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Lily's Dream (Unexpected Lover Series)

Page 8

by Collins, Lea

  Lily had been sitting spellbound listening to Andre’s story. “Do you mean that you never dated anybody else in high school and college but Eleanor?” she asked.

  “Pretty much. We were considered a couple. A lot of girls indicated interest in me and I’m sure Eleanor had chances to date others, as well. Looking back, I think it was habit and we were both very influenced by controlling parents. I am so thankful that she ran off and we didn’t get married. We were so young and hadn’t really experienced life.”

  “You have been very quiet. What are you thinking?” asked Andre.

  “I’m wondering how in the world you went from civil engineering to being one of the best and most famous hair dressers around? That’s a big jump.”

  “It was just one of those unplanned things that happen in life. I wanted to get as far away from anything my father would want me to do. I saw an advertisement for a new class beginning at a local beauty salon. The other people looking at the ad were commenting about the excellent teacher and how hard it would be to get accepted. I couldn’t think of anything that would make my father madder than his heir and eldest son being a hair dresser so I decided to apply. I don’t know why she accepted me into the class but I found that I liked it. Making someone look pretty appealed to me so I started taking all the classes I could. I found a salon for sale so the rest is history.”

  Lily thought she could easily understand why he was accepted. A tall, handsome male would be a magnet for women and Andre was very good, too. She was shocked to realize that she was the only woman he had dated steadily except for Eleanor. He could be a real lady’s man but instead was sweet, kind, considerate and all hers. She could understand now why he was so hesitant about asking her to marry him. He feared rejection as Eleanor had rejected him.

  “No more questions,” Lily declared. “I love you so much and will never, never leave you,” said Lily and kissed him with all the love and passion she possessed. He responded with gusto and started removing her clothes.

  It was some time later that he remembered to tell Lily his parents had told him they were bringing a surprise. “I can’t imagine what this surprise could be. Something unpleasant, I’m sure.”

  The following evening, they were dressing for the dinner. Lily looked through her dresses and asked for Andre’s advice. “I’d like for you to wear something with your beautiful beading, cocktail dress length and not too sexy.” “How about this one?” she asked. The dress was violet with a straight skirt slightly flared at the hem and a geometric design along the skirt and coming straight up the middle of the bodice and around the neck. “That’s perfect,” said Andre. “Wear your bracelet on your right wrist and we will raid Molly’s box for short diamond earrings.”

  They entered the dining room holding hands and Andre immediately spotted his parents with a woman sitting at their table. “Oh, no,” he exclaimed. “Guess who that woman at the table is?”

  “My guess would be Eleanor, their big surprise,” Lily said.

  As they approached, Andre’s father and Eleanor stood up. His mother remained seated with a frown on her face. Andre obviously inherited his looks from his father who was tall and fit with the same blue eyes. His, however, were shrewd and watchful. His mother wore a beautiful blue designer dress with a diamond broach, diamond earrings and numerous rings. Eleanor was not a pretty woman. Her features were too strong for prettiness but she was attractive in her own way. Eleanor was obviously expecting to be a wonderful surprise and was reflecting the shock of everyone that Andre had brought a date. Lily was very curious to see Eleanor and was surprised that she was not pretty. She had auburn hair, sharp brown eyes, and an air of superiority about her that suggested she thought herself special.

  Lily made her rapid assessment of the three as Andre was introducing them to Lily. He introduced Lily as his fiancé which caused eyebrows to go up. His mother said with annoyance, “We weren’t expecting a fifth person so we asked for a table for four.”

  “No problem,” replied Andre as he pulled over a chair from a vacant table and squeezed it in around the table. This put him very close to Lily but nobody offered to move their chairs. After their drink orders were taken, his father said, “Well, Andrew, we haven’t seen you in five years. How have you been doing?”

  Andre replied, “I’ve been doing very well, father. I like Miami very much, particularly the weather. You all need to know that I have legally changed my name to Andre. I am no longer Andrew Nelson, Jr.”

  His father said, “Actually I had a check done on you and already was aware of that. I also learned to my surprise that you run a beauty salon and are doing very well financially, even own two apartment buildings and other holdings managed by a financial advisor.”

  Obviously curious, he asked, “How in the world did you go from civil engineering to fixing women’s hair? That’s a mystery to me.”

  Andre replied, “It was just one of those unexpected turns that life takes.”

  Eleanor spoke up and told Andre, “David and I were just playing a joke on you, Andrew. We never dreamed you’d just up and disappear like you did.”

  Lily doubted Eleanor was telling the truth but if she was, it certainly showed low character to do such a hurtful thing.

  Smiling, Andre looked at Eleanor and said, “I’m very glad you did because it completely changed my life and started me down a different and happier path.” Eleanor looked very annoyed at this reply as did his parents. Fortunately their drinks arrived to interrupt this topic of conversation.

  Andre’s mother said, “You will be interested to know that your brother, Peter, is working with your father and has recently been promoted to Vice President of the company. Eleanor is an executive of the company she works for.”

  She turned to Lily asking, “And you, my dear, did you go to college?”

  Lily replied, “Yes, I have a Masters Degree from Ohio State.

  “In what specialty?” asked Margaret..

  “Library Science focused on textbook acquisition. The specialty is focused on subjects taught in universities and the vast array of reference books available in each particular subject. You have to keep up with the latest and make sure the library has them in stock,” Lily replied.

  “That’s interesting. Are you doing that now?” asked Eleanor

  “No,” Lily replied.

  Their food order arrived and during the passing out of their orders, Andre reached down to Lily’s leg which was touching his and started pulling her skirt up, inching it higher and higher until his hand almost reached its goal. Lily knew she was blushing and pushed his hand away. “Stop that,” she hissed.

  Andre’s mother had been observing Lily and said,” That is quite a rock you’re wearing. Is it real?”

  Lily replied, “You’ll have to ask Andre since he gave it to me.”

  Andre was both angry and surprised at the rudeness of his mother’s question. He decided to ignore her.

  Lily put her hand on his arm and said, “There’s Jacqueline…” Jacqueline had also seen them and was walking over to their table. Andre introduced everybody and Jacqueline took a look at Andre’s father and said, “I see where Andre got his good looks.”

  Lily surprised everyone by saying, “I thought that, too.”

  Andre’s father was obviously surprised and flattered. “Good looking men obviously run in this family,” added Jacqueline. “I heard about your ring but haven’t seen it.” Lily held out her hand and Jacqueline said,” What a beautiful ring. Molly and I knew you two were in love before you did. But it was entertaining. Have you told everyone about the big spread on you in the paper, Lily?”

  “No, but ……” Lily did not want to be the center of attention and felt very uncomfortable. She looked at Andre for help but he just held her hand and said, “Relax. Jacqueline will do what she wants to anyway.”

  Jacqueline returned with the newspaper and spread it on the table for his parents to see. His mother pushed it away after a glance at the picture but
Eleanor and his father read the article. “Very impressive,” was his father’s comment. “That’s a gorgeous dress you’re wearing in the photo. You actually designed and made that yourself? It’s sexy, too,” was Eleanor’s comment.

  Jacqueline said to Lily, “I’m having a business dinner with a Junior Editor of Vogue Magazine. They like to highlight new designers occasionally and I think they’re interested in doing a layout on you, Lily.”

  “That would open new outlets for the Lily Collection, wouldn’t it, Jacqueline?” asked Lily. “Yes, more than likely,” agreed Jacqueline. “I can barely keep up with your requests now. What would I do with more outlets?” moaned Lily. “We’ll talk about it later,” said Jacqueline as she departed to return to her table.

  Lily noticed to her amusement a very different attitude at the table. Suddenly she was not just Andre’s fiancé but someone of fame and celebrity. That’s what matters to these people, she thought.

  Andre’s mother suddenly said, “I’d be afraid to wear one of those little beaded dresses. Suppose I was at a social event and the thread broke and beads started rolling everywhere.”

  Lily immediately replied, “There would be no way the thread would break because I don’t use thread. There is a special beading wire that is used these days. It doesn’t break. There are numerous books available on beading techniques. You might find out more about the topic before criticizing it.”

  Lily realized she had spoken sharply to Andre’s mother but she loved her beading and was quick to defend it. Everyone looked surprised at Lily’s comment.

  Eleanor laughed and said, “Well said, Lily. You’re the expert and I, for one, will admit that I know nothing at all about beading. But I would love to have one of those beautiful dresses. Where is Jacqueline’s shop?”

  “It is in the large mall in the middle of town just a few blocks from here,” replied Lily. “It’s across from Andre’s salon, actually, on the second floor of the mall.”

  Andre’s father was very interested in the business aspect of the discussion and said to Lily, “You need an associate with good organizational skills to help you restructure to get more products out. You could be a millionaire with some help.”

  “I don’t want my wife to be constantly making dresses. And why should she want to be a millionaire when she’s marrying a millionaire?” asked Andre.

  Eleanor said, “Some women want to be independent and not have to depend on a man for security.”

  “I would never neglect my husband for a business. And I look forward to the patter of little feet, “replied Lily. Andre reached over and kissed her soundly.

  “You’d better get married first. When is this big event to take place?” asked Andre’s mother.

  Andre answered, “We haven’t decided yet. We don’t want a long engagement, though, so sooner rather than later.”

  Jacqueline passed by their table on the way out and came over to tell everyone goodbye. Lily said, “Jacqueline, I forgot to tell you that I’m working on a special order.”

  “What!” she exclaimed. “Who for?” she asked in surprise. Lily replied, “Marcella Devereaux.”

  “Why, she’s overweight and middle aged. Plus all orders go through me. You know that.”

  Lily explained, “We went to a lavish party at her penthouse and I felt sorry for her. She looked so tacky in her outfit so I told her I would design something special for her. I’ve designed two dresses and she will pick the one she likes best. She was so thrilled. I was going to tell you but getting engaged and other things just made me forgot. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cut you out of it. We will bring the designs down to your shop and she can meet us there and you can set the price.”

  Jacqueline looked at a loss for words. “You do realize she’s one of the wealthiest women in Miami, probably in Florida. You could end up her personal dressmaker if you don’t watch out and all her friends will want you to design one for them, too. I’m floored and need a strong drink. See you tomorrow, Lily.”

  Andre looked at Lily and said, “You didn’t tell me about that, honey.”

  Lily replied, “We haven’t been spending much of our time talking lately, Andre.”

  With this comment, Andre blushed and everyone laughed except, of course, his mother.

  Andre stood and said, “It was nice seeing all of you. If you’re in Miami again, maybe we can get together.”

  Both Andre and Lily shook his father’s hand and Eleanor extended hers as well. Andre’s mother just looked at them with no expression and kept her hands in her lap. Both Andre and Lily looked at her and said, “Goodbye.” She nodded her head.

  Lily and Andre were looking at a large poster in the vast interior of the hotel. It was advertising a dancing contest to be held in a week. The prize was large plus a performance at the hotel. “Wouldn’t Molly love that? She would stand a good chance of winning, too, if she had Tony as a partner,” said Lily.

  Andre’s parents walked out of the restaurant without noticing them. His father went into the bar. His mother stepped on the elevator. Eleanor, however, saw them and walked up to Lily and said, “I need to talk to you both. Let’s find somewhere private.”

  Puzzled, Andre and Lily suggested a seating area in the corner of the large room. Once seated, Eleanor said to Andre, “I feel I owe you one, Andre, so I’m going to tell you the truth about this visit. Things aren’t going so good in your family. Your brother, Peter, did go to work for the company as vice president but large sums of money began to disappear. An audit of the books revealed that Peter had been systematically stealing for years and stole over three million dollars. Your father kicked him out so they don’t know where he is now.”

  Andre and Lily both looked shocked. Eleanor continued, “I didn’t think my presence on this trip would help their cause but I came along to tell you the truth and, I will admit, a certain amount of curiosity to see how you’re getting along. I’m sincerely glad you’re doing well and have found someone you love. Your mother arranged it all thinking she would find you miserable and ready to come back to the company in Chicago. I don’t know why she lied about Peter. Certainly she’s embarrassed with his behavior but who knows why your mother does things. She is very calculating so I don’t know what her motive is. I have never understood her.”

  “What is their cause as you put it?” asked Andre.

  “I honestly don’t know. My original thought was that they wanted you to come back into the company but seeing you doing so well here and coming in with a fiancé was a shock. And why did she lie to you about Peter? Your father didn’t correct her so they obviously want you to think everything is rosy at home. The truth is that your father was very hurt to learn that his son was stealing from him. He always wanted one or both of his sons to inherit and run Nelson Construction. The company is doing well and has just finished building an apartment building. I really don’t know and can only speculate.”

  Lily said, “I think he is shrewd and looking for something to invest in. He was very interested in my dress business which made me uncomfortable.”

  “Thanks for telling us the truth, Eleanor” said Andre. Eleanor shrugged, “I felt I owed you. I want to tell Lily something about you,” she said with a grin. Andre looked uncomfortable as she told Lily, “I doubt Andre has told you he was a sports star in both high school and college. He played football, baseball, basketball and soccer. He was good at everything he played earning him his choice of scholarships. All the girls were gaga over him but he was totally interested in sports.”

  “He could have gone on to play professional sports but his father was determined he join Nelson Construction. Now Andre is the only successful son. I think you leaving, and then Peter’s dishonesty really was a blow he hasn’t recovered from. Your father is not as autocratic as he used to be, Andrew. Imagine being married to your mother. Try to cut him some slack.”

  They all stood up and Andre said, “I appreciate you telling me the truth, Eleanor. Whatever father has in mind, h
e’ll let us know what he wants to. I wish you the best.” Eleanor waved as she walked away.

  Chapter 8

  Both Andre and Lily sank into the back seat of their car with extreme relief. They rode for a while without any conversation. Finally Lily said, “That was one of the strangest experiences of my life. Everything seemed off, somehow.”

  Andre replied, “My father and mother never do anything without a reason. I have no doubt he has been keeping track of me for years. Now I am his only child who is successful. He would like to get me back to Chicago but now realizes that’s impossible. This was a fishing trip, I think. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens next.”

  “How old is your father? He looks almost like your older brother instead of your father, “asked Lily.

  Andre thought for a moment, and then said, “He’s 48. My mother is five years older. He started working for my mother’s father and ended up marrying the boss’ daughter. Eventually he inherited the company and made it more successful and became a millionaire in the process. My father admires success and was proud of my success in sports. Peter was not good at sports so this made for some resentment on his part. I can well imagine my father’s disappointment in Peter and my mother’s embarrassment.”

  During this conversation, Andre had pulled Lily’s skirt up to her waist and was struggling with her pantyhose. “How do you get this damned thing off?” he asked in irritation. “We only have a short distance to go…”she reminded him.

  He turned on the car intercom and told the driver to take the long way home.

  “Now we’re set. Take those things off.”


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