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The Courtesans Bargain: The Courtesans Harem Book 1

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by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  “So,” I said. “Where exactly is your estate?”

  When he left his seat from across from me and sat at my side, I breathed in, a bit stunned by the sudden action.

  He placed his hand on my thigh, smoothing my skirt.

  “Not far,” he said. “On the southern outskirts of the province.”

  While his hand moved up to the back of my dress, and worked at undoing my corset, I tensed, unsure of what to say or do.

  His hand slid inside my corset as he loosened the strings, caressing my back. Heat filled my belly and cheeks, and it became harder to breathe as his hand gripped the back of my neck and massaged. With the corset of my dress loose, and heart racing, I could barely think. This was moving much faster than I’d expected, but I didn’t want him to stop.

  “You’re so tense,” he said, and I gave him a sidelong glance, mystified by how bright his green eyes were. They were the shade of emeralds, and I found myself getting lost within them.

  I swallowed, frantically thinking of a reply.

  “Relax,” he said. “I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to, but I paid a lot for your company. I want to make sure you understand who owns you.”

  I licked my lips, eyeing his mouth as his fingers laced in my hair. “I thought I belonged to you—leach of you—for a month at a time.”

  “Aye,” he said. “And, I’ll make sure you never forget me. I may be the first, but you’ll wish I was your last.”

  A whimper escaped my lips as he lifted me from the seat and set me on his lap. With my legs straddled on either side of his, we were face-to-face, with barely an inch separating us.

  He claimed my mouth, his hands retreating beneath my skirts, to grip and squeeze my smooth thighs and butt.

  Madeline never mentioned this before. During my training, I was supposed to take control, and lead the man, lest he take advantage.

  But, as Thomas devoured my mouth, I began to forget every moment of my training.

  When we arrived, the sexual tension had mounted so high that we couldn’t keep our hands off of one another. The estate was lovely, to be sure—but, something had been awakened within me. A desire I’d never recognized. There was something special about Lord Thomas, I just couldn’t put my finger on it.

  The grounds stretched for miles around, with lush, landscaped gardens and apple trees lining the road, leading from the gates to the main courtyard.

  Once the carriage stopped, the valet opened the door for us, and we left the privacy of the small coach, to the feel of the warm evening air. He took me by the hand, walking swiftly, marching me into the castle; the towers stretched high into the inky, black sky. Once inside, I barely had a chance to examine the fine tapestries, or furnishings, or the candles that lined the walls as he whisked me up the staircase.

  “You are eager, my lord,” I said, trying to keep up as he pulled me along.

  He spun on me at the top of the steps and pulled me into the hardness of his chest.

  “I am bewitched,” he replied, picking me up by my thighs, bunching my skirts around my waist.

  I gasped but didn’t dare protest.

  No, I wanted to see where things would escalate.

  He’d paid a hefty sum for my virginity.

  But, he didn’t own it.

  Not alone, that is.

  He carried me down the wide hallway; the ceilings were taller than any dwelling I’d had the pleasure of seeing. There was much beauty around me, but all I could focus on was the handsome man who made my heart thump and cunny wet.

  Our eyes locked as he pushed the door to what I assumed was his private quarters, and slammed it shut with a swift kick with his shiny, booted foot.


  At last.

  He led me to the bed, which was massive, with four posts, a white canopy, and a headboard upholstered with pure satin.

  Was I to stay in this room with him?

  The thumping of my heart wished it were so.

  Then, fear bubbled up in my belly. He wanted me. I wanted him. But, my virginity was still mine; I had a choice in which man to give it to. And, I hadn’t spoken more than a handful of words to either of them.

  How sweet of me to consider their feelings.

  How naive.

  I stepped away, biting my lower lip, and averting my eyes.

  “What’s the matter?” Thomas asked, taking a step toward me.

  I shook my head, not sure how to say it, or what I exactly it was that I needed to say.

  He reached for me, cupping my face in his large hands, and I risked looking into his captivating eyes.

  “We just met,” I said, biding my time.

  He kissed me on the lips, inhaling as if I were water, and he’d been lost in the desert for weeks.

  I clung to him, desperate to sate my own feral desires, but too afraid to risk it.

  He lowered his head to the soft crevice between my neck and shoulder and whispered to me; his breath sending shivers up my spine. “I know what worries you,” he said, and tugged at my earlobe with his teeth.

  I grasped his arm; muscular beneath my hand, practically dizzy from his seduction.

  “What’s that, my lord?”

  His hands worked at my corset, undoing the tiny buttons.

  “Your virginity is your most precious commodity. You fear I will take it and cast you out.”

  I swallowed. Yes. But, I refused to voice those fears.

  I gasped as my dress fell to my feet, pooling around me.

  There was a fire burning in the room already, but I covered myself, nonetheless.

  I flickered a look up to see his wicked grin, and felt my cheeks burn as he examined me with his gaze.

  “Yes,” he said, nodding. “I know what you’re thinking, Celine. But, I am a gentleman, and I will keep my word. No innocence shall be lost on this night.”

  Though he said those words, he stepped close to me, ushering me backward.

  Toward the fire.

  I looked over my shoulder, unsure of what was happening, when he took me by the arms and led me to the bear-skinned rug on the floor.

  Oh, this was it. He’d take me on the floor.

  Like a common whore.

  Tears burned my eyes, and I couldn’t look at him. The spark he’d ignited started to fade, when he tugged my undergarments down my legs and cast them aside.

  He ripped off his shirt and leaned over me.

  “Celine,” he called, his voice as alluring as a magical spell, and I answered, completely hexed by it.

  “Yes, my lord,” I whispered, staring into his eyes which seemed to glow in the light of the fire. .

  He pried my legs open with his hands and positioned himself between them. “Like I said, no innocence shall be lost on this day,” he said, and kissed the inside of my thighs. “But, that doesn’t mean I can’t feast on you. That doesn’t mean I can’t show you pleasure like you’ve never known.”

  A gasp escaped my lips, and I reached out to grab a handful of his hair, as his kisses reached the warm, wetness of my core—as he suckled on it, tasted it, devoured it.

  Chapter Seven


  None of this made sense. It was just after midnight and sleep evaded me. Last night things had gotten out of control. He teased me to the point where I was ready to beg him to take me.

  Lord Thomas, even now I trembled while thinking about him. My whole body ached for him—to give him my virginity. Hot, and wet with desire, my cheeks burned at the thought.

  I had to get myself together otherwise he would continue to torture me. His tongue and lips were doing all these wonderful things to me, and I desired more.

  Then he just left me there while my heart pounded in my chest. I thought he left to change or get a drink, but he never returned. He didn’t even say goodbye.

  I smoothed my hair and decided to get up just as a maid walked in.

  “Would you like my help getting undressed, my lady?”

  I snorted.r />


  “That would be lovely,” I said.

  With a bow, she stepped over and helped unlace the tight corset binding my waist.

  “I’ll bring up some hot water for a bath, if it pleases you, my lady?”

  “Yes,” I said. “Thank you.”

  She brought up a few pails of hot water, poured them into the claw foot tub in the next room, and sprinkled lavender oils into the steaming water. Once she finished, she left me to my solitude, and I was grateful.

  I let out a guttural moan as I stepped into the deliciously, hot water. For a moment, I just enjoyed the feel of it against my skin. I washed myself, trying to ease my arousal. But, it was to no avail. My mind continued to drift to the sensation of his hands on my body. My nipples were erect, and I imagined him licking them, sucking them with his warm mouth.

  Sighing, I forced the thoughts from my mind, and left the water once it began cool. I shook my head, looking at my own reflection in the mirror, and then went to bed.

  That night, I ended up tossing and turning, filled with excitement about the next day. When the three of them won the auction, I was petrified, not knowing what to expect, but now I had no idea if I could even choose. Three lords, three handsome men who were most likely going to drive me crazy, and this was only the beginning

  At some point I finally drifted off to sleep, dreaming about the redheaded man who was chasing me around the field.

  I must have slept until late the next day. When I opened my eyes, the sun was beaming from outside. For a second I had forgotten where I was. This room seemed so enormous. Lord Thomas didn’t tell me what he was planning for us today, but I would love to explore his estate. Deep down I was curious, I couldn’t wait to see him again.

  Moments later I was up, pottering around the room. I wanted to look beautiful for him. My hair was messed up, and I had bags under my eyes, probably because I went to sleep so late.

  I found a nice green gown in my luggage that showed off my figure and decided that it was time to stop being a coward—time to face my fears.

  Thomas was wealthy with scores of land and property. I wanted to impress him, and for that I needed to get to know him better.

  All I knew was that he was assertive and sure of himself, which was incredibly appealing.

  After I dressed, I went to explore, passing several long corridors with walls lined with portraits of his ancestors. Beautiful paintings and tapestries captured my attention as I touched the raised paint that made up the stunning portrayal of the lake outside the front garden.

  As I wandered the halls and observed the empty rooms, I began to wonder if he lived there alone. It wasn’t unheard of for a lord to solicit the services of a courtesan while married. Would I find his wife lounging in one of the rooms?

  That notion stopped me in my tracks, and I ventured away from the main areas of the castle to find the kitchen.

  I stood at the top of the stairs, overlooking the shiny marble floors below.

  “May I help you, Miss?” a voice asked, starling me.

  I turned around to see a tall man with a pale complexion, and short gray hair, wearing a black uniform standing before me.

  “I’m Roger, the butler,” he said, searching my face as I stared at him. “You look a little lost. May I assist you?”

  He was oddly handsome, despite being at least thirty years older than me.

  I found my voice, swallowing before I spoke. “I’m a guest of Lord Thomas,” I said, clearing my throat. “I was hoping to stumble upon the kitchen. I’m feeling a bit peckish.”

  “Certainly,” he said with a slight bow. “Follow me.”

  I did as I was told, following him down the carpeted stairs.

  “Lord Thomas had to leave early this morning,” he said, glancing over his shoulder with a small smile.

  I nodded, grateful for the kindness. “He had some urgent business that needed his attention. However, he will be back in the evening. Let me show you the dining room. Ursula has prepared breakfast for you.”

  Once we reached the dining room, I was seated at a setting made just for me. The silver dishes were probably worth more than the entire cottage I shared with my mother and held the most scrumptious smelling food.

  Breakfast was delicious. An assortment of salted pork, fresh fruit, and bread chunks with cheese sated my ravenous hunger, but the silence of the room, and watching the staff stand far off against the walls was unnerving. I had my fill, and stood from the table, unsure of what to do next.

  A maid bowed and began clearing the table with the help of a young man. They nodded to me, giving me more respect than I probably deserved, for a silver spoon was hidden within my dress.

  After breakfast, I stepped outside into the fresh morning air. Shame filled my very bones, but there was something feral about my need to steal. How could I explain that most nights I had gone hungry as a child, and the only way to keep a roof over our heads was to either steal, or watch my mother sell her body.

  Never again.

  Not if my plan worked.

  Seeing the castle grounds during the night did nothing to capture the true beauty I beheld in that moment. With the sun shining its golden rays onto the world below, mist settled, glistening over the lush green grass and rose bushes.

  “How long is he going to be gone this time?”

  I stopped and leaned over the stone railing to see two men talking as they tended to the garden.

  “Not sure, probably a few hours. He’s hunting with the dogs, and I bet he’s going to bring home a deer for the girl,” the other man replied with a snort.

  “What girl?”

  “The one who arrived last night. They looked very cozy in the lord’s carriage.”

  “I bet she has no idea what our lord truly is, or how dangerous he can be.”

  “Best to keep our mouths shut. Let her discover it on her own.”

  A cold shiver crawled over my spine. I didn’t think Thomas was dangerous, and I shouldn’t have been listening to them.


  “I don’t know what to believe anymore. People in the village say he’s a warlock—that he used to kill monsters for living.”


  I’d heard enough, slipping away from my spot on the terrace.

  I walked back inside, catching my breath as I shut the door behind me.

  “Need anything, Miss?” a maid asked.

  “No,” I said, barely able to focus on her youthful face as I imagined Thomas conjuring spells. “I’m fine.”

  I headed back to my room, images of witches and warlocks walking cloaked throughout the forest in the dead of night filled my mind. Tales of creatures in the forest and magic returned to me. As a child, Mum would tell me stories that transported me from our dreary lives, and I wondered if there was some truth to any of them.

  Once I reached the top of the stairs, a draft wafted from the far end, opposite my room. Brows furrowed, I slowly looked over my shoulder.

  A swift wind flew at me, almost knocking me down the stairs.

  Eyes widened, I gathered my skirts and headed toward the door at the end of the hall.

  The windows were all closed. So, where did that wind come from?

  I made my way down the hallway, until I stood before a heavy wooden door.

  What was hidden on the other side of door? What secrets was Thomas keeping?

  “Let’s find out,” I muttered to myself and pushed the door open.

  His masculine scent hit me instantly, and I assumed this was his private quarters.

  The curtains were open, letting in the bright sunlight. Shutting the door, I chewed my bottom lip, overcome with curiosity. As I went deeper into the outer room, my skin began to tighten and tingle with energy. I ran my fingers along the wooden desk and pieces of parchment scattered throughout.

  A large book remained open, beckoning to me. I walked around the desk and stood before it, leaning down for a better look at w
hat looked to be an ancient tome.

  My heart kicked me right in my chest, as I beheld a drawing of a vicious creature with black wings, sharp talons, and slivers of eyes that resembled that of a snake.

  A dragon?

  The garden caretakers did mention he may have slayed beasts at one point.

  Perhaps they were right—that the lord I’d allowed to take me to his castle was indeed dangerous. As I tried to collect my thoughts, I glanced around the room.

  I froze.

  A shiny, crystal ball caught my attention.

  It sat in a glass cabinet, calling me forth, begging me to take it. My palms began to itch. Its beauty was unparalleled, and it would sell for a pretty penny back in town.

  “No, I’m not stealing anything this time, this isn’t right,” I told myself and left the room, my heart thumping in my chest.

  The second I closed the door behind me, I heard his voice.

  My eyes widened, breath catching in my throat.

  He was inside the room I’d just left.

  My hands shot to my head. I was going insane…I had to be.

  “Interesting, Arthur, very interesting concept,” he said, his voice muffled, but unmistakable as it came from inside the room.

  I pressed my ear to the door, struggling to hear. When his voice became softer, I took a chance and opened the door, just a sliver.

  “We shall find out tonight if she is the missing link to the spell.”

  A chill raced through my body. He was talking about me. I knew it.

  But, who was Arthur? Who was he talking to?

  No one was in that room with him.

  He lifted the book I’d just looked upon, and after he glanced at the contents of the page, he let go, and left the book to levitate in the air.

  A moment later, a glass raced through the air and stopped just before him. He took it by the rim and poured wine into it.

  Magic—unmistakable magic.

  The rumors were true; Thomas was indeed a warlock.

  Chapter Eight


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