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Risk & Reward (Bedroom Games)

Page 10

by Alisha Rai

  Happiness bubbled up inside of her. Oh, she knew a happy ending wasn’t guaranteed, but when was it ever? Their talk was a pretty good step in the right direction, this acknowledgment that they were both flawed, this sign that they could and would work together to fix their respective issues and compromise.

  He groaned, the sound tortured. She stopped, panting. Tied-up Wyatt was pretty damn sexy. It suited the man, this air of helpless desperation. Almost as much as sexual dominance suited him.

  Note: find your own version of neckties to keep handy. She’d like to see him bound by one of her studded belts. Or, better, a pretty pink scarf.

  She dragged her hand out of her panties and up her stomach, leaving a trail of her own wetness. “Did you say something?”

  “Get. Over. Here.”

  Enjoying the reversal of the power structure, she tipped her head and pretended to think about it. “Um. In a second.”

  She turned her back on his growled, “Tatiana,” and walked to the bedroom. Halfway there, she paused, reached behind her, and undid her bra, letting the material fall to a heap on the carpet. Her panties got the same treatment. She was gratified at his hiss over the sight of her ass.

  “You’re earning yourself a paddling, sweetheart.”

  “Easy to threaten when your hands aren’t free, darling.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Wyatt waited for Tatiana to return, a mass of wants and needs and lust and tenderness. He worked his wrists against the material binding him, not so much in an effort to get free, but out of impatient eagerness. Even if he’d wanted to, getting free might be a challenge. Surprisingly, Tatiana knew how to tie a knot. Wyatt tugged at the necktie harder, odd pride surging through him. My woman can immobilize me.


  His dick was hard enough to pound nails, a direct contrast to the mush of his heart. He tilted his head back, breathing deep in an effort to dispel his arousal. All she had to do was walk back in here, and he’d go off.

  His need was the only thing keeping him from grinning like a foolish sap. He felt young and optimistic, and all because they’d acknowledged a problem between them and resolved to work on it.

  The more he thought about it, the more he knew his half-joking words to Esme were spot on. Maybe I haven’t been fighting right.

  Their problems hadn’t been insurmountable; they’d made them that way, building anger and resentment. They wouldn’t replay history. It wasn’t the first time he’d comforted himself with those words, but it was the first time he’d really believed he had a handle on what that meant.

  He bit the inside of his cheek when she walked out of the bedroom. Would there come a time when he got tired of seeing her naked? If so, he hoped he died on that day, because life wouldn’t hold much meaning.

  He stiffened as he registered the items in her hands. “What do you think you’re going to do with those?”

  Laughter filled her eyes. He’d ordered a few sex toys since they’d started dating. Nothing fancy. He had no aspirations to outfit a dungeon, and they were both creative enough anyway.

  Tatiana set a vibrator and a small box down on the table. Wary, he watched as she unwrapped the new toy from its packaging. “It’s something I picked up when I went to this shop last week.”

  He swallowed when the cock ring was revealed. “Jesus Christ. Between this and your work supplies, I’m filled with anxiety at the thought of your bags ever getting searched at security.”

  She gave him a cheeky grin. “Well, it takes their attention off the five-ounce bottle of shampoo I sneak in.”

  She inserted the batteries. The few experiences he’d had with sex toys had been with the woman’s pleasure in mind. Never had he had one used on him. That was clearly about to change. “What’s the vibrator for?” Because he might be using the safe word if it was going somewhere in him.

  “For me.”


  She rolled the ring down his cock until it was nestled against the base. It was snug, but not too tight. More arousing than the nubby, silicone material was the look of adorable concentration on her face. Her brow furrowed as she got it on.

  She glanced up. “How does it feel?”

  “Not as good as you.”

  “You’ll have me. If you’re a good boy. Are you a good boy?” She stroked up his dick. Her words were light, a conscious reversal of his favorite question for her.

  Answering should have made him feel subservient. Yet as lightly as she’d spoken, she was craving his response as much as he always craved hers, creating a feedback loop of power and control. “Yes.”

  She squeezed his cock tight, her hand like raspy silk. “I bought this one because it has a vibration mode.” She traced her finger down the length of his cock, following the vein, and rested it on the base of the device. “Should we try it?”

  Yes. No. Out of his element, he shook his head but remained silent.

  A mocking smile graced her lips. “I think we should.”

  Her hand moved, and his head blew off.

  Or that’s how it felt. The vibrations would have been enough to get him off, but the ring also clenched tighter, staving off his release. He gave a helpless moan. Was she trying to kill him?

  She appeared wholly unconcerned with his imminent death. Tatiana picked up the vibrator and rolled it over her nipples, making them harder and longer. Desperate to regain an upper hand in directing this show, he used the only tool he had. “How does that feel?”

  “So good.”

  “Better than my hands? My mouth?”


  “Put it inside you. Let me see how you do it when I’m not around.”

  Watching Tatiana play with herself was high on his list of favorite pastimes, maybe a close second to fucking her. She moved the vibrator down over her belly and inserted the tip between the lips of her pussy. The rubber silicone disappeared inside her, those pretty pink lips snug and tight around it.

  The fucking ridiculous ring she’d placed on him was an instrument of torture.

  “Tatiana,” he growled. “Come over here, and I can give you something better to put inside of you.”



  She gave a breathless laugh and tossed the vibrator aside. Instead of coming to him, though, she walked a few steps away to sink down onto the carpet in the middle of her jewelry supply.

  She picked up the piece she’d been working on, the string of green beads, and glanced at him from beneath her lashes. “I think I do need something better inside of me.”

  No. No, she wouldn’t. Would she?

  “I was supposed to be finishing a commissioned necklace, you know. But no matter what I did, it was frustrating me.” She gestured to the materials haphazardly scattered around. “So I figured I’d finish up this other project.”

  The piece she held was too short to be a necklace, too long to be bracelet. Her fingers fondled the smooth, round beads. Wyatt gnashed his teeth. “Tatiana.”

  “I know you can buy sex jewelry, but that seemed silly when I could custom create it for myself. It’s nothing fancy. No precious stones. But the beads are a nice size, I think.”

  “Don’t you dare.”

  “Ooh. I love it when you use that warning tone. Maybe you should count to three.” A naughty smile on her lips, she widened her legs until every pouting, pink inch of her pussy was visible to him, and leaned back against the window. She held the string up so the light shone through it, the color of each bead deepening. Tatiana blew on it to warm it and dragged it down her body. “One,” she whispered.

  His heart stuttered. He barely breathed. The first bead disappeared inside her.

  Her stomach clenched. “Two.”

  They both moaned when she pressed the second bead inside her pussy. Sweat dripped into his eyes, and he shook his head to clear his vision. No, nothing could impede his view of this.

  Her movements were sluggish as she reached for the third bead. Wyatt strained
against the tie that bound him, his efforts to get free no longer half-hearted. Why the hell did he buy such good quality neckwear?

  She paused, and he saw his opportunity. “It’s too much, isn’t it, baby?” he said, desperation making his words loud. “Your little cunt can’t take it. Come over here. I’ll make you feel so good.”

  Her red lips curved up. “You’ll make me feel good anyway.” She stroked the third bead between her fingers before pressing it to her pussy lips. “Three.”

  “Fuck. Me.”

  “Ohhh, God.” She fell against the glass behind her and groaned again. “God.”

  He was out of persuasive words. “Tatiana. Please.”

  She licked her lips and gathered herself. Moving so she was on her hands and knees, she crawled over to him. She had to stop twice to catch her breath.

  “They’re moving inside of you, aren’t they?” he rasped, unable to stop himself. “Rubbing against your walls. Driving you crazy.”

  Her only response was a whimper. Through his haze of need, he realized that the power balance was at that delicious point of equality. He might be bound, but she was as hungry as he was.

  Good. That was how it should be.

  Somehow she turned her submissive crawl into a slinky stalk, finally coming to her knees in front of him. She pressed a chaste kiss against the tip of his dick, rubbing it over the softness of her lips.

  He couldn’t bite back the words. “Please. Please.”

  She ran her tongue up and down the length of his cock.

  He loved her hunger, like she couldn’t get enough of him. But right now he needed something more.

  “Please what?” she whispered, her breath on his cockhead making his eyes cross.

  “Please. Fuck. Me.”

  She shifted and gasped. “But something’s in the way.”

  “I’ll get them out. Just untie me.” God, the vibrations were killing him.

  He shouted when she sucked his balls. No, that wasn’t going to help him. “They feel so good,” she murmured.

  He struggled to follow the conversation. “I’ll make you feel better. Always.”

  Her hands were shaking as bad as his. He ordered his muscles to remain still while she pulled the vibrating ring off him, the tightness destroying him.

  “Hands,” he prompted, when she stopped as if at a loss. Her heavy-lidded eyes blinked up at him. “Cock,” he reminded her. He didn’t blame her for her inattention. He was reduced to one-word orders, his entire being focused on getting his erection inside of her.

  She nodded and stood, almost toppling over. Her skin flushed anew, and she used his shoulder to steady herself as she walked around the chair. He tried not to fidget while she worked on the knot that kept him helpless.

  The second he felt the material give he exploded out of the chair, whirling around to haul her close. He picked her up easily, and she cried out, her head tipping back. “Don’t come,” he ordered her, brusque.

  “But I have to.”

  “You can in a second.” He pressed his lips against hers hard. Their tongues tangled fiercely. He swallowed each sound she made as he walked the short distance to the bedroom, the beads moving and pressing deep.

  He kicked the door closed behind them and dropped her to her feet. “Get on that bed.”

  She took three large steps back. “Make me.”

  That cruel smile was made more harsh by sharp arousal. “My pleasure.”

  She gave a very undignified yelp and spun around. It took him two long strides to catch her, pick her up as if she weighed nothing, and throw her on the bed face first. He was there a second later when she tried to roll over, planting a hand between her shoulders. “You’ve been toying with me.”

  She turned her head to speak, her ability to be coherent nearly impossible. Jesus, she’d outdone herself. Who knew that her jewelry supplies held such possibilities? “You liked it.”

  A spank landed on her buttock, close to her pussy, and she shrieked at the resulting jostling. He did it again, the bastard, just to hear her cry out again. “I’m buying these. I want more. Beads in every color and size.” Another spank, even closer to her pussy. He grabbed her ankle and arranged her legs so she was more accessible. “Make you wear them all day, you fucking tease.” The next slap landed on her pussy.

  All she could do was squeal her appreciation for that plan.

  Wyatt turned her over, his six feet of muscle looming in the darkness, the curtained-off room the perfect cocoon of debauchery. She could only lie there and twitch from the aftershocks.

  He placed his hand on her lower belly. “Let’s make sure they’re all there. I want my money’s worth. Three, right?” His other hand dipped between her legs, unerringly finding her slit. With his thumb and forefinger, he grasped the end of the chain, and tugged. “One.”

  She grasped the sheets in tight fists. “Oh, oh, oh.”

  “Don’t come,” he reminded her, more in control of his body now that he could control hers.

  His directive was ridiculous and impossible. She shook her head, frantic, but he ignored her to slip his long finger into her, alongside the hardness of the chain. He found the second bead and prodded at it, rubbing it against her too-sensitive inner walls. “Two.”

  Her pussy clenched on the bead as he eased it free. She was making animal-like sounds, her legs splayed wide open, but she couldn’t care less how she appeared.

  She panted, staring up at the ceiling but seeing nothing. “Please.”

  “Not yet. One more, I think. I want to make sure I get all three. You’ve modeled them so nicely.”

  Her back arched as he pulled the last bead out. “Three,” he said softly. Ever so slowly, he dragged the string up her mound to rest over her swollen clitoris. “Now.” He pressed and rubbed.

  She cried out in relief and pleasure. Her muscles tightened and released as the orgasm exploded through her whole body.

  Tatiana may have blacked out—she wasn’t sure. When she was alert again, she found Wyatt standing by the bed in between her splayed legs, ripping open a condom.

  She didn’t need to hesitate or think about her words. This moment felt right. “My birth control is effective now. So if you want…” She stopped speaking when the condom went sailing through the air. Okay then.

  Grasping her by the waist, Wyatt shoved her up farther on the bed. “If I want?” he muttered. “Hell. Yes. I fucking want. I’ve been counting down the minutes since we went to go get those blood tests.”

  It had been a sterile and practical step, but that afternoon at the lab had been one of the more romantic moments of Tatiana’s life.

  His throat worked as he climbed on top of her. She pressed her hands over his shoulders, amazed to find him shaking. “You waited ’til now to tell me this?” He fitted himself to the entrance of her pussy, and pushed. There was a tug of resistance, a little stretch as he forged inside. He didn’t give her time to wait, simply surged in, filling the space that always yearned for him.

  They both stopped and groaned. “I wanted the time to be perfect,” she managed.

  “Perfect.” His hands fisted on either side of her head. “God, I love fucking you bare. Do you like it?”

  A nod.

  “Say it.”

  “I love it when you fuck me bare.”

  “And do you want me to fill you with my come?”

  He pulled out and slammed back in, not at all careful of her smaller size. The best way to fuck.

  She gave a strangled cry. “I want you to fill me with your come.”

  “Fuck, yeah. I’ll fill you right up.”

  “Yes.” She scratched her nails down his back, harder when he purred and leaned in to her touch, hard enough to draw blood.

  “Love it. Love it when you claw me.”

  He was close, she could tell by the drunken pleasure on his face and the way his hips sped up, the uncoordinated motions growing jerkier and more haphazard. She gave him some resistance, pushing against him, and su
re enough, that only made him more wild. He snarled and grabbed her hands, pinning them above her head as he rutted on her body.

  That first orgasm had rung her out, so she hadn’t planned on another. But the intense look he wore, the feel of his hot, thick, naked cock inside her—it was too much. She came on him, and it spurred him into climaxing. One thrust, a second, and he held himself still, so deep inside her it triggered a delicious sort of pain.

  He collapsed on top of her, their sweat mingling together. Below, their fluids mixed together in a different way. Unexpected tears stung her eyes.

  It took him barely a second to register her tears, and despite what was his certain exhaustion, he drew up on his elbows to kiss them away. “You okay?”

  She sniffed. “Nostalgia. We haven’t been together like this since…”

  “I know.” He rested his forehead against hers and smiled. “I like it.”

  “I bet you do.”

  “Not because I don’t have to wear a condom. I never minded wearing one. I’d rather be careful than fuck a woman without.” He kissed her lips, the meeting slow and soft and restful. “Because it’s you I’m not wearing one with. That’s… It means something. Doesn’t it?”


  He searched her gaze. “No more tears.”

  The order was autocratic and arrogant. But since the underlying tenderness was more than apparent, Tatiana let it go. “Okay.”

  He gave a satisfied smile and kissed her forehead. “Now.” He stretched over her head and brought his hand back to show her the string of beads he held. “I love this new line of yours. Let’s talk about a price. I’ll warn you, don’t think you can cheat me. I’m well aware of where these have been.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “I hate it when you leave the toilet seat up.”

  “That’s not a legitimate gripe. Every woman hates that.”

  “I don’t care what every woman hates. I care what I hate.”

  Wyatt dropped a kiss on the top of her head. “Fine, fine.”


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