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Lily's Dream (Unexpected Lover Series)

Page 6

by Collins, Lea

  On the way home, the atmosphere in the car seemed strained. Lily thanked him for taking her to the beach and dinner and he said he, too, enjoyed it. After that, he seemed lost in thought.

  Suddenly he reached for her hand and kissed it. “I really enjoyed our outing today. It only took a few days for me to realize that you are different from the women I usually meet. You are sweet, sincere, naïve and have absolutely no idea how very beautiful you are. I am cynical where women are concerned but you are an exception. Can you forgive me for making an assumption about you based on past experience?”

  Lily had withdrawn her hand and was looking at him wide eyed and puzzled. “I guess I should be flattered that you have decided I’m not so bad after all. Obviously you thought I would lust after your body, making an embarrassing pest of myself because that’s what all the other women do. You didn’t want to have to fight me off. That’s it, isn’t it? Isn’t it? That was your way of keeping me at a distance. You are right. You are an ass, a conceited ass.”

  Lily was absolutely furious. She knew she was in love with him but she was fighting it as hard as she could. She would never have let him know it. Why did he tell her now? She hoped it was because he wanted her to see him as a possible lover. She hoped he wanted her as badly as she wanted him. But right now she was so mad she would hit him if he tried to touch her. Wouldn’t she? She looked out the window and ignored him until they got home. He kept glancing at her but one look at her face told him not to push right now.

  They arrived at their apartment building and Lily marched rigidly inside with Andre easily keeping up. Louis looked after them with a puzzled look and just shook his head.

  All was silent in the elevator. When they arrived at Lily’s floor, Andre got off with her. At her door, they stood and looked at each. Finally Andre said, “I thought I was giving you a compliment but it obviously backfired. Just forget I said anything.” He grabbed her and kissed her with the building passion he was feeling for her. She kissed him back, and then pushed him away. “You keep forgetting this brother sister relationship.” With a smile, she went into her apartment.

  On the way up to his apartment, Andre keep thinking that he was always cool, calm and collected. So what the hell had just happened? He wondered if she was still mad at him. As he entered his apartment, his cell phone indicated a text message had just come in. He took his phone out of his pocket and saw it was from Lily. Just because it worked once doesn’t mean it will work next time I get mad. He laughed. One of the things he loved about Lily was her sense of humor. Whoa……love?

  Chapter 6

  When Molly arrived at Lilly’s apartment the next day, Lily was sitting on her couch sewing beads on a dress. ‘’We went to the beach yesterday and it spoiled me. I don’t want to stay in the apartment all day today. It’s such a beautiful day,” she complained.

  Molly replied, “Yes, it is a beautiful day. I wish you didn’t have to stay in, too.”

  Lily thought for a few moments. “My sister has dominated me for my entire life and I’m tired of it. I won’t let my fear of her keep me captive indoors. What do you think about walking up to the bank? I have a deposit to make and it’s only three blocks. In the middle of the day there will be lots of people out. What could possibly happen?”

  Molly looked doubtful. “Andre told you to stay in your apartment, Lily. He must have a good reason and, anyway, he would be very angry.”

  Lily looked determined and said, “He doesn’t have to know.”

  So the decision was made and they walked happily down to the bank, looking in the store windows and enjoying the sunny day. They had started back to the apartment when suddenly a car jumped the curb and plowed into Lily. Molly screamed and bystanders came over to see if they could help. Someone called 911. Lily was lying still with blood all over her face and dress. Molly tried to get her to talk but she was knocked out completely. People in the crowd were discussing the car that hit Lily then immediately pulled back into the traffic and left the scene. The Police and an ambulance arrived at the same time and Lily was placed in the ambulance. Molly wanted to ride along with Lily but was told that was not possible but that Lily would be taken to Miami General Hospital.

  Molly realized she did not have a telephone and no way to let Andre know so she started running down the street to his salon. She wondered if she could make it. She stopped to rest several times and finally saw the mall ahead. She took the elevator up to the second floor and finally she was at Andre’s salon. She burst into the salon gasping for breath and dropped into the first chair available. Someone gave her a glass of water which she gratefully drank. She saw Andre who immediately stopped what he was doing when he noticed her. He hurried over to her and asked, “Molly, what is wrong? Has something happened to Lily?”

  Everyone had stopped working and was waiting to hear what Molly said. Molly gasped, “Yes….yes….she was hit by a car…..and taken to the hospital.” Andre paled visibly and asked, “How badly was she hurt?” Molly managed to reply, “Don’t know. She was unconscious. Miami General Hospital is where they took her.”

  Andre ran for his car with Molly close behind. She barely got in the passenger side as Andre drove off. “Where were you two going?” he asked. “Lily had a check to deposit so we decided she’d be safe in the middle of a crowded sidewalk,” Molly explained. “We had made the deposit and were returning to the apartment when suddenly a car jumped the curb and ran right into Lily. She was all covered with blood. I tried to talk her out of leaving the apartment but…..” Molly started crying.

  “Were the police there?” asked Andre. “They arrived when the ambulance arrived. As soon as they took Lily, I started running to your salon,” explained Molly.

  Andre pulled into the Emergency Entrance of the hospital. “Park the car, Molly,” he asked and hurried into the hospital.

  “Where’s Lily Gardner? She was just brought in,” he asked the attendant. “You can’t see her unless you’re a relative,” he was told. “I’m her husband,” he lied. “I assume you’re the Andre she’s been asking for. I’ll take you to her cubicle,” the attendant replied.

  Andre entered her area to find the nurse washing the blood off her face. “Lily,” he exclaimed, “are you okay?” “Andre, you’re finally here,” said Lily, “my ankle hurts.” He immediately took her hand and sat next to her while looking her over carefully. “My love, I was scared to death. How badly are you hurt?”

  The nurse responded, “She’s a very lucky young lady. She hit her head when she fell and that’s where all the blood came from. The doctor should be in shortly. I’m trying to get her cleaned up. The nurse left telling them she would be back.

  “What’s wrong with your ankle? Is it broken?” immediately asked Andre.

  The doctor came in at this moment and checked her over. ‘You don’t show signs of a concussion but will need a few stitches in your scalp and I’ve ordered an x-ray of your leg. I’ll have the nurse give you something for the pain. I don’t think it’s broken but it’s best to be sure. There’s no indication of internal injuries. She’s very lucky that she was not hurt much worse. I’ll be back when we have the results of the x-ray,” stated the doctor.

  “My leg hurts, Andre,” said Lily. “I know, love. You’ll get something for pain shortly,” he replied.

  At that moment the nurse came in and added the pain medication to her IV. Within moments Lily sighed with relief. “So I have a husband”, she said and smiled. He laced his fingers with hers on her free arm and said, “Lily, my heart turned to ice when I knew you had been hurt and I didn’t know how badly. I want you to know how much I love you. I adore you. I love you with all my heart.” He leaned over and kissed her gently on the lips.

  Molly appeared at the doorway and said, “Wow! It looks like I’m interrupting something. I’ll wait outside.”

  Lily looked deeply into Andre’s eyes and said, “I love you, too. I have for a long time, even had to show you my breasts trying to get a rise out
of you.”

  “You certainly got one. I just about swallowed my tongue when your top came off.” Then with a thoughtful look he asked, “Do you mean you rigged those ties to come undone?” “I didn’t tie them very tight and hoped they’d come undone,” she replied with a grin.” He smiled and said, “It worked very well. I enjoyed it very much.”

  Lily was taken to x-ray and Molly came in to wait with Andre. “I assume she is not seriously hurt? There was so much blood and she was unconscious. I was so scared. That jackass in the car didn’t even stop. It just hit her and sent her flying across the sidewalk and into the building.”

  Lily was wheeled back into the cubicle. A short time later, the doctor returned with the information that her ankle was not broken. The car hit her on the left side and caused her to twist her right ankle as she was thrown across the sidewalk. She has a bad sprain around the right ankle area and will not be able to walk for at least a week. He wrapped the leg, sewed the three stitches in her scalp. She would have to remain for a few hours to be under supervision in case she has a concussion. “When you go home, you won’t be able to stay by yourself. Is there someone who can help you?” he asked.

  Molly had followed the doctor back in and said Lily could stay with her. “No way. She is staying with me,” declared Andre. “Thank you, Molly, for the offer. Come up and visit with her. She won’t like staying off her foot for a week or so. Would you take the car home and I’ll bring Lily when she’s released?”

  “Of course,” she responded, kissed Lily and left.

  After a few hours, she was told she could leave. “Let’s get you home,” Andre said and began to lift her up when he realized she wore a hospital gown. “What is this thing you’re wearing? Can you put on your clothes?”

  “No, they’re all bloody and torn. I had on a sundress and it wasn’t any protection at all. I’m covered in scrapes and bruises and look a mess. My hair is all bloody. Tears were beginning to appear so Andre took over with, “You look beautiful to me and I’ll take good care of you. Let’s get you checked out and home. I’ll just wrap you up in this hospital sheet.”

  Andre tucked the sheet around her taking extra care with her ankle and told the nurse he would pay extra for the sheet. He picked her up and was told she was required to go out in a wheelchair. He had called for a car and he gently picked Lily up from the wheelchair and put her in. A stop to fill her pain medication prescription and they finally arrived at their apartment building.

  Andre carried Lily past an astonished Louis and up to his apartment. While holding her, he kissed her gently and told her he loved her and walked into his bedroom. Gently placing her in his bed, he removed the hospital sheet and looked at her, saying “you’re the most gorgeous parcel I’ve ever unwrapped.” He kissed her again and reluctantly got one of his pajama tops for her to put on. He gave her a pain pill, saying “Now I want you to sleep for a while.” He could tell she was getting tired as her eyes were beginning to close so he quietly left the room.

  He went into the living room and immediately called the Police Station to see what the police report of the accident revealed. He was disappointed to be told that none of the bystanders could identify the car other than it was a dark sedan. They had absolutely nothing to go on at this stage. They were still investigating.

  Disappointed and feeling uneasy, he sat thinking about the possibilities. If it was intentional, it had to be Jenny. There was no one else who wished Lily harm. But there was no way they could prove it. The only thing he could do was to take very good care of Lily.

  “Andre?” came a call from the bedroom.

  When he arrived at her bedside, she complained, “My ankle hurts and I have to go to the bathroom.”

  “No problem. Take a pain pill first, then bathroom,” replied Andre. “I’ll have to take you everywhere until you can walk on that leg,” Andre reminded her.

  Lily slept a couple of hours and woke to hear Andre in the shower. When he stepped out and began to dry himself, she enjoyed looking at his bare body. He was the most beautiful man, she thought. Tall and lean, his shoulders, arms and stomach were corded with muscle. A V of brown hair covered his chest tapering to a narrow line that ran down to widen again at his genitals. Her eyes stayed there for a while and when she looked up, she found that he was watching her look at him.

  “Do you like what you see?” he asked. “Very much,” she replied.

  He walked out to the terrace and returned with a plastic chair which he put in the shower. He walked over to the bed and stripped the shirt off her, picked her up and placed her in the shower chair. “Does your ankle hurt if you keep your leg still?” She shook her head. “Then it’s your turn,” he said. “I want to get the blood out of your hair and you’ll feel so much better clean again,” he grinned, “and now I get to see all of you.”

  After soaping and rinsing her body, he poured a small amount of shampoo on her hair and began to gently rub the shampoo in. He stood in front of her chair as he began to rinse. Up till now, she had her eyes closed but she opened them to find an erection in front of her face. With shampoo on her hands, she began to rub and massage it, thoroughly enjoying herself. “Quit that,” he said. “It’s right in front of my face. What am I supposed to do?” she replied. “You can leave it alone for now. Later you can do what you want. It’ll be all yours,” he growled. After conditioner and another thorough rinsing, he was finally satisfied that her hair was clean of blood and he had not hurt her stitched area or ankle.

  After giving her a clean pajama top to put on, he placed her in the middle of the bed and held her hand. “We need to talk, “he started. “I thought I would die if anything had happened to you before I had a chance to tell you how much I love you. I have regretted so many times building that wall between us. I have been so attracted to you and jealous of you dancing with another man. I have been suffering with the want of you. I am so in love with you, crazy about you.” She was smiling and pulled him over for a passionate kiss, then said, “I love you, too, and have been in love with you forever it seems.”

  “Do you think it would hurt your ankle if we made love?” he asked. “I have been wanting you for so long. I refuse to let a sprained ankle stop us, but you’ll have to figure out how we’re going to do it,” she responded. He carefully placed her right ankle on a pillow and she said it didn’t hurt if she kept it still. “Do I need to use a condom, “he asked. “No, I’m on the pill.” ”Good, I hate condoms.

  I can’t wait any longer to make love to you, “he said between kisses. “Tell me if your ankle starts to hurt.” They kissed and kissed with his tongue touching and rubbing hers. He looked at her breasts and said, “You have the most beautiful breasts. Everything about you is absolutely gorgeous and all mine.” He began to run his tongue over each nipple, and then sucked one and then the other. Lily began to experience a prickling feeling coming over her and then exploding with intense pleasure. She moaned but he kept on kissing and sucking. Andre put two fingers into her and found her to be wet and ready. “Lily, love, I can’t wait any longer to be inside you. I won’t last long this first time. Put your left leg around my waist so I can get to you.” He guided his penis to her and pushed the head in. He pulled it out and pushed further…”you’re so tight…I don’t want to hurt you.” “Just push on in,” she gasped and he pulled out and then thrust into her going all the way in. He lay still enjoying the wonderful feeling. Lily was also enjoying the wonder of having him inside her when he asked, “did I hurt you?” “No,” she replied. He started moving and with three thrusts, he jerked and jerked again, reaching his climax. He was breathing heavily and rolled off her and lay on his side with his eyes closed. “My God, Lily, I’ve never had a climax like that. It about killed me.” “Was it good?” she asked. “Are you kidding? It was the best I’ve ever had and next time will be better. As soon as I can move, I’ll help you clean up.”

  After a few minutes, he got a wet cloth from the bathroom and gently washed her legs. He lay
on his side looking at her. “You have the most beautiful body. I love to just look at your breasts, touch them, kiss them”…..He ran his hands around her breasts and reached over and sucked one nipple, then the other. She made a hmmm of pleasure. “You like?” he asked. “Very much,” she responded. “My breasts are very sensitive and I love it when you do anything to them.” He continued to play with her breasts as they lay looking into each other’s eyes. He continues rubbing his hand down her body and back up again leaning over to take one nipple in his mouth and sucking and then the other. He kissed her and ran his tongue over her lips. “Do you feel like making love again?” At her nod, he and began to suck with more vigor as she pulled his head even closer and murmured, “Harder, harder….” Then she shuddered with her climax. “How I love those breasts and nipples,” he whispered “and there are other things to love….”

  He gently moved her body lower on the bed and told her to move her left leg over and bent at the knee. That left her totally exposed to him and he parted her folds and whispered, “Beautiful….you are like a flower.” He put his tongue on her sensitive spot and sucked and licked, then licked all around and put his tongue in her vagina and moved it in and out. He moved his tongue all around the most sensitive exposed skin until Lily began to moan with the feeling that was building up. She felt the rise of the tingling again and explode into intense pleasure.

  Andre slid up her body and began to run his tongue over her lips, kissing her deeply. She was wet and ready and he couldn’t wait any longer. He reached down and positioned his penis head and pushed in and pulled all the way out and suddenly pushed harder and deeper until he shuddered with his own climax. They lay sated in each other’s arms. He started to withdraw but she put her hands on his bottom and said, “No, stay inside me.” He supported himself with his elbows and nuzzled her neck. “I love you so much. I don’t know how I existed without you.”


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