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Lily's Dream (Unexpected Lover Series)

Page 5

by Collins, Lea

  A knock on the door signaled the arrival of Andre who looked from one to the other and declared he would be the envy of every man there to be escorting two beautiful women.

  He styled their hair, added jewelry and they were eager to leave. Lily stated she was sick of staying in her apartment all day and Andre knew it was going to be difficult getting her to continue to do so.

  They arrived at the event as the tables were beginning to fill up and saw Jacqueline who beckoned for them to join her. She was introduced to Molly and complimented her on her beautiful chiffon dress.”It looks familiar,” she said. “I always notice clothes and I have seen that dress before.” Molly just smiled and replied, “Maybe you saw another like it.” “Maybe,” said Jacqueline doubtfully.

  The orchestra had begun playing a slow love song and Andre asked Lily to dance. While they were on the dance floor, Molly said, “When do you think they’ll realize they’re in love?” Jacqueline replied, “I’ve wondered that myself. He is crazy about her, can’t keep his hands or eyes off her, and everybody realizes it but them.”Molly confided, “Lily said they made an agreement to act like brother and sister. That was in the beginning before he knew Lily. It’s up to him to change their relationship. I know Lily won’t.”

  Jacqueline added, “I think Andre was hurt very badly and his heart has been frozen for years. She is thawing it but he is fighting his feelings for her. It will be interesting to see what happens. I really do hope they find happiness together.”

  Lily and Andre returned to the table and they were enjoying their wine when they noticed a tall handsome man with dark hair and eyes approaching their table. He tapped Molly on the shoulder and she looked around and exclaimed, “Tony!” jumped up and threw her arms around his neck. He exclaimed “I thought that looked like you, Molly. I can’t believe it! We looked everywhere for you but you had just disappeared.” They hugged again and she asked, “Joanna?” to which he replied, “We divorced five years ago.”

  They became aware that everyone at their table was looking at them in with interest and Molly apologized, “Let me introduce you to my friends. This is Tony Ramos, a very old and dear friend whom I haven’t seen in almost ten years. We used to be dancing partners when I danced professionally. Tony, these are my best friends, Jacqueline, Lily and Andre. Would you excuse us for a while? We have a lot of catching up to do and won’t bore you. I’ll return shortly.”

  As Molly and Tony walked off, Lily commented, “Molly never talks about herself. I didn’t know she danced professionally. I only know her husband was killed in an automobile accident nine years ago. Apparently she just disappeared after that. I am not surprised to hear that she was a professional dancer. I have noticed that she is so graceful in her movements.”

  Andre added, “She has lived in the apartment building for five years and does not seem to have any friends until Lily came along. I was so glad that she agreed to come out with us tonight but she did say she wanted to go out when there would be dancing.”

  They leaned against the railing, smiling and talking. “How is the troupe doing?” Molly wanted to know. “It just fell apart.” Tony responded. “With the lead dancer gone, there was nobody to take your place. Joanna wanted the spot but she wasn’t up to it. She was too big. That was one of the causes of our breakup but we just didn’t want the same things. I wanted children and a family. She refused to ruin her figure and stop dancing with a pregnancy and didn’t want to take care of a “screaming kid” to quote her. What happened to you after Franko was killed? Oh, I’m sorry, Molly. Would you prefer not to talk about it?”

  “It’s okay now, Tony. For several years I was in a deep depression but after a while it begins to be easier and I have finally overcome the depression and am ready to live again. Tonight is the first time I have gone out. My friends, particularly Lily, and Andre, have been wonderful.” “So you don’t have any romantic interest in anyone….I am leading up to asking you if you would go out with me some time. I am still single. We could go dancing and just have fun,” Tony suggested hopefully.

  Molly put her hand over his on the rail. “You are the only person I would consider going out with, Tony. We are old friends. It would be fun.” Tony looked very pleased and suggested they dance. “I’m very rusty, you know. Ten years of no dancing makes a difference. We both know that.”

  “Let’s give it a try and play it by ear. You tell me how much you want to do. You’re still a little thing. I could lift you easily.”

  They walked onto the dance floor in the middle of a fast number and began to dance. They had danced together so many hours that they could communicate without speaking. They danced a while until Molly smiled at Tony and he knew she was feeling comfortable enough to try some special moves. He twirled her around, her red dress flowing up. One of their moves involved flipping her over his arm. She smiled that she was willing to try it so over she went with most of the red dress following. She laughed and straightened her dress muttering “too much skirt” as the audience laughed along with her. Then she noticed that the dance floor was empty of other dancers. Everyone had moved off to watch them. Tony asked the orchestra leader for a Latin number. This was one of their specialties in their dancing days and she just hoped she could manage with the long skirt. They were able to do many of their moves, including the slide between Tony’s legs, flip over his back and around his arm. He held her up above his head with both hands, her dress flowing around them, twirled then the slow slide down his body. They bowed to enthusiastic applause and returned to the table.

  “Join us, Tony.” She asked. He replied, “Oh, I have a date over there somewhere. She dances like a stick. Nobody dances like you, Mol. Nobody. I thoroughly enjoyed it, even with that skirt.”

  “So did I, Tony.” She took a pen and paper from her purse and wrote her telephone number on it and handed it to Tony. He kissed her hand and walked off. Molly was out of breath and commented that she was really out of shape. “That skirt was a real problem. Normally I would be wearing a very short skirt as part of a costume. Okay, be honest… many times did you see my red panties?”

  Everyone laughed and Andre promptly said, “Not nearly enough, Molly. Guys like red panties!”

  “We’re all speechless, Molly. We had no idea you could dance like that. It was absolutely fantastic,” Lily said to her friend. “Yes, it was fantastic. I remembered the dress from a performance I enjoyed years ago. I loved that red chiffon dress and it stayed in my mind. You are a very talented dancer,” agreed Jacqueline. “Remember that Tony was a very important part of the performance. We were always partners in the troupe and I was sorry to hear that it fell apart after I left,” commented Molly.

  “So you and Tony were the lead dancers?” asked Lily. “Yes,” agreed Molly. “It was very exciting to see him after all these years. I’m so glad I came out with you tonight.”

  Andre and Lily were dancing the last slow dance before the auction. While they were dancing, Andre reached down and kissed her tenderly on the lips. A thoughtful look in her eyes reflected her puzzlement and she commented, “Brother and sister remember?” Andre responded, “That was a brotherly kiss. Too many men are hitting on you. We need to act more like a couple in love so you can expect me to kiss you.” He drew her close to him so that their bodies touched and she felt his hardness against her. She wanted more than a brotherly kiss and wondered if he did, too.

  Lily had sensed the rising sexual tension between them. She had noticed Andre staring at her mouth and her breasts. He was constantly touching her. She felt it, too, but was determined to continue to act like a sister until he made a move. After all, he had told her he was not interested in a romantic relationship. He had been very emphatic about it. She realized she could easily fall for him but determined to harden her heart when there was nothing but hurt ahead. She had never been good at pretending but this time she was determined. She did enjoy teasing him a little, though. After all, he said they needed to act more like a couple in love to
keep up the charade.

  The auction was about to begin and the items to be sold were brought out. Lily was transfixed with the beautiful items being sold and shocked at the large prices being bid. Antiques, paintings, clothing and jewelry were being auctioned off. She should have donated one of her dresses. She didn’t realize that clothing was auctioned. There was diamond jewelry as well as other stones making an amazing collection available. A particularly beautiful bracelet of gold swirl design filled with diamonds and several large diamonds evenly spaced around the bracelet was displayed. Lily gasped and said, “Oh isn’t that beautiful?”

  Several people bid on it and the bidding was quite lively until the price became so high. At this point, Andre raised his bidding card. Lily looked quickly at him and said, “Don’t buy that. It’s too expensive.”

  Andre ignored her and when the other bidders dropped out, he had purchased the bracelet. He went up to the table, paid for the bracelet and brought it back to their table. He handed a black velvet box to Lily. When she didn’t open it, he took the bracelet out of the box and slid it onto her wrist. ”I have been thinking about getting a gift for you and this just looked like it should be on your wrist,” said Andre.

  “Thank you, Andre. It is so beautiful but I’m not sure a brother would buy such an expensive gift for his sister,” said Lily. Softly Andre reminded her, “Everybody is watching us. Smile and act pleased, maybe kiss me.” She realized he was right and smiled a big smile and sighed. “Oh, Andre, it’s so beautiful. Thank you, darling.” Then she leaned over and kissed him passionately and lengthy. Then she held out her arm for Molly and Jacqueline to see the bracelet and they both exclaimed over its beauty. Andre had expected a light kiss instead of an open mouth kiss with her tongue in his mouth. He was shaken and felt that kiss all the way to his toes. He realized he had a real problem where Lily was concerned. He wanted her badly and admitted to himself what he had been denying. He was in love with her.

  Everyone agreed they were ready to leave so they said goodnight to Jacqueline and when their limo arrived, sank into the soft leather interior with a sigh of pleasure. Lily sighed and said, “It’s always such a pleasure to sink into these wonderfully comfortable seats after a night out.”

  Molly agreed and added that she enjoyed this night out so much. “I didn’t realize how much I’ve missed dancing. It was a major part of my life for so long. I’m so out of shape, though. One more set would have killed me. And it was so wonderful seeing Tony again. We were partners for so many years. Thank you for taking me along tonight. I really enjoyed it.”

  Lily assured Molly they enjoyed having her along and hoped she would accompany them again soon.

  Upon arrival at their apartment building, they all greeted Louis and he reported to Andre that there had been no unexpected visitors.

  The next morning Lily’s phone rang and to her surprise it was Andre. He asked if she wanted to go to the beach that afternoon. Of course, Lily was thrilled and they made arrangements for mid-afternoon.

  When Andre came to her door, she opened it wearing shorts, silk blouse and sandals. He whistled and said, “Nice legs.” Then he realized that she didn’t have anything else with her. “Is that all you have to take?” She replied that she had a big bag and he suggested she take it. When she returned with a big silk embroidered bag, he asked, “Don’t you have a swim suit or hat?”

  “Andre, you know I’ve never been to the beach so, of course, I don’t have beach stuff. I thought there would be shops where we could get what I need,” replied Lily.

  “I should have realized that, Lily. There are shops all along the beach so we can get you a swim suit, hat and beach towel.

  There were many shops carrying beach essentials and non-essentials. They looked through the swim suit display and Andre immediately picked out a red bikini with tie straps and a red hat to match. “Try this on,” he said. She came out of the dressing room wearing her shorts and silk shirt. “I have on the bathing suit,” she told him and gave him the tag she had taken off the suit. With beach towel and sun tanning lotion, they headed for the beach.

  Andre chose a part of the beach that wasn’t crowded so they had this strip of sand and water to themselves. Lily lay on her beach towel and Andre admired her beautiful body. He enjoyed rubbing lotion on her exposed skin while she was admiring his beautifully muscled body, as well. She rubbed lotion on him until he got up, grabbed her hand and said, “Let’s lit the water.”

  As they were running toward the water, Lily said, “Andre, you know I can’t swim, right?”

  Andre stopped immediately and turned to her, “Lily, you forgot to mention that rather important fact.”

  He led her into the surf until she was waist deep in the water. “Stay here and don’t move. I’m going to swim out into deep water but I’ll be right back. Don’t move.” He was a strong swimmer and she watched him with envy. He returned and they played around in the water. She ducked him but he refrained from doing the same to her. Suddenly she stopped and said, “Andre, my top came off and is floating away.” He was standing in front of her and his eyes dropped down to her bare breasts. “You have such beautiful breasts, Lily,” he said as his hands reached out to caress them. His eyes were riveted on her breasts as he cupped each breast with a hand and rubbed her nipple.

  They were shocked to hear a shout from shore, “Hey, buddy, sorry to interrupt but her top is floating out to sea.”

  Surprised they both looked to see that indeed her top had floated quite a distance away. “I’ll swim out and get it. You stay right here and don’t move.” With that comment, Andre swam out and quickly grabbed her top and returned. He placed the top on her breasts and she turned around for him to finish attaching it. He said, “How does this work?” She replied, “Just tie the strings in a bow.” “No knot?” he asked. She shook her head and replied, “No. That would be tacky.” “Well, tacky or not, you’re getting a nice strong knot now and in the future,” he replied emphatically.

  Lily enjoyed the feel of the sand between her toes and they walked up the beach along the water line. She splashed in the shallow water and waded out until the water reached her waist. “I wish I could swim. Will you teach me?” “Of course,” he replied. “You should have learned long ago. The best place to learn would be the pool at the apartment building.”

  “Let’s get some more sun,” suggested Lily and lay down on her beach towel. “Only for a short time. You’ll get sunburn,” replied Andre.

  A short time later, Andre got up, pulled Lily up and stated they needed to go before she got sunburn.

  On the way home, Lily asked Andre, “Why are you so grouchy?”

  He replied, “Because I got so aroused just looking at your breasts and wanted so damn bad to kiss them. To make it more embarrassing we were in a public place. I should have more control than that.”

  Lily tried to hide her smile as she replied, “If I’d known you wanted to see my breasts, I would have showed them to you before now. If guys ask to see my breasts, I just show them.”

  Andre’s head whipped around as he looked at her in astonishment and saw her big grin. “You damn well better not!”

  “I promise,” replied Lily. ”I was just kidding you, anyway.”

  “Let’s shower and go out to dinner,” suggested Andre. Lily readily agreed to this suggestion.

  Andre had been in his apartment for a short time when the telephone rang. A very annoyed Lily asked, “Will you please come down here immediately.” “Is something wrong?” he asked. “Yes.”

  Andre hurried down to her apartment to find her standing in her door still in her bikini. He looked her up and down and said, “What’s the problem?”

  “How am I supposed to get this top off with all those knots you put in it,” she replied.

  He started laughing and said, “You’ve got a problem, a knotty problem. Turn around.”

  She complied and he had trouble getting the knots untied but finally she could get the top off. She
took it off and stood there with bare breasts. “Gotta go shower,” he said and hurriedly left.

  When they met for dinner, Andre raised his eyebrows at her hair. She had shampooed and dried it and just combed it straight back where it hung down her back. “I totally forgot about your hair which got wet with salt water. I’m sorry,” he apologized.

  He told her he had made reservations at a trendy new restaurant by the name of The Hut. The building was built of logs with a thatch roof. The bar was made of rough planks and the tables were of the same wood. There was a small dance floor with a small band on a raised platform. Steaks and fish were cooked on an open fire and the smell was mouth watering. “I can’t wait for a steak cooked on that open fire. What about you?” he asked Lily. “Okay, I’ll go along with you tonight.”

  Once their meal was ordered and they were drinking Hut Punch which tasted like rum punch, Andre noticed many of the men present checking Lily out. She was dressed casually with pink pants, heels and dark pink sleeveless top. With her long blond hair hanging down her back and large hoop earrings, she looked hot. He knew she was totally unaware of how great she looked. Her self esteem had been damaged at some time in her past. He was pleased that he could see her gradually gaining self confidence. After all, she had suddenly been thrown into the midst of the elite of Miami society and handled herself extremely well.

  Lily pointed out Jacqueline and a man sitting at a table in the far corner. “That’s the first time I’ve ever seen Jacqueline with a date,” commented Lily. “She really puzzles me. She attends many social functions but always refuses when a man asks her to dance. And she always seems to attend alone.” “Maybe she doesn’t like men,” commented Andre. “I don’t think that’s it. And don’t say I’m too naïve to realize. I’m beginning to dislike that word applied to me,” replied Lily. Jacqueline apparently did not see them so they concentrated on their meal and each other. When they were ready to leave, Jacqueline and her date were still deep in conversation.


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