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Catgirl: Catspaw (Synne City Super Heroines in Peril Series Book 21)

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by JK Waylon


  Synne City Super Heroines in Peril


  JK Waylon

  * * * * *


  Smokin’ Hot Press

  Copyright 2017 by JK Waylon

  This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, and locations within either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, or locales is entirely coincidental. All characters in this story are 18 years old or older.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  List of other titles available

  About the Author

  Catgirl: Catspaw

  Synne City Super Heroines in Peril

  "And there they are. Fashionably late as usual," Catgirl purred softly, peering down at the parking lot as a black SUV turned in. She smiled, feeling the double-sided tape of her black leather cowl tugging at her skin. "The mice have come to play." Her baby blue eyes narrowed. "Or should I say rats? Dirty, stinking rats."

  She watched a familiar figure emerge from the SUV. Toni Ripa was the Ripa Family boss. The beautiful brunette had recently extended her family's power by becoming Synne City's boss of bosses, before a new rival crime family slammed into the city and turned everything upside-down. Now everything was in chaos in the mafia world. Catgirl didn't know a lot about that new criminal organization, except it was multi-national in nature. But they'd hurt the Ripa Family, and Catgirl wasn't about to let that opportunity slide.

  Catgirl scowled as Toni led two big goons into the high-rise luxury condo building. Toni's recent success came at the expense of the Synne City Super Heroine corps in general, and Catgirl in particular. Primarily, Toni "acquired" the former super heroine called Dynamo, either convincing Dynamo through words or brainwashing her to be an obedient little minion. It didn't matter how; Dynamo was Toni's to command. And Dynamo was a very powerful adversary.

  "When I take out Toni it will throw Dynamo into a tailspin," Catgirl said.

  She hoped Dynamo would prove easier to capture without Toni around to dictate what to do, what to think, what to feel. The city's heroines were convinced that poor lobotomized Dynamo couldn't function by herself for too long, and she only really seemed to listen to Toni. And that pair's loss would cripple the Ripa Family, allowing Catgirl to swoop in and finish them off.

  "My vengeance will be absolute."

  The Ripa Family had been the bane of her existence ever since her, and her mentor's, setbacks against them. The things they'd done to Catgirl were bad, but they'd delved into new depths of depravity with her mentor. Catgirl was determined to end their reign of terror forever.

  "Pack of rabid dogs, the bunch of you," she whispered. "Time to put you down."

  She looked up and around. Dynamo wasn't escorting the mob boss, so she could be anywhere. Maybe inside the building. Maybe outside, over-watching the operation. Catgirl scowled up into the darkness. Of course, she had her own backup.

  Catgirl pulled her smartphone out of her right thigh boot. She sent a text message to Midnight Avenger and Kunoichi. Each of them had a safe house to watch that night. Indeed, they'd been watching those safe houses for three days and nights, working in shifts with Ms Amazing, Glory Gal, and Gold Avenger. It wouldn't take her fellow heroines long to reach her.

  Slowly lifting up and away from the roof, Catgirl began to slowly fly around and around the high-rise. She knew Toni had a "safe house" in that building, but not which condo. It was well past 2 AM, so few of the condos were lit up. The mirrored glass meant she couldn't see inside. Not unless someone turned on a light.

  It took a few minutes, but Catgirl spotted the lights coming on near the top of the building. Figured Toni would want the status of a top floor condo. Catgirl flew over quickly to hover just a few feet from the windows. The curtains were closed, but thin enough that she could see reasonably well through them.

  Toni was in the middle of the living room giving orders. The beautiful Italian-American looked like she'd just come from a dance club, wearing a metallic red bandage dress that hugged every curve of her spectacular body. The hemline was so high Catgirl could see a little butt cheek until Toni unconsciously tugged it down an inch. Black pantyhose sheathed her long, shapely legs, ending in a pair of black patent stilettos.

  While the two thugs went to different rooms, Toni turned to the thermostat. It was centered on a wall with no furniture. A second later, a section of that wall slid away to reveal a secret room.

  "I got you now," Catgirl whispered, blue eyes narrowing to slits.

  Her black-gloved hands curled into tight fists when she spotted the three missing DEA agents. Agents Victor Ortiz, Jeffrey Baker, and William Freeman were bound hand and foot, gagged, and blindfolded. They were laid side-by-side and next to a neat stack of drugs. Heroin, from what Catgirl's informant said. About twenty million dollars in drugs, to be precise.

  Time to put Toni and the Ripa Family out of business, Catgirl thought as a smile spread across her beautiful, masked face.

  Catgirl flew up and did a big loop, increasing her speed to slam as hard as she could feet first into the windows. She knew the glass on high-rises was thick, multilayered, and was hard to penetrate. But she was super-powered and trained in how to do it.

  Toni was shouting at someone out in the hallway when Catgirl's feet smashed through the glass. She didn't so much shatter the glass as punch a hole through it. That didn't matter to Toni and the mob thugs. The beautiful brunette mob boss cried out in surprise and spun around to stare incredulously at the newly arrived super heroine.

  "Surprise," Catgirl said as she landed in the middle of the room in a fighting stance. "Halt! Everyone is under arrest."

  Toni pulled a small pistol out of her clutch. Catgirl lifted a haughty brow, about to remind her that bullets aren't a concern for her. But the mobster didn't shoot at her. She threw the pistol at her, and struck Catgirl in the shoulder. Pain lanced into her body and forced out a cry of pain.

  "I'm adding assault and battery to your charges," Catgirl sneered.

  "Get her!" Toni commanded when the two thugs ran back into the living room.

  Both goons pulled pistols and opened fire. Why? She shook her head woefully as the floor to ceiling windows behind her were riddled with holes. One pane even separated from the building and rained down to the ground.

  Catgirl cried out. It anyone was below that condo the glass might kill them. The situation was already becoming too dangerous for bystanders. She flew up and straight into one of the thugs, doubling him up with a flying fist to the belly. Then she seized his arm, before hurling him into the other goon.

  "Dynamo! Help!" Toni cried, but charged Catgirl.

  The super heroine froze, eyes darting between the bedroom doors and the front door. Was Dynamo really there? Or was that a ploy to distract her? Well, it worked. Toni was able to connect with a kick to the ribs.

  "Bitch," Catgirl snarled. Her pointy-toe shoes actually hurt. The heroine instantly spun around and backhanded the mob boss, who grunted and stumbled back towards the front door. Dynamo raced into the condo from the hallway. "Dammit."

  Catgirl grabbed a living room chair and threw it at the former super heroine. Dynamo hit it with a bolt of lightning, and t
he chair exploded in flames. She had a second chair in the air right behind it, which Dynamo had to duck under.

  "I'm taking you out!" Catgirl shouted as she plowed into Dynamo, bringing a knee up into the other woman's side. Dynamo cried out and was slammed against the wall, but then she executed a perfect roundhouse that connected with Catgirl's head. "Aaiiee!"

  Spun completely around, she stopped facing a grinning Dynamo. The beautiful redhead in black bikini and boots punched her right between the eyes. Catgirl staggered back up against the wall. Dynamo and Toni moved toward her, blood in their eyes.

  "Halt and surrender!" Midnight Avenger shouted as she flew in through the missing window. The gorgeous African-American's brown eyes flashed in triumph. She wore a blue and lavender bustier, short-shorts, and thigh boots costume. Dynamo and Toni froze. "You're under arrest."

  Dynamo threw a bolt at Midnight Avenger, who ducked and darted to the side. Catgirl charged the criminal pair at the same time.

  "To the window," Dynamo said. "I'll fly you away."

  Toni headed for the shattered window while Dynamo used her lightning to keep the two heroines at bay. One solid hit by one of her bolts would take a super heroine down for several minutes.

  "I don't think so!" Kunoichi said as she landed just inside the window. "You are surrounded and outnumbered. Surrender or suffer the consequences."

  Everyone froze and gawked at the newcomer in a black and gold Ninja dress and boots. Her long dark hair was pulled back in a ponytail, with her bangs down in her eyes. The Japanese-American heroine's lower face was covered by a cloth mask.

  Kunoichi dropped into a fighting stance with her katana extended toward the mobsters. Her sharp stilettos crunched on the glass when she shifted into another stance.

  Catgirl quickly assessed the situation. They had the advantage. Dynamo might be able to take one of the super heroines out, but the other two would be on her in the next instant. Toni and Dynamo had their backs to the secret room, with access to the front door. But the front door led into an elevator lobby, which was just a trap for them.

  "I love it when a plan comes together so well," Catgirl said.

  "I love it when I shove your well-laid plans up her tight asses," Toni sneered.

  In a flash, Synne City's boss of bosses reached back and grabbed a brick-shaped, plastic wrapped package of heroine. She threw it at the heroines. Kunoichi leapt forward and sliced the packet in half with her sword. A white cloud of heroin dust filled the air and engulfed the three heroines.

  "They're escaping out the front door!" Midnight Avenger cried. "Stop them!"

  Lightning bolts ripped through air. Each one was thunderous, rattling Catgirl's nerves like they rattled the furnishings. She held her breath and charged toward the door. Unfortunately, Midnight Avenger and Kunoichi breathed in the heroin dust. She heard them gasping, gagging, and coughing. So in less than five minutes they would both be stoned out of their minds and worthless in a fight.

  Amazons responded to drugs faster and much more profoundly that normal people.

  "Get out of here while you can!" Catgirl shouted after passing through the dust cloud of heroin. She didn't have to tell them twice. Both heroines turned and flew out the window. She prayed they found a safe place before the drug took them down. "Toni! You're dead meat!"

  Catgirl burst out into the elevator lobby just as Dynamo finished prying the elevator doors open. The redheaded Amazon wrapped an arm around her mistress, and jumped feet first into the elevator shaft. The doors immediately closed behind her.

  "Shit, shit, shit!" Catgirl cried, and turned around. She flew up close to the ceiling to avoid the settling dust cloud, and then streaked out the window. "You will not escape me again."

  Flying up, she made sure Dynamo didn't try to fool her by escaping up, instead of down the shaft. Then she flew as fast as she could down to the main doors. The doorman spun around when her stilettos struck the hard concrete, and then fell back on his butt with a cry of surprise. She raced through the doors and into the elevator lobby. The elevator was open in the lobby.

  The shapely heroine in shiny black entered the elevator car, and flew up to the ceiling. She opened the latch and passed through. The shaft was empty. There was no way to know onto which floor they went.

  Catgirl flew up the shaft and back to the condo.

  "Dammit!" she cried.

  The three DEA agents were dragged out into the middle of the living room, all enjoying a heroin high. The two Ripa Family thugs were gone, as well as all of the drugs. Aside from rescuing the DEA agents, it was an unmitigated disaster. Another failed attempt to capture Toni Ripa and send her to prison.

  "Social media will have a field day with this debacle."

  Chapter 2

  "We're lucky we didn't lose all of our heroin last night, Kelsey," Toni said, dark eyes narrowing at Dynamo. The Amazon's not so secret real name was Kelsey Hardy. She was outed by her original captors. Mostly, she stayed in costume and wanted to be called Dynamo. Of course, her mistress could call her anything she wanted. "We cannot let last night go unpunished."

  Toni sat in her sun room, behind her just finished breakfast. She still wore her workout clothes. The beautiful mobster liked to start her day with ninety minutes of rigorous exercise, then eat breakfast before showering and letting her stylist dress her for the day.

  Dynamo stood before her in street clothes: snug black tank, faded jeans, and pink stiletto pumps. She also wore her shiny silver Object of Power around her slender throat, with matching bracelets on her left wrist. Her fire-red hair fell in silky waves across her shoulders and down her back. Her baby blue eyes were intent.

  "I agree. They're becoming more and more of a nuisance," Dynamo said. "Do you want me to hunt them down and kill them?"

  Toni hesitated. Just the thought of killing Synne City's super heroines, one and all, made her all tingly. Yet, whenever heroines began dying in a city, the Council of Witches usually responded by sending an army of heroines and witches to put an end to the culprits. And they were always successful. It was all Toni could do to fend off the dozen super heroines operating in the city already.

  "Maybe. Not yet," the pretty brunette said. Dynamo was typical of Amazons, always wanting to deal with a problem directly and physically. The twenty year old beauty was eight years Toni's junior, and a worthy protégé despite being lobotomized once. The redhead had much to learn, first and foremost: subtlety. "I am thinking of a different path of vengeance."


  Toni wagged her brows at the former heroine. "You are such a wonderful help to me, the ultimate resource that no other Family in Synne City has. So I was thinking we should try to capture another heroine and turn her."

  Dynamo's eyes widened.

  "Easier said than done, Boss," Dynamo said. "It would be easier to kill one of them."

  The mob boss shrugged.

  "If we have to, but let's try to capture one first," she said. "Who do you think would be easiest to brainwash?"

  "They're all about the same," Dynamo said, shrugging. "It's part of the Curse of the Amazons. Catch one. Fuck her senseless, and start whispering in her ear while she's in an orgasm-induced daze. You can mold her into just about anything you want if you take the time."

  "Will it take long?"

  "A strong Amazon might hold out a week," she said. "A sidekick could last a few days. Hell, I've heard of very powerful heroines being broken, tamed, and brainwashed overnight."

  "Is that how Danica Solis broke and turned you?"

  "Yes," Dynamo said. A tiny grin tugged at the corners of her full, glossy lips. She touched the corner of her eye, right over the tear duct. "Of course, she shoved an ice pick into my brain first."

  "Ugh. I bet that hurt."

  "Not really," Dynamo said, giving a half-shrug. "Not that I remember, anyway."

  Toni grimaced. Though she liked the idea of lobotomizing every single super heroine in Synne City, just thinking about the process kind of creeped her
out. Also, it hadn't really affected Dynamo in the way Danica Solis expected. At most, it made Dynamo more malleable to being turned. Also, Dynamo lost a lot of her fighting edge, though she was still a formidable opponent even for another super heroine.

  Kelsey stared off into space a moment, before smirking at Toni. "What about Catgirl? She's so hot to take us down; maybe we should convince her to join us instead?"

  "I like that idea, but I was kind of hoping to claim a bigger fish," Toni said. "Ms Amazing, Gold Avenger, Glory Gal, and Midnight Avenger are the top heroines in town. Taking one of them down and turning her would hit the super heroine corps a lot harder."

  When Dynamo fell and was turned, she was still in her first year of being a full super heroine. That first year was always the most dangerous.

  "It would be a gut punch to their psyches," the Amazon admitted. "I like it."

  "And, just to serve up Catgirl a nice cold dish of vengeance," Toni said, wagging her brows. "We'll dupe her into helping us lure in a marquee heroine."

  "You mean, make Catgirl our catspaw?"

  Toni's brown eyes widened. "Yes! I love it. Catgirl will be our catspaw."

  "Personally, I'd like to capture Midnight Avenger again," Dynamo said, voice dropping an octave. "I know we caught, used, and abused her once, but that damned Catgirl wiped our minds of the incident. It's so frustrating when others tell us what we did, but we can't remember it to save our lives."

  "Exactly. God, it makes me crazy," Toni said, an ugly scowl on her face. "Midnight Avenger is one hot piece of ass, too. I can image having an amazing time abusing her in every manner conceivable. I get kind of hot just thinking about it."

  "Me, too," Dynamo said. "And from some of Midnight Avenger's behavior since, I think we've had a very big impact on her psyche. She's probably halfway to being tamed and turned. I bet we could break her within hours, and she'd be the prettiest pet heroine on the street."

  Toni bit her lip, heart racing. She was all hot and tingling inside. Thoughts of super heroine capture and debasement, especially Midnight Avenger's, left her breathless. Her older brother had caught Midnight Avenger once since her original capture, and used some trigger words on her that they'd previously planned to implant in any captured heroine's head. He said she responded wonderfully to them, so Dynamo was correct. The gorgeous African-American heroine was already halfway to being tamed and claimed.


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