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The Thousand Year Curse (The Curse Books)

Page 10

by Taylor Lavati

  I peek into his classroom but he isn't in there anymore. Seriously, if this kid is going to ditch me all day I'm going to flip. I stare down the hallways as a final check for him and it's empty of Ari.

  "Boo." A voice rings in my ear. I scream, jumping back from the closeness of the voice. I felt their hot breath ride down my back.

  Thinking it's Ollie playing a prank, I turn with a smile on my face. The smile fades when I realize it's Ari. He's beaming while holding back laughter. I give him a stern face and hold my ground snatching the schedule out of his hand. I figure out where his next class is. Study. I try to tell him he should go to the library but he responds that he is just going to walk around like a weirdo.

  "Alright, well… I have class so I'll meet you in the student center after." I say in leaving, feeling overly awkward.

  "I'll walk you to class." He says and starts moving down the hall expecting me to follow—which I do. Obviously I have to get to class. It's not because of him, at all.

  "You really don't have to do that." I tell him as I jog to catch up with his long strides. Ollie will freak out if he finds out another guy is walking me to class. I don't want to deal with the questioning. Ollie tends to get jealous very easily. Basically any guy other than Junior and he goes into beast mode.

  "I want to learn the school?" He responds after a couple seconds but it is more of a question. He just wants to walk me to class—I'm not that naive. He has to have an ulterior motive with me.

  "Right." I answer in a clipped tone. The bell rings when I am only halfway there. I start to pick up my pace panicking that I won't make it to class on time but Ari grabs both my shoulders and pulls me back to him.

  "You're excused, no need to rush, little girl." He says pulling me against his body to slow down our pace. My back presses to his front and the heat from his body connects with mine. A hum runs through my body that makes me feel relaxed and carefree. His hands move on my shoulders gently massaging them and I have to fight back a moan. His hands are freaking magical. He stops to roll up his sleeves and I snap out of the funk.

  "Little girl? Are you serious?" I ask him stepping away to create a two foot space between us. I'm no little girl.

  He walks up to me, spins me around and places his hands back on my shoulders. He starts pushing me towards my class. I have to admit, I never once think of telling him to let me go.

  We get to my class and I walk in without saying goodbye. If he can do it, so can I. He doesn't know me.

  The thought is kind of thrilling. I can be anyone I want to be around him. He won't know the difference. I fight back the urge to turn back and instead walk straight to my seat.

  "What took you so long?" Junior asks.

  "Ari made me walk slow." I sigh dropping my bag on the floor. It makes a loud thump and so do I when I drop my body into a chair.

  "He made you? Who is this guy?" Junior asks.

  "Sort of. He's a new kid. Let's just bake something. I don't wanna talk about that guy." Junior takes my hint and drops the subject. I can tell he is going to bring it up later though which fills my body with dread. It's nice not dealing with the crazy guy this period. I need a break from Ari's erratic behavior.

  Junior and I talk about Halloween all period. Our school has this big dance coming up. It is a mix of homecoming and Halloween. We ditched it last year but Junior decided for us that we're going this year. He made plans to get our outfits at a really cool costume shop in New York City.

  I find Ari leaning against a column in the student center after class. He looks pretty cute posted up there. I find him oddly alluring. I can't let him know that so I mask my emotions as I make my way up to him. I try not to even think about how long his eyelashes are and how when he looks up through them it's the hottest thing ever.

  "Let's go. What class is it now?" I need to stick to business.

  "Western Civ. W143." My stomach sinks as Ari speaks. Ollie is in that class if I remember correctly. I double check the paper over his shoulder making sure there's no mistake and dreadfully start moving us in the right direction.

  "What's your problem?" Ari asks as we continue to walk towards his class.

  "You. Clearly. Now let's move it." I tug on his arm muttering. He stops walking refusing to move at all. "Are you freaking kidding me?" I exclaim out loud throwing my hands up in exhaustion. "I swear you are a two year old." This only prompts him to stick his tongue out at me.

  "Pleasssee." I beg. I am starving and the last thing I need is to have this brat not go to class and make me miss lunch.

  I grab his hands and start pulling—literally dragging him down the hall. One step at a time I keep telling myself as his heavy weight becomes unbearable.

  "There you go." I say when I have him outside of the room. "I've done my duty." I clap my hands applauding myself for getting him here. The door to his room is closed since class has already begun so I peek in the window and see Ollie sitting all the way in the back of the room. Of course he decides to go to class today! Just my freaking luck.

  I quickly duck so he won't see me. The last thing that I want to happen is for Ollie see me, in the hall with this stranger when nobody else is around.

  "I'm not going." Ari professes stubbornly crossing his arms across his muscled chest.

  "And why is that?" I humor him placing my hands on my hips. I stare expectantly at him waiting for the rude remark I'm sure is coming up.

  "I'd rather eat lunch with you." He states and my heart stops for a second. I get a familiar flutter in my stomach and wonder why my body is reacting like this.

  "I highly doubt that." I turn on my heels, pretending to be this strong girl and start walking towards the stairs. If he doesn't go to class then that's not my problem anymore.

  I make it to the second stair before he grabs my hips from behind. I scream before he covers my mouth with his hand, silencing me. I know it's him from his hard body pressed against my back. I try to bite his hand, but he spins me around to face him. My breath catches and I gasp as the closeness. A second goes by before either of us make a move.

  Ari breaks the silence by dropping his hand from my mouth and laughing at me. At first I'm taken aback. He's laughing at me! Then I can't help but join in. His laugh is contagious and I'm swept into a full blown, tears in my eyes laughter with a stranger.

  My heart beats a hundred miles a minute as I try to regain my composure. I swear anyone within a mile radius can hear it. Our bodies are pressed up, face to face against each other—his lips merely inches from mine. My stomach is in a state of constant uneasiness, like I swallowed a freaking hummingbird. My body is on high power, filled with energy.

  He looks straight into my eyes turning this situation serious, "Why don't you believe me?" He looks vulnerable but I know guys like him. They want one thing, sex. And I can guarantee that he will never get it from me. I glare at him but it's hard not to be mesmerized by him.

  Of course right at that moment as I'm swept into his gaze, I hear a door shut upstairs. I don't know who it is but I don't want word to get around that I'm hanging out in abandoned stairwells with anyone.

  I hear foot steps so I grab Ari's hand pulling him down the flight of stairs and behind a large emergency door. The footsteps start getting closer. I swear whoever it is is at the stairs now.

  Ari starts giggling a little so I stomp down on his foot. He makes a grunting sound as the footsteps start again. I cover his mouth with my hand and glare at him begging him to shut up. He puckers his lips but I ignore it. He's basically kissing my hand for crying out loud.

  The foot steps keep getting closer and closer. By now, I know exactly who it is by the sinking feeling in my gut. I had a feeling this morning that my great life was going to crumble at my feet.

  "What the hell is going on here?" Ollie yells as he rips the door open exposing our hiding spot. The look on his face is almost primal.

  "Nothing, I swear!" I yell back rushing over to his side. He wraps one arm around my waist but his violent
gaze never leaves Ari. Ari doesn't seem affected by the exchange at all. He's actually straightening himself out and moving closer to the two of us. He doesn't seem to have a care in the world.

  "Your girlfriend here was just taking me to class." He stresses. "No harm done." He says as he waltzes right up to Ollie. He looks him up and down and then brushes past Ollie's shoulder. I could swear Ollie growls at him.

  As Ari goes up the stairs, he starts whistling. It's a familiar song that I can't seem to place. It's almost creepy the way he acts. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. I can't believe I ever thought there was more to him.

  I know I have to explain more to Ollie but I just don't want to yet. I wrap my arms around his tight stomach and rest my head on his chest. At first his chest tenses up under my touch. I feel awful that I've done this to him. I feel like he doesn't trust me anymore.

  After a minute of me holding onto him, he relaxes and hugs me back fully. He tilts his head down over mine and strokes my hair.

  Neither of us utter a word for the longest time. He lets out a loud sigh and picks me up in his arms. I'm relieved that he is able to calm himself down. His eyes have mellowed out and are back to normal, clear blue, like the ocean in Tahiti.

  I wrap my legs around his body and let him walk us towards the wall in the stairwell. He lowers us both to the ground, his back against the wall and me on him. I sit on his lap since he refuses to let me go. When I feel like he is calm enough, I sit back to stare into his eyes.

  I can tell that he has forgiven me. He loves me, I can just tell. Although we've never said the three magical words to each other before I know that he loves me and I know that I love him. It is just a matter of time before we get to say it. I want to tell him now but feel like it is the wrong time. I don't want my words to be tainted by an argument. He deserves the best.

  "It's okay." He reassures me before kissing me on the lips. The kiss stays simple and pure for a moment but then I deepen it wanting to show him that I am his.—that I only want him. That he consumes me with every fiber of his being.

  He kisses me senseless until I lose track of time. Seconds turn to minutes. All I can focus on is Ollie. His skin, his hair, his mouth—all of it takes over my thoughts.

  I reach under his shirt while we are making out and touch his firm body. I rub every contour of his abs. I feel the hardness in his pecks. I explore the hair on his chest. I want to memorize every inch of his body to truly know him inside and out.

  He reaches his hands under my shirt and grabs onto my hips. He tugs hard making me ride him and brings his hands up and down my back sending shivers throughout me. His hard touch sends me into over drive and I go crazy inside, craving more.

  He reaches a hand under my leggings and starts rubbing me. At first I'm taken aback. We are in school but then it feels so damn good that I don't even care. He makes circles on the sensitive spot I love while I grind my hips on his lap. He moans against my neck and I continue, wanting him to moan for me again.

  We probably would never stop if it wasn't for the damn bell. I jump up when it rings loud above our heads. I gaze around seeing if we have voyeurs but we are still alone.

  "Seriously?" I exclaim out to the school and Ollie openly laughs at me. I can tell under his calm appearance, he is pissed. He wants more just like me. It's only a matter of time before we finally have sex. It's what I want and I know he wants it to. Stupid bell ruining everything.


  bike ride

  Ari is the biggest pain in the ass for the rest of the day. He is even more rude and obnoxious after the run in with Ollie, making walking with him a brutal nightmare. It is seventh period, my last one of the day which normally I enjoy but not so much anymore since Ari is in class with me.

  I walk in three seconds before Ari and pretend that I don't know him. I go into my seat on the far side of the room and hide myself hoping he'll find some other girl to torture but of course I'm wrong.

  He struts his fine ass over to my side and pauses at my desk. I don't dare breathe as he trails his finger along the edge of my desk. He lets out a low rumble before taking up in the seat behind me.

  How am I supposed to concentrate in class when he sits right there? He is introduced to the class and everyone coos over him. All the girls bat their lashes at him and I want to gag. I try to focus completely on the words that pour out of our teachers mouth and not all the female attention Ari's garnering.

  We are starting a subject on furies. Apparently they are three girls, Tisiphone, Megaera and Alecto, placed in hell to punish bad people. I can't help but think about Becca and her crew. They are definitely put into my life to punish me. Then again we aren't in Hell so never mind.

  We are starting a project and what do you know, we need a partner. I silently curse myself knowing I am either going to be left without a partner or stuck with Ari. I'm not sure which is the lesser of the evils. The teacher assigns partners by where we are seated which seals my fate when she gets to my desk and pairs me with Ari.

  The assignment is to pick one of the twelve Gods. We have to do research on them, explain their powers and stuff. I'd much rather do it alone but whatever. Knowing Ari, I'll basically be doing the whole project by myself anyway.

  "So, Ari, who would you like to do?" I ask Ari trying to include him in the project as I turn in my seat. I admit my question comes out a tad condescending.

  "I think we should do Apollo." He says totally serious acting like he cares about the project. I have to admit, I didn't expect him to be involved at all.

  "Why's that? I was thinking Athena or Aphrodite." Both are classic goddesses. Strong yet beautiful. Their stories are very different but I like doing research. The library is kind of my place.

  "No way. We're doing Apollo." He claims crossing his arms.

  "That's not fair!" I sink back in my seat defeatedly. I really wanted to do a girl. I could fight him on it but I have a feeling he always gets what he wants.

  "Trust me, it'll be eye opening." He states ending the conversation. I refuse to talk to him for the remainder of class and stay turned the other way.

  Finally the bell rings ending my last class period so I grab Ari's schedule to check what he has next. Nothing. He has a free. I'm screwed.

  "I figured we might do some research?" He shrugs his shoulders making him seem a little sad but I have no idea why.

  "I meet Ollie during eighth." I say hoping that he gets my point. I can't jeopardize my relationship.

  "We'll all sit together. I don't mind." Ari starts packing up his stuff while I stare down at him.

  "Really..." Ollie was a jerk to him, why wouldn't he mind? That would be like me sitting with Becca. It would be pure torture. I can't even stand being in the same room as her anymore.

  "Yeah, why? Should I care?" He asks me, staring up at me cocking his eyebrow.

  "Uh, no. It's fine."

  As we walk towards the library, I mentally prepare myself for the show that is about to commence. I know for a fact that Ollie is not going to be okay with this situation. I also know that we had a good time this afternoon so maybe I softened him up a bit. He should be able to tell that Ari isn't a threat. He should just trust me—bottom line.

  "Hi Mary!" I say as I enter the library. She looks at me and then at Ari sending us each warm smiles. "This is Ari, he's new here." I introduce them pointing to the large body next to me.

  "Welcome Ari, any friend of Ryder's is a friend of mine." She smiles wider as they shake hands. I am about to speak up and protest that he is indeed not my friend but Ari pokes my back to shut me up. I jump a little from his contact but Mary doesn't notice the playful exchange.

  "It's a pleasure." Ari says before dropping her hand. They smile at each other very pleasantly which takes me off guard. At least Ari has good manners.

  "Come on back here." I tell him grabbing him by the elbow. I show him to my secret spot in the back taking a table instead of my usual cubical since I have a plus one now.
  I don't want to be too close with Ari and figure it might send him the wrong message. Plus there's no room for three of us. I lay out my English papers and figure we can go in search of books about Apollo first.

  "Are you coming or what?" I ask as I get up from the table. I look back to him once I start walking and he has a sly grin across his face.

  "Oh, I'm coming." He proclaims his voice all raspy and seductive. When I give him a dirty look he returns it.

  I burst out laughing and he does the same, bending at the hips chuckling. It is surprisingly comfortable like we are building some weird, twisted friendship.

  He challenges me and I think I like it. I shoot down my brain before I start to think too much. In another five minutes he is probably going to be a jerk again.

  "You know I could just tell you what I know about Apollo." He suggests as we peruse the aisles. He hasn't picked out a single book or even looked at one—some help he is.

  "I don't think you count as a reputable source." I respond elbowing him in the rib. He flies back a couple of feet landing near the bookcase. He stumbles but recovers rather gracefully. When his eyes meet mine, I can't miss the crazy look he has, probably wondering how the hell I just pushed him down. I'd be confused too if I just flew across the room thanks to some scrawny girl.

  "What was that?" He asks me in a hushed tone pulling me towards him so our bodies are uncomfortably close.

  "I don't know what you're talking about." I say pulling away and focus completely on the book shelves. He doesn't push me to elaborate more and honestly I'm glad. I don't know what I would have said.

  Yes, I pushed you with inhuman strength. It's just this thing that I do now. Oh! I also have these screwed up visions and guess what—you're the star! And I sort of think you're beautiful. Yeah, that would go over well.

  We get all the books we need in silence and head back to the table to research and take notes. After I round the corner of the last bookshelf, I notice Ollie sitting quietly at the table.


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