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Emmy and the Coven of Witches

Page 21

by Janine Summers

  Steeling herself, Bertha turned away and went in the opposite direction. She had to stay away from the house, fearing Grisandole or the creature would sense her thoughts. She learned many decades before how to erect protective walls around her thoughts to keep unwanted intruders out of her mind. Grisandole was notorious at entering and reading her sisters’ minds and Bertha unearthed a way to keep her thoughts private. So far, Grisandole couldn’t break through the barriers she’d erected. This was her secret and she refused to divulge it to anyone.

  Bertha walked and debated warning the woman who now disappeared. But if she did, and Grisandole discovered her deceit, her life would be forfeit.

  Grisandole stood in the doorway and watched the demon with admiration, and disgust. He exuded strength and power. She wanted to reach out and absorb that power, but knew better. Touching him while he fed was the most dangerous thing she could do. He was prone to losing control and could easily tear her to shreds the way he devoured the meat held in his claws.

  When he finished consuming his food, he wiped his chin with the back of his clawed hand and licked the blood that stained it. His eyes bore into Grisandole, who refused to move. A wicked smile crossed his features.

  “It’s the best we could do on such short notice.”

  “I am satiated, but nothing tastes as good as the feel of warm flesh being torn from the bone, while drinking the pulsating blood.” Vortigen smiled at Grisandole. Blood dripped down his chin as pieces of meat dangled from sharp fangs.

  A shiver ran through her, as she second guessed her wisdom in bringing this demon into this realm. Perhaps Bertha was right and she’d made an error by bringing him here, and hoping to control him, especially if he discovered the Professor and his young sidekick’s involvement. He might stray from his responsibility to her and her coven and try to exact revenge on the one who created him. This wouldn’t do… oh no, this wouldn’t do at all. The last thing this coven needed was a war with the infamous Professor. That was a battle they’d never win.

  “Do not look so concerned, Mistress. I am here at your request. I will serve you.” He stared at her and allowed a bone chilling laugh to escape his lips. A laugh she didn’t trust.

  Bertha returned but took a moment before entering the house. She was an elite member of the high council in the Coven of Maesliff, and for good or bad, Grisandole was her Mistress. There was no getting away from her responsibilities to the coven. She opened the door and stepped inside. The house was quiet. Everyone slept, for tomorrow promised to be a trying day.

  Quietly she went to the stairs when the demon suddenly appeared behind her. Startled, Bertha felt her pulse race uncontrollably.

  “I have been waiting for you,” Vortigen said.


  “We must speak.”

  “Very well.” Bertha suppressed her fear, and followed the demon into the other room. She sat down and watched the now handsome man take a seat opposite her. His blue eyes bore embers into hers. “What can I do for you?”

  “I sense your disgust of me.”

  She didn’t answer him. Of course, she was disgusted by him, but at the same time she feared and respected the demon.

  “You fear me.” He stated, and sniffed the air. He inhaled the fear she emanated.

  “I fear what you are capable of doing.”

  “I do what must be done.”

  “Yes, but at what expense.” He now resembled a normal, handsome man. Sometimes, Bertha had to remember what he was.

  “It depends.”

  “On what? I don’t want to see innocent blood spilled.”

  “There is always spilled blood, but there is no such thing as innocent blood. No one in this world is so pure of heart that innocence is their mantle.”

  “I only meant where we are concerned. We came for a sole purpose and that is to find someone.”

  “Yes. You are here to find the Valittu… the one who will lead your mistress to the location of the Crystal Wand.”

  Shock registered on Bertha’s frightened features, but it gave him the answers he sought. “How?” Bertha didn’t want to confirm his words. “I think you’re mistaken.”

  A soft laugh escaped him. “No. I have been aware of Grisandole’s plans long before my arrival.”

  Bertha didn’t know what to say. The truth although known, wasn’t something she was prepared to discuss especially when Grisandole was absent. She’d alert her mistress to this news and hoped Grisandole would consider sending Vortigen back to the Underworld.

  The demon laughed. “I understand your loyalty lies with your mistress, but perhaps you may want to remember all that I could do for you, if you help me get the wand.” The Demon watched her body language.

  “I respect and even fear you, but I would never betray my mistress, or my coven, no matter what threats you put before me, or what riches you tempt me with. Now then, if you’ll excuse me, it’s late and I am weary. I shall retire.”

  “Of course.” As an afterthought he said, “Give my proposition some thought.”

  “I already have. Good night.”



  The days melted into each other, but today Emmy was off to the mall. “I’m ready.” She ran down the stairs, belting her long top over black leggings. “Who are we going shopping with?”

  “Malka will join us and Ayden will keep his post near us, but not close enough to see your purchases.”

  Emmy thought about this arrangement for a moment. “Okay.” Emmy walked out the front door and waved to Ayden who crossed the street and joined them. “Hi Ayden.”

  “Good morning, Ladies. I hope you don’t mind my joining you this morning?”

  “If you stay outside the stores, then you’re more than welcome.”

  “I promise.” Ayden laughed at Emmy’s importance for secrecy.

  “Excellent! We’ll take the bus,” Grammie said since she have a driver’s license.

  “I took the liberty of calling a cab to take us there. The bus is far too public and there’s little room for errors. It was one of the Professor’s stipulations.”

  At that moment, the cab pulled into the driveway. Ayden opened the door for Grammie and Emmy. He walked around the car, and sat in the front seat. Grammie gave the driver their destination and relaxed.

  They stepped out of the mall and stood there. Emmy wondered what they were waiting for, but her wait was short lived. A tall, slender woman of about thirty walked towards them.

  “Good morning.” She came forward. “I’m Malka, Mistress of the Coven of Orenda.” She introduced herself using her formal title.

  “Hi, I’m Emmy.”

  Malka took her hand in hers, and Emmy instantly felt the currents emanating from her. She smiled. “I’m very pleased and proud to meet you, Emmy.”

  She found Malka’s reaction surprising, but she remembered, the coven saw her as the Valittu. “Thank you. I’ve been looking forward to meeting someone from our coven, as well.” She didn’t know what to expect from the sisters. Malka was a beautiful woman with short, dark hair and eyes. Her stature was that of royalty, but her jeans and shirt belied the lineage.

  “We didn’t want to put you in any danger, so I thought it best if I were to accompany you on this outing. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all.”

  “Good. Shall we go in?”

  “Sure.” Emmy was excited they were finally here. Emmy, Grammie and Malka, headed for the stores where they were likely to find a prom dress.

  As promised, Ayden stood by the entrance of the stores and kept a keen eye on the comings and goings of people. He watched his charges walk from one store to another and wondered if he should place his invisibility cloak around him. This would give him an advantage in case of trouble, then again, he thought better of it. He didn’t want to create the pow
erful essence it took to form the invisibility shield. It was too risky.

  Before long, the women walked out with packages in their hands.

  “I think it’s time for lunch,” Grammie suggested after hearing a rumble in her stomach.

  They walked toward the food court, but Ayden stayed behind, his eyes on the area. He wasn’t sure what he felt, but there was something out of the ordinary in the air.

  “Ayden, join us.”

  “I should keep watch.”

  “You need to eat,” Emmy told him, as she pulled him along.

  He took some of their packages and stayed close. Someone was watching them. He scanned the area. Uncertainty marred his features. He wasn’t sure who had been sent here to keep watch, but he could smell trouble. He sat down at one of the many tables with Emmy and waited for Grammie and Malka’s return.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Why do you ask?” Ayden wondered if Emmy sensed the presence or his reaction.

  “I don’t know. Did you ever get the feeling someone’s watching you?”

  “Yes. I have that same feeling.”

  “But no one knows we’re here. Maybe it’s nothing.”

  “Perhaps.” But Ayden’s eyes continued to search the area for signs that someone had discovered her identity.

  “I don’t want to worry Grammie.”

  “If I sense trouble, I can’t keep it from them.”

  “I know, but I wanted to spend one day away from the house… one day where I didn’t fear someone stalked me. I didn’t think it was too much to ask for. I guess I was wrong.” Her mood changed, from being elated at meeting the head of her coven, shopping with Grammie, and spending time with Ayden, to being afraid.

  “I understand, but I’ll do what’s best for you. My concern is your welfare.”

  “I know, but until we know someone’s here, can’t we keep it to ourselves? Please Ayden?”


  “We don’t know if there’s trouble brewing. Let’s enjoy our lunch.”

  Ayden looked around again. “All right, but the moment I sense danger, we leave. Agreed?” He waited for her acknowledgement.

  “Agreed. Thanks Ayden.”

  “Don’t thank me yet.”

  Grammie and Malka returned with burgers, fries and drinks for everyone. She gave Ayden and Emmy their food and sat down.

  A dark cloud fell over the table as they ate. Grammie stopped chewing and scanned the immediate area. Malka noticed this and used her own senses to digest their situation.

  “I think it’s time to leave.”

  “We haven’t finished our lunch.” Emmy didn’t want this day to end so abruptly.

  “I know.”

  “What’s wrong.”

  “Trouble is coming our way,” Malka said. “We have to go!”.

  They left their food on the table, grabbed their packages and made their way through the mall hoping to avoid any unpleasantness. The exit was ahead of them.

  “Stay close to me, Emmy.” Ayden took her hand in his.

  A flash of green light was on path with them.

  Ayden saw the attack before anyone realized what happened. He pushed Emmy down, as the green bolt hit the pillar to their left.

  Grammie and Malka fell to the floor at the sound of the explosion. They removed their wands and stood ready to face their unseen attackers.

  Another burst of light crashed into the store’s plate glass window behind them. The women ducked as shards of glass covered them. Grammie fired a bolt of light to where she assumed her obscured attackers stood.

  A movement when the bolt struck close to home, alerted Ayden to the attacker’s position. “Stay here,” he told Emmy, and keeping low to the ground made his way toward the location of the attackers.

  In the distance, the sound of sirens alerted them to the approaching police. The last thing Ayden wanted was to face the law of this world. There had to be another way. He crawled back to Emmy. “We must leave now.”

  “But the police are coming.”

  “Exactly. I have to get you out of here.” He used this moment of silence to move with Emmy. He had to find a way to get her home before anyone realized who she was.

  The pillar to their left took a direct hit. The crumbling plaster gave way and the faux marble pillar slowly tipped toward Emmy.

  “Look out!” Ayden’s warning came almost too late.

  Emmy looked up to see the marble fall toward her and screamed. She put out her hands and created a force field that surrounded them. The marble crumpled over them, but they were safe.

  When the threat passed, Ayden took her hand and led her behind another pillar for safety, but more red and green bolts were expelled. These were directed at Grammie and Malka.

  Emmy saw the attack. “Ayden, we have to help them!” She cried out seeing one red bolt fly far too close to Grammie.

  More sirens in the distance were heard by all. Screams from the astonished and fearful mortals rent the afternoon air. People ran amuck. Mortals were not accustomed to seeing lightning bolts being thrown around and panic ensued.

  Ayden knew their only hope was the presence of the one man who could neutralize this situation. He chanced a glance around, but all he saw was destruction. More and more lightning bolts were thrown.

  “Why are they doing this?”

  “They’re after you. It seems they’ve discovered your identity and that scares me.”

  “So, what are we going to do?”

  “We wait and protect ourselves.”

  “But, what about Grammie?” Emmy couldn’t see her anymore. Fear clutched her heart.

  “Don’t worry. Grammie and Malka are strong witches. They can take care of themselves.”

  “I don’t see her. Something’s wrong.” Shots were fired and they found their mark around the area causing even more chaos throughout the mall. “Where’s the police?” The sirens approached but failed to arrive.

  Another burst of light skimmed them on the left.

  “I don’t know.” Ayden knew the police couldn’t handle Grisandole’s hags. They were far too powerful to fall to the laws of another world.

  Another bolt of light came at them. Emmy tried to rise, but was promptly pulled back down and none too gently. “Was that necessary?” She demanded.

  “Yes. Keep your head down. The last thing we need is for you to get hurt.”

  “Sorry. I was worried about Grammie.”

  “I know, but you could get them killed. The hags want to capture you, while we are expendable.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t think that far ahead. I’m not used to this.”

  The sound of sirens weakened. Emmy wondered why the cops weren’t storming the mall. A sudden stillness swept over the people hiding from the attack.

  “What’s happening?” Emmy’s attempt to rise was once again stilled by Ayden’s hand.

  “Wait here.”

  “Not likely.”


  “You’re wasting time.” Emmy stood and searched the area for Grammie who crept from her hiding spot behind a large garbage can neatly tucked away behind a damaged pillar. “Grammie,” Emmy called out hoping she was all right.

  Emmy ran to her grandmother, who hugged her fiercely. “Are you hurt?”

  “I’m fine, thanks to Ayden.”

  Grammie smiled. “I think it’s best if you take Emmy home. We’ll be along shortly.”

  “I want to stay here with you. I can help.”

  “The best way for you to help is to go home with Ayden, so we can do whatever is necessary without distraction.”

  Emmy turned toward Ayden and spotted a lone man in long robes and a brightly colored hat with a bent tip strolling purposefully toward them. “That’s him, isn’t it?” She watched the man with gre
at interest.

  Ayden turned in the direction of Emmy’s stare and saw the Professor’s outstretched arms. “Yes.”

  Stillness engulfed the mall. All the people who only minutes before, screamed in terror and panic, now stood statue still. “I’d like to meet him.” Emmy stepped away from Ayden only to find his hand halted her progress.

  “Not now. The Professor’s concentration can’t be broken. I think it’s best if we leave.”

  “Emmy, Ayden is correct. The Professor will need our help and I cannot concentrate if you’re here and in danger.” Grammie explained.

  Emmy knew she’d lost her opportunity to meet the elusive Professor. She hung her head in defeat. “Yes Grammie.”

  “That’s my girl.” She hugged her granddaughter. Ayden took their packages and escorted Emmy past the Professor who barely acknowledged her. They left the mall.

  When they were out of sight, Grammie heaved a sigh of relief.

  “It is time for us to right this wrong,” the Professor said.

  “Of course.” Malka stepped forward. Together, they stood and joined their magic. Soon shattered pieces of glass came together like a jigsaw puzzle. Marble pillars stood on guard once again. Overturned pots and furniture were set to rights. Mannequins with missing limbs now stood proudly in their display cases. Glass windows and doors were restored.

  Satisfied, their work was complete, the Professor turned his thoughts on the minds of the mortals. Soon their features softened, until all memories of the attack left their bodies.

  “Ladies, it is time to take our leave,” he stated. Once outside, the professor released his hold on the people throughout the mall. “Emmy is in more danger than before.”

  “I know. Grisandole will be told of her identity.”

  “What should we do?” Malka asked.

  “We will continue to do exactly what we have been doing. The child must be protected.”

  “I don’t know if I can keep her safe.”


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