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The Thousand Year Curse (The Curse Books)

Page 9

by Taylor Lavati

  "Okay, open." He says dropping his hands to my shoulders. At first all I see is more woods. Then I notice that the ground ends. I'm only a foot away from the edge and there's nothing else left. I look over the edge and we're on a freaking cliff. It's probably only thirty feet high but still.

  Below the cliff is some sort of body of water. It's not a lake or anything. It's kind of like a spring but bigger I guess. If I had to categorize it I would say it's a pond, but that's not completely accurate.

  When I think of the word pond I think of goose poop and dirty, murky water. The water in this place is crystal clear. It's a true paradise.

  How could I not have seen this place before? This is a magical hidden gem. It would be a perfect place to come in the summer and relax alone. I doubt people have discovered this before. It wouldn't be this clean.

  "It's beautiful." I whisper. It takes me a moment to tear my eyes away from the pond to look at Ollie. When I finally do I see him partially behind a tree. I walk towards him and notice that he's taking his clothes off. Pretty sure I just found something thats more beautiful than the pond.

  He doesn't have a shirt on. He's not super buff like a body builder or anything but he's definitely defined. I can count six abs easily but his arms are what is truly amazing. They're perfect—nice and strong but not overwhelming. He must work out daily. He turns to me and cocks his head to one side.

  "Like the view?" He asks, laughing at me as I continue to stare at him with wide eyes. "Wanna swim?" He continues to undress slipping his socks and shoes off. I start feeling hot all over. I have to gain some control. I can't stop staring as I wait for more clothing to fall.

  "Um, it's uh, kind of cold." I brush him off. It's the only thing that I can come up with.

  I can't remember what underwear I put on this morning. I pray it's not my stupid granny panty ones. I would never be able to live it down.

  "It's a natural spring. It's like a freaking hot tub in there. You'll be fine." He explains taking his pants off.

  He's a brief guy—I have wondered about that. I've never seen a guy like this before and I cant help but blush. I can see everything—literally, everything. I decide to just go for it. I've been confident all day, why stop now?

  I take off my top and am relieved at what I see—a simple black bra. The bottom part is what scares me. I don't want to wear a thong but I don't want granny panties either. I take my skirt off and am somewhat relieved.

  I'm wearing boy shorts which are kind of dorky but I'll take it. They are blue and hug my hips. They're a little small so my butt sort of hangs out but it's not like I knew this was going to happen.

  I look at Ollie and realize he's been watching me undress with hooded eyes. The thought gets me excited. I shake my head and playfully frown at him. No guy has ever seen me like this before. I feel vulnerable but with Ollie I don't really mind. He doesn't make it awkward or overly sexual. I'm comfortable right now, which surprises me.

  He closes the space between us with a predatory look on his face. I open my arms when he's close enough and he engulfs me in his arms lifting me up. My feet barely touch the ground as I hold onto his neck.

  Both of our bodies are completely pressed together, skin on skin. For some reason this feels more intimate than anything I've ever experienced. Even though we are partially clothed, I feel naked.

  He pulls back and kisses me hard. It's different than the first kiss. This one feels more like a need, like we need to express how we feel through each other. His tongue enters my mouth caressing with each stroke. I rake my hands down his muscled back.

  I move one hand up and into his hair pulling it teasingly. It feels like I've dreamt it would—smooth and silky. He moans into my mouth.

  We keeping making out until neither of us can breathe. I feel like we've just had sex, even though we didn't at all. I open my eyes first and stare at him. His eyes are still closed like he's trying to compose himself. His lips puff out from our kiss and as I touch my fingers to my own lips, I realize mine are too. Inside, I smile.

  He opens his eyes and immediately they lock onto mine. The fire inside of them has faded and his eyes are back to icy blue. He smiles placing me back firmly on the ground. I'm not sure I can stand but I make do.

  He heads towards the edge of the cliff as I follow closely behind. Once we're there, I peek over the edge and my stomach flip flops. It looks so high. I freaking hate heights.

  "On the count of three." He declares. I've never done something this reckless. This is a new me, a crazy one at that. "One...two...three..." And we jump. We hold hands as we jump but let go right before we break the waters surface. At first I'm astonished by how hot the water is. I'm also surprised by how deep this spring is. When I land under the water, I never reach the bottom.

  I spit out the water that I drank by accident as I break the surface. I smile but it falls when I don't see Ollie. The spring isn't that large. He should be here..

  Maybe he didn't jump with me. I swim back a few feet and look to the top of the cliff but he's not there either. I start to panic.

  Something grasps my foot and before I know it I'm being pulled under the water. I gasp for air screaming and hot water rushes into my mouth. I reach for the surface, clawing at it to help me up. I break the surface again and swallow as much air as possible. It's then that I hear a deep man giggle. Damn him!

  "Are you kidding me? I thought you died you jerk!" I scold Ollie splashing a ton of water at him. This only makes him laugh harder. I can't help but laugh in. Even if I did panic, I can't stay mad at this beautiful man. I love him. No, I have to stop thinking that. I barely know him

  He wraps me in his arms while we tread water. He presses a delicate kiss on my lips before moving us towards the edge of the spring. A couple of large rocks line the edge of the water. He sits on a large rock and I swim over to him placing my body gracefully on his lap, most of my body remaining under water. I lean back resting my head on his shoulder as he wraps both arms around me.

  I sigh with content. I can't remember the last time I've felt this good. Since Ollie came into my life, I've been getting better and better.

  "How did you find this place?" I ask him amazed by it. I can't believe a place like this hasn't been discovered yet. It's beautiful and magical and amazing and every positive word in the dictionary.

  "I was just walking and I stumbled across it. Amazing, huh?" Ollie says, leaning back letting his hair fall into the water.

  "You could say that." I answer, laughing into him.

  "Ryder, I really like spending time with you." He reveals to me. Butterflies flutter in my belly and I smile to myself.

  "I do too." I admit. This is the best day ever. I fell in love today.


  new kid

  Sept 17

  I thought I was getting better. Something has changed again. The weather is going crazy. After Ollie left me at my car, it started raining. Then thundering and I swear something is wrong. The sky was black by dinner time.

  Last night I snapped the handle off my bathroom door. I haven't had a dream but I can feel them trying to come. I keep getting dizzy and almost fainting. I'm going to have one soon, I feel it.

  Something is coming.

  I am just walking out of the door to pick up Junior when I feel a vibration in my pocket. Whipping my phone out, I stare at a text from Junior.

  ollie gave me a ride, see ya in class :P

  Well, now I have ten minutes to kill. I turn on my heels and decide to make some ego waffles for breakfast. I will have to take them to go but it beats a rumbling stomach in class. I'll just throw them in the toaster and then head out the door.

  I start getting dizzy on my way to the kitchen and reach onto the counter to stay up. My vision starts blurring and I see stars. I try shutting my eyes but it doesn't help—it just makes it worse. I don't want to have a dream. I rush over to a stool to sit but knock it over. I go to pick it up and when I do the wood splinters in my hand.
/>   I'm having trouble seeing anything at all so I stop in my tracks. I don't want to break anything else. I need to relax and calm myself. I try to breathe slower and my vision starts returning. Thank god.

  I get to my first period class right on time. I had enough time to stop at my locker first but didn't see Ollie which sets me into a depressed mood. We make a tradition of meeting at my locker every morning. Junior must have made him stop at McDonalds or something for breakfast so he's late.

  Algebra is a bore since I know most of what we are doing. She has us starting functions which we did last year as well. I may not like math but I am pretty good at it. I sit in my assigned seat and start getting all my things out.

  Mr. Gartner waltzes in calling attention to everyone. "Class please welcome our new student. He likes to be called Ari. He transferred here just today. Please all say hello." I am only half paying attention not caring about some new student. I may have gained a friend this year but I am still a loser. I start to doodle in my notebook not bothering to look up.

  "Does anyone want to show him around today?" Gartner asks the class after the riveting introduction. A gargle of groans comes from the classroom and I try to hide my head even lower. The last thing I want is to show some new guy around. I can barely make it to my own classes on time let alone walk some other person around. Nobody speaks up—shocker.

  "Ryder, how about you?" Mr Gartner says making me freeze in my seat. "It'd be nice for you to meet someone new." He says like he knows me. This teacher doesn't know a single thing.

  Why would it be nice if I knew someone new? I have all the friends I need. Does all the faculty know I am the school loser? I scowl at no one in particular.

  "Sure, Mr. Gartner." I drawl out. I obviously sound less than pleased and a couple students laugh in the back of the class.

  I look up to see the culprit who ruined my day and immediately recognize him—green eyes. Mr. Gartner did say his name was Ari.

  What the hell is going on? I must be dreaming again. I pinch myself and yelp.—definitely not dreaming. Although I doubt that trick actually works.

  He confidently walks over to me and sits in the chair behind me. I must look like a deer in headlights. I feel his gaze on the back of my head and it makes me uneasy as heat travels through my veins. I'm convinced that he is the man from my dreams. I turn to face him to introduce myself. I'm not about to freak him out on day one by being mute.

  "I'm Ryder." I welcome him. Our gazes lock and I am entranced by his eyes. They are dangerous yet soft. They are green around the outside but almost yellow in the middle. I keep trying to look farther into them to find more colors. I realize that I must look like a psycho so I smile pleasantly and turn in my seat.

  This is my dream guy, I'm sure of it. I feel a tap on my shoulder after about ten seconds. I turn to see what he wants, probably to tell me what a freak I am and to leave him alone.

  "I'm Ari. It's a pleasure." He gives an amazing smile to me. Whoops. I never waited for him to respond. One side of his lips quirk up higher that the other. He has two dimples on each cheek that are so inviting. When I face back forward, I blush thinking about his charm and good looks.

  Class goes by pretty slowly. The entire time I'm there I keep feeling this energy running through me. I can't sit still and keep shaking my legs. I feel like I have ADHD. I literally am so jittery and excited that I can't stop moving.

  Finally the bell rings and I start to get all my things together. I walk to the front of the room to talk to my, now favorite teacher about this arrangement.

  "So Mr. Gartner, am I going to be excused when I'm late to class?" I ask, all pouty.

  "Of course, Ryder. All of the teachers are aware of this arrangement." He says making me think there's more going on here.

  "Was this planned or something?" I ask trying to figure out what's going on.

  "Not exactly." He says and I wait for him to continue. "You should head out. No reason to be later than necessary." He turns his back and I can tell I'm not getting anything else out of him. I sulk a little and then walk back to where Ari is sitting.

  "So what's your next class?" I ask him grabbing for the schedule I assume is the paper in his hand. Thankfully it is.

  "I have statistics it says." He answers me very matter-of-fact, while I study the page.

  "Are you like really good at math or something?" I ask him since statistics is a college level course. Most kids don't take it unless they are honor students. I'm good at math and I'm not even in that class.

  "Yeah, something like that." He answers dismissively averting his gaze from mine. I ignore his shy behavior since he certainly didn't seen shy before.

  "Okay, let's see. It's in e213. Let's go find your class." I turn to exit the classroom waiting for him by the door.

  People stare as we walk the halls but thankfully not at me. They all admire how handsome Ari is. They look at him with a certain curiosity but also allure.

  I sneak a glance at him and notice it as well. He isn't a typical beautiful guy. He's got some scars across his eyebrow and chin. He hasn't shaved in a good couple days but all of that adds to his hotness instead of taking away like it would on a normal person.

  What really makes him hot is the way he acts. He has the whole bad boy thing going for him. He has on plain jeans and sneakers. A white teeshirt lay tight against his chest under a snug leather jacket. His dark hair and light eyes make him even sexier. It definitely works for him.

  I find myself comparing him to Ollie which I don't like. He is almost as tall as Ollie—maybe an inch or two shorter but they are polar opposite looks wise.

  Where Ollie is blonde, Ari is jet black. Ollie's hair is longer and has a flip to it where Ari's is kept short on the sides, only long on the top. Ollie is more artistic looking where I can tell Ari is not. He looks athletic like the quarterback of a football team—very chiseled and strong yet lean.

  I'm staring at him so long that I don't even notice when we stop or why. I look back at Ari in question, basically asking him why he stopped with my facial expression. He just looks straight ahead, his eyes never wandering. The tension radiating off him in palpable, making me nervous.

  I look up and see Ollie standing a couple of feet ahead of us. He looks hurt beyond belief and pissed off. I have no idea why. I leave Ari to see what's up, wrapping my arms around Ollie's waist when I'm close enough to him.

  When he finally tears his gaze from Ari, he looks down at me, his gaze softening. He envelops me in a wet kiss. He deepens the kiss more than normal in school but I figure he is doing the whole alpha male thing. You know how guys mark their territory or whatever.

  I turn to face Ari while still holding onto Ollie's waist. I lead Ollie over to where Ari stands, frozen, wanting to introduce the two. Might as well try to get this out of the way.

  "Ollie, this is Ari," I introduce them. "He's new to school." I add on trying to make this whole thing less awkward. There shouldn't be this much tension in a first meeting even if they are two guys.

  "Nice to meet you," Ari says. "What was your name, Ollie?" He winks a little towards me and there is humor in his voice.

  "And yours, Ari? Nice." Ollie sneers back. Ollie's face is completely unreadable—a blank slate. I can't help but think that these two know each other. It must be my dreams that have me thinking this.

  In the cave dream they acted the same as now. They clearly don't like each other in real life either. They just can't seem to stop one upping each other. I clear my throat and try to break the tension.

  "Anyway, I was assigned to take him to his classes today. I'll see you in English later." Ollie continues to ignore me so I stand on my tiptoes giving him a kiss on the cheek.

  I suddenly want to be protective over Ari. Ollie has no right to just judge this guy right off the bat. He isn't like this with Junior. They are friends. Ollie is acting so catty. It's a major turn off.

  I grab Ari's hand and move him down the hall. I pull him but it isn't difficult. I d
on't think he wanted to stay there either. I walk him around the corner of the hall so that Ollie isn't within sight.

  "I'm sorry about him." I say feeling the need to apologize for Ollie's behavior. It was completely unwarranted.

  "Oh, it's quite alright." I laugh a little but realize that Ari is dead serious by the expression on his face. I'm not sure why but the intensity in his expression starts to freak me out. We start walking towards the East wing when I realize we are still holding his hand from before.

  Feeling slightly awkward, I drop his hand pretending to fix my hair. I look up at him and he has a slight grin on his face. He's so hot but I resist the urge to return a smile. I focus on putting each foot in front of the other instead of Ari.

  "Well, here it is." I say when we get to his classroom. "Do you want to wait here for me after class? I have government. It's only down a floor." I explain to Ari trying not to ramble on forever.

  "Sounds good." He says and turns to go into his classroom. He saunters away from me without even looking back, which strangely annoys me. It's not like I want his attention but he just totally blew me off. I'm wasting my time walking him around and he can't even give me a simple thank you.

  I turn on my heels and basically run to class furious. I get to government a little late but the teacher nods her head in understanding. Thankfully Junior saved me a seat so I scoot in next to him. He gives me a questioning look raising his brows but doesn't ask, since class has started. I'm guessing he talked to Ollie about the awkward encounter from earlier but I don't really know. Their super close relationship is starting to annoy me.

  "Why are you rushing?" Junior asks me as I shove my books in my bag and all but trip while attempting to stand. Concern and worry covers his face while he stares me down. He must think I am having a melt down or something from the look on his face. I feel like a freaking zoo animal.

  "I have to walk this new kid to class. Later!" I yell out as I run out the room. I make it up to the statistics room in record time but Ari is nowhere to be found.


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