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Emmy and the Coven of Witches

Page 20

by Janine Summers

  “For you, maybe, but not for me.”

  The doorbell rang. “I’ll get it,” Grammie said. A moment later she returned with Ayden.

  “Ayden! What are you doing here?” Emmy asked, not wanting him to see her like this.

  “I sensed there was something amiss. Was my perception inaccurate?”

  Emmy didn’t know what to say. He sat next to her and took her hand in his.

  “Please tell me what’s wrong.”

  She looked at Grammie who nodded.

  “You’re gonna think this is stupid.”

  He laughed. “On my honor, I won’t think such a thing.”

  “Danny, he was my date for graduation, dumped me.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “He decided to take someone else.”

  “The Cad.”

  “So now I’m not going to my graduation.”

  “Emmy.” Grammie sat down at the table. “Perhaps this is better.”

  “Sure. I don’t care anyway.”

  “If you recall, I never said for certain that you could go.”

  “Well, now you don’t have to worry. I’m staying home and I don’t have to graduate.”

  Ayden smiled at Grammie.

  “Emmy, I would like it if you continued your studies and graduate.”

  “What’s the point. It doesn’t matter anyway. Nothing does.”

  “I have an idea which may settle this argument.”

  “What’s that?” Skeptically, Emmy stared at her friend.

  “Since you have no date, would you consider attending with me?” He looked at her.

  “What? You mean you’ll take me?” A smile that lit up the room, graced her lips.

  “But only if you’re in accord, Grammie.”

  “Why would you want to take me?”

  “If you would rather find someone else to escort you, I’ll step aside.”

  “No… no. I’d love to go with you, as long as it’s not a pity date.”

  Now they openly laughed. “No, I’m asking you with the utmost sincerity.”

  “Thank you, Ayden. I accept.” Emmy felt butterflies flutter inside. She was ecstatic and she’ll show Danny what he missed out on. “Grammie, can I go with Ayden. Please.”

  “As long as nothing happens in the interim.”

  “Thanks.” Emmy saw the worry crease Grammie’s forehead. She wondered if she was being selfish. She wanted to show up with Ayden. Every girl there would become green with envy, and Danny will be in a snit.

  She smiled, as her thoughts drifted to her first real date… her first formal.

  “I must take my leave.”

  “I’ll see you to the door.” Emmy followed Ayden. “I’m glad you’ll be with me. I’m never afraid when I’m with you. I don’t know why I feel this way, but I do.” She blushed at her own words.

  “I’m happy to know you feel safe when we’re together. It means a lot to me. Good day, Emmy.” He took her hand in his and pressed his lips to the back of her hand.

  “Bye.” Emmy closed the door and leaned back. She stared at her hand before returning to the kitchen. “Don’t worry Grammie, everything’s gonna be fine.”

  Her smile was weak and full of uncertainty. “At least Ayden will be with you.”

  “Can we get my dress? Please Grammie. I don’t want to wait until last the minute.”

  She sat quietly, deep in thought. “I’ll speak with Mistress Malka. Perhaps she’ll assign some sisters to us so we can go shopping.”

  “Why do we need an escort.”

  “I’d rather be safe than sorry.”

  “Better than nothing, but I don’t want Ayden to come with us.”

  Grammie smiled. “Why not?”

  “I don’t want him to see me picking out my dress. I want it to be a surprise.”

  “Oh. In that case it’ll be us girls.”

  “While we’re there, can I make an appointment to get my hair done?”

  “We’ll make one downtown at that new salon, but first you must pass your exams.”

  “Don’t worry, I will.” Her eyes sparkled with joy at this news.

  “Ayden will escort you to school. Remember, don’t walk anywhere alone. Sarah has your coloring so she’s the one to walk with. If the hags see the both of you, it may confuse them long enough for you to escape.”

  “Maybe Sarah could come with us when we go shopping.”

  “I’ll have to think about that.”

  “I’m going to call Sarah and tell her that I’m going to graduation with a hunk.” She laughed and left the room. They talked for a while and planned their appointment together. She returned to the kitchen. “I’m ready to do magic.”

  “Good. Let’s practice our levitation.”

  “Can I try something else.”

  “Bring that candle here.”

  Emmy was about to stand, but she sat back down and looked at the candle. It rose into the air and lowered itself onto the table.

  “Now light it.”

  Emmy still feared the fiery breath, but she had to conquer the uncertainties fluttering within. Closing her eyes, she summoned the breath of fire, and expelled it. A flame touched the wick, breathing life into the candle.

  “Excellent!” Grammie beamed.

  Emmy opened her eyes. “I’m always afraid of setting fire to the house.”

  “You won’t. If you concentrate on lighting the candle, you’ll be all right.” Grammie extinguished the flame. “Do it again.” She pushed Emmy to face her misgivings.

  She repeated the magic, until she was comfortable with the fire within. When she summoned the power, her breath instantly ignited the wick, and when she expelled her breath, the flame was doused. She felt more in control of her magic, than the first time she’d tried to expel fire or wind from her lips. At least she wasn’t creating any funnel bursts or tornadoes.

  “Perfect! It’s always scary when you start using magic, but once you learn to control this power, your fear will subside. It’s that way for us all.”

  “I thought I was being a coward.”

  “No, you are no coward. Take a moment to appreciate your progress. You’re developing at an accelerated rate. I’m very proud of you, and all you’ve achieved. Everyone fears some part of their powers. Magic is a strong entity that needs to be respected and revered, and even though you’re beginning your lessons, you’re doing very well.”

  “Why don’t I feel that way?”

  “You’re being too hard on yourself. You need to relax and allow the magic to flow freely from your soul. When you learn to channel this power, you’ll have the control you seek.”

  “It’s not easy.” Emmy kept her eyes open this time and without thinking a small fiery breath escaped and lit the candle.

  “No, it isn’t. Allow the magic to flow naturally… freely. That’s it.”

  “What?” Emmy didn’t notice she lit the candle. “Oh, that’s way cool.”

  “Once you understand that magic is an extension of who you are, you won’t have any trouble tapping into your powers.” She placed her hand over her heart.

  “Would you like something to drink?”

  “Thank you.”

  The refrigerator door opened and the pitcher of iced tea, Grammie made this morning, floated toward the table. Next the cupboard door flew open with a thud. “Sorry.”

  “Keep going.”

  Emmy turned her attention back to the cupboard and two tall glasses floated out and across the room, to settle on the table, while the cupboard door closed itself with a gentle thud.

  “Nicely done.” Grammie’s compliments made Emmy beam. “Now, pour out the iced tea.”

  This was still new to her. Focused on the job at hand, Emmy used a little more power than she’d used befor
e, to tip the pitcher and control the liquid, so as not to spill it all over the room. She set the pitcher on the table and fairly beamed at her progress. “How’s that?” Emmy took a sip from her glass.

  “You need to learn a little more control, but well done.”

  “I guess I was a little shaky.”

  “The first time, I tried that bit of magic, I spilled juice everywhere. At least my mother was home, and cleaned it up, but was my face red.” She laughed at the distant memory.

  “Will I ever be as good as you are?”

  “One-day Emmy, you will exceed my powers and my expectations.”

  “Do you really think so?”

  “Yes, I do. You have no idea the power you possess. One day, you’ll prove yourself worthy of the title of “Witch”. Now then, it’s back to work for you.”

  “Yes, Grammie.”

  After dinner, Grammie decided to pay Malka a visit. “I’ll ask Ayden to stay with you until my return.”

  “Please be careful.”

  “Don’t worry. I can take care of myself.” Grammie went outside, and spoke with Ayden.

  They entered the house. “Good evening, Emmy.”

  “Hi Ayden. Come on in.”

  “I’ll leave you in Ayden’s capable hands. I won’t be gone too long.”

  “Stay focused, and on guard, Grammie,” Ayden told her in a serious tone. “Evil stalks the streets.”

  Emmy never heard Ayden be so grave. “Is there anything I should know?” She stepped closer to Grammie.

  “No. Everything is fine.” She looked at Ayden.

  “Whatever.” She was tired of being treated like a little kid. She wanted to know everything that was happening on the streets, but refused to beg for information.

  Grammie left the house, but Emmy had the distinct feeling something wasn’t right. Her uncontrollable senses were heightened. She wished everyone would stop being so secretive.

  “Can I get you anything to drink?” Emmy walked ahead of Ayden. They went into the family room where the TV already played some show no one watched.

  Ayden sat next to her on the long sofa and kept his eyes on her. “Are you upset with me?”

  “No.” Emmy stood and went into the kitchen.

  Ayden didn’t believe her.

  She returned, handed her friend the glass. She sat down in one of the recliners.

  He smiled. “Now I know something is troubling you.”

  “There is.”

  “What is it?” He sipped from the glass.

  “I saw the look that passed between you and Grammie. I’m not an idiot.”

  “I know you’re not.”

  “Then why not tell me what’s happening out there.”

  “There are some things I cannot discuss with you.”

  “Why not? You told me about the demon. Is that what the two of you are trying to keep from me?”

  “I think it’s best if Grammie tells you what you want to know.”

  “But she won’t tell me. What if she’s in trouble?”

  “All I can say for certain is that she’s not in immediate danger, and I know you’re put off with me. I’d like to talk to you about that.”

  “I’m not. Not really.”

  “Have I said or done something wrong?”

  “No.” Emmy didn’t want to have this conversation with Ayden. The last thing she wanted was to hurt him. She liked him, and didn’t want to tell him how she felt about the way they shielded her. It was annoying.

  “Then what is it?” He sipped his drink, but his green eyes never left her face.

  She sat quietly.

  “Please tell me.”

  “I feel like I’m being held prisoner and you are my warden. There, I’ve said it.”

  He laughed, until he saw the hurt in her eyes. “I’m sorry. I don’t understand why you’d feel this way.”

  “You’re always there.”

  “I apologize if my presence has offended you in any way. That was never my intention. If you’d like, I could go back outside.” Ayden attempted to rise.

  “No, I don’t want you leave. I like being with you.” She blushed at her words.

  “Then what is it?”

  “I feel trapped. Grammie and I want to go shopping for my graduation dress, but we can’t even do that alone.”

  “It would be my pleasure to escort you.”

  “No! That’s my point. I don’t want you to see my dress until that night.”

  “I see.” But he didn’t.

  “Don’t you see, if it’s not you, it’s someone else. There’s always someone watching me. Grammie went to talk with Malka to get a few sisters to come with us in case there’s trouble.”


  “I know you think so, but I’d like to go without an escort. I don’t need to be protected every hour of every day.”

  “We are doing what’s best for you. It’s as simple as that.”

  “But it’s not that simple. I wish I didn’t need protecting. I want things to go back to the way they were.”

  “Perhaps this will end soon, and your life will be restored.”

  “I wish I could believe you, but I have a feeling this is only the beginning.” Emmy sensed Ayden tried not to frighten her, but there were many unpredictable issues happening around her. Even with their silence, Emmy could sense what was about to happen.



  The demon wore his glamour, a way to blend in with the mortals of Salem. He checked his reflection and produced an evil smile. Where sharp teeth protruded from a large mouth, his now straight, white teeth formed a brilliant smile. Light brown hair cut to the collar, softened his features. Blue eyes and full lips gave him an attractive look.

  He turned around and gauged the coven’s reaction to his glamour. Grisandole could see beyond his external good looks but witnessed the hags’ approval. He was pleased with the knowledge that he could leave this house and tempt anyone. The thought of fresh meat and blood made him quiver.

  “Vortigen, please join us.” Grisandole watched the demon enter the room.

  His glamour made him undeniably handsome, of this he was certain. All the hags except for Bertha admired him. Vortigen watched her rise. She shivered when she looked at him. His eyes followed her, and when she out of range he turned toward Grisandole for an explanation.

  “She’s temperamental.”

  “But is she trustworthy?” He licked his lips tasting the blood that coursed through Bertha’s veins.

  “Yes. She is my right hand. I trust her with my life.”

  “I hope you did not misplace your trust in that woman.” Vortigen was disappointed.

  “She has been at my side for centuries. You will not harm her.”“We shall see,” the demon told her, unwilling to believe Grisandole.

  “She is not to be touched. Should the need arise, I will deal with her myself, but for now she is under my protection.” Grisandole glared at the demon waiting for him to surrender.

  He looked away, but the bloodlust deep within him had been awakened and Vortigen had a deep seeded need to satisfy his hunger. The glamour began to flicker as thoughts of feasting on fresh flesh almost consumed him.

  “Control yourself!” Grisandole commanded.

  Everyone in the room knew he craved the opportunity to feast. The hags mumbled to each other. Grisandole and Vortigen heard their comments and how they feared he would feast on them.

  “I am trying.”

  “No one here will be served to you.”

  A low growl escaped from deep inside. His glamour flickered, as he tried to keep his persona under control. “I must feed. It is time. I need blood.”

  “Not yet. This isn’t the time for you to act on impulse. I don’t want y
our arrival to be known.”

  “No one other than this coven has knowledge of my presence.”

  “Don’t be so sure. There are powerful witches living here, and they may have sensed something out of the ordinary.”

  “Perhaps, but they cannot know of my arrival. They are not that powerful. If they were, I would sense them. And at this moment, the only thing I sense is fear. I thrive on fear and blood.”

  “I told you why I summoned you here, and we must adhere to my plan.”

  The demon simply stared at her. His cold gaze traveled the room. “Do not forget who you are speaking to. I will decide what is best for me, but now, I must feed.”

  Grisandole anticipated his need. “There is some raw meat, in the kitchen. I thought that would satisfy you for the moment.”

  He stood and walked into the kitchen shedding his glamour. Soon the demon stood in his true form. Dark wings were fully extended, as his clawed feet brought him closer to his meal. His face contorted at the smell of the blood pooling around the raw meat. He devoured the entire platter, as a trickle of blood rolled down his chin. His tongue snaked out to absorb every drop.

  Once outside, Bertha breathed in the fresh air and looked back toward the house. Sadly, she walked down the stairs, onto the sidewalk and looked up at the moon. A deep red ring glowed around it. Understanding the signs, Bertha knew the other covens would also read the red ring. Blood will be spilled on this night. Once Grisandole unleashed the demon, no one in Salem would be safe. She brushed away the tears that fell from her dark eyes.

  Bertha wanted to do something to protect innocent blood from being spilled. She couldn’t bear the thought of the demon running loose, and preying on the people of Salem.

  At the end of the street, a lone figure walked with purpose. Bertha thought she resembled the woman she’d seen enter the quilt shop the other day when her sisters attempted to discover the child’s identity. She wasn’t certain, since she’d kept her distance, but the woman she watched wore a similar silhouette.

  Tempted to follow her, Bertha fought the urge and forced herself to turn and walk away. Even if she were the same woman, or if she could lead Grisandole to the child, Bertha knew what the demon would do to them. She didn’t want such a disaster on her conscience. Vortigen followed Grisandole, but if he discovered the child could lead him to the Crystal Wand, there was no telling what he would do to this coven.


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