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The Courtesans Bargain: The Courtesans Harem Book 1

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by Joanna Mazurkiewicz


  The time to meet with the other warlocks was upon me. True, we had the same goal, but I wasn’t too pleased with our arrangement. After only one night, I wanted her to myself. But, this was for the good of us all.

  Scowling, I resolved myself to learn to share.

  That was why I suggested she should start with me. I had to take advantage of the fact that she didn’t know the other two.

  A knock came at my door.

  “Come in,” I said.

  “My lord, dinner will be served shortly,” Roger said after stepping inside.

  I nodded, closing the tome on dragon spells I’d been researching.

  Arthur—my familiar—was gone, having scurried off to a dark crevice somewhere on my book shelves. As a spider, he was quite good at it.

  “Very well,” I said, placing the book inside a glass case and covering it with a purple cloth. I turned to Roger. “Where is Celine?”

  “In her room, my lord,” he said. “Is there anything else?”

  “No,” I said, and he bowed before me, leaving me to my thoughts.

  No matter what I did to distract myself, images of Celine filled my head. It had been ages since a woman had piqued my interest the way she did. I sighed, refusing to waste any thoughts on the one female I’d loved in the past.

  Gaia, a wood elf, she’d broken my heart, and for years I was certain I’d never want anything to do with another woman again.


  Celine—despite being in my care for one night—already had me rethinking my decision to swear off women.

  After I changed for dinner, I paused on my way out of the door.

  A brow lifted as I glanced at my desk.

  Something was missing.

  The crystal ball.

  I left the room, curious if Roger had moved it, or perhaps one of the maids.

  Then, a vexing thought came to mind.

  Did Celine take it?

  If so, then she’d been in my private quarters. That would mean she knew who and what I was. The notion intrigued me. If she knew what I was and stayed, then maybe there was hope. Most women would be fearful to learn I was a warlock. The people of the Marble Province weren’t the most forward thinkers, and tales of the old world and magic, were whispered at night as stories to scare children.

  Once I made it to the dining hall, she was already seated. For a moment, I lingered in the doorway, watching her before she noticed I’d arrived.

  Her long blonde hair fell in waves over her shoulders. To my surprise, she read a book at the table; her eyes focused on the parchment pages.

  I smiled, entering, and she looked up from the book once she heard my boots on the marble floor.

  “Good evening, Celine,” I said, taking my seat at the head of the table at her left side.

  She looked up at me, her expression a mystery.

  “Evening, my lord,” she said, simply.

  No mention of my magic?

  I placed a folded cloth across my lap.


  If she did know anything, she was keeping it to herself. Perhaps she was smarter than I gave her credit for.

  “Have you had a chance to explore the castle grounds?”

  She shook her head in affirmation, and Roger came in to pour our glasses of wine.

  “Yes, I did. It’s truly quite remarkable,” she said. “I’ve never been anywhere like this before.”

  “I’m pleased to hear you like it. Soon, we will explore it together. I want you to get to know me during your time here.”

  “Of course, my lord. I would like that very much,” she said, giving me a smile that instantly endeared me to her.

  “So, tell me more about yourself,” I said, as the first course of a cold soup with pine nuts was served.

  “There isn’t much to tell, my lord,” she began, her voice soft. Then, she lowered her head. “I grew up poor.”

  I inclined my head, assuming as much.

  “Nothing you can tell me will change my adoration for you. You can be open with me.”

  She smiled again, though it was faint, as she looked up at me from her bowl of soup. “Well, my father left before I was born. He left us with many debts, and we were forced to live in squalor. That is, until my mother was approached by a madam and became a courtesan herself.”

  I took a spoonful of soup. “Does she still have clients?”

  “Yes,” Celine said. “She still has her sponsors, though not as many as when she was in her youth.”

  “What made you decide to go into the same profession? I suspect you didn’t wake up one day and decide to become a woman who would please other men.”

  I drank some of the dry, red wine, savoring the flavor. It was delicious, but her lips were what I truly craved. It was going to be difficult to share her with anyone, especially with William and George.

  She stared at me with those wide, green eyes.

  “No, but my mother inherited my father’s debts. She has to work very hard in order to sustain our home. When Madeline saw me, she suggested I start my training. She thought I’d be a famous courtesan one day,” she said.

  “I like that you took control of your future,” I admitted.

  That pleased her, and the faint smile from before widened.

  Throughout dinner, we chatted a bit, and I found myself intrigued by her with each revelation. As I took a bite of the roasted lamb, my gaze rested on her serene face. Such beauty captivated me. It wasn’t just her features. There was something pure that shone from within.

  I wanted to touch her, run my hand over her thigh, and kiss the softness of her throat.

  “What about you, my lord? Any interesting hobbies?” Celine asked, catching me off guard by her forwardness.

  I lowered my fork and looked into her eyes. “I think you already know the answer to that question.”

  She held my gaze, unflinching. “You are a warlock.”

  I burst into laughter, utterly amazed by her unflinching curiosity.

  “Have I said something amusing, my lord?” Celine asked, and I shook my head, still chuckling.

  “Not at all,” I said. “I’m just pleased by your frankness. You surprise me.”

  She shrugged. “I haven’t learned the art of being fake.”

  Nodding, I drank more wine. “And, aren’t I glad to hear it,” I said. Then, I leaned forward. “Yes, Celine. I am a warlock. And, I know you were in my private quarters earlier. Are you surprised to learn that I’ve slain a white dragon in the High Mountains of Valom? Or that I once caught a phoenix and trained it to be my pet?”

  Her brows lifted. “So, the tales were true. Magic is real?”

  “Yes, my dear. More real than you know.”

  Celine licked her lips, tilting her head as she gazed at me.

  How could such a simple action drive me crazy?

  The energy between us was magnetic, simply magical, and I had to hold onto the arms of my chair to keep from taking her right there on the table. I would have loved nothing more than to devour her body for my dessert, but I knew I needed to calm my boiling desire for her sweet, soft body.

  I stood, swallowing as I did so, unable to look at her anymore.

  “Good night,” I said, and excused myself from the dining room to everyone’s surprise.

  Even Roger was dumbstruck by me leaving before the rest of the courses were served.

  But no one was as surprised as I—the warlock who had sworn off women.

  Chapter Nine


  I stood from my seat, awestruck by his sudden exit. Why did he leave so abruptly? Was it something I said?

  Even as I worried about why he left, I suddenly realised that he must have known about the crystal ball. My cheeks reddened, and my breaths became faint. Just when I was starting to connect with him, I now had the fear of angering him hovering above my head like a black cloud.

  “Miss, will you be needing anything else?” Roger asked me after I downe
d my glass of wine.



  I was in for quite a ride if I remained in Thomas’ care. Did I have a choice?

  Not if I wanted the bidding money he and the other lords had paid for me.

  But, I had to admit, all of the talk of magic intrigued me, almost as much as Thomas did.

  I witnessed him doing something that wasn’t physically possible. Magic, and spells. It was anyone’s guess as to the real reason he bid on me. I knew if I wanted to stay here for a month, then I would have to get to know him.

  “I’m fine, thank you,” I said, wondering if Thomas planned on coming back.

  Panic settled inside my stomach, as I stood and left the dining room.

  Instead of going back to my room, I wandered the halls and stepped outside into the warm, evening air. The scent of rain wafted around me, and I glanced upward to see clouds gathering across the night sky. There was a stone bench in the midst of a small garden of rose bushes. I sat there, my hands folded in my lap, and glanced up at the windows that loomed above.

  Candlelight flickered in Thomas’ room as I stared up at his window.

  An overwhelming sadness washed over me as the notion that perhaps he didn’t like me settled into my thoughts.

  I sighed, urging myself to stop caring so much. Soon, it wouldn’t matter if he wanted me or not, for two other lords waited for their chance to seduce me.

  Chapter Ten


  The next morning, I awakened in my bed to the sound of crashing thunder. A storm brewed outside.

  I stretched my arms above my head and stood, walking across the cold floor to stand before the double doors that opened to a balcony overlooking the pond outside. I pushed the doors open and backed away as the wind and rain blew at my face.

  “So much for exploring the grounds,” I said to myself with an inward sigh, closing the doors.

  Someone knocked on my bedroom door.

  “Who is there?”

  Thomas walked in. Panic filled me, and I froze as his eyes looked over my lace nightgown.

  “Morning, love,” he said, and I finally noticed he was carrying a tray with a tea pot and two small cups.

  I eyed the fresh maple bread and butter, blushing as my stomach growled loud enough so that the two of us could hear it.

  “I brought you a bit of breakfast,” he said, a charming smile raising the corner of his lips. “As an apology.”

  “For?” I asked, reaching for a robe to cover myself with from the back of a chair.

  He sat down at the small, circular table across from me, setting the tray upon it.

  “For my rudeness,” he said, pouring steaming tea into our cups. “I left quite abruptly, without any explanation. For that, I am sorry.”

  I reached for the cup of tea and blew at the steam. From over the rim of the cup, I lifted my eyes and looked at him. “Was there something wrong last night, my lord?”

  “Yes,” he said, inclining his head. His gaze locked with mine. “I fear you’ve done something to me. You’ve made me weak.”

  A nervous laugh erupted from my throat. “How so, my lord?”

  He cleared his throat, shaking his head. “No matter.” He paused, his gaze lifting to my bedside table. He stood, his face turning serious.

  “Oh, Celine, I think you have been naughty,” he said, and walked to the table, where a light glowed from the top drawer.

  Blood rushed to my ears.

  The crystal ball.

  He opened the drawer and pulled out crystal ball. It hovered above his hand, glowing.

  Brows furrowed, I watched as it began to spin, casting a bright glow all around the room. I shielded my eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “I didn’t mean to take it.”

  He put the crystal ball down and crossed the room. To my surprise, he took me into his arms and stroked my hair. Mouth agape, I gasped, unsure of what to say or do.

  “It’s fine,” he said. “I understand.”

  “How?” I asked, as I pulled back to look into his eyes.

  “You couldn’t control yourself, could you? I may be a man of wealth, but I’ve seen poverty, and I know what that can do to a person.”

  Tears welled in my eyes. I could not believe what I was hearing. Did he truly have empathy for me stealing from him?

  “But,” he said, lifting a finger before my face, “I will not tolerate any more stealing. You belong to me, and I take great care of my things. Whatever you need is but a request away. Now, do you understand me?”

  My throat went dry, but I nodded, utterly entranced by his compassion, and aroused by his possessiveness. “Yes,” I whispered. “I understand.”

  He kissed me then, hard, full of passion that heated me to my very bones. His embrace sustained me as I melted into his kiss.

  The heat of my arousal pulsed within my core as he slipped his tongue inside my mouth.

  As our kiss deepened, he pulled me along and set me on my bed.

  “My lord—”

  “Be silent now, Celine,” he said, and I obeyed, chewing my bottom lip as he spread my legs.

  I trembled with anticipation as he climbed between my legs, the hardness of his manhood pressed against me. Soft kisses littered my neck and collarbone, leaving me dizzy with desire.

  I flinched as his fingers found the wetness between my legs.

  He moaned. “My beauty,” he whispered into my ear as he leaned toward me. “Are you getting wet for me, my dear?”

  “Yes,” I said, softly, my cheeks reddening at the admission of my arousal.

  “Good,” he said, a grin coming to his face. “I want you to remember this morning when you are with George and William.”

  I needed him; my core throbbed with such a need as never before. He lifted my nightgown, exposing my body and undergarments. His kisses trailed down my breasts, to my belly, and he paused, glancing up at me.

  He licked my clit, and I felt that I could no longer take this torture as he slid a finger inside the warm wetness between my legs. A moan escaped my lips as he sucked and devoured my most intimate spot.

  I dug my nails into his arm, panting.

  “Don’t touch my things without permission again,” he whispered. “Because I’m going to punish you like this until you beg me to take your virginity.”

  As he kissed my neck, his fingers stroked my hot, sensitive clit until I was sure I’d cry out from frustration.

  “Thomas,” I gasped, as suddenly, liquid heat built and released in a gush that had me clutching my arms around his neck.

  A chuckle vibrated around the room as I fell back onto my pillows, utterly spent.

  He kissed my forehead. “That is just a taste of what is to come, love.”

  Chapter Eleven


  “This way, dear; pull it harder and keep it straight,” Thomas whispered into my ear, brushing his cheek over mine as he taught me how to use a bow and arrow.

  Having him so close made it incredibly difficult to focus. All I could do was smell his familiar scent and feel the warmth and energy buzzing between us.

  Two weeks had passed since that delicious morning of pleasure, and he hadn’t touched or flirted with me again since. He confused me. Deep down, I wanted him to return, and so, I’d sit in my room awaiting his knock on my door.

  We talked, ate together, and I’d truly gotten to know him. Though his past made me nervous, I admired him. It took a strong and brave person to hunt and slay the monsters from our darkest nightmares.

  I did as he told me, and stretched the bow, pulling it harder, taut, and slowed my breathing.

  “Good girl,” he said, and carefully stepped away.

  With my eye on the target, I focused, and awaited the perfect moment.

  You can do it, I told myself, and as I released a breath, the arrow shot forth.

  It struck the tree, in the exact place where I wanted it land.

  “Well done,” he said, shielding his eye
s from the sun’s rays as he examined my shot. “It seems you’re a natural at this. A true archer.”

  I grinned, unable to hide my pride. I was never good at anything except being a pretty face. Being with Thomas made me realise I could be more, if I wanted to.

  He clasped his hands together. “Right,” he said. “Let’s shoot a few more and head inside for supper.”

  I practiced shooting until the sun began to set, and as we collected my arrows, I began to wonder if Thomas had ever had another woman as a companion in his home. It was a large piece of land, with an opulent castle set in the center, surrounded by lush, green grass and tall trees. He had to have had another woman in his life at some point. Still, I was too afraid to ask.

  I truly didn’t want to know. I wanted to be his one and only, and that terrified me to no end.

  We rode back to the estate on horses and then we had dinner together. Over the course of our meal, I drank potent red wine and practiced my charms as a courtesan. Over the years, I had noticed that most courtesans were paired with men of wealth and titles, but they were usually older, unattractive gentlemen. It was a rare occurrence to be matched with a young, handsome man such as Lord Thomas.

  “Celine, you look lovely tonight,” he said, standing from his seat at the head of the table, and walking to meet me.

  My hopes arose as he kissed my hand. “Enjoy your evening. I will see you in the morning for a special surprise.”

  Baffled, I watched as he left, and a rush of cold washed over my skin. Shaking my head, I stared into my glass of wine before downing it in one gulp. My head buzzed, and my insides warmed. What was wrong with me? Was he no longer interested?

  I hadn’t spent more than an hour with the other lords, and I was already falling for Lord Thomas.

  Two more weeks to go.

  I retreated to my room, where the maid had prepared a hot bath with scented oils. I stepped inside, the luscious water soothing every tired, aching muscle and warming my skin. As I lay back against the porcelain tub, I closed my eyes. It didn’t take long for Thomas to invade my thoughts.


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