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For Sparrow (The Dream Dominant Collection Book 3)

Page 25

by Pandora Spocks

  After Judd produced his invitation for scrutiny, the gate rolled open and the car proceeded along a winding drive of white crushed shell rock that cut a narrow swath through a lush tropical garden. Eventually, the vegetation gave way to a clearing and Jessi saw a large yellow three-story Victorian mansion not unlike the inn in which they were staying, but much bigger. Dual verandas graced the front of the first and second floors and a tin roof capped the sprawling manse.

  She turned to Judd, who was watching her carefully. “I guess I expected an actual castle,” she admitted sheepishly.

  “It’s called The Castle because of the extraordinary security. The estate is five private acres. That wall you saw out front surrounds the entire property. Did you notice the bougainvillea that lines the inside of the wall? Nobody’s getting through all those thorns, even if they get over the wall.” Judd paid the driver and helped Jessi out of the cab. As the car drove away, he pulled her hood over her head.

  “This is the main house, but there are three other cottages, two pools, and tons of tropical foliage. It’s a fortress. Members can engage in their most private fantasies without worrying about the outside world.”

  Heat flickered in his eyes as he looked down into her face. “Are you ready, Angel?” She nodded meekly and Judd tenderly kissed her cheek. “Here we go,” he said, taking her silver lead and heading for the front steps.

  Shrouded by the hooded cloak, Jessi kept her eyes on her feet, marching up the half-dozen steps to the front porch. She didn’t see the man who opened the door to them, but she heard his greeting. “Master Judd, it’s been too long. Welcome back.”

  “Thank you, Master Dax. It’s good to be back.”

  “I see you’ve brought your own sub tonight.”

  The hood was suddenly drawn back but Jessi kept her eyes on the floor. “This is my Angel,” Judd explained to the other man.

  “Welcome, sub.” The deep voice sounded kind. Jessi was unsure of what to do, so she remained still.

  She didn’t miss the smile in Judd’s voice. “You may respond, Angel.”

  “Oh, um,” flustered, she flicked her eyes up, then back down again. “Thank you, Master...”

  “Master Dax,” Judd supplied.

  “Thank you, Master Dax.” Jessi felt her cheeks burning.

  His laugh was friendly. “You’re most welcome, sub. And don’t mind us. We don’t bite.” He paused dramatically. “Unless you want us to.” The man laughed again, and Jessi suppressed a smile, feeling slightly more relaxed.

  Judd led her further into what seemed to be a large parlor. The room was full of people judging by the feet and legs she could see with her gaze on the floor. Even so, conversation was muted, and she thought she picked out smooth jazz playing in the background.

  At a certain point, they stopped and Jessi ventured a quick look around. They were near the opposite side of the room from where they’d entered. Clusters of party-goers were scattered about, some taking advantage of some of the groupings of sofas and chairs arranged throughout the space. It was easy to pick out the submissives—they were the ones kneeling on the floor. Many of the women in attendance were attired in costumes similar to the one now hidden by Jessi’s cloak. There were male submissives, too, one she saw wearing leather fetish gear, being led by a leather-clad dominatrix.

  Her gaze wandered to Judd who glared down at her with an arched brow. Immediately she ducked her head back down, holding her breath. “Now, Angel, if you’re quite finished gaping at the others, may I have your undivided attention?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered.

  “Tonight, it’s yes, Master Judd.”

  “Yes, Master Judd.”

  “The infractions pile up, Angel.” Jessi relaxed a bit at the humor in his voice. “I need to put our things into a locker so that we can take a look around. I’ll be needing your cloak.”

  She’d known it was coming. Somehow, she’d ignored the fact that she’d be attending this party virtually naked. Now the time had come. With shaky hands, she undid the fastener beneath her chin and shrugged off the garment.

  Judd took it from her and folded it over his arm. “You are absolutely breathtaking,” he murmured. “You will kneel here until I return.”

  Desperately, she clutched at his arm. “Please don’t leave me here,” she whispered.

  Judd cupped her cheek tenderly. “You’re perfectly safe. You’re wearing my collar. The chief masters know you’re mine. No one will bother you. I promise.”

  Jessi drew a ragged breath, chewing her bottom lip anxiously. Judd arched his brow again. “Kneel.” The command was quietly intense.

  Jessi rubbed her palms against her thighs and complied, lowering herself to her knees, grasping her arms behind her back, lowering her head, and closing her eyes. Judd released the lead, gave her shoulder a quick squeeze, and was gone.

  Alone in the parlor, the noise of chatter seemed somehow louder. The steel chain of the lead was cold against the flesh between her breasts. Eyes shut, she grasped out with her sense of hearing, wondering if the footsteps she heard were as close as they seemed. She felt a slight breeze as someone moved past her, and she picked up the light spiced musk of an expensive men’s cologne. She imagined the eyes of strangers, devouring her nakedness.

  In the locker room down the hall, Judd took his time placing her cloak and his bag into his assigned locker. He knew Jessi was nervous, and it took restraint for him not to go rushing back to her. That she was safe was beyond debate. This was The Castle. Everyone at the ball had been thoroughly vetted. There would be no casual attendees, no ‘just looking’ types, looking to get their rocks off by watching the freaks at play. At any rate, Dax at the door would be keeping an eye on her, and he’d spotted Mateo across the room.

  Still, as he returned to the parlor and found Jessi just as he’d left her, he gave a relieved sigh. Mateo, in his black and silver mask, had made his way across the room and stood a few feet away from where Jessi knelt, her head still bowed and her eyes still closed. Mateo said nothing, but raised a glass tumbler in a salute. Judd nodded gratefully, and Mateo turned, heading toward the other side of the room.

  Turning to Jessi, Judd lightly touched her shoulder and she gasped. “It’s okay, Angel, it’s me.” He took her lead and reached for her hand, helping her to stand before him. When she kept her head bowed, he gently lifted her chin. “We’re going to take a look around. You may keep your head up and look where you will. But don’t make eye contact with the Dominants. It’s considered disrespectful.”

  She nodded solemnly. “Yes, Master Judd.”

  Pride warmed his eyes. “You’re doing so well, Angel. You were very brave.”

  He continued to hold her lead, but he offered her his right arm to hold. Jessi grasped the crook of his elbow and they strolled together through the main parlor. To Jessi, except for the clothing, or lack thereof, and the submissives who knelt here and there, it looked like any other cocktail party, guests lounging in conversation groupings, others standing together. She began to wonder if she’d had the wrong idea about what went on at a BDSM club.

  It was when they passed through a doorway and into a corridor on the far side of the parlor that she heard someone moan, heard the slap of flesh on flesh, that she discarded that notion. Unconsciously, she tightened her grip on Judd’s arm.

  The entire area glowed a low-level red, and rooms opened off the long hallway along either side. Clusters of guests stood in some of the oversized arched doorways viewing whatever was taking place within.

  Judd brought them to a stop at the first doorway and moved Jessi in front of himself so that she could see. In the room, elegantly appointed with sheer, billowy white drapes on the walls, she saw a giant four-poster bed at one end. But the bed was untouched. Instead, a nude man was draped face-down over a black leather spanking bench in the center of the room. A platinum blonde clad in black latex was using a crop to strike the man’s buttocks and upper thighs. After every few strokes, the Domme le
aned over to murmur into his ear.

  Judd and Jessi watched for a few minutes, then Judd tugged gently on the lead and they moved along to another room. A larger crowd had gathered in this doorway, but Judd made his way to an attendant supervising the black velvet rope separating the room from the hallway.

  “Right this way, Master Judd,” the man said.

  They squeezed past the other onlookers toward a collection of leather club chairs at the end of the room. Judd was shown to a chair. Jessi looked up at him questioningly. “I made reservations for this one, Angel. It’s something I want you to see. You may kneel beside me.” He sank into the chair and nodded to his left, indicating her place.

  Jessi sank to her knees facing a raised dais in the center of the room. A huge steel tripod stood on the dais. It was tall enough for a man to easily stand beneath it with room to spare, and a large metal ring hung suspended from its apex. She shivered in anticipation.

  Soon most of the remaining chairs were filled by other Dominants, all with at least one sub kneeling at their feet. One Domme had a male and a female submissive kneeling beside her. The other guests had to content themselves with jockeying for position in the wide doorway.

  Jessi couldn’t imagine what was about to happen. A nude young female submissive approached Judd, eyes cast down. “Excuse me, Master, would you care for a beverage?”

  “I’ll have a glass of sauvignon blanc, sub, thank you.” Before she could censor herself, Jessi’s head jerked up and she looked at Judd. He winked at her and tugged on her lead. She returned her eyes to the floor. Her mouth suddenly felt like it was full of cotton.

  What I wouldn’t give for a glass of wine right now.

  The submissive quickly returned with a single glass of wine balanced on a tray. She handed it to Judd without comment and bowed before backing away. Jessi heard Judd take a sip of wine, and she coveted it so badly she could taste it.

  “Would you like some wine, Angel?” Judd asked quietly.

  Jessi looked up at him. “Yes, please, Master Judd.”

  Judd took another sip, then leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. As she opened to him, the cool sweet liquid filled her mouth. He kissed her sensuously and sat back up again, a smug smile on his face. Jessi looked back down and smiled, too.

  That was hot.

  She heard the sound of feet approaching and cautioned a glance to her left where the last vacant chair had been. She saw expensive black leather dress shoes and black slacks. A familiar spiced musk scent wafted past her as a hand reached behind her toward Judd.

  “Good evening, Master Judd.” The voice was a rich baritone, the accent softly Spanish.

  “Master Mateo. It’s good to see you. It’s a wonderful party, as always.”

  “I am glad you are enjoying, my friend. It’s so good to see you again. And this is your lovely sub?”

  Judd’s hand rested protectively on Jessi’s right shoulder. “This is my Angel. Angel, say hello to Master Mateo.”

  Shyly, Jessi raised her eyes. The man in the chair next to her was elegantly dressed in a black tuxedo. Sharp brown eyes peered at her from behind the black and silver mask covering the top half of his face. A neat dark beard and mustache framed the rest of his face, and his long dark hair was swept up in a stylish topknot. His lips were pursed in an expression she couldn’t read.

  She bowed her head again. “Hello, Master Mateo.”

  “So nice to meet you, queridita.”

  A hush fell over the room and the lights dimmed as a fit bald man led a beautiful brunette out onto the dais in the center of the room. Shirtless, he wore loose pants of black silk. The woman was wrapped in a black silk kimono, her eyes covered in a blindfold of black lace. She knelt in the center of the raised platform while the man returned to the door through which they’d entered. Moments later, he was back with a basket full of red rope. Wordlessly, he stepped up to the woman and pulled her head to his thigh. Jessi sighed along with the woman, knowing what it was to kneel before the man she trusted.

  After a moment, the man helped the woman to stand, and, cupping the back of her head, he kissed her passionately before removing her robe to the waist, where it was tied with a wide silk belt. Using the red rope, the Dom wrapped her chest, both above and below her breasts, in an intricate pattern. Placing a bamboo cane across her shoulder blades, he lashed her arms out to her sides, continuing to add to the pattern. Occasionally, he paused to caress her cheek, or to place soft kisses against her neck.

  Jessi watched with rapt attention, mesmerized by both the sensual scene, and the deep intimacy shared by the pair, Dom and sub. Her feet began to tingle from lack of blood and she shifted slightly. Judd gently squeezed her shoulder and when she looked up at him, he nodded, indicating his permission to sit on her right hip with her legs curled to her left side. Jessi leaned against Judd’s left knee and continued to watch the performance.

  Soon, the Dom ran ropes beneath the skirt of the woman’s robe, back and forth until he’d woven something resembling a thong, at which point, he removed the robe completely. Before Jessi knew it, he’d run some rope through the ring overhead and the woman was now suspended, her legs tied in arcs extending out like a floating ballerina.

  Unconsciously, Jessi rested her cheek against Judd’s thigh and wrapped her right arm around his calf. Unable to look away, she absently caressed his ankle with her fingertips as the performance continued. Finally, the man gently untied the woman’s legs and lowered her to the floor. He restored the robe around her waist and continued removing ropes until there were none. At his nonverbal command, she again knelt at his feet and he caressed her hair tenderly.

  The audience, who’d been holding their collective breath, burst into applause. Jessi smiled up at Judd and he leaned down to kiss her tenderly. “What did you think, Angel?”

  “That was beautiful,” she replied, eyes shining.

  Judd stood and helped Jessi rise on unsteady feet.

  “It was indeed beautiful. Master Jeremy is an expert in Kinbaku. We are privileged to have him here tonight.”

  Jessi heard the deep voice behind her, but more than that, she felt the presence of Master Mateo, though he was not standing close enough to touch her. Instinctively she bowed her head.

  “Thank you for making sure we had a seat for this performance,” Judd said. “I wanted my Angel to see it up close and personal.”

  “It was my pleasure. I’m very happy you both enjoyed it.”

  “I think we’ll go outside for some fresh air. See you later.” Judd gave a slight tug on the lead and led Jessi toward the door.

  “I am sure of it,” came the reply.

  Judd maneuvered Jessi back down the corridor and through the parlor, which was now much more crowded than it had been earlier. As exposed as she was, Jessi was becoming used to the feeling. And looking around, she saw that she was more clothed than some.

  “I need to get my bag,” Judd said, stopping near where they’d first entered the house. “Kneel. Wait for me here.”

  This time, Jessi didn’t hesitate, but her heart pounded. Was it time for the threesome Judd had arranged? She knelt and assumed the position he’d taught her, with her head bowed and her eyes closed. Shortly, he returned with his black leather duffel bag. He helped her up and led her through a pair of French doors into a lush tropical courtyard.

  The area was huge, with a crystal blue free-form pool in the center that barely merited notice, due to the size of the surrounding deck. Tropical plants hemmed in the space and Jessi noticed six small platforms, arranged three on each side of the pool. A couple of them featured what appeared to be old-fashioned stocks, and both of those were occupied by nude submissives, one of whom was being disciplined by a Dom with a leather riding crop. The other four each had a tall post with rings attached. Three of those were also in use, with submissives bound in different ways.

  Arm in arm, Judd and Jessi strolled through the courtyard, watching the interactions in the various locations. As t
hey approached the unoccupied platform, Jessi turned to Judd wide-eyed. He laughed softly. “Not tonight, Angel. We have other plans.” His eyes twinkled impishly. “Maybe on our next visit.”

  “Our next visit?” Jessi squeaked, as her nether regions registered anticipation at the thought of returning to The Castle. She became aware once again of the jeweled plug in her tight pucker.

  Judd raised her hand to his lips and kissed it lightly. “We need to head inside. It’s almost time.”

  It’s almost time. Those three words reignited the butterfly circus in her stomach, and a fresh flush of dampness between her thighs.

  Jessi gripped Judd’s arm as they headed back into the club. She breathed in deeply, drinking in his familiar masculine scent, as she fought to settle her nerves. Voices swirled around her, but she kept her eyes on her feet until she heard a woman address Judd.

  “Right this way, Master Judd. Your playroom is ready.”

  Jessi looked up to see that the woman, a sub, was holding back a velvet rope separating one of the rooms from the corridor of the main house. The room was similar to the ones she had seen earlier in the evening, with draped walls, a huge bed at one end, and a seating area on the wall opposite the door. This particular room had a St. Andrews cross right in the center of the space.

  Judd led her to an oversized leather chair, where he sat, signaling to her with a nod that she should again kneel at his feet. The attendant had closed the velvet rope behind them and they had the room to themselves. Jessi looked up at Judd then buried her face against his thigh. Gently, he smoothed her hair, murmuring to her softly.

  The attendant returned with a tray bearing a chilled pitcher of water, some glasses, and a crystal bowl of nuts and dried fruit. She set the tray on a small table beside the chair and retreated again.

  “Okay, Angel,” Judd said, moving Jessi to the large ottoman in front of his chair, “I want you to hydrate. And eat a little something, too.” He poured a glass of water and handed it to her, then offered her the bowl of snacks. Jessi looked back at Judd.


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