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The Devils Apprentice

Page 11

by Cilla Lee

  “Not yet” she sits down.

  “Tink do you wanna talk about it.”

  “What's there to say, he pushed me down and tried to rape me.”


  “Lilly please I just don't want to talk about it right now ok” she nods her head at me.

  “Ok Tink, I've called Chelsea and told her you’re not feeling well.”

  “Thanks, Lilly”

  “Stryker and Tiny should be home in a few days” I look at her.

  “Please, Lilly don't tell them.”

  “Tink they need to know.”

  “No, they don't it's my private business no one else’s.”

  “Tink Mar...”

  “DON'T SAY HIS FUCKING NAME” I yell at her and she looks at me in shock, I take a deep breath and look her straight in the eye “I mean it Lilly don't say one word” she bites her lip the internal battle she's doing trying to keep her shit together.

  “Ok, Tink it's our secret” I lay back down and lift the remote switching on the TV.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Pulling into the clubhouse that night, was an amazing the feeling. Being on your own ground brings a feeling of home, it maybe a clubhouse with loud as fuck bikers drinking till all hours. Spontaneous parties, loud music but to me it's home and I've fuckin’ missed it “So, dumbass you’re now a Brother” Stryker says, and I smile

  “Yeah” is all I say with the biggest smile on my face.

  “When ya getting ya teeth fixed”

  “Couple of days Jordan and I have an appointment.”

  “So, how's it, feel,” he asks


  “The Cut”

  “Fuckin’ amazing Brother,” I say to Stryker (Brother I now have that right, and I fuckin’ love it) Stryker smiles

  “Well, it's not over yet, a special present from Preacher and his boys” The lights go down, and two spotlights fill the stage, and two twin girls with big tits perfect bodies and legs for miles start to dance. Jordan and I are pushed to the front of the stage and sat on two seats facing the bitches. They glide over to the two of us and give us both one hell of a lap dance pulling our dicks out and fuckin’ both of us right there for all the boys to see, the smile on my face as the bitch rides my dick hard is just another point to why I want this life. More drinks are poured and drank and Jordan, and I can't stop smiling

  “So, what's with Preacher callin’ you Sinner” Cuff asks as where sitting drinking.

  “Sinner,” I ask

  “Yeah what's up with that.”

  “He thinks Jordan and I have this good, bad routine going on, so he started calling me Sinner and Jordan Saint.”

  “Well it is two sides of good and evil” I smile.


  “Well Brother welcome to the Brotherhood” he stands up and yells.

  “DEVILS SOLDIERS FOREVER” every single man and women yells it back “TO SAINT AND SINNER” he yells and everyone cheers.

  “SAINT AND SINNER” everyone yells back with a round of whoops and hollers. We drink for the rest of the night every single club-whore has either given me a blowjob or fucked me, and by the end of the night my dick hurts my balls ache, and I just need a good night’s sleep.


  Church is called the next morning, and it's the first one that Jordan or Saint as he's now known as, we sit in the two empty seats. I feel nervous about this, but all the boys welcome us in it feels right “Right I have news for you all from Preacher” everyone quiets down looking at Razor “It seems that the job the twins done for him has landed him a hefty sum of money, and because our boys set up the deal we get a nice cut from the hall” I'm slapped on the back by Colt who's sitting beside me

  “What's our cut” Tiny asks

  “Just over Two Hundred and Thirty grand each.”

  “Fuck me, what the fuck did you two do?” Cuff asks

  “Doesn't fuckin’ matter what they did, the money's been divided up between you all” he nods to Nash and Nash leans down and lifts up a box and starts to throw envelopes to everyone sitting at the table. Two come sliding towards Jordan and I and be both catch them.

  “Boss we already got our cut,” I say, but Razor smiles

  “No boy, I know what you went through and this money we all share” I nod back at him (fuck I've made one point two mill in less than a month)

  “Spend it wisely boys, now go home fuck your women and take some time” we all stand walking out envelopes in hand.


  Jordan and I head home, it's been just over two months since we've been here and I need some down time just vegging on the couch and having Mom wait on us hand and foot “Oh my god oh my god” Mom says as she comes out the front door of the house as we pull up, our sister Rowen coming out behind her with a bowl of something in her hands.

  “Hey Mom,” I say as she pulls me in for a hug than Jordan, I grab Rowen around the head

  “Fuck off Jordan ya dickhead,” Rowen says

  “ROWEN” Mom yells

  “Sorry,” she says smiling but rolling her eyes at the same time, Mom hates it when we swear in front of her. Dad couldn't give a shit but Mom she hates it

  “Oh my god what happened?” she says to Jordan noticing his teeth, she does the typical hoover Mom licking the hand to put your hair down making sure you have everything you need, asking a million times if you have it or if anybody needs the potty before we go anywhere and yes, she still asks.

  “It's nothing Mom, I'm having it fixed tomorrow both of us” she turns to me, and I smile big my toothy grin making her frown

  “What happened?”

  “Just a fight Mom nothing more,” I tell her, and she lets out a breath.

  “What is it with you two and fighting?”

  “Mom it's done ok where fine and there being fixed tomorrow don't stress,” Jordan tells her

  “Ok, are you hungry.”

  “Starving” Jordan and I say in unison, as we walk in the front door memories of us as kids floods my mind. We always had a good childhood, no not good, great with loving parents who still love each other that it's a bit sickening at times and having a little sister who we tortured to no end was always fun even though she's only fourteen months younger. We had a great upbringing something I want one day in the future, Tink comes to mind, and I wonder if she's still with the douche.

  “So, how'd you two dumbasses lose the teeth really,” Rowen asks

  “A fight, are you going deaf” Jordan tells her, and she squints her eyes at both of us and puts her two fingers pointing at her eyes than at us two given us notice she's watching us.

  “Why are you home?” I ask her, but she ignores the question and turns to Jordan

  “So, any girlfriend yet,” she asks him

  “Nope” is all he says as Mom places a bowl of spaghetti and meatballs in front of him.

  “You,” she asks me, but I ask my question again

  “Needed a break,” she says as Mom drops the bowl looking at Rowen and I watch both of them

  “Ok, what's going on?” I say to them

  “Nothing Jaxson” I look at Mom.

  “It's nothing,” she says but Rowen doesn't look at her, there is defiantly something going on.


  It's around eight when Dad comes walking in, and he stops as he sees the three of us in our usual spot in the living room, Jordan with his legs up on the recliner me on the L-section laying down and Rowen laying sideways on the other end of the sofa and where all watching TV. For some reason, we designated these positions when we were kids, and it's never changed, whenever where home where in exactly the same spots. Dad walks into the kitchen, and we hear Mom giggle, we all look at each other rolling our eyes. Dad comes walking in after he's eaten and sits between Rowen and me

  “So, you boys home for long,” he asks us.

  “Just a few days,” I say still looking at the TV.

  “Good your Mom misses you, and now your sister
is done with college she's gonna help out your Mom” I look at Rowen she still hasn't said why she's home, but I'll get it out of her or Jordan will. We sit for a few hours and watch TV Mom walking in and out of the kitchen serving us getting drinks making popcorn or cleaning something the women is forever on her feet.

  “Mom why don't you sit with us,” I tell her

  “It's fine I have to prepare tomorrow's dinner.”

  “Mom,” I say, and she stops and looks at me “Come and sit down” she wipes her hands on her apron and comes to sit next to Dad and Rowen. Rowen sits up and leans her head on Mom's shoulders, and we all sit to watch a movie.

  “Honey wake up” I hear as someone taps my shoulder, I grumble not wanting to move “Honey wake up” I open my eyes and my Mom is leaning over me smiling “You fell asleep honey.”

  “Damn I must have been tired” I look around and the only light on is the kitchen light.”

  “What time is it?”

  “Just after midnight.”

  “Did everyone go to sleep already,” I ask her

  “Yeah come on go up to your room” I smile standing up and stretching my body cracking.

  “Your sounding old Jaxson” I laugh, I feel it at the moment “Are you, ok honey.”


  “Are you sure,” she asks me in her caring Mom voice

  “I'm fine Mom night” I kiss her cheek and head up to bed.

  “Night night, honey” I make my way up to my room and fall onto my bed falling asleep almost immediately.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I hear the rumble of the bikes coming down the street. I lay there and just stare at the ceiling. It's only been a few days since the night Markus attacked me and everything is still painful, it takes me a while to do anything. Lilly has still been trying to convince me to go to the police, but there's no point. I just want to move on with my life recover and get back to work. I hear the door open and close and people talking the sound of them coming up the stairs has my heart racing. I wonder what Stryker and Tiny would do to Markus if they knew and then I think of Jaxson, would he care what happened. The footsteps pass my room, and I hear doors opening and closing within minutes I can hear Lilly moan, I grab my earbuds and turn my iPod on. There’s no way I'm in the mood to hear Lilly orgasm.


  I wake up with my earbuds still in and the sun shining through the window. When I hobble into the kitchen, Tiny is sitting at the table, and I stop and lean against the counter “Heard you fell over” Tiny says, and I nod.

  “Yeah clumsy me,” I say trying to smile.

  “Sit down,” he tells me, and I grab the chair and lower myself gently as Tiny gets up and puts a cup of coffee in front of me.

  “Thanks” we sit in silence as Lilly and Stryker come walking down the stairs.

  “Morning Tink, heard you've hurt yourself,” Stryker says

  “Yeah” is all I say; Lilly and I had come up with a story that the new shoes that the douche bought me made me fall over and that's how my arm got dislocated and my hips hurt.

  “You ok,” he asks me” I try to smile, but I feel tears prickle my eyes, and I look down at my coffee. I hate lying to them, but I'm scared that they'll do something and then we'll lose them, and I'm not risking that not for anything in the world. Stryker sits down telling us all about the run and about Sturgis, he looks so excited Tiny interrupting every now and then and then they both laugh, it all sounded like so much fun.

  “Did the twins patch in?” I ask and Stryker nods

  “Yeah they got their patches and a few loose teeth” I frown.

  “Loose teeth,” I ask, and he laughs.

  “Yeah, Saint looks like a Jack-o-Lantern” him and Tiny smile.


  “Yeah, they've earned their road names.”

  “What are they?” I ask

  “Saint is Jordan and Jaxson is...”

  “Sinner,” I say finishing Stryker's sentence.

  “Yeah Sinner,” he says, and I smile.

  “I'm going back to bed my leg is killing me,” I tell them, I go to stand when there’s a knock at the door.

  “Who the fuck is that?” Tiny says getting up to answer the door; we hear him say loudly “What the fuck do you want?” I try and see if I can see who’s standing there” (god I hope it’s not Markus) we hear footsteps, and Tiny comes walking in with two police officers, Lilly looks at me getting up

  “What the fuck do you want?” Stryker says annoyed, but both offices look at me, and I feel Lilly’s hands on my shoulders (fuck)

  “KC McKinnon,” the female officer asks, and I nod.

  “Tink Lilly,” Stryker says, and I look at him, tears in my eyes “What the fuck happened?” he asks.

  “Maybe it would be good if I could speak to Ms. McKinnon alone,” the female officer says, and Stryker shakes his head.

  “No,” Stryker says

  “Stryker, we sho….” Lilly go to say, but he stops her

  “What the fuck happened?” he says again, and I look at Lilly, she squeezes my shoulder.


  “I better not have to ask again,” Stryker says placing his knuckles on the table and leaning over to stare at me.

  “Boy,” Tiny says, and we all turn to look at him “Tink,” he says as a tear slides down my cheek

  “Let’s all sit,” the female officer says” Lilly stays behind me, and Stryker stands back as the two officers and Tiny sit “Ms. McKinnon.”

  “It’s just Tink,” I tell her and she smiles

  “Tink as you know we were informed by the hospital of your sexual assault.”

  “What? When? Who?” Stryker says

  “Shut it,” Tiny tells Stryker

  “We're here to see if you wanted to go ahead with the complaint,” she says, and I shake my head “Tink your injuries where extensive, you need to make a complaint against your attacker” I shake my head

  “I just want to forget it,” I tell her

  “Tink” Lilly says, and I look up at her she nods, and I look back at the two officers

  “I’m not making a complaint,” I tell the officers and the female takes a deep breath

  “With the damage that you sustained, we can have him up on rape and assault charges.”

  “No, I want to forget it,” I tell her feeling pressured

  “Ok Tink, this is my card if you change your mind, but I really wish you would reconsider.”

  “I’m not changing my mind,” I tell her, her frustrated look telling me I’m an idiot

  “I’ll see you out,” Tiny says, and the three of them get up Stryker just stands there watching us. Tiny comes back in and looks at Tink

  “I want to know everything,” he says, and I shake my head.

  “I can’t.”

  “Why not” I bite my lip again

  “I don’t want anything to happen to you either of you,” I tell him and Tiny runs his hand down his face

  “Tink nothin’ is gonna happen, now tell me.”

  “But…. please” I beg starting to cry.

  “That’s enough she’s been through too much already,” Lilly says

  “Baby” Stryker says

  “No, this is Tink’s decision,” Lilly says firmly

  “I can’t just sit here and do nothing knowing that fucker raped her,” Stryker says looking really pissed off.

  “He didn’t,” I tell him

  “The fuckin’ cop said he did.”

  “He just touched her ok” Lilly tells them making me cringe.

  “Tink,” Tiny says, and I look up at him “Did her rape you,” Tiny asks, but I just shake my head “Then please darlin’ tell me because I got all these things going through my mind and they ain’t good.”

  “He punched me in the face and slapped me and pulled my panties off.”

  “And,” he says

  “He put his fingers in me.” I cringe feeling even more embarrassed


  “That’s it, he was going to rape me, but I kicked him in the balls and ran”


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