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Catgirl: Catspaw (Synne City Super Heroines in Peril Series Book 21)

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by JK Waylon

  Picking up her phone with a trembling hand, Toni called one of her people on the streets. She had to suck in a deep, steadying breath to calm her libido down before he answered.

  "Hello, Johnny. I have a job for you," she said. "There will be a cool ten grand in it for you if my plan is successful."

  Johnny Orto was a former homeless man who'd learned how to turn what he heard on the street into a pretty good living. He was an informant. She knew he sometimes helped the police and heroines, but mostly he helped his fellow denizens of the mean streets of Synne City. And he helped the Ripa Family a lot. His info was almost always good.

  "I'm always available to help you, Miss Toni," he said.

  She was so glad she was speaking to him on the phone. The man was such an amoral, depraved lecher that he couldn't stop himself from ogling her whenever they met face-to-face. She hated how he always undressed her with his eyes, and probably fantasized about a lot nastier things, too. Had he not been so damned useful, she'd have arranged an “accident” for him ages ago.

  "You know Catgirl, right?"

  "I know of her," he said very carefully. Toni knew he was lying. There was no way Catgirl hadn't paid for his information. He was too good. "Why? I don't know much about her. Masks are pretty good about keeping their secrets."

  "I don't want info on her, my friend. I want to give her info. Call it an... anonymous tip."

  "I'll sell her any info you want, Miss Toni."

  "Good boy," she said, a big smile spreading across her face. Afterwards, she planned to tell Catgirl every single detail of how she'd unwittingly betrayed her friend and comrade. It might be enough to break the arrogant heroine. "Listen closely, Johnny. This is want I want you to tell her..."

  Chapter 3

  The air was cool and crisp. A gift from the earlier rainstorm. The city was between fronts. Another was coming.

  Catgirl tried to avoid patrols on rainy days. Her Object of Power might provide some protection from extremes in temperature, but it did nothing to fend off the rain. She always felt miserable when soaked to the bone. Other heroines didn't seem to have any issues with being out and about in inclement weather, but hell, none of them wore as much leather as she did.

  Landing atop an apartment building in a lower middleclass neighborhood, she checked out the windows of a certain corner apartment. The lights were on and the windows open. Melissa Ford lived there. The rent was cheap. So cheap there wasn't any air conditioning in the building. Most of the building's windows were open at the moment to let in the cool, rain-scrubbed night breeze.

  It was just after 9 PM, so Melissa would be leaving soon for work. Catgirl needed to speak to her before she left. Melissa was the stripper known as Calico at Subversions. Since Subversions was a semi-secret club created by and for the city's criminal element, Catgirl couldn't go inside. The owner was a known Void, and he employed other Voids to nullify the powers of super heroines and witches. So it was a safe haven for lawbreakers of every stripe.

  Catgirl did a swan dive off the roof of that structure, and flew to the fire escape outside of Melissa's living room window. She landed softly, barely making a sound. The stripper could be heard humming inside as she got ready for work.

  "Heeey, Calico cat," Catgirl softly cooed into the open window. "Do you mind if another kitty comes in to play?"

  She heard a sigh, then the whisper of bare feet on hardwood floors. A few seconds later Melissa stuck her head out and looked her uninvited guest up and down. The stripper didn't look pleased to see her.

  "If you must," she said, after looking around to ensure no one could see them.

  Catgirl slipped inside quickly. Melissa looked her up and down again, shook her head, and headed back to the tiny bathroom. She watched the beautiful woman walking, wishing her hair was that full and bounced like that with every step. The twenty-four year old was just a year older than the heroine, but had lived a much harsher life despite being born into an upper middleclass family. Drugs and bad choices in friends and men were her undoing.

  "I'm running late," Melissa called from the bathroom. She was putting on the rest of her makeup, while wearing just a red thong and bra. "What is it you need?"

  "Anything you have on the Ripa Family. What are they up to? Are they about to send or receive any shipments of drugs? Do you know of anything where Toni Ripa might be caught red-handed?"

  "Lord, if you don't end this thing with the Ripas, sooner or later they're gonna end YOU," she said. "But I can't help you. I haven't hooked up with any of the Ripa boys in quite a while. It's all Russians, Somali, French, and Germans lately. You know, the new bad boys in town."

  "Are you sure? I've heard there's something big going down, but no one seems to know when or where," Catgirl pressed.

  "Yeah, I've heard that, too," she said. "But nothing specific. Sorry. I'll call you if I hear anything."

  Catgirl shook her head woefully. Melissa was one of her best sources of information. She'd just about exhausted all her informants. It was driving her mad, which was sadly not uncommon when dealing with the Ripas.

  "You do that," Catgirl said, moving up into the window. She paused halfway through. "I'm desperate. I'll pay double for good info."

  "Awesome. That got my attention," Melissa called. "Make sure no one sees you leave."

  That was about the worst meeting she'd ever had with the stripper. Melissa usually had something for her. It was like the Ripas had gone to ground. They hadn't shown hide or hair in the ten days since her dustup with Toni and Dynamo. She wondered if the new gang in town somehow managed to take them out.

  Except, all my informants know something is about to go down, she thought. Just not when, where, or what.

  Catgirl hadn't felt so stressed and anxious in a long time. Her civilian alter-ego didn't have any modeling or commercial jobs for another three weeks, so she didn't have anything to take her mind off her “mask” problems. She was out and about as Catgirl just about every waking moment, and didn't have a damned thing to show for it. Oh, she'd thwarted a dozen muggings and robberies in the last ten days, but other than giving her a brief moment to violently expend some of her built up frustrations, nothing very positive came of it.

  After making sure the coast was clear, Catgirl flew up and above the city. She looked all around trying to find trouble. She felt the need to vent on some hapless mugger or something. But really, they never put up much of a fight, so it wouldn't help much. So she headed for the Tenderloin. The city's biggest and world famous red light district always had someone she could REALLY unload on. A baker's dozen pimps and pushers came immediately to mind.

  "Whoa, baby," she whispered, coming to a hovering stop above the street.

  He wasn't one of her regular informants, but Midnight Avenger swore by him. Catgirl used him a few times, but she always left him feeling dirty. Johnny was the most obnoxious lecher and pervert she knew. Worse, he was all hands. He'd copped a feel the very first time she'd met him, and every other time as well. She would've punched his lights out ages ago if he wasn't such a good source of information. But Glory Gal did break his nose once when he'd squeezed her tits, and he refused to even speak to her now.

  "I'm gonna hate myself for this," she muttered. "Almost as much as I hate him."

  Her body tingled just thinking about going down for a five-minute chat. Johnny would cop a feel or five whether he had anything to sell or not. He just loved stringing heroines along like that. Midnight Avenger might put up with him, and even sleep with him on occasions, but that didn't mean Catgirl wanted to debase herself like that.

  Yet, if anyone knew anything, it would be Johnny.

  "Here goes nothing."

  Johnny was just five-foot-three, with dark, slicked-back hair and dark predatory eyes. He always wore the same clothes: threadbare, filthy, stinky. Underneath, he was a scrubbed clean forty-something upper middleclass man. Yeah, he earned a good living selling information to pimps, pushers, mobsters, and super heroines. He was standin
g behind his late model BMW getting ready for work just a few blocks from the mean streets of the Tenderloin.

  After he locked up the car, Johnny headed for the red-light district. Catgirl made a wide loop above, positioning herself in front of him. Then she dropped down into a dark, trash-strewn alley. When Johnny came striding by, she reached out and snatched him into the alley.

  "Hey! Don't hurt me!" Johnny cried pathetically. "I'm poor and ain't got no money, mister."

  "Mister? Apparently you can't see worth shit either," she replied.

  "Oooh, it's the hot little S&M kitten," he said, settling down to look her over. He practically smacked his lips. She saw lust growing. "That's a pussy I'd like to pet and…"

  "I'm right here, miscreant," she snarled. "I can hear you."

  "I'd like to hear you scream my name over and over and over," he continued. "While I'm…"

  "Hush. I told you to never speak like that to me," she said. "Eww. Remember, I'm a super heroine. I don't do crap like that."

  "Your mentor does," he said, wagging his brows. "And let me tell you, that babe rocks my night when she pays up, too. Lord have mercy, I get a woody just thinking about Midnight Avenger." He looked at her tits and then her hips. "We could have just as much fun. Promise. You know what they say, once you go homeless – "

  "I'll never feel clean again," she interrupted. "Shut up. I'm here on business, not your perverse pleasure."

  Before he could continue voicing his predatory, sexist ways, Catgirl narrowed her eyes and stalked toward him with hands curled into fists. He took note and started backing away. She continued forward until he was backed up against a brick wall in that dark, dark alley. Catgirl saw the first hint of fear creep into his eyes.

  "I'm looking for information on the Ripa Family," she said softly, menacingly. "If you have something, say it. If not, I'll be on my way. No stupid hand games this time. I mean it."

  "Ripa?" he said, eyes glazing over. Then his eyes became crafty. She tensed. "Well now, the power has returned to me. I have something, but it'll cost you."

  She reached into her left boot. There was a small pocket where she kept cash. Catgirl held up a hundred dollar bill. Johnny snatched it away in a flash.

  "That's a start," he said. Johnny laid a hand on her well-rounded hip and gave her a little squeeze. Catgirl's lip curled in warning. "But only a start. This is a lot bigger than my usual fare, Catbabe. Come on, Miss Kitty, I need to get some real money this time."

  She knocked his hand away. He didn't even flinch, since he was looking down into her deep cleavage.

  "That's all I have, Johnny. You think I'm loaded?" she said. "Give up what you got, and if it's worth it I'll get you more money."

  "I'll need another nine hundred, Pussycat," he sneered. "Or…"

  "I'm not going to sleep with you. Ever," she said.

  "BJ? You only have to show me your tits that way," he said.

  "Um. No."

  "Then you get nothing," he said.

  He tried to open her corset. It fastened up the front, and he had two of the clasps unfastened before she stopped him. Johnny tried to grab her tits while she re-fastened them. She barely blocked his hands.

  "I'm going to kick your ass if you don't stop it."

  "Then I'll never tell you anything again, no matter how much you offer," he said.

  That made her stop and scowl at him. It was unfortunate he understood his value to her, and the other heroines. It made him dangerous. And it left her in a vulnerable position.

  "It'll take time to get that kind of money," she said. "I'll have to go to one of our benefactors with hat in hand and ask for the money. It's humiliating," she said. "But I'll double your fee if you give me the info on credit."

  "Double? I don't know," he said, a mercenary glint in his eyes now. "If you get yourself killed or captured, then I don't get paid."

  "Don't worry," she purred, pressing in close. Catgirl hated herself, but she pressed her tits against him. Her lips were so close they brushed his when she spoke. And then she changed from a sultry purr to an even sexier, lust-drenched, breathy voice. "I'd be sooo grateful if you helped me out like this, Johnny."

  His hands were all over her tight, latex-sheathed ass. He fondled and squeezed her butt cheeks. Catgirl gently moved her right knee between his legs, and ground her thigh into his crotch. She felt his erection. It felt surprisingly large. She moved her lips close to his ear.

  "Come on, baby. Let me have it. Make me happy, Johnny. I'll be so grateful."

  Johnny turned his face into her neck, running his nose up from shoulder to ear, and then burying his face into her long blonde hair. She was more than a little creeped out, but held her ground. He felt like he was weakening.

  I know his weakness.

  One of his hands came up to grab a tit. He gave it a firm squeeze. Catgirl's breath caught, and she stiffened. Just before she pushed it away, he tried to kiss her lips. She averted her face.

  "Maybe I can," he said.

  She waited to bat his hand away. His thumb strummed over her nipple, with the latex doing very little to protect her. Sexy sensations rippled through her. She felt her nipples tingle, growing erect. Catgirl bit her lip, holding her breath as she waited.

  "Come on, baby. Speak to me."

  His other hand found the zipper, tucked up under her corset at the small of her back. He began unzipping down, down, down into her butt crack. She sucked in a breath, eyes widening.

  "They… The Ripas. Toni Ripa," he began, starting and stopping. But that hand didn't stop unzipping. "There's this… Um… Drop off. Big. I mean really big."

  "When, where, and what?"

  His hand slipped into the opening between her legs. She felt his fingertips stroke her anus, making it tighten up. And then those damned fingers slipped forward and stroked her nether lips.

  Oh shit! She thought. Her face heated up. Until that instant she hadn't realized how aroused she had become. Her pussy was sopping wet, and now he knew it. Johnny knew he had her highly aroused. Hurry, Johnny, before I…

  "Just say it, baby," she purred, and then kissed the corner of his mouth. He turned his face into the kiss, so she let it linger a long second. "Come, Johnny. Give it to me. Tell me everything." His fingertips penetrated her, going two knuckles deep. "Uggh."

  "Oh my God, you are so hot and sexy," he gasped out.

  Her stiff leather corset fell away. Catgirl hadn't even realized he'd stopped fondling her tit to unfasten it. He immediately pulled that zipper all the way down to the other zipper, and the tight latex catsuit peeled back to expose her tits.

  "Information first," she cried.

  She grabbed a fistful of hair to hold him back from motorboating her tits. Her other hand went down between his legs and began rubbing vigorously. She found his long, fat shaft and rubbed up and down through his clothes. Johnny's back bowed, eyes closing, and he released a wanton groan.

  "Tell me, Johnny. Tell me what the Ripas are up to now."

  "Selling all that heroin you failed to get," he gasped out. "The exchange is tonight. In about two hours."


  "In the alley behind that burnt out hotel on Griffin Street." He stiffened, and then sighed gustily. She felt him trembling. "Oh shit. Shot my wad."

  "Oh man, soiled your undies, huh?" she said, huffing and puffing. "What a shame. And I was going to give you that blowjob you wanted. Maybe next time."

  Catgirl pulled away and started zipping back up. It took a moment to get back into her catsuit, and then she still had to get the corset back on. It was never easy.

  "If you give me the BJ, then you don't have to worry about the other nineteen hundred," Johnny said. "We'll be even."

  "We'll see," she said. Catgirl hated that she didn't immediately shoot him down, but she was still highly aroused and feeling very, very needy. "Let me check out the info you gave me first. Then I'll decide how I'll pay up."

  She turned and headed up the alley on wobbly legs. The sexy catsui
ted heroine was mostly calmed back down by the time she reached the other end of the alley. Getting away from Johnny before he realized how vulnerable she was at the moment was paramount. Otherwise, she might falter and let him seduce her.

  "Someone needs to invent anti-aphrodisiac. A kill-the-libido pill," she whispered. "Holy moly, he came way too close to nailing my ass."

  Chapter 4

  Catgirl turned left when she exited the alley. First, though, she glanced back to ensure Johnny wasn't following her. He was still leaning back against the wall. She smiled; pleased to see she'd had an even greater impact on him than he'd had on her.

  The street was empty and dark. She looked around, but spotted no threats. Parked cars lined the residential apartment street on the edge of the Tenderloin. A lot of hookers, strippers, and other street people lived there. The rent was low, the buildings all old and ill-kept. Most were lucky to have hot water three days a week.

  Pausing to gather her wits, and consider what Johnny had told her, Catgirl smiled. If his info proves correct, and I finally do catch Toni red-handed and arrest her, she thought. Maybe I WILL sleep with him.

  A vision of Johnny naked, a big-ass cock hanging between his legs, popped into her mind. Her heart started racing again. Then she envisioned herself, wearing nothing but her cowl, enchanted choker, and boots. She shook those erotic thoughts out of her head before they could whip her into a frenzy.

  I need a cold shower.

  Voices drifted to her from both directions, so Catgirl flew up to a rooftop. That was the domain of super heroines after sundown. She pulled out her phone and checked to see if any other heroines were on patrol. She was in luck. Kunoichi, Midnight Avenger, Glory Gal, and Glory Girl were all signed onto their secure network.


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