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For Sparrow (The Dream Dominant Collection Book 3)

Page 24

by Pandora Spocks

  It was early afternoon by the time they returned to the inn, and their room had been cleaned, the bed made, and new linens delivered. “Now, Angel...” Judd pursed his lips, taking her hand in his. “I want you to take a nap.”

  Jessi’s eyes widened. “A nap? Really?”

  He nodded, his demeanor serious. “Tonight is going to be intense. I’m going to push you to the edge of your comfort zone, and beyond.” Jessi swallowed hard. “Get some rest. I have to go out for a little while. When I come back, we’ll start getting ready.”

  A frown wrinkled her brow. “Where do you have to go? Does it have to do with the party?”

  “It does, and you don’t need to know more about that now. If all goes according to plan, I’ll tell you more when I get back. Your job,” he lifted her chin, “is to get some sleep. I want you ready to go tonight.” A hint of a smile played on his lips. “You are going to be extraordinary.”

  Stepping back from him, Jessi peeled off her swimsuit and fixed him with a molten stare before climbing into the bed.

  Judd narrowed his eyes. “You’re trying to tempt me into staying, Angel. The infractions just keep piling up. Your ass will pay the price tonight.” He winked at her, then he was gone.

  Alone in bed, Jessi curled onto her side and considered Judd’s mysterious mission. She couldn’t imagine what he might be doing. She knew he had a leather duffel bag, presumably filled with toys and things. The thought occurred to her that she might sneak a peek into the bag, but she immediately dismissed the idea.

  He had another bag containing her costume for the evening, and she hadn’t seen that, either. A part of her loved the surprise of it all. As excited as she was, she couldn’t imagine that she’d be able to fall asleep, but closing her eyes and letting her mind wander over the past few days, she drifted off.

  JUDD WALKED UP THE street to Coffee Plantation, a coffee shop and bakery housed in a small white Victorian house with a wrap-around porch. A tall, dark-haired man was already seated at a small bistro table at the far end of the porch. Judd nodded to him and went inside to order. Minutes later, he emerged with a steaming cup of dark roast and made his way to the man’s table.

  “Mateo, how are you, man?” Judd proffered his hand.

  The other man stood, shaking Judd’s hand heartily. He was as tall as Judd, 6’4”, with shoulder-length black hair, dark brown eyes, and a neat black beard and mustache. He flashed a bright white smile.

  “Judd, it’s been too long.” He spoke with a soft Spanish accent.

  “I know,” Judd admitted as he sank into his chair. “I’ve been busy, with work and...” Jessi flashed through his mind, “well, other things.”

  “But you’ll be at the club tonight? How long has it been?”

  “Oh, I guess I let my membership expire nearly a year ago, but it’s been longer than that since I’ve been down here. You know, work keeps me busy, with my schedule changing from week to week. And, well, I met someone.”

  Mateo’s smile flashed again. “And that’s why we’re here today?”

  “That’s why we’re here today.” Judd smiled ruefully. “I have a sub with a fantasy. What better place to fulfill that than the Fantasy Ball?”

  The other man leaned back in his chair. “You have been there for me in the past, my friend. I’m so happy you’ve come to me.”

  Both men smiled, recalling times past at The Castle. Before he’d met Jessi, Judd had traveled to the island every three or four months or so to feed his Dominant cravings. Occasionally, he’d bring a date, but more often he’d sample the unattached submissives who frequented the club. As a co-owner of the club, Mateo made it his business to meet every member, and he and Judd had hit it off immediately.

  Mateo was a gifted Dominant, intuitive and sensitive to a submissive’s needs. He could range from being a Daddy Dom for a baby girl, to being a sadist for a masochist, and everything in between. He’d never settled on a particular dynamic, which accounted for his perpetually single status. While Judd had counted on Graham for wisdom about Dominant leadership, he respected Mateo for the advice he’d shared about kink. On occasion, Judd had joined Mateo in playing scenes with one or more subs.

  Since Graham’s death, it seemed that his days were filled with either working or spending time with Jessi. Not that he begrudged her. But he was excited to introduce her to his playground.

  Judd glanced back at the other man. “My Angel is curious about a ménage. I can’t think of anyone I trust more than you to handle her with care.”

  Mateo nodded. “It’s your scene, amigo. Tell me how you want it to go.”

  Judd outlined his ideas, beginning with when he and Jessi first arrived at the club. “But I want her to get comfortable first, to look around and watch some of the action,” he concluded. “I’m thinking the scene will be sort of the ‘grand finale’, so to speak.”

  “I agree. It’s a good plan. Any...special instructions?”

  Judd looked down at his hands. “I don’t want you to kiss her.”

  A slow smile spread across Mateo’s face. “This is a special one, then? You love this woman.”

  “I do.” Judd looked back to his friend. “I love her.”

  “Then I will take care to follow your lead. It will be a beautiful night.”

  BUFFALO HAD BEEN A wake-up call for Gary. He hadn’t counted on ‘collateral damage,’ and for the first time, he considered quitting his mission. As soon as he’d left the strip club, he’d aimed his beige Impala west on the first interstate he’d reached, thinking to head home.

  But by the time he reached the first rest area, he’d been thinking more clearly. He’d bought snacks from a vending machine, commandeered the picnic table farthest from the building, and gone over his options.

  Going home was not a possibility, even if he wanted to, which he didn’t. And he’d made it this far east, no sense in turning tail and running now. He’d simply have to be more cautious, that’s all there was to it. Maybe lay low for a few weeks, but keep moving toward the Atlantic. The Outer Banks were supposed to be all that and a bag of chips, so he might as well head in that direction. After that, maybe he’d head down to Florida. He’d always wanted to see the Sunshine State.

  Chapter 41

  “Wake up, Angel.”

  Judd’s soft voice and the gentle kisses he placed on her temple roused Jessi from a dream. She and Judd were walking hand in hand across a deep green meadow, a great stone castle in the background, and she felt bathed in complete contentment. She opened her eyes and smiled sleepily. “Hi.”

  “Hi, gorgeous. Did you have a good nap?”

  “I did. I was dreaming about you. We were at a beautiful castle.”

  Judd laughed softly. “Am I your Prince Charming?”

  “You are.” She gazed up at him adoringly. “I love you.”

  He leaned over her again, this time pressing his lips to hers. “I love you, Jessi.” He removed his dark t-shirt over his head and slid onto the bed beside her, leaning against the headboard and gathering her up into his lap. “We’re going to have an amazing time tonight. Are you curious about what to expect?”

  Jessi snuggled against him and lightly fingered the smattering of hair dusting his nicely defined pecs. “Yes,” she whispered.

  Judd smiled warmly and kissed the top of her head. “Well, first of all, we’re getting up and I’m going to bathe you, Angel. Then I’ll lay out your costume, and as soon as we’re ready, we’ll take a cab to the club.” As he talked, he lightly danced his fingertips up and down her spine, sending goose bumps all over her body.

  “There are some things you need to keep in mind while we’re at The Castle. You will need to maintain a submissive posture the entire time. It’s expected. It’s also expected that Dominants are addressed as Master so-and-so, or Mistress so-and-so, whichever the case may be. But you won’t need to worry about that, because you probably won’t be speaking to anyone. Unless I tell you to. For tonight, I’ll be Master Judd.”
r />   Jessi nodded, absorbing the information.

  “When we get there, we’ll spend a little time observing. I want you to get comfortable with your surroundings, with what you’ll see going on. Since it’s your first time at a club like this, I expect it might take a bit of getting used to, but that’s okay.” He brushed his lips across the top of her head again. “We’ll ease you in.”

  “Now, I have reserved a playroom for later in the night. It will be ours to use, but others will be able to watch if they want.” He felt Jessi predictably stiffen in his arms, and he hugged her tightly to his chest. “You’re going to be brilliant, Angel. And you’re going to love it. I know you.” He released his hold on Jessi, and she slid from his lap, turning to face him, cross-legged on the bed.

  At the worry in her eyes, he smiled tenderly. “Mostly, we’re going to do things we’ve already done. I’ve brought some of our favorite toys. But, in my quest to push you a little further...I will allow others to touch you.”

  Worry morphed into alarm on Jessi’s face. Judd took her hands in his own. “And, to that end,” he lifted her hands to his lips and kissed them both lightly, “I just met with a friend of mine, a co-owner of the club, actually, and a gifted Dominant. I asked him to play with us tonight. I want to make your fantasy come true.”

  Eyes wide, Jessi worked her mouth for a moment before any sound came out. “M-my fantasy?” she squeaked.

  Judd nodded solemnly. “We’ll end our play session with a ménage. Two Doms, one Angel, just like you talked about.”

  Jessi drew a shaky breath. She was at once horrified and aroused, as evidenced by the growing wet spot beneath her.

  “I wanted to tell you now,” he continued, “to give you the opportunity to wrap your head around it. As always, you can safe-word at any point. But I’m hoping you give it a chance, love.”

  Jessi blew out a shaky breath. “It’s much.”

  “I wouldn’t plan anything I don’t think you’ll enjoy. Trust me, Angel.”

  Her hand in his, Jessi allowed Judd to lead her into the bathroom, where he ran a hot, lavender-scented bath. When the tub was full, he helped her ease herself into the silky water. Tenderly, he washed her, pouring gel directly into his hand, and caressing every inch of her alabaster skin. He paid extra attention to the space between her thighs, bringing her to the edge of climax before moving away. Jessi groaned in disappointment, and Judd chuckled. “Just wait, Angel. You’ll get plenty of cummies tonight, I promise.”

  Bath completed, Judd used a fluffy white towel to dry her thoroughly before massaging in lavender-scented lotion. Had it not been for her anticipation of the coming evening’s activities, Jessi would have felt completely relaxed.

  Taking her hand again, Judd led her out to the bedroom where he opened one of his mystery bags and began to place items on the bed. Jessi watched as he produced a pair of black fishnet stockings, a black satin garter belt, and a short black tulle skirt. Jessi couldn’t resist slipping her hand inside the skirt, and as she’d known it would be, the garment was perfectly sheer.

  Next, Judd set out a purple and silver damask corset with a pair of antique buckles up the front. Jessi could tell by the length of the halter straps that the coverage from her waist up would end below her breasts. She glanced warily at Judd and said nothing.

  He winked at her as, from another bag, he retrieved a pair of black satin pumps with a moderate heel. “Don’t want to wear you out too early, Angel,” he smiled. “And, fitting the theme of the evening,” he added, “a little extra makeup.”

  He placed a package of false eyelashes and a tube of lipstick on the bed. Jessi picked up the lipstick and opened it, turning the tube to expose the waxy cylinder. The shade was a deeper red than Jessi had ever considered wearing. She looked to Judd.

  “It’s all about fantasy tonight, Angel. You’re not meant to look like yourself.”

  “I think we’re going to accomplish that,” she said dryly as she began to drape the items over her arm.

  “I can’t wait to see you. Go ahead, you can have the bathroom to get ready. I’ll get dressed out here. Come out when you’re ready. Oh, and Angel?”

  Halfway to the bathroom, Jessi paused.

  “Hair up tonight, please.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she nodded, heading to the bathroom to get ready for the party.

  Twenty minutes later, Jessi couldn’t believe the creature staring back at her in the mirror. Her red hair was swept up in a loose, low, messy bun just above her neck. Eyes framed in extravagantly long black lashes blinked back at her. She pursed her velvety, ruby-red lips, turning her head this way and that.

  The effect was remarkable—she no longer looked like Jessi Crenshaw, wedding planner. She looked more like a sultry seductress, particularly when her eyes moved further down. As she’d predicted, the purple and silver corset came up to just below her breasts. The halter straps that continued up and around the back of her neck served to make sure the ‘girls’ were pushed front and center. She wasn’t sure whether it was the cool of the room or her excitement that rendered her nipples into tight, pink points.

  The sheer black tulle skirt hung to the tops of her thighs and did nothing to hide the fact that, as she’d discovered to her surprise, there were no panties to go with the outfit. The garter straps served to merely frame her exposed pussy while the sheer skirt did little to obscure it from view.

  Thankfully the shoes were low enough to be comfortable. Jessi had no idea how long she might have to stand on them. With one last glance in the mirror, she opened the bathroom door and headed back to Judd.

  He let out a low whistle as she entered the room. “Holy hell, Jessi, you are something else.”

  She was momentarily too distracted by his appearance to complain about the lack of coverage. He wore tight black leather jeans topped by a black silk shirt which was unbuttoned to the waist. As he moved, every ripple of every muscle was on display. The long sleeves were unbuttoned and folded up to the middle of his strong forearms.

  “You,” she managed. “But seriously, Judd, how am I going to get to the club without being arrested for indecent exposure?”

  He smiled knowingly. “I’ve got it all under control, Angel.” He reached into the closet and withdrew a long black satin hooded cloak. He placed it around her shoulders. “See,” he pulled up the hood, which shrouded her head, “you’ll be fine. But, before we go anywhere,” he removed the cloak and draped it over a chair, “a couple more finishing touches.”

  From his pocket, he produced the red-jeweled butt plug. A wicked grin marked his face and he crooked his finger in a ‘come hither’ motion. “Assume the position, Angel.”

  Suppressing a smile, Jessi moved to the side of the bed and leaned over, cheekily arching her lower back and pushing her bottom high. Judd smoothed his hand over her cheeks before using his thumbs to peel them open. He pressed light kisses to the place where her ‘dimples of Venus’ crowned the top of her crack, but then he moved lower, using his tongue to caress her tight rim.

  Jessi moaned at the stimulation as he breached the puckered bud with the tip of his tongue, lapping with unhurried, languid motions. “Okay, Angel, here we go.” Jessi felt a cool sensation as he generously applied lube to the cleft between her cheeks. Then she felt the cold steel of the plug as Judd pressed it against her rear entrance. Closing her eyes, she blew out and willed her muscles to relax. As she did, she felt the pop of the object sliding into place.

  “Nicely done, Jessi. Good girl,” Judd said as he used a cloth to remove the excess lube, and helped her to stand.

  “One last item,” he said. He presented her with a black Venetian lace mask. “I have one like it. Well, nearly anyway. The Fantasy Ball is a masquerade. No one will ever know who we are.”

  Using the tip of her forefinger, Jessi lightly stroked the beautiful creation. Delicate black filigree would cover most of her face from her upper lip to her forehead, and the mask had dramatic white rhinestone bro
ws that arched from the inner corners of her eyes to the middle of her temples. She held the mask in place while Judd fastened it behind her head.

  He watched her thoughtfully for a second. “Go look in the mirror.”

  Jessi went into the bathroom and stopped when she saw herself. The transformation literally took her breath away. Yes, she was about to go topless, and virtually bottomless for that matter, into a public place. But with the lashes and the lipstick and the mask? And her hair up? Topped off with the mask, she looked like anything but herself. She looked like a wanton, hedonistic submissive out to please her Dom.

  She smiled happily and returned to the bedroom. Judd had put on his own mask, similar in style and shape to hers, without the rhinestone accents. She started to say something, but Judd stopped her with a look.

  “Knees, Angel. Now.” His tone was terse and directive, and she felt a renewed rush of moisture in her loins as she knelt where he pointed.

  Arms behind her back, bare breasts pushed out, she melted into a submissive pose and closed her eyes, relaxing into the moment. A puff of air brushed her face as the scent of rich leather enveloped Jessi. She felt the comfortably familiar embrace of her collar as Judd fastened the buckle behind her neck. Shortly after, she heard a metallic clink as Judd connected the heavy chain lead to the D-ring on the front of the collar.

  “So everyone knows you’re owned, Angel. By me.”

  He pulled her to his thigh and sighed deeply. “Good girl,” he murmured, gently petting her head. “Now let’s go.”

  Chapter 42

  Seated beside Judd in the back of a cab as the last vestiges of orange, pink, and plum faded in the western sky, Jessi peered out the window at what was, apparently, their destination. The taxi was stopped before an ornate security gate guarded by a pair of very large men wearing business suits and earpieces. With the butterflies in her stomach now performing full gainers, Jessi tore her eyes away from the security guards to scan the ten-foot high coral wall that extended in either direction from the gate in front of them. In contrast to the white wall, bougainvillea peeked over the top with bright bursts of green and fuchsia.


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