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Ignite: A clean rock star romance (The Band Book 2)

Page 16

by Lara Wynter

  The song ends, and I peer out onto the stage. Finn puts down his guitar as he always does when he talks to the crowd. Wes’s eyes lock onto my own. He smiles and winks at me. My legs tremble, and I’m glad I’m not wearing heels tonight.

  “How you doing tonight Detroit?” The crowd goes crazy. Finn walks across the front of the stage. His powerful presence fills the arena. “Now, I usually don’t talk about what the paparazzi have to say about us,” some boos come from the crowd, they know where this is going, “But sometimes the lies that are spread are so freaking unbelievable that we just can’t let them pass unchallenged!” The crowd cheers again.

  My heart swells, they’re on our side.

  Finn turns and motions for Wes to come forward. “Now, you may have heard some lies about my bro Wes. But, if there was ever a man more likely to do the right thing than Wes Bowman, I have yet to meet him. He puts a hand on Wes’s shoulder. “Now, Wes, I’m only going to ask about this once. Did you sleep with a woman named Vicky and get her pregnant?”

  “No, I did not.” The crowd cheers again.

  “Well, now, how do you know you didn’t sleep with her and then forget?”

  My heart aches for Wes, I know he really doesn’t want to share the private details of his life like this, but I know he’s doing it for me. He wants to protect me. Another tear runs down my cheek.

  “Well, although some rock stars have a certain reputation for treating women badly. I’m not like that anymore. I’m not claiming to have led a perfect life, but I know I’m not the father of Vicky’s baby because until recently, I hadn’t had a relationship in almost two years.”

  The crowd goes silent and I distinctly hear someone call out, “Marry me, Wes.”

  Wes laughs into the mic. “Thanks for the offer, but I do have some better news. Do you want to hear it?” The crowd responds with a deafening ‘yes.’ “Well, today I asked the love of my life, my soulmate, to marry me and she said yes!” The crowd cheers and stamps their feet.

  Finn waves his hands for silence. “Do you want to meet the girl who stole Wes’s heart?”

  My heart is thumping so hard I can’t hear anything. My eyes focus on Wes, who has turned to face me. I take small tentative steps out onto the stage. The bright lights shine into my eyes, and I blink rapidly. I keep walking. Wes is the only thing I can see, and it helps.

  As soon as I’m close enough, he grabs me and swings me around in a circle. We stop spinning and he pulls me in close and kisses me. His body is hot and sweaty from performing but I don’t care. I return the kiss, only dimly aware of the background noise. There is only us. The feel of Wes’s warm lips and the pressure of his hands as he slides one hand into my hair and the other one lower down my back. My whole body melts into the kiss, and I soak in the love that flows between us.

  We break apart and the surrealness of the situation floods through me. The crowd actually seems happy for us. I’m sure there are a few breaking hearts in the audience but they still cheer and clap.

  Wes holds my hand tightly. “Do you want to hear the song I wrote for my fiancée Jemma?”

  Wes smiles as the crowd cheers again and leads me back toward the edge or the stage where his keyboard waits. A stool has been placed beside it for me to sit on. Wes sits me down and places a quick searing kiss on my lips. He puts his mic back on the stand.

  “This one’s called Forever, I hope you like it.”

  My heart soars as Wes plays the opening to the beautiful instrumental I first heard him play and loved so much. He wrote this for me? He never told me. How could I have inspired something so beautiful? The tears flow freely down my face as the beautiful music wraps around me and makes my heart sing with joy.

  Chapter 22


  I pace back and forth on the tiled floor. Finn sits on the couch watching me. I feel like I’m going to combust if I can’t get my feelings out somehow. I want to punch something. This has to stop. We have to end this somehow.

  “Can’t we force them to do a paternity test?” I stop pacing and face Finn.

  “We’ve filed a civil suit, but they’re stalling. Of course they’ll be made to comply, but we know Trent’s game is to ruin us as much as possible before that happens.”

  “What if we just pay her to go away,” I groan and run my hands through my hair. I don’t really want to do that but I know this is taking a toll on Jemma and things with her family.

  “You know we can’t do that. Trent would ‘accidentally’ let slip that we’d paid her off so it must be true.”

  “Well, we can’t sit here and do nothing. We’ve tried that, and it’s hurting Jemma. I can’t sit by and watch as the media drags her through the mud.”

  Finn leans forward, his elbows resting on his knees. “Well you know what we can do to help combat that. Have you even asked her yet?”

  I collapse back on the couch beside Finn. “No. How can I ask her to go on TV in-front of the world and be grilled on what happened to her.”

  “You know we can get them to avoid those questions?”

  “But not if we want Cleo to do the interview. You know she’s our best chance at having people believe us.”

  “Just ask Jemma. You need to make decisions together now. Trust me on this one. Don’t leave her out of the loop.”

  “How’s Autumn doing?”

  Finn smiles a sappy dopey lovesick grin. “Good. She’s so amazing. We just found out we’re having a little boy.”

  I do a double take. “You what! That’s amazing. I’m so happy for you. Who’d ever have thought you’d be a dad.” I reach out and slap Finn’s back.

  “Yeah, I know. I’m scared witless. What if I stuff up? I’m glad I have all that practice not swearing around Soph. Autumn would kill me if I swore in front of our kid.”

  I chuckle. “Yeah, she would. Jemma wants kids one day. The thought terrifies me. I’m just glad you’re going first bro.”

  Finn just smiles. “Enough. Just go and ask her. Let me know if she says yes, and I’ll call Rebecca to set it up.”

  Jemma reaches out and grabs my hand. I hold hers just as tightly as we walk into the room. There’s no audience for this one. Just a few tech guys and of course Cleo. She smiles as we walk over. Her dark hair shines under the lights.

  “Wes, always a pleasure.” Cleo takes my hand briefly before turning to Jemma. “Hi, Jemma. I’m Cleo. I know you’re not used to all this, but trust me, and I’ll make it as painless as possible.”

  Jemma smiles, but it’s not her normal sweet smile. She’s nervous. “Hi Cleo, it’s an honor to meet you. I really loved that piece you did on Afghan child refugees.”

  “Thank you. I like to do my part in educating the masses. Please have a seat, and we’ll get started.”

  I take a seat beside Jemma, lean over, and whisper, “I love you.” I’m rewarded with a more genuine smile.

  Cleo looks toward the camera. “Today, I have the rare privilege of talking to a man who likes his privacy. The members of Infusion Deep have always been shrouded in a certain amount of mystery. Although, it’s no secret Finn and Wes had a tough upbringing in one of the poorer areas of Portland, they have never openly disclosed the details of their early lives. So tonight, it is my great privilege to bring you an interview with one of the band’s founding members, Wes Bowman. Joining him will be the lady who recently stole his heart, Jemma Jones.”

  Cleo turns toward us. “So, Wes, will you tell us how you met your beautiful fiancée?”

  I smile, even though I really don’t want to be here discussing my private life. “We actually met through Finn’s wife Autumn. Autumn and Jemma are good friends, and so when I needed a live in care giver for Sophie, it was only natural that Autumn would recommend Jemma.”

  Cleo smiles and looks at Jemma. I instinctively tighten my grip on Jemma’s hand. “So, Jemma, were you a big fan of the band when Wes offered you the job?”

  Jemma gives a nervous laugh. “Actually, Cleo, I’d heard of them of course,
who hasn’t? But I was more into country music before I met Wes.”

  I grin. “Yeah, she loves Keith Urban. It’s tough to compete sometimes.” I wink at Jemma.

  She flushes. You can hardly tell under the stage makeup, but I can still tell. I know her beautiful face so well. “Well, Keith is pretty amazing. But of course he’s happily married and Wes has written some pretty amazing songs as well.”

  She smiles at me, and I can’t help thinking how freaking lucky I am to have her in my life.

  Cleo leans forward eagerly. “Wes, is it true you’ve written a whole album for Jemma?”

  How the hell did she hear that? The instrumental album I’ve been working on to give Jemma as a wedding present is a secret. I shake my head. “I’ve written several songs about her, how could I not?”

  “But you wrote Trapped Within for her. You wrote ‘can you find me, can you see beneath the guilt? Free me from within, let me love again.’ Can you share with us, Wes, what the guilt you refer to in the song is about?”

  My hand clenches into a fist beside my leg. This is the reason I usually avoid in-depth type interviews. Bloody personal inappropriate questions. I force myself to relax my clenched jaw. “Well, Cleo, who hasn’t done things in their life they’re not proud of? That line is more of a general statement about the baggage we all have. Sometimes our past can get in the way of us having successful relationships. But as you can see, Jemma and I have dealt with our pasts. And we are very much in love.” There, that ought to keep her happy without really saying anything about anything she has no right knowing.

  Cleo claps her hands together. “That’s a beautiful sentiment, Wes. So, Jemma, was it hard to tell Wes about your past relationship?”

  Jemma looks composed. She knew this would come up. “When you love someone Cleo, it’s not hard to share your heart and soul with them. I know Wes would never hurt me, so no, it wasn’t hard to tell him about my past.”

  “But, it must have been difficult trusting another man after someone hurt you physically like that. I understand your burns were extensive?”

  My jaw clenches again. Cleo has been told she can’t mention Jemma’s ex by name and that the topic is pretty much off limits apart for the bare basics. She’s really pushing me to my limit right now. If I think this is hurting Jemma, I’ll stop this interview, no matter the consequences.

  “Yes, it was. But I’ve had extensive counseling Cleo, something I recommend for all victims of domestic abuse.” Jemma smiles sweetly but she clutches my hand tighter.

  This is one of the reasons I know she was hesitant about having a relationship with me in the first place, and it tears me up inside that she has to go through this for my sake. I glare at Cleo to let her know she’s pushing it right now.

  “I totally agree, Jemma. We’ll have a list of support services up on our website for anyone affected by domestic violence or abuse.” Cleo turns toward the camera again. “I also urge anyone who is in a dangerous situation to seek outside help.” Cleo looks somber as she faces us again. “Now, Wes, the reason we’re here today, is some recent damaging allegations against you. A young woman has come forward claiming that you are the father of her baby. Is it true? Are you a father?”

  “Apart from being the legal guardian for my sister, I am not the father of anyone’s child, and most certainly not this woman’s baby.”

  “Well, that’s a very clear answer, Wes. Are you willing to take a DNA test to prove your claims?”

  “Yes, we already have court proceedings underway to have a DNA test carried out, and I am not concerned at all about the results.”

  “Indeed,” Cleo smiles delightedly. “I believe you explained your certainty in a recent concert. If you don’t mind we’ll play the footage now that’s been circulating online.”

  I reach over to the table and take a drink of water. At least I don’t have to sit through the footage. They’ll add it in later for the broadcast.

  Cleo runs her manicured fingers over her grey skirt. “That was a touching scene indeed Wes. While I’m sure our viewers can appreciate the fact that you’ve changed from the partying ways Infusion Deep was renowned for in the early days of the band’s success, can you really expect them to believe you haven’t had sex in nearly two years?”

  Jemma squeezes my hand reassuringly. Reminding me of why I’m here. “Well, Cleo, that’s a pretty personal question and not something I’m willing to discuss on national television. What I can say, is that I can guarantee I would remember if I had slept with Vicky or anyone else for that matter. And I can assure you that the DNA test will prove my innocence in this unfortunate matter.”

  Cleo leans forward again. “Well, Wes, there is one thing I think your fans want to know, why would the manager who has been with you for over five years, suddenly be willing to take the side of this woman if there is no truth to her claims? Trent Murphy goes on tour with you guys. He’s been a part of your inner sanctum. Surely he knows if this accusation is true or false?”

  I lean forward to match Cleo’s pose. “Well, Cleo, I’m sure you’ve had staff members who have proven themselves to be…incompatible with your ethical standards? Isn’t it logical to assume that when you’ve had to part ways with them, there were some negative feelings involved? While I’m unwilling to go into any details of what led to our parting ways, I can tell you that if Mr. Murphy insists on his current course of slander and intimidation, he might not like it when the other shoe drops, so to speak.”

  Cleo looks surprised. “Why would you protect him…?” A look of understanding crosses her face. “Unless you were trying to protect someone? And, I’m guessing that someone would have to be very close to you…”

  It’s almost as if Cleo is talking to herself. As if she’s forgotten that the cameras are even there.

  “There are really only three people it could be. Jemma, Sophie, or Autumn?” Her eyes brighten. “I’m right aren’t I? Trent did something to someone close to the band didn’t he?”

  I stand and pull Jemma up with me. Her face is tense, the memories Cleo is dragging up with her thoughtless comments are written across her face. Cleo stands too and I get up right in her face so she is focused only on me.

  “This interview is over, Cleo. You’ve refused to keep within the boundaries we set up for you. I’m not sure how you have the reputation you have but I highly doubt you’ll be interviewing any members of the band again.”

  I walk swiftly from the room, Jemma tucked tightly against my body. There’s no way Cleo can use that last part of the interview. I can only hope she doesn’t decide to dig any further. I need to call Rebecca and get her to advise our legal team of the situation.

  Chapter 23


  The evening air hits me as I leave the hotel. I want to get Wes a gift before we return home. I’ve already picked something out and if I hurry I can still get to the store before it closes at six.

  I step lightly over a crack in the pavement. The interview aired last night to pretty much universal praise. Wes came across as much more believable than Vicky and Trent. How could he not? He’s so sincere and unassuming. I cross the street and find the shop I’m looking for. Cleo avoided any mention of the part of the interview where we walked out. I guess she’s hoping Infuse might agree to another interview one day if she keeps things professional.

  The jacket is no longer hanging in the window. If everything has gone to plan, they’ve put it away for me. I push open the glass door and enter the cool interior of the store. The young attractive sales clerk smiles at me as I enter. I return his smile.

  “Hi, I’m Jemma. I called earlier about the brown leather jacket you had in the window?”

  “Ah, yes.” He reaches down under the counter and pulls out the jacket. My hands gently caress the soft supple leather. Wes will look amazing in it and I know he rarely spends any of his millions on himself.

  “That will be $2,488. Cash or card?”

  I’ve never spent this much on a piece of
clothing before, but I want to get Wes something special. I take out my card and hand it to the clerk. He smiles as he processes my payment and hands me back my card. He slips the jacket into a bag.

  “I’m sure your fiancée will love it.” He winks, “Wes is a lucky man.”

  My mouth drops open. He knows who I am? “Uh…th..thanks,” I finally manage.

  “Tell Wes and the band I’m right behind them.”

  “Thank you, I will.”

  “Best wishes for the wedding.”

  I smile and hastily exit the store. I’m not used to this sort of attention, but I know it’s something I need to get used to. It will be worth it though. For Wes, there’s nothing that I wouldn’t go through to be with him. When you find the sort of love that will last a lifetime, you’ll do anything to protect it. I’m sure the press will bet bored with us pretty quickly anyway. We’re not exactly the party types that draw attention. I smile inwardly. Little do the public know how much fun we all have when the band gets together.

  My shoe catches on a crack in the pavement and I stumble. My shopping bag falls to the ground. An arm steadies me.

  “Thank–” My words of thanks die in my throat. That familiar slicked back hair, that greasy smile… Trent.

  Trent steers me away from the busy street and down a small alleyway. “Jemma Jones, what a fortuitous meeting.”

  I yank my arm, but Trent's grip is tight. He pulls me closer against his body. My stomach heaves as memories of the night he attacked me flood my mind. If I can break free I can probably make it back to the Hotel.

  “Stop struggling darlin’, I just want to discuss a few things with you.”

  “Well, I don’t. We have nothing to discuss.” I bite out the words. “Have you been following me?”


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