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Ignite: A clean rock star romance (The Band Book 2)

Page 15

by Lara Wynter


  Jemma believes in me. It’s the most amazing feeling. I didn’t even have to try to convince her, she just believes in me and in my love for her. I wish I could ask her to marry me right now, but I want it to be right. I want everything to be perfect, not some spur of the moment proposal while everyone is in the next room. And I don’t want the threat of Trent or this woman or anything to get in the way.

  I keep a firm hold on Jemma’s hand as we join the others. They have the television on. I take a seat on the couch beside Finn and Jemma sits snuggled under my arm on my other side. Perfect.

  Finn whispers in my ear. “Finally, I’m happy for you. You deserve some happiness man.”

  “Yeah, thanks. You were right.”

  “Aren’t I always?”

  “Well, except that time about the tacos.”

  Finn laughs. “Yeah, let’s never tell the girls about that one.”

  Autumn leans closer. “What’s that, pretty boy?”

  “Nothing babe. Don’t worry about it.”

  “Wes?” Autumn looks at me.

  “Ah, nothing. Just guy stuff.”

  Autumn looks at Jemma. “Don’t worry. I’ll get it out of Finn tonight when we’re alone.”

  Finn grins. “Not a chance beautiful.”

  I grimace. So much for keeping that story under wraps. Finn can resist nothing when it comes to his wife. I groan and rest my head back against the couch. I can only hope Autumn decides I don’t need to be embarrassed like that in front of Jemma.

  “Enough chat guys, it’s on.” Ryan yells over the various conversations going on.

  My focus turns toward the large flat screen. There she is, the woman I supposedly got pregnant. And sitting right beside her on the talkshow couch is our former manager, Trent.

  “Welcome back,” Pete the host says with a whiter than white Hollywood smile. “In case you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll be looking forward to hearing from our next guests. Today we have none other than the former manager of one of the world’s hottest bands, Infusion Deep. And beside him, the woman who claims to have had the baby of one of the founding members of the band, Wes Bowman.”

  The camera flashes to Trent looking smug and a leggy brunette who looks slightly dazzled. The camera returns to Pete. “So, Vicky, can you tell us in your own words how you met Mr. Bowman?”

  Vicky smiles and clutches her hands in her lap. Her image as a poor unsuspecting girl next door is undermined by the red cocktail dress and killer heels she’s wearing. “Uh, sure, Pete. Well, I met Wesley at the restaurant where I used to work before I got pregnant and had to quit my job.” Her eyes glisten with unshed tears as she warms up to her subject. Her perceived nervousness is gone.

  Pete leans closer. “What happened when you met?”

  “Well, Wesley was there alone. Finn was supposed to be joining him, but had been delayed for some reason. So, anyway, Wes starts flirting with me. You know, telling me I’m beautiful and um…touching me whenever I came by his table.”

  “And did you appreciate his flirting?” Pete asks.

  “Well,” Vicky smiles, pretending to look down shyly, but she can’t pull it off. “Of course I did. I mean, who wouldn’t want a sexy rock star to flirt with them? Anyway, when I finished my shift, I went out the back like always and Wes was there waiting in the alley.”

  “Please go on, Vicky.”

  “Well, then he comes over and says something about how he’s been thinking about me all night and then…then he puts his hands up under my skirt.”

  Gasps come from the audience, and I close my eyes. A warm hand grabs my own, and I open my eyes to see Jemma looking worriedly at me. I try my best to smile at her and fail. I look back at the screen. My head is throbbing. Even though none of this ever happened, hearing this woman say these things about me, it hurts.

  “And then he pulls at my—”

  The screen goes blessedly dark.

  Ryan stands in front of the screen the TV remote in his hands. “Well, I think we can all agree. We don’t need to watch any more of that tripe.”

  “You believe she’s lying?” I ask.

  “Dude, of course she’s lying. She just got knocked up and wants a quick payday to make up for her own stupid mistake.”

  Zane stands beside Ryan. “No one who’s ever met you for more than five seconds will believe her, Wes. Don’t worry. We’ve got your back.”

  Finn stands up beside the other band members, Autumn at his side. “Well, brother, I’ve known you since you were this high.” He holds up a hand to just above his waist. “We’ll fight this and win. Even if we have to do a paternity test, we will not be giving this gold-digger one cent of our money.”

  Sophie jumps up. “That ho can go and rot like she deserves!”

  “Sophie!” Everyone admonishes at once and the tension is broken.

  “Group hug!” Ryan shouts, and Jemma and I are pulled to our feet and surrounded by many arms that show me I am loved.

  This band is my family.

  Chapter 20


  Wes is in his room. Although he seemed alright after that horrible interview, he shut himself in his room shortly after. Finn said just to give him some time, but the band has to leave for the venue soon, and I really want to check that he’s alright before he leaves.

  How could that woman do that to Wes? Doesn’t she care about how much this hurts him? And what about the poor little baby. How is he going to turn out with a mother who would do something like that? As much as I want to slap some sense into her, I know the better course of action is to pray for her and Trent.

  I stare at the peach I was trying to peel. It’s more of a pulpy mess than a piece of fruit. I guess I’m not quite there with the whole forgiveness thing yet. I sigh and toss the remains of the peach into the trash. I rinse my hands under the tap and go over to Wes’s room. I knock tentatively on the door.

  “Wes? It’s Jemma, are you okay?” I wait for an answer but it’s quiet on the other side of the door. I rest my forehead against the door. Wes must really be hurting. If only he’d let me in, if we’re going to work together we have to trust each other, with everything.

  The door opens suddenly, and I fall forward. Strong arms catch me and Wes pulls me back up against his body.

  “You falling for me, gorgeous?” Wes’s words are joking, but his tone isn’t right. There’s a hollow hoarseness that worries me.

  I look up into his eyes and we connect. He doesn’t hide from me. Doesn’t flinch away. He allows me to witness his pain and share it with him. Relief floods through me, and my whole body trembles. So this is what it’s like to find my soulmate.

  I reach up and gently run my hand down the back of his head and along the soft skin of his neck. “You have my heart. How can I help you through this?”

  Wes closes his eyes which appear more brown than green today. The corner of his mouth lifts up. He looks at me again. His look penetrates me and hot waves roll over me. What this man can do with just a look.

  “You already have. Just having you here. Knowing you believe in me, knowing you love me. Do you know what an amazing thing that is to me?” Wes searches my face. “You’ve given me what no one ever has. This is gonna be tough, but I know I can get through it if you’re beside me.” He runs his fingers gently down my cheek and they leave a trail of fire in their wake.

  “Always, Wes. I will stand by you forever if you want me to.”

  Wes’s eyes seem to almost glow. The smile that lights up his whole face is beautiful to behold. “This isn’t how I wanted to do this.” He drops down onto one knee. “I had a whole romantic evening planned out. But I’m sorry, Jem. I can’t wait. I want you forever, and I want forever to start right now.”

  I laugh. I’m so happy right now I feel like I could float away. “Is there a question in there somewhere?”

  Wes grins back. “Patience, my love, I was just getting to that part.”

  “Yes!” I say, too ex
cited to wait.

  Wes laughs. “Shh, let me ask you properly.”

  “Sorry,” I grin back.

  “Jemma Jones, you are the most beautiful woman I know, both on the outside and on the inside. You manage to see the good in me and love me despite all my faults and rough edges. Jem, my love, you have my heart. Will you marry me and be mine forever?”

  “Yes, Wes. I love you with all my heart and soul.”

  I pull Wes back to his feet and wrap my arms around him as his lips meet mine. The whole world falls away as our lips move against each other. My heart skips a beat as I bury my hands in his hair. I’ve never felt like this before, like the whole world could end and I wouldn’t even notice.

  Finally we pull apart. My knees feel a bit unstable but Wes still keeps his arms around me.

  “I don’t have a ring yet. I’m sorry, I probably should have waited.” Wes looks apologetic.

  I stand on my toes and kiss his stubbly cheek. “No, it was perfect. I don’t care about a ring. We’ve made promises in our heart, that’s all that matters.”

  “Yes, and I want the world to know about them. He glances at the clock on the bedside table. “We still have forty minutes before I have to be at the show. How do you feel about a last minute shopping trip?”

  “Sounds perfect. What about Soph?”

  “Do you mind if she comes? I know that’s not very romantic?”

  “Wes, she’s part of my family now, of course I don’t mind.”

  Wes grins, grabs my hand and pulls me out of his room. “Sophie! Come here.”

  “Wes, you’ll scare the poor girl if you bellow like that.”

  Sophie runs out of her room sliding on the tiled floor in her socks. “Alright, alright, where’s the fire?”

  Wes wraps his other arm around Sophie. “We have to go ring shopping before the show and we only have thirty-seven minutes.”

  Sophie squeals and jumps up and down. “You actually asked her?” She grins at me. “Who knew my big bro would actually get up the nerve to do it.”

  I smile. “You’re not surprised we’re engaged?”

  “Duh! Blind Freddy could tell you two had the hots for each other for months. You know the security team has even placed bets on the date?”

  My hand comes up to cover my mouth. I look at Wes in surprise and a little bit of horror as well. “They have bets on when we’d get engaged?”

  Sophie looks down at her socked feet. “Something like that,” she mumbles. “I’d better put my Cons on if we’re going out.” She dashes off to her room.

  Wes looks like he’s ready to murder someone. I squeeze his hand. “Don’t be mad at them. I’m sure it was just a bit of fun, no harm done.”

  “I won’t have people talking about you like that.”

  I grin. “Well, maybe I don’t want them saying derogatory things about you either. I know, let’s sue the lot of ‘em. We’ll take your whole security team to court and make them all apologize. And then we can fire them all.” I add a manic grin.

  Wes laughs. “Alright, you’ve made your point. Can I at least yell at them a bit?”

  “Sure, hon. Go, yell. I’ll hurry up Soph.”

  I dash back to Sophie’s room. She’s putting on lipgloss in front of her mirror. I’m relieved to see she’s put her shoes on.

  “Quick, Soph, we need to go.”

  Sophie drops the lipgloss into her pocket and grabs her jacket off a chair. “Alright, I’m coming sis.”

  I grab her hand. “I like the sound of that.”

  I’m really going to have to call my parents before the media finds out about us. I’d hate for them to find out that way.

  Out in the hall, the security team looks rather subdued. I guess Wes has made them feel pretty remorseful. I don’t think I want to know what the actual details were. Leon walks ahead to the elevator and Sophie runs to catch up. I think I’m going to have to keep an eye on her around him.

  Wes takes hold of my hand. I look up at him. “You feel better now?”

  “I do.”

  “So you told them we’re engaged?”

  “I did.”

  “So how come they’re not congratulating us?” I look back over my shoulder. All three security guys won’t meet my eyes.

  “I may have forbidden them to look, talk, or even think about you.”

  I laugh. “Wes, that might make it a bit hard for them to do their jobs don’t you think?”

  “Stan can do it.”

  “Stan wasn’t involved then?”


  “Well there’s a tiny problem, Stan isn’t here, is he?”


  We all get into the elevator and a stony uncomfortable silence pervades the cramped space. I really hope this doesn’t continue. The band’s security is usually a fairly fun bunch to be around. I agree with Wes that what they did was inappropriate, but I’m happy to forgive them and move on. Wes seems to have taken it to heart. I guess finding out about the bet right after that woman lied about him to the world is probably making things harder for him.

  The silence continues as we get into the minivan that will take us shopping and then to the venue. I’m not sure if Wes is in the mood to go ring shopping now. Not that I care, his word is all that I need.

  “Wes,” I say quietly, “We can worry about a ring later if you don’t want to do it now?”

  “No, I’m sorry Jem. This is the best day of my life and I want to buy you the most beautiful ring to show you how I feel.” He smiles and it’s a genuine smile that reaches his eyes.

  “Alright, but can we maybe get rid of some of the tension?”

  “If that’s what you want. Hey, listen up guys. My fiancée wants me to forgive you for your thoughtless stupidity and because she’s so amazing and beautiful and wiser than I am, I’m going to do it. But I think you all know what’ll happen if I hear you saying anything like that again.” Wes glares at everyone except for Sophie and me. “Now you can all beg her forgiveness and congratulate her even if you think she could have done better.”

  Several of the guys laugh at that. And then the noise is almost deafening as they all try to apologize and congratulate us at once. I blow out the breath I’ve been holding when the van pulls up outside the store.


  The rings are all beautiful, but none seem quite right. Jemma isn’t really much help as she says they are all lovely and any one of them would be perfect. If I let her have her way, she’d probably choose some tiny diamond chip.

  “Do you have anything a bit more…I don’t know, unique?”

  The jeweler looks at me his face serious. “Hmm, I do have something I just finished that I haven’t put out yet.”

  I smile. “Great, can we see it?” I’ve already told him money isn’t a factor. I watch hopefully as he heads out into the back room of the shop.

  Jemma nudges my side. “Wes, ah, people are staring at us.”

  I glance around. Sure enough a few customers have their phones surreptitiously pointed our way. “You don’t mind if people find out about our engagement do you?” My chest constricts as I wonder if I’m doing the right thing.

  “Of course not, it’s just, I haven’t talked to my parents yet…”

  “Maybe we can Skype with them before the show and you can introduce me?”

  “Ah, they wouldn’t know how to do that. But we can call them?”

  “I’d love that. Will they be disappointed?”

  A look of uncertainty flits across her beautiful face before she smiles. “I’m sure they’ll love you. Maybe not right away, but once they get to know you.”

  The jeweler returns with a black velvet box in his hands. He sets it gently on the counter and opens the lid. Jemma gasps. The focus of the ring is a large teardrop blue sapphire, smaller diamonds surround it. Diamonds also run around the white gold band. It’s beautiful, unique, and going by the look on Jemma’s face, perfect.

  I gently remove it from the box and take Jemma’s hand.
I can’t help grinning as I slip the ring onto her finger. We both look down at her hand.

  “It’s perfect.” Jemma breathes out a delicate sigh.

  Our eyes meet and I brush a gentle kiss across her lips. “Almost as perfect as you.”

  Jemma pulls back startled as people in the shop applaud. I wrap my arms around her and pull her in close to my body. Although everyone here seems to be happy for us, I know what the press and the public are like. As much as I want everything to be perfect, I know it won’t be. I nod to a clerk who has my card, and I approve the payment, not even looking at what it costs. I don’t spend the bulk of my money so for once I’m not worried about the cost.

  “Time to go I think.” I keep my arm around Jemma as we exit the store. Our security team makes sure our way to the van is clear of onlookers and well-wishers. At least we’ve been quick enough to avoid the paparazzi. But I know at least one of those customers will decide to sell their photos. I only hope I can protect Jemma from the media prying too much into her past.

  Chapter 21


  The crowd goes crazy as the band plays Invincible. It’s always a favorite. My hands tighten around each other as I wait. We agreed that we would announce our engagement during the next song, the one Wes wrote for me. It’s better if this news comes straight from the band apparently. I trust their judgement, but I’m not sure, when the time comes, if I’ll be able to walk out onto the stage.

  The call to Mom and Dad didn’t go so well. I knew they wouldn’t approve of me marrying a rock star but I didn’t expect them to know who Wes was, let alone to have watched that horrid interview with that lying tramp Vicky. Apparently, the interview only got worse after the bit we all saw. My only hope is to take Wes to meet them so they can get to know what he’s really like. I brush away a stray tear as it rolls down my cheek.

  My face feels heavy with make-up. We don’t need any attention on my scars tonight. How many of the audience actually believe all the lies about Wes? There were several protesters outside the venue when we arrived. They even had signs saying Wes needed to take responsibility for his actions. I harden my resolve. I will stand by Wes. People need to know the truth. I won’t let Trent and Vicky destroy his reputation with their lies.


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