is just bruised, but I need to do an internal”


  “Your bleeding and I need to make sure everything is ok” I nod my head and Lilly sniffles.

  “Hey,” I say to her, and she looks at me “I'm fine.”

  “Tink I encouraged you to go out with him.”

  “Lilly it's not your fault.”

  “Ok KC I need you to put both of your feet together and drop your legs to the side” I do as she says but just as she about to start.

  “Doc” she looks up at me.

  “I'm a virgin” Lilly looks at me, but the doctor just smiles

  “Let’s just see what's going on” I can see Lilly wants to ask so many questions but the time right now is so off. The doctor pokes prods and feels around to make sure it's all good “Ok honey you can sit up.”

  “ my… is everything ok?” I ask her

  “All good honey just a scratch and a little swelling.”


  “Yes,” she says “Everything is still intact.”

  “So, I'm still a virgin.”

  “Yes, your hymen is still fully intact” I breath out knowing Markus didn't take that away from me.

  “Now Miss McKinnon you do know that I'm obliged to report this attack to the right authorities” I panic.


  “Miss McKinnon you've been brutally attacked.”

  “No” I shake my head at her tears in my eyes.

  “I’m sorry, but it’s hospital policy I’m afraid” I close my eyes

  “I just want to go home,” I tell Lilly

  “Can I take her now?” Lilly asks the doctor

  “Of course, rest your arm and have it checked in a week” I nod and Lilly helps me off of the table, I just need a bath and bed.

  The doctor puts my arm in a sling and gives me a prescription for antibiotics just in case and some painkillers for my arm. I'm ordered to stay in bed and rest my hip, the drive home is in total silence, and I can feel Lilly is dying to ask “Just ask already,” I tell her

  “I thought you know; I thought you and Markus.”

  “DON'T SAY HIS NAME” I yell and I can see the tears in Lilly's eyes “Fuck I'm sorry Lilly, I just never want to hear his name again” I tell her, and she nods “And no, I didn't sleep with him, I just didn't want him to have my virginity”

  “Tink I'm so sorry” I grab her hand and hold it to my chest, she's always been my rock.

  “Were, fighters remember?” I tell her, and she smiles nodding her head

  “Yeah we are” Pulling up to the driveway I take a deep breath (home). Lilly helps me out of the car and into the house. I make my way into the lounge room and lay on the sofa. Lilly goes back into the kitchen and comes back in with a glass of water and hands me two tablets.

  “Take these they'll help you sleep” I swallow the pills
and lay back down and before I know it I'm out for the count. I'm lying on the sofa when Lilly comes in to check on me she'd slept on the recliner last night just in case I needed her

  “How are you feeling,” she asks me as I open my eyes


  “Do you want some breakfast.”


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