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Lily's Dream (Unexpected Lover Series)

Page 7

by Collins, Lea

  They lay that way for a while and then both noticed he was beginning to get an erection again. He kissed her and said, “I want you again. I love you so much, Lily. I can get an erection just looking at you. It’s been a problem lately.” Finally Andre said, “Let’s get you cleaned up” and he returned from the bathroom with a wet cloth. He gently cleaned her legs and vagina. “You’re taking a long time to clean that area,” teased Lily. “I love this part of you. I’m taking my time,” he replied.

  “I think I’ll take a nap. Don’t go away,” murmured Lily.

  “No problem, love. Now I’ve got you, I’m going to keep you close. When you wake up, there will be something to eat. I’m going to have food delivered.”

  She murmured “Okay” and was immediately asleep.

  The next morning, Lily woke to the smell of coffee. “Hmm I slept so well. It was wonderful having that warm masculine body to snuggle up to. I seem to remember being waked up a few times during the night.” Andre kissed her saying, “Good morning, my love. First let’s do pain pill, then bathroom, then coffee.”

  Andre’s penthouse apartment had a huge bedroom complete with two upholstered chairs beside a glass-topped table. He held Lily in his arms and kissed her before seating her in the chair. She still wore his pajama top which reached almost to her knees. He had on the pajama bottoms which left exposed an expanse of masculine chest. His early morning look included a growth of beard and his hair stood straight up in the back. He was so handsome she found herself staring at him. “What is it?” he asked. “I was just wondering how many women you have had coffee with sitting at this table after, of course, having had mind blowing sex the previous night,” she teased. He took her question seriously and replied, “You are the first and only. I have never had a woman in this bedroom for any reason. Now my life has totally changed because I have the woman I love here and I plan to chain her to the bed.”

  Lily laughed, “You won’t have to chain me anywhere. I’ll go wherever you want. I promise to stay put in the future if you tell me to. I should have done that yesterday and I’m sorry.” “At least we now know that someone is serious about hurting you,” Andre warned. “Just remember that you are not to go anywhere without me even if someone calls and tells you I’ve been hurt, it could be an excuse to get you outside. Be careful. Promise?” Lily looked frightened and nodded.

  Andre stood up and declared he was hungry and would cook breakfast for them. “I really like being waited on but I didn’t know you could cook.” He just smiled and soon she heard noises from the kitchen. Shortly he returned with two plates of scrambled eggs and toast. They ate leisurely and sat back with a second cup of coffee enjoying the morning together. After a while Andre reminded her it was time to shower. “You go first. I like to watch you”….Andre grinned and obliged her by pulling down his pajama bottoms. “Hmm it’s getting better and better,” she teased as she observed his erection. He showered quickly and moved the plastic chair into the shower and picked her up and sat her gently into the chair. “This time, leave it alone,” he warned. “I’ll come in the shower for sure and I’d much rather come in you.”

  He washed and conditioned her hair after washing and rinsing her body. “Let’s blow dry it this time,” she asked. “Unfortunately I don’t have a dryer. I’ll go down to your apartment and get some of your stuff for you as soon as I get dressed,” he responded.

  Later he returned with shorts, blouse, and hair products. She looked over the array he brought and asked where the underwear was. “You won’t believe this, but I honestly forgot. I was trying to decide between a sundress and shorts and decided I wanted to look at your legs and got totally distracted. I would prefer you don’t wear underwear anyway.”

  “But if Molly comes to visit, I have to be wearing at least a bra or nipples will be showing,” Lily explained. “Please make another trip and get a sundress and underwear.”

  Andre returned with the requested items grumbling that they needed to move all her stuff to his apartment. She agreed and plans were made to move everything tomorrow.

  He settled down in the chair beside the table to watch her dress. She put on the bra, then the sundress. He noticed that no panties were put on. She asked if there were any empty drawers in his huge bureau. He moved his socks and underwear into another drawer and she handed him the panties to put in the empty drawer. “We’ll have to rearrange that bureau to make room for my stuff or just move the bureau from my apartment up here. There’s plenty of room in here,” suggested Lily.

  “If you’ll take me to the living room, I’ll invite Molly to come up and keep me company if you need to go somewhere. You can’t babysit me all day and I can work on beading or drawing while you’re gone,” said Lily. “Good idea,” replied Andre as he picked her up and deposited her on the sofa facing the window. Call Molly and ask her to meet me at your apartment and show me what you’re likely to need and we’ll bring it to you.”

  They soon appeared with the items Lily needed. Andre gave her lingering kiss and promised to call. Once he left, Molly hugged Lily. “Oh, Lily, I am so glad to see you up and have never been so frightened in my life. How are you doing?”

  Lily replied, “I can’t walk yet but we are managing. Andre has been wonderful. He treats me like I’ll break or something and I’ll admit I enjoy the attention.”

  Molly observed the bloom on her cheeks and smiled “I think he’s been treating you very well, indeed.”

  “He says he loves me, Molly, and I certainly love him. I don’t know what happened in his past but it made him very determined not to fall in love. It took the accident to make him finally tell me he loved me. He thought he might have lost me and I was very lucky not to be hurt worse. I don’t think it was an accident, do you?” asked Lily.

  Molly replied thoughtfully, “I just don’t know what to think. I don’t see how someone could accidentally jump the curb. I recall there was a fire hydrant along there and that could have prevented the car from having a good aim at you. Maybe Andre can get more information from the police. Just be careful and follow Andre’s instructions.”

  “You’re right. The best thing to do is not think about it and look forward. “I was working on the beading design for the lime green dress so I’m glad you brought that.”

  The telephone rang and Lily answered it to find Andre on the other end. “Andre! Has something happened?” exclaimed Lily. “Yes, he replied.”I can’t quit thinking about you in that dress with no panties on.” Lily burst out laughing, “I didn’t think you noticed.” He growled, “The hell you didn’t. You did it deliberately to mess me up the rest of the day.” Still laughing, Lily suggested he think of something else and promised to make it up to him later. “Keep that skirt down until I get home.”

  Still giggling Lily hung up the phone to find an interested Molly who noted that Andre had not been gone but about ten minutes and already calling. “We are so much in love and making love with him is wonderful. I have never experienced anything like it. I am so lucky.”

  “Yes, you are. Andre is a kind, thoughtful man and I think he feels deeply. You two appear to have fun together which is also important. By the way, I have a date tonight.”

  “You do!! How exciting. Tell me everything…is it Tony?” exclaimed Lily.

  “Yes, Tony asked me to go to dinner with him. He will probably want to go dancing, too. I have concerns about dating Tony. I think he has feelings for me that I don’t return. I knew back in the old days that Tony admired me but, of course, I never encouraged him. I love to dance with him but I will never be in love with him even though he is a kind, thoughtful man. I don’t want a physical relationship with him and I just don’t know how to handle this. Any advice?”

  “It would be great if you could go out with him just as friends and have a good time. I think you should be truthful with him, Molly. Just tell him you aren’t ready for any relationship other than that of friends and how much you value his friendship. I think he will understand.” />
  “Thank you, Lily. You make it sound so simple and obvious. I guess I was just not objective enough. I didn’t want to hurt him but just telling the truth up front is definitely best. Thank you so much,” answered Molly.

  “Tell me about your dancing career. I would love to hear about it from the very beginning,” asked Lily.

  Molly talked about her early start with dancing lessons and the talent she showed which allowed her to begin dancing professionally at a very early age. “It was always dancing, practicing, working out new routines….it seems like I didn’t have a normal life. I guess actors and actresses feel the same way if they started early in movies. I loved it and it was my own choice. There are so many fond memories.”

  They didn’t realize they had been talking for hours until the telephone rang and Lily answered to find Andre on the line. He wanted to know how her ankle was feeling and what she had been doing. When she asked how he was doing, he replied, “I’m managing, barely. I love you and miss you.” When she responded with, “I love you, too,” he asked if she liked Chinese food because he was bringing home dinner. She made her request and he said he’d be home shortly.

  Molly decided it was time for her to get back to her apartment and get ready for her date. She promised to visit Lily again tomorrow to tell her about it.

  Shortly the door opened and in came Andre with a big smile. He leaned over and kissed Lily and asked, “How are you feeling, honey?” “Fine,” replied Lily. “Why the big smile?” Lily asked. “Oh, I’m a happy guy. My assistant manager at the salon, Clarissa, is running things smoothly so I’m taking tomorrow off to spend with you. We need to get your things moved up here. Then we might take a drive since you haven’t been out much lately, if you want to.”

  “That sounds great. Thanks to Molly, I have some things from my workroom so I’ve been busy but getting out sounds wonderful,” replied Lily with enthusiasm.

  Andre picked Lily up and put her on his bed. He lifted the sundress up and put two fingers in her vagina, moving them in and out. He pulled her sundress over her head and unhooked her bra. “I want to see my favorite things. I’ve been thinking about this ever since I left. First he kissed her deeply their tongues curling around each other. He kissed her nose and licked her lips, then kissed her again and again. Next he moved down to her breasts rubbing and kissing. He pulled on her nipples with his mouth. “Do you like that? A little rougher?” he asked. “Yes,” she replied. “My breasts are so sensitive…..I’m about to come….” And with that the wonderful feeling took over and she buckled and climaxed. He moved on down her body, licking and kissing until he got to the paradise between her legs. He parted her folds and just looked at her. “Hmmm,” he said. “You are so beautiful. I love this part of your body…..I think about it all the time…” He leaned over and began to lick her and suck on her most sensitive part, then putting his tongue in her vagina and moving it in and out. He could feel her wetness and knew she was ready for his penetration. He stood and quickly took off his pants and plunged into her. She ran her nails up and down his back. They were both so aroused by this time that he plunged in and out, then pushed deeply and they both came at the same time. He rolled over to his side and held her in his arms as they both fell asleep sated with their explosive experience.

  Lily woke first to find Andre looking at her face. “That was the most incredible sexual experience I have ever had. Making love is different from having sex because I love you so very much.” “And I love you so very much. I didn’t know what making love was until I made love with you,” replied Lily.

  “Let’s shower,” suggested Lily.” I’m all sticky.”

  Andre picked her up and sat her in the chair he had put in the shower for her. As they soaped each other, she exclaimed, “Andre, your back is all scratched. What happened?”

  He laughed and replied, “You happened.”

  Embarrassed, Lily replied, “I’m sorry Andre. I’ll try not to do that to you again.” “I loved it, darling Lily. You can really be a sex kitten when you’re aroused. Believe me, I enjoyed every moment of it. I’ll start calling you my sex kitten.” Lily smiled a smug smile and continued soaping him.

  After rinsing and drying themselves, Andre dried Lily’s hair. She reminded him she needed clothes from her apartment. He pulled a clean shirt out of his closet and gave it to her to put on. He chuckled and said, “This will make my favorite things easier to get to.”

  Lily replied, “That is what I was thinking. It will be too distracting for you.”

  He replied, “I will be strong. Anyway, I’m hungry. We aren’t going out tonight so let’s be casual. I’ll order in food and we can watch TV or something.

  After their meal, Andre refilled their glasses of wine. He walked around the apartment and was obviously distracted. Finally he sat down next to her on the couch. “Lily,” he said, “I got a present for you yesterday but I haven’t found the proper time to give it to you.” He pulled a small black box out and said, “You know I love you so much, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to marry you. Lily, will you marry me?”

  He opened the box and Lily gasped when she saw the beautiful diamond ring inside. “Andre, you know I love you as much as you love me. Of course I will be so happy to marry you and spent my life with you.”

  He took the ring out of the box and slipped it on her finger. She looked at it in amazement. It had a large diamond with two slightly smaller diamonds on each side of the band. “It is the most beautiful ring I have ever seen. Thank you, my love.” They kissed and Andre relaxed. “I can’t believe you were so nervous about this,” Lily said. “You know I love you.”

  “I don’t know….I was afraid you’d say no,” Andre responded.

  He pulled her over into his lap and they snuggled for a while as Lily admired her engagement ring.

  Before long, he began to investigate his favorite things.

  Chapter 7

  In a few more days, Lily was able to put her weight on the sprained ankle and, to her relief, finally could walk on her own. By this time Andre had moved all her personal belongings upstairs to his apartment. Her sewing room would remain in her apartment for use there but his apartment was now their apartment.

  Lily asked Molly to meet her to get started on sewing again. Jacqueline had sold all of the Lilly Collection she had on hand and needed more dresses. She declared that she even had a waiting list.

  When Molly saw Lily, she immediately noticed her engagement ring. “Wow! That is the most beautiful ring I have ever seen.” She hugged Lily and said, “I wish you and Andre all the happiness in the world.”

  Lily told her, “The silly man carried it around for two days because he was nervous about asking me to marry him. He said he was afraid I would refuse. Anyway, we straightened that out and are so very happy. He has moved all my stuff into his apartment except for the sewing room. He is allowing me to come down here to sew.”

  Molly laughed at the idea of confident Andre carrying around the ring for two days because of uncertainty that Lily would accept him. “When is the wedding to be?” she asked.

  “I don’t know. We haven’t discussed that. I think we’re just enjoying each other right now. Jacqueline is asking for more dresses so we have to concentrate on dresses. We need to work out a routine where you and I can get more dresses done so obviously I need to teach you to do more than cut. So let’s get started.”

  They had been working all day and were making great progress when Andre walked in. “It’s time to stop for the day, don’t you gals think? I want the undivided attention of my fiancé,” he said as he went over to Lily and kissed her passionately.

  “Yep, I think it’s time to stop sewing for today, Lily. Take him upstairs and give him some attention,” said Molly with a grin, saying, “I’ll see you tomorrow,” as she went out the door.

  He took Lily’s hand and led her upstairs to their apartment. He took her in his arms and began kissing her. They were interrupted by the ring
ing of the telephone. Andre frowned when he looked at the number calling and obviously was not pleased with what he was hearing.

  He turned to Lily with a resigned and displeased expression on his face. “Well, Lily, you are going to have the privilege of meeting my parents. They are arriving tomorrow and we are meeting them at the Hyatt Regency for dinner tomorrow night.”

  “I need to give you some background although I don’t like to talk about it. My father is Andrew Nelson, owner of Nelson Construction and other companies. My name is actually Andrew Nelson, Jr. oldest son expected to take his place in the family business. I graduated college with a degree in Civil Engineering but things fell apart.

  Throughout high school and college, my steady girlfriend was Eleanor Morton, daughter of my father’s best friend. I thought I was very much in love with her and she said she loved me. We talked of marriage right after college graduation. My best friend since high school was David Peters. To my shock, Eleanor and David eloped the very day after graduation. Both sets of parents were furious and I was left to take the blame. My mother ranted and raved accusing me of all sorts of things to cause Eleanor to leave me for David. My father stayed out of the fray.

  I was hurt and home was very unpleasant so I just left. I never wanted to see or hear from any of them ever again. I didn’t contact them. I had never been close to my parents, anyway. My father was always away on business so my mother ran the household. We weren’t exactly a loving and caring family. I have a brother and there was plenty of rivalry and competition between us. It’s sad, really. I had absolutely no trouble breaking the family ties. Fortunately I had a trust fund from my grandfather on my mother’s side. I felt so free…from parental control and high expectations. It was wonderful.

  “I had totally lost my trust in women and for a long time didn’t even consider dating. But eventually I started dating occasionally but never the same woman twice. Then one day I walked into Jacqueline’s shop and saw a woman I couldn’t get out of my mind. I knew I was in big trouble when I was so jealous of the idea of her dancing with another man and got a hard on when I danced with her. I knew by then I loved her……I think you know the rest for, of course, you were the beauty in Jacqueline’s.”


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