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Next In Line

Page 16

by Daws, Amy

  She tries to sit up, and I gently push her back down. “Don’t be stubborn. You’re taking the bed.”

  I attempt to cover her up again, and she grabs my hand. “If I have to sleep in here, then so do you.”

  She slides over to the middle of the bed and tries to pull me down with her. “I don’t sleep with women, Maggie. That’s part of the short-term kind of guy rules.”

  She grumbles sleepily. “You don’t snowboard with women either. Shut up and snuggle with me, Sam. Just until I fall back asleep.”

  I shake my head even though she’s facing away from me. If I crawl into that bed with her, I know I won’t get out.

  When I don’t crawl in, she sits up, and says, “Fine, I’m going to the couch then.”

  With a growl of frustration, I push her back into bed and crawl in behind her. “You’re really fucking manipulative, you know that?”

  She purrs like a cat. “It’s part of my charm.”

  She tosses the blankets over me and nuzzles her bare ass into my groin. It’s been only a few minutes since we had sex, and already, the inklings of a round two are stirring inside me. She grabs my hand and tucks it into her chest, hugging it like a damn stuffed animal.

  “Skin to skin, remember?” Maggie states sleepily as she presses her back into my chest. “Just go to sleep, Sam. This is not a big deal.”

  I can’t help but lay my head on the pillow in defeat. This pillow feels really good. And as much as I’d love to try to stay awake and sneak out, it’s been a long-ass day, and this bed feels like heaven. I yawn and twist my hand around to cup her bare breast.

  When she tenses beneath my embrace, I whisper into her ear, “Skin to skin, remember?”

  And the last sound I remember before drifting off to sleep is Maggie’s adorable giggle.

  I Fish…Therefore I Lie

  The next day, I wake to find Sam completely wrapped around me. One of his arms is tucked under my head, serving as my pillow, while the other is wrapped tightly around my waist. It’s not a bad way to wake up. He’s like a cozy body pillow that’s warm and weighted and custom fit just for me.

  Last night was completely unexpected. I imagined Sam would be good at sex, but I didn’t think he’d be that good. It was such a night and day difference from Sterling that I find myself not believing that it all happened the way I remember. Like, was it really that good? Or was it just because it was in the heat of the moment in front of a fire? Or was it because I’m in Boulder and the air is thinner up here so everything feels fluffier? I can’t discern whether last night was truly that much better than every other sexual experience I’ve had or if I’m just dreaming.

  I bet if I had sex with Sam right now, it would be more average. The daylight’s streaming in through the blinds, and we both have morning breath. It would be totally basic. And honestly, it’d make me feel better about my life if it was basic.

  Biting my lip, I slowly roll over to face Sam, ignoring the screaming muscles in my legs to admire his red-tinted beard. It’s longer now, turning into more of a beard than just stubble. His mouth is hanging open as he breathes deeply. The blankets are shoved down past his waist, so I have a nice view of his chest and arms, that thick muscle that stretches from his shoulder to his neck. He’s pretty hot actually.

  Slowly, I reach out and trail a finger along his collarbone and down his arm that’s still draped over my waist. I slip inside his embrace to touch his belly and then just brush past his groin all casual like.

  His groin that is Rock. Fucking. Hard.

  My fingers venture farther and gently wrap around his length over his jersey shorts. He groans, and I freeze in his arms as he rolls onto his back. Biting back a giggle, I touch him again, stroking him over the fabric, and since he doesn’t seem to be waking up, I delicately pull down the waistband of his shorts and gasp when his bare penis bobs out and points up toward his navel. I stare at his beautifully veined cock for a long moment, and a fleeting desire to wrap my lips around it comes over me.

  But I know how badly that could turn out. So, so bad.

  Then again, he is asleep. If I ever wanted to try it again, now would be the time. And honestly, if I want to impress Sterling with how much I’ve changed, maybe learning how to suck cock properly isn’t a bad idea.

  I lick my lips and shift up onto my knees, sitting back on my heels and tucking my hair behind my ears like I’m prepping for a test. I reach down and fist his erection in my hand, staring up at his face to see if his eyes open. When they don’t, I lower my head and gently press my lips to the tip of his dick.

  I run my tongue along the soft skin of his shaft from root to the tip. Sam shifts suddenly and expels a deep, gruff moan. I look up, and he still seems dead to the world, but his penis is most definitely alive. Alive and throbbing.

  I open my mouth and take him as far back into my throat as I can. When I pull back, the sucking noise is loud in the room, but the sound just encourages me more, so I open my mouth and do it again, enjoying the feel of his slick cock along my tongue. My eager rhythm causes my hair to fall in a sheet around my face, and suddenly, hands are in my hair. I look up to see Sam’s amused eyes on me as he gently gathers my hair into a ponytail and holds it back for me.

  “Morning,” he husks with a lazy smile.

  I flinch at being caught in action and wipe my lower lip before sitting up and replying stupidly, “Um…morning.”

  His smile widens. “Breakfast is self-serve today?”

  I slap my hands over my face in mortification. Mumbling against my palms, I reply, “I was testing a theory…for science.”

  Sam sits up on his elbows, his eyes alight with amusement as he gazes down at my naked body. “Which is?”

  I shrug. “I just…wanted to see if it was as good as last night.”

  He nods thoughtfully and then lies back, propping his hand under his head as he stares up at the ceiling “Well please, don’t let me interrupt a scientific experiment. Pretend I’m not even here.”

  I laugh at that response but then glance down at his throbbing cock again. “Okay, I’ll try it but just don’t move too much.”

  “You got it, sparky.” He winks, and it’s so sweet that I feel brave enough to try it again.

  With a small grin, I lean down and take him in my mouth again, this time a lot less gently since I’m no longer worried about waking him. I work him over in quick succession, and the noises in the room are so loud I would be embarrassed if he wasn’t moaning his appreciation. Sam does that hair holding thing again, but this time, his other hand runs up and down my spine in slow, soft strokes. It feels kind of wonderful.

  His dick suddenly feels like it’s even harder in my mouth, and before I’m able to finish him off, he grabs me under the arms and pulls me away from his dick. “What are you doing?” I ask, staring down at him as he reaches for a condom on the nightstand.

  “I’m not coming down your throat, Maggie,” he states, his voice gruff with arousal as he rolls the condom on in record speed.

  “Why not? I thought this was for science!”

  He shakes his head. “Baby steps, okay? Right now, I’m dying for you to ride my cock.”

  Well, okay. In a hurry, I throw a leg over his groin and position his tip against my slit. “How’s this?” I ask as I sink down on top of him.

  His head falls back into the pillow, and he lets out a deep groan. “Oh fuck yes, just like that.”

  I balance my hands on his chest and swirl my hips over him, feeling his entire body hard and tight beneath mine. Reaching up to cup my breasts, he stares straight into my eyes as he manhandles them with his rough palms, rolling my nipples between his finger and thumb. I cry out at the sensation overload, my body mindlessly rocking faster on top of him.

  Sam sits up, brushing his lips with mine. A gentle caress at first, but I pull his face back to me for something deeper, something more. A stir of pleasure grows inside me as I suck his tongue and continue moving. Sam braces himself on the bed and thru
sts up into me so perfectly, causing my orgasm to hit fast and hard.

  Soon, I forget where I am or what I was trying to figure out in the first place, and I lose myself in the delirious climax that’s like sparklers shooting off inside all my extremities. Sam’s guttural tone is deep and wet in my ear as he falls back against the bed and attempts to catch his breath.

  I slip off him, lying back on his arm and staring up at the ceiling with him. “Did you figure out what you were trying to figure out…for science, I mean?” he asks, his voice ragged.

  I nod slowly, my mind spinning with this new information. “I’m afraid I did.”

  “And what was your conclusion?” he asks, pulling off the condom and knotting it like a pro before tossing it into a tissue.

  I exhale heavily and pull the sheet up over my chest before turning on my side to face him. He mirrors my position.

  I pick at the edge of the sheet when I state, “I wanted to see if sex would be any different with you this morning than it was last night.”

  “Different how?” he asks, tipping his finger under my chin so I’m forced to look at him.

  My brows rise in surrender. “Like…less incredible.”

  He frowns at that. “Why would you want it to be less incredible?”

  “I don’t…I just, when I compare it to what I’ve had, I think that maybe perhaps I’ve been missing something.”

  Sam does that adorable shy smile thing again, the one that makes me want to kiss his face off. Except for this time, it’s a bit more smug than usual. I roll my eyes and shift to the other side of the bed.

  “What?” he exclaims, moving in behind me. “I can’t help but be a little arrogant. You’re madly in love with this quarterback, and you basically just told me I’m better at sex than he is.”

  “I didn’t say those words!” I exclaim, my body going stiff with annoyance. “Would you just shut up? I don’t think we have to talk about this, all right?”

  “Okay, okay,” he says but then moves in to whisper in my ear. “But I think it’d be a good idea if we do some more experiments in the shower…for the good of science.”

  I’m A Man Of Few Words—Let’s Fish

  Sparky: So is it just me or does this week feel super flipping boring?

  I grab my phone and move from the Tire Depot front counter to the display of chrome rims before I reply.

  Me: It’s not just you.

  Sparky: I keep thinking about this weekend.

  Me: Me too.

  Sparky: And I’m not thinking about the snowboarding.

  The smile on my face is embarrassing.

  Me: What are you thinking about? Specifically.

  Sparky: About how you had to help me off the toilet because my legs felt like Jell-O.

  Me: God, that was really hot.

  Sparky: I know, right?

  Me: What else are you thinking about?

  Sparky: Are you trying to get me to sext with you right now?

  Me: Sparky, I’m a gentleman. I would never do that. What are you wearing?

  Sparky: That’s a sext! You’re at work right now, pervy old man.

  Me: It’s not a sext. It’s for science.

  Sparky: What kind of science?

  Me: I’m trying to determine if I’m psychic or not. See, I think you’re wearing that hot pink bra you had on under that snowsuit the first time we met. And I think that’s all you’re wearing.

  Sparky: You’re so wrong, it’s comical.

  Me: If you tell me you’re wearing granny panties, I’ll still be turned on.

  Sparky: OMG, you should be embarrassed.

  Me: Yet…I’m not.

  There’s a short pause.

  Sparky: What are you wearing?

  Me: There’s my spark plug from the weekend.

  Sparky: I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours. ☺

  “Sammy, can you come in here please?” Uncle Terry hollers from the back office so loudly my heart jumps into my throat.

  I send a quick ‘got to go’ text to Maggie and make my way into his office, feeling like a kid who just got his hand caught in the cookie jar.

  When I step in through the door, I look around and see that the office looks completely different from how it looked this morning. “Where’s all your stuff?” I ask, glancing around at all the empty walls that were completely covered last week.

  “Have a seat,” he says, gesturing to one of the chairs in front of him.

  Even though I do as he asks, I’m frowning the entire time. I presented him my proposal two days ago, and he’s been quiet around me ever since. But Uncle Terry has always been a man of few words. Sometimes, it’s hard to believe he’s my dad’s brother because they are two completely different guys. Where my dad was unreliable and impulsive, Terry is steadfast and responsible. He may be a little quiet and closed off, but he’s always there for me when I need him.

  “Sammy, I’m heading out today.” Terry sits back in his chair and folds his fingers over his belly.

  I nod reflexively. “That’s no problem. I can close up the shop if you need to duck out early.”

  Terry leans across his desk and purses his lips. “No, I’m really heading out today, Sammy. I’m going to finish the day out and then I’m hitting the road. I won’t be coming back for a while.”

  “What?” I ask, my voice rising in pitch. “What are you talking about? We were supposed to have the next six months together.”

  He shakes his head. “I looked over that business proposal of yours with my financial advisor, and we are both seriously impressed. It’s well thought out with contingencies and troubleshooting options. It’s so great that I’m going to take my Tire Depot money that you’ve been paying me for years and become one of the silent investors you need to make it work.”

  “Are you kidding me?” I ask, standing up and forking my fingers through my hair. “Are you messing with me, Terry?”

  He shakes his head. “Not when it comes to business, Sammy. This idea to expand and use Miles’s knowledge with classic cars is going to be incredible. I can’t wait to see it all come together.”

  My smile is huge as I sit back down and take a deep breath. “So why are you leaving today, though? This proposal is a five-year plan.”

  “You don’t need me anymore, Sammy.” He shrugs and gets a proud, fatherly look about him. “The student has surpassed the teacher in every damn way possible. Hell, you’ve been running this place for the past year as it is. You don’t need some old guy hanging around and holding you back.”

  “You don’t hold me back, Terry,” I state, my brow furrowing as I lean in and make direct eye contact. “You hold me up.”

  Moisture shines in his eyes, and with a gruff, throaty noise, he presses his hands to his desk and stands up to walk over to me. I stand to meet him, and he cups my face in a tight grip, his eyes severe on mine as he says, “You hold yourself up, Sammy. And you hold up everyone around you.”

  I shake my head, my voice thick with emotion. “What if I’m not ready for you to go?”

  He exhales through his nose and pats my cheek. “I’m not leaving you for good, pal, all right? I’m a phone call away, and if you need me to come back, I’ll drop everything and do it. You know I will.”

  I nod and look down, unable to meet his eyes because I’m overwhelmed at what this day has turned into. I’m excited that this is finally happening, but it’s the end of an era with my uncle, whom I’ve grown very close to.

  “You’re hearing me, right?” he husks, dipping his head down to catch my downcast eyes. “I’m not leaving you. You’re my family—and nothing changes that.”

  He pins me with a look that says so many things we rarely talk about. Things about my own dad and everything that happened in the past. “I got it, Uncle Terry.”

  “I’m not your father,” he states for good measure, shocking me by even mentioning him at this moment. “But you need to know that I’m really fucking proud of you.”

  I take a de
ep breath in and exhale before replying. “Thank you, Terry. Seriously. You’ve set me up for life, and I’ll never forget it.”

  “Nonsense. You set yourself up.” He pulls me in for a back-slapping hug, and when things get too emotional, he releases me with a shove and makes his way out of the office. “You should take the rest of the day off because this office is yours starting tomorrow, and bosses rarely get a day off.”

  With those parting words, he walks out, closing the door behind him as he goes. I turn around in a circle, taking the space in. It’s nothing special. Chipped sheetrock in desperate need of paint. A cheap, veneer-topped desk that’s seen better days, and an old sofa and coffee table that haven’t been replaced since the nineties. It’s basic as fuck.

  And it’s all mine.

  I thrust my fists into the air and do a seriously unmanly victory dance because goddamnit, I’m really doing this. I’m turning Tire Depot into Miles’s and my dream job. I’m going to get to work with my best friend for the rest of my life. It always seemed like a pipe dream to do all this, and now it’s a reality.

  When I twirl around for a third time, a pair of pale blue eyes halt me in my tracks. “Fuck, Maggie, what are you doing here?” I sputter, awkwardly moving my hands around to find a more manly position that doesn’t resemble jazz hands.

  Maggie’s eyes are glowing with amusement as she clutches a bag to her chest. “Sorry, the guys said I could come on back. I should have figured you were busy when you said you had to go.” She bites her lip to stop herself from laughing, and I want to fucking die.

  I grip the back of my neck and flex my bicep in the most douchebaggiest of ways, but it’s all I can think about when I’m this mortified. “This isn’t what it looks like.”

  She steps in, not even trying to hide her smile anymore. “It looked like you were dancing in here all by yourself.”

  I blink rapidly at her. “I guess it’s exactly what it looks like.” I roll my eyes and gesture toward the door. “I just got some really exciting news, and I guess I was freaking out about it.”


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