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Next In Line

Page 15

by Daws, Amy

  Maggie’s expression changes before my eyes from happy and carefree to confused and somewhat troubled. “I’ve been texting him some pictures here and there, and I think he’s impressed.”

  “Does he not say it?” I ask, my brow furrowed.

  She shrugs. “He seems genuinely surprised by all I’ve been up to on my winter break, but he doesn’t necessarily say he’s impressed. Maybe I’m downplaying it too much, though? I’ve been trying to play it off like I’ve wanted to do this kind of stuff for years.”

  “But you haven’t?” I ask, feeling confused.

  “God, no!” she replies with a laugh. “You saw me on that bunny hill today. I am terrible at sports!”

  “But you still have fun doing it?” I ask because she doesn’t seem miserable when she’s doing any of it. So either she’s a great actress or she’s just so hyper-focused on her goal, she is willing herself to have fun.

  “I’m having more fun than I would have expected, I guess,” she answers with a thoughtful expression on her face. “But I think that’s mostly because of you. You’re so easy to get along with, Sam. And you’re a fun teacher. I get why you and Miles are so close.”

  The mention of her brother brings a stiffness to my posture that wasn’t there before. Probably because I’m currently butt ass naked in a hot tub with his sister, and she’s just reminded me of that fact. But hell, she’s a grown-ass woman, and I’m a grown-ass man. I know this is getting more complicated than either of us originally expected, but Maggie is clearly still focused on her ex, and I’d be an idiot not to jump at a chance with a girl like Maggie.

  “Why does Miles think you’re staying in Boulder for so long anyhow?” I ask, resting my head back on the hot tub and running my hand through the cold beads of water in my beard.

  Maggie gets a pained expression before replying. “Well, I told him once Sterling gets drafted, I don’t know where we’ll end up, and this is probably the last bit of free time I’ll have before we move away together. When I told him I wanted some quality time before all of that, he ate it up like complimentary cookies.”

  I grimace because I can just see Miles believing all that. “Yeah, he’s pretty gullible, I’m afraid.”

  “I know, and believe me, I feel horrible for lying to his face like that, but I keep telling myself that none of this will matter once Sterling and I get back together.”

  “And you’re still sure that’s what you want?” I ask because honestly, I keep hoping that she’ll eventually realize how crazy this plan is and wise up and let it all go.

  She nods earnestly. “I’m positive that Sterling is it for me. I’ve never fallen so hard and so fast for a guy. And my parents were the same way when they met in college, and they’ve been married forever now.”

  “But why don’t you just tell your family what happened? Surely, it’s not that big of a deal for a couple to go through a breakup and then get back together.”

  Maggie shakes her head. “You remember Miles’s ex-girlfriend, Jocelyn, right?”

  I get a cold shiver up my neck at the mention of that piece of work, and my upper lip curls. “Oh, I remember.”

  “Exactly,” Maggie states with wide eyes. “She was awful, and she broke Miles’s heart over and over again. They broke up and got back together so many times that they were worse than Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick. It was so bad it even bothered our grandfather. Now Miles is finally with someone wonderful like Kate, and I don’t want to put this strain on my family again.”

  “But Joce was a bitch,” I state as flashbacks of the drama that woman brought into our lives replays in the back of my mind. “Sorry to be the one to say it, but it’s true. If Sterling is as great of a guy as you say he is, then your family won’t care.”

  Maggie shakes her head. “No, I refuse to put them through this because in a few weeks or a few months, we’ll be back together and it won’t matter. I want them to love Sterling. I don’t want them to associate him with Jocelyn’s behavior in any way, shape, or form. And I especially don’t want to rock the boat when everyone is so happy.”

  I exhale heavily because she’s putting a lot of pressure on herself to fix this without anyone knowing, and that’s not my idea of family. “Look, Maggie…you can do what you want, but I have three older sisters, and I’m telling you…I’d rather be there for them through all their imperfect moments than be subjected to bullshit perfect ones.”

  Maggie looks at me with pleading eyes that I don’t think I could ever say no to. “I get that, Sam. But this is my problem. My mess. And this is how I’m dealing with it.”

  I slump back into the jets and press my lips together to stop from saying anything more. I’m doing my part by making sure she’s safe. It’s not my job to strong-arm her down a path. I’m just being a friend.

  Maggie takes in my defeated posture and floats closer to me with a wicked look in her eyes. “Look at it this way…if I wasn’t like this, then you and I wouldn’t be naked in a hot tub together right now.”

  She waggles her eyebrows at me and sits up on her knees so her wet, bare breasts are on full display. I have to look away when my dick grows hard under the water. “You’re fucking evil.”

  Maggie giggles. “But I use my powers for good.”

  Without pause, I reach out and wrap my hand around her wrist to yank her toward me. She splashes up onto my lap, and those perfect breasts brush against my chest as her hip slides over my cock. Being this close to her naked body and not touching her for this long was the act of a saint…and right now, I want to be a sinner. I slide my palm along her hip as she brings her hand to my jaw and stares at my lips with an unmistakable hunger.

  Before she can beat me to the punch, I lean in and take her lips with mine. She tastes of chocolate and Baileys, and her lips are so soft, I want to feel them on every inch of my body. Her posture relaxes in my arms as she eagerly meets the demanding thrust of my tongue with her own. I groan my appreciation into her mouth and slide my hand around to palm her ass into me.

  She twists in my lap, shifting to straddle me, and a shiver rushes up through my body when my dick nudges her center.

  “Maggie,” I husk against her lips, our breaths mixing in ragged succession. “If we don’t get out of this hot tub, that condom run I did this morning will be for nothing.”

  “Sam,” she groans her little noise of disapproval and rubs herself greedily on my cock with small thrusts of her pelvis. “I don’t want to get out.”

  I dip my hand under the water to rub my thumb over her clit. She gasps a throaty sound right in my ear, her hands gripping my head like a life raft in the middle of a storm. I make the decision to make her come right here with my fingers, but my mind is ripped out of this Maggie-trance when I hear the faint sound of laughter coming from much too close to us.

  I grab Maggie’s arms and push her off to the side just in time to see a group of young teenagers running away from the hot tub.

  “Hey!” I call out, unceremoniously pulling my cock away from Maggie’s thighs. “This is private property. What the fuck are you doing here?”

  The boys stop and wave something at me that I can’t quite make out in the dark. I hear Maggie gasp from beside me and turn to look at her in question.

  “They took our clothes!” she exclaims and moves to a standing position. “Hey, you little shits!”

  The boys howl with laughter, and I quickly grab Maggie by the shoulders and shove her back down into the water. “Maggie, you’re fucking naked.”

  “Shit,” she growls, clearly forgetting herself. “It’s the same little pricks from the ski hill. I’m gonna call the cops on you!” she shouts, little veins popping out on her neck.

  “Go for it!” one of the boys shouts back. “I’m sure they’d love to see your hot titties too!”

  I make a move to jump out of the hot tub and go after them, but Maggie wraps her hands around my arm and pulls me back into the water.

  “What are you doing?” She laughs as
they go sprinting off into the woods. “You’re going to chase them through the snowy woods with your dick hanging out?”

  I shrug, feeling annoyed that those little shits got the last word. “I could have caught them.”

  “And then what?” Maggie’s face is bright with amusement. “Were you going to spray them with snow?”

  “I don’t know!” I exclaim in frustration, swinging my hand angrily into the water. “I hadn’t thought it through.”

  Her laughter bubbles over, and my own mood lifts at the sight of her. “This is all your fault, you know,” I grumble, failing to scowl like I really want to.

  “My fault?” She giggles, clutching her belly and wiping tears from her eyes.

  “Yes!” I exclaim with my chin cocked. “You totally egged them on with the snowballs today.”

  “You helped me make those snowballs!”

  Her laughter is infectious, causing me to smile. “You’re a bad influence on me. I was a badass until you came along. No way those little dicks ever would have fucked with me if it weren’t for you.”

  “As if,” she replies with an eye roll and then looks back at the house. “But I think we better make a run for the house before they come back and try to lock us out of our own cabin.”

  Even though I don’t want to get out, I groan and shake my head because I know she’s fucking right. We were having a good time until those little pricks ruined everything.

  “C’mon, old man,” Maggie states excitedly and then stands to throw her leg over the side of the hot tub. “I’ll race you!”

  She takes off butt ass naked, prancing through the snow like Tinker Bell. I hop out, then close the hot tub lid before I hustle after her. I catch up just as she reaches the slider, and we both fall into the safety of the warm cabin.

  Maggie rushes down the hall for the bathroom. “I’ll get us towels…put more wood on the fire!”

  A moment later, she reappears with a fluffy white towel wrapped around her body and tosses one to me. I quickly cinch it around my waist, and we both huddle in front of the fire to warm our frosty limbs from our little snow streaking we just did.

  “Oh my god, my feet are freezing!” Maggie exclaims, her entire body taut with shivers as she stretches her feet out in front of her.

  “You know what warms you up the quickest?” I ask, turning so my back is to the fire. I reach down and pull her foot onto my lap to rub the pads of her cold feet.

  “What?” she asks, biting her lip and watching me curiously.

  “Skin-on-skin contact.” I waggle my brows at her mischievously.

  “Oh my god, shut up!” She yanks her foot from my lap and attempts to shove me away from her.

  I catch her wrist in my hand and connect our lips in a hard, chaste kiss. She freezes in surprise, her eyes fierce with shock before she lowers her gaze to my mouth. Suddenly, as if a starting gun went off, Maggie grabs my face and slams her lips to mine. She’s frantic and needy and like a coiled spring as she rises up onto her knees and slips her tongue deep into my mouth. I rise up to meet her, my tongue doing its best to search and possess every part of her with hard, hungry kisses.

  My hands move from her cheeks to the towel wrapped tightly around her chest. With one rough tug, it slips open and pools on the floor. I pull back from her lips to stare down at her body, my chest heaving with desire as I take in her completely naked form illuminated by the golden flames of the fire. Hardened nipples on teardrop breasts point straight at me as I lower my head and pull one into my mouth.

  She tastes like chlorine and flesh and sex all rolled into one as my hands reach up to cup her breasts. She moans loudly when I suck hard on her nipple, her fingers slicing through the strands of hair on my head. I trail kisses over to the breast in my other hand and pay homage to that nipple as well. Maggie growls and grabs my face to pull me back up to her lips again. Her hands fumble at my waist and finally free my towel. When she grips my length in her palm, I pull away from her mouth and groan.

  We both look down at her dainty, feminine hand fisting my undainty shaft and stroking it in long, languid movements. “Jesus,” she husks, staring hard at me. “You’re big.”

  “Music to a man’s ears,” I murmur with a laugh, dropping a kiss to her wet hair and lifting her chin so she looks at me. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  She nods eagerly. “Uh, your dick is in my hand…that’s usually a good sign.”

  I drop a chaste kiss on her smart mouth, and in one swift move, I’m up on my feet and striding into the bedroom where I left the condoms.

  When I return to the living room, Maggie is still kneeling completely naked on the gray fur rug. In front of a roaring fire, she looks like every man’s fucking fantasy. Her dark hair is wet and slicked back. Her face is free of makeup, her eyes are bright and wide with arousal, and her naked body is begging for my hands to touch it.

  I lower myself in front of her, her eyes on the condom in my hands. “Sit back, Maggie. Spread your legs.”

  She does as she’s told, opening herself to me and giving me a beautiful view of that pussy I tasted last night. There’s a thin line of hair she leaves in the center, and I have to stop myself from bending down and tasting her again. Instead, I slide my fingers over her clit, causing her chest to shudder with surprise. I slide two fingers deep inside her, noticing how wet she is already. I pull them out to circle around her tight bundle of nerves, and she moans my name.

  “Oh my god, Sam.” Her hips thrust upward to take my fingers deep inside again. “Oh my god.”

  I continue fingering her, feeling her body tremble with desire from just my fingers. My free hand drops down and fists my cock, stroking it slowly while she writhes on the rug. When she opens her eyes and sees me gripping myself, her gaze alights with a yearning I cannot ignore.

  I push a third finger into her, and her fingers dig into the rug as she cries out loudly, “I need more.”

  “You still want more, sparky?” I ask, moving in and out of her in slow, smooth motions.

  “Yes, I want you!” she cries, her climax already building as her pussy tighten around my digits.

  “You want my cock?” I ask because her voice is so sexy right now, I want to hear it over and over again.

  She lifts her head and pins me with a look. “I want your cock.”

  With a small smile, I pull my fingers out and move to roll the condom over my straining erection. She watches with fascination as I center myself between her legs and push the head of my cock inside her.

  “Do it,” she begs, her breath stuttering with need.

  So in one fluid motion, I thrust into her hard and fast. She cries out at my invasion, the tightness overwhelming as I press my forehead to her chest and wince with pleasure. Slowly, I begin moving in and out, taking her deep and pulling out so that just my tip rests inside, then plunging back in again.

  Her hands rake up my back, scoring my flesh with her nails as she urges me to go faster. I press a bruising kiss on her mouth and rock into her, my hips jerking in a rhythmic motion as her legs wrap around my sides and she angles herself up to meet my thrusts.

  Watching Maggie glow in the warm light is stunning. Her skin covered in a thin sheet of sweat as her cries grow louder and louder. As her climax nears, she transforms before my very eyes from a beautiful girl to a stunning woman embracing her body’s pleasure. It’s a glorious sight.

  I dip my head to her shoulder and nibble kisses along her clavicle, needing to taste her, needing my tongue to sweep over every luscious part of her body as she cries out my name over and over.

  Suddenly, she tightens around me, her legs squeezing my sides so unforgivingly, I’m barely able to move. She locks eyes with me and opens her mouth with a cry, and I swear the sexy look on her face alone pulls my orgasm right out of me.

  My vision blurs as I come inside her and feel her sex pulsing all around me. We’re both panting and soaked with sweat from the way-too-hot fire that it takes every muscle in my body to pull
out of her and roll onto my back.

  “Holy shit,” she says with a heavy breath.

  “Yeah.” I exhale heavily, my brain barely able to form coherent sentences.

  “That was…unexpected.”

  I look over and see her frowning up at the ceiling, her mind clearly working a lot harder than mine at the moment. “Unexpected bad? Or unexpected good?”

  “Good,” she replies, but she still has that frowny face, so I don’t really feel any better. “I mean…you have quite a rod.”

  I turn my head and blink rapidly at her in confusion.

  She looks back at me and shrugs. “I’ve been holding that fishing pun for a while now.”

  The words then click into place, and I bust out laughing because as far as comments after sex go, that one is definitely a first. With a huge smile on my face, I stand and grab a blanket off the back of the couch to drape over her. Her dimple crease becomes visible as she stares up at me, pleased with her little joke.

  “I’m just going to go take care of this.”

  I gesture to the condom, and she stares at it with great interest as I turn and make my way to the bathroom to clean up. Slipping into the bedroom, I throw on a pair of shorts and grab a T-shirt for Maggie to wear to bed since she mentioned not having many clothes for this weekend. By the time I come back out into the living room, she is fast asleep, curled up in front of the fire like a little cat.

  With a smile, I watch her for a moment, enjoying how peaceful she looks. The girl has to be tired after a full day of snowboarding…badly. I’m wiped too, as a matter of fact. Feeling chivalrous, I bend down to pick her up, cradling her limp body in my arms as I carry her down the hall and into the darkened bedroom. I lay her down on the bed, tucking her feet under the blankets and pulling them up all around her.

  She begins shifting and groans, “Nooo, I said I’m taking the couch.”


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