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Twin Desire

Page 6

by Michelle Iannarelli

  “Jon, no. It’s you I want.”

  “I know you’re in a fragile state and I don’t want to add to it but Chey, we need to figure this out.”

  Cole dialed Meg and prepared to be yelled at. She hated when she called, and he didn’t answer right away. “You called.”

  “Oh, how nice of you to finally respond to my SIX calls!”

  “I told you I had a funeral today.”

  “I know and I also know that it was for your ex’s father.”

  “You’re jealous.” Cole grinned.

  “Maybe but only because I want to be the one riding that cock of yours.”

  “Trust me, nothing’s going to happen. I cheated on her and she may have forgiven me, but she’ll never forget.”

  “What if she was willing to? Then what?”

  Cole paused for a moment before answering. “She won’t.”

  “But you want her to?”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “You didn’t have to.”

  “So, what did you call for?”

  “I wanted to let you know that I’ll be in Rome next month meeting with the Marini brothers.”

  “Is that an invitation?”

  “If you want it to be.”

  Cole wasn’t sure what he wanted. Well he was, but he couldn’t have it. Maybe he should take Meg up on her offer. “Can I let you know?”

  “It’s an open invitation.”

  “Thank you.”

  “My other line is ringing. Call me tomorrow.”

  “I will.”

  Cole looked down at the phone. He needed to move on. No matter how hard he tried it was always Cheyenne who held his heart captive.

  Cheyenne knocked on the study door. “Can I come in?”

  “It’s your house.”

  “I guess it really is now.”

  “Where’s J?”

  “He’s in the little boy’s room.” Cheyenne giggled.

  “How much wine have you had?”

  “I stopped counting a long time ago.”

  “Before you pass out, I wanted to ask you about Truman Marcus.”

  “My father’s attorney?”

  “He gave me this today.” Cole pulled the envelope from his pocket and handed it to Cheyenne.

  “That’s weird. After you…once we broke up my father hated you.”

  “I figured as much.”

  “I’ll call Truman in the morning.”

  “He told me he had time to see us on Thursday at three.”

  “Oh. Ok, then. I guess we will find out on Thursday at three.”

  Jonny was so turned on by Cheyenne kissing him that it took a few minutes for him to relax enough to pee. He washed his hands in cold water and then splashed some onto his face. If Cheyenne really wanted to start up a relationship with him then they needed to find a way to tell Cole before he figured it out. He also needed to make sure that Cheyenne wasn’t trying to fill her empty heart with him when it was Cole that she really wanted.

  “Jon, you fall in?” Cheyenne laughed.

  Jonny pulled the bathroom door open and both Cheyenne and Cole were standing there. “Yup, but I managed to swim back to safety.”

  Cole laughed. “Jerk!”

  Cheyenne lifted her hand up to Jonny’s cheek. “You ok?”

  “Long day is all.”

  “Cole suggested I eat something since I’m pretty much a walking wine bottle.”

  Cole shook his head. “She hasn’t eaten much, if at all today, and lost count of her drinks.”

  “Why don’t I go cook you something?”

  “I don’t have any food here.”

  “I’ll order you some food then.”

  “Will you guys stay for dinner?”

  Cole looked at Jonny and shrugged his shoulders. “I’ll stay.”

  “I should go.” Cheyenne grabbed Jonny and hugged him. “No, stay. I don’t want you to go.”

  “Are you two fucking?” Cole blurted it out before he could stop himself.

  Cheyenne’s eyes opened wide and then she passed out.

  Cheyenne woke up with Jonny on one side and Cole on the other. They were both asleep. She couldn’t imagine her life without them…both. Which was unrealistic because right now she had neither of them and having them both wasn’t a reality. Once Cole found out that she had sex with his twin he’d probably never speak to her again and God help Jonny.

  Jonny reached up his hand and rubbed his face. “You’re awake.”

  “I can’t believe I passed out.”

  “After you scared the crap out of us, I checked your vitals, and everything seemed ok. I’m sure it was a combination of no food, too much wine and stress.”

  “Nice to know a doctor. Thank you.”

  Cole was snoring. Jonny laid the pillow over his face. Cole pushed it off. “Good morning. How are you feeling?”

  “Probably better than you.”

  “I only slept about an hour.”

  “Yeah, we were taking turns watching you but most of my turn I was asleep.” Jonny laughed.

  Cheyenne leaned down and kissed Cole and then Jonny. “I don’t know how I would have made it through these last few days without you two.”

  Cole looked at Jonny and Jonny looked away. Guilt washed over him. “I have to get to work.”

  “I’ll walk you out.”

  “Cole, can you hang around and make sure this one eats?”

  “Sure thing.” Cole rolled over and stretched.

  Jonny pulled on his shoes, grabbed his keys and medical bag and turned to leave. “Promise me you’ll eat.”

  Cheyenne hugged him. “Thank you for everything and for taking care of me.”

  “And you’ll eat?”

  “I promise.”

  “I’ll call and check on you later.”

  “Jon, will you come back here and stay the night?”


  “Please! I don’t want to be alone.” Cheyenne leaned up and kissed him.

  “How about I bring dinner and we’ll take it from there?”


  Jonny gave her a kiss on her forehead before leaving.

  Cheyenne ran back upstairs to find Cole snoring in her bed. She slid into the bed and snuggled up against him. He was so warm and smelled edible. After seeing how much more developed Jonny’s body was now, she wondered what Cole looked like naked. Then she closed her eyes and thought back to the wild, rough sex they used to have.

  Cole could feel Cheyenne’s body pressed up against his and if he didn’t move soon the blanket was going to rise like a tent. He stretched and turned to find Cheyenne’s mouth aligned with his.

  Cheyenne didn’t give Cole a chance to move away she kissed him. Cole let her kiss get the best of him and before he knew it, he had her pinned to the mattress and they were grinding against one another. “I’ve missed you so much.”

  Cole could hear the sadness in Cheyenne’s voice, and it brought him back to reality. He couldn’t be with Cheyenne. She deserved so much better than him. He pulled away and rolled off the bed. “I can’t.” Cole picked up his jacket and shoes and ran out the door.

  The last few days had been a blur for Cheyenne. She spent most of her days going through her father’s things while crying and then Jonny would come by with dinner and spend the night. She tried calling Cole, but he always asked how she was doing and then made some excuse to hang up. He’d have to see her tomorrow at the attorney’s and then she’d force him to talk to her.

  “Hey! I thought that maybe we could go out for dinner tonight?”

  “I hate going out.”

  “Chey, you haven’t been out of the house for days.”

  Cheyenne wrapped her arms around Jonny’s neck. “That’s because having sex in public is frowned upon.”

  “About that. Chey, we need to figure this out.”

  “What’s to figure out, Jon.”

  “We’re lying to my brother for one.”

  “And for two?”r />
  “What’s going to happen when you leave?”

  “Maybe I won’t leave.” Cheyenne walked over to the couch and sat.

  “You’re a partner. How do you just not return to work?”

  “I don’t know. My life is a mess right now and I don’t want to be alone, Jon.”

  “Am I only here for the sole purpose of you not wanting to be alone?”

  Cheyenne reached out her hand, grabbed Jonny’s and pulled him down. “You’re here because I love you.”

  Jonny grabbed her and kissed her. It wasn’t two minutes before they were having sex. Jonny was pounding away at Cheyenne when he was grabbed by his hair and yanked away. “WHAT THE FUCK, CHEYENNE!”

  Jonny pulled up his pants and then charged at the man. They ended up in a fist fight. Cheyenne was horrified. She finally managed to wedge herself between the two of them. “STOP IT! STOP THIS NOW!”

  Jonny had a bloody nose and the makings of a black eye. He kept blinking. He didn’t want to believe that this man standing here had any claim on Cheyenne. However, watching her push him away was convincing him that he did. Then when she grabbed a towel and handed it to him, Jonny’s heart shattered.

  “What are you doing here, Aaron?”

  “I missed you.”

  Jonny suddenly knew exactly how Cheyenne felt the night that she saw Cole with another woman. Yet, he was the other man this time. He was halfway to the front door when he heard Cheyenne.

  “Jon! Jon, wait!”

  “Why, so that you can tell me more lies?”

  “Jon, I can explain.”

  “Explain!” Jonny shook his head and let out a laugh. “Are you going to try to tell me that the guy in there who just punched my face in isn’t your boyfriend?”

  “He is…was. Either way, I don’t love him. I…”

  Jonny raised his hand. “DON’T!” Jonny headed toward the door and kept walking.

  Cheyenne stood there crying.

  Cole spent most of the night tossing and turning thinking about Cheyenne. As he drove to the attorney’s his stomach knotted. He had so many emotions running through him. The hate he had for Cheyenne’s father as well as his feelings of hatred toward himself for cheating on Cheyenne. He had even begun to second guess his brother’s honesty.

  “Mr. Black, you can come in now.” Cole followed the woman down the hall to a huge room with a conference table. “Have a seat. Truman will be with you in a moment.”

  Cole sat and looked around. The room was empty like his life.

  “Ahh, Mr. Black, thank you for coming.” Truman extended his hand.

  Cole shook his hand. “Is Cheyenne coming?”

  “She is just signing a few papers with my partner and will be right in.”

  “I still don’t understand why I’m here.”

  “You will understand once I read his letter, Son.”

  Cheyenne felt sick to her stomach. She had called and texted Jonny all night and then today. She had no idea if Cole knew what happened. If he did, would he still show up? She reached for the doorknob and heard Cole’s voice. Relief washed over her that he was there, but it kicked her anxiety up a notch. She finally turned the knob and entered. “Sorry I’m late.”

  Cole sat shaking his leg. He glanced up at Cheyenne. “Hey!”

  Cheyenne sat next to Cole. “You ok?”

  “Yeah, I just can’t imagine what I did that your father feels the need to punish me from the grave.”

  “Maybe he left you something in his will?”

  “Like poison?”

  “Are you two ready?”

  Cheyenne looked at Cole and he nodded. “I guess we’re ready.”

  “Mr. Benson instructed me to read this to you.” Truman opened the envelope and cleared his throat.

  “My Dearest Cheyenne,

  As I write this, I can’t help but smile at the thought of you. Your beautiful smile and your kind, loving nature. You’ve always reminded me of your mother. I loved her until the day she died, and I will love you until the day I die.

  Your whole life I’ve made a point to steer you in the right direction for your own wellbeing. My darling, I too am only human and as of late I realize that I made a huge mistake. I was blinded by my own fear of losing you and instead of allowing you to be happy I greedily satisfied my own needs to keep you by my side.

  Coleman, I owe you an apology. It is my sincerest regret that you too were made to suffer.”

  Cole looked at Cheyenne. “What the hell?”

  Cheyenne had tears rolling down her cheeks. “Go on.”

  “Cheyenne, it all began the night Coleman came to our home and asked for your hand in marriage. I refused to give him my blessing and then I threatened him.”

  Cheyenne let out a gasp. “You asked my father if you could marry me?”

  Cole couldn’t speak, he remembered how upset he was that night. He nodded.

  “Shall I continue?”

  “Please.” Cheyenne placed her hand on top of Cole’s.

  “I was so obsessed with losing you to him that I never considered your feelings. Coleman was a bit of a cocky athlete and I always figured that he’d amount to nothing much. He wasn’t good enough for you. I was desperate to find a way to keep you apart. So desperate that I paid someone to get drugs to spike Coleman’s drink. I then paid a woman to have sex with him and videotape it. I never intended for you to find out about it. I was going to use the tape to blackmail Coleman and force him to break up with you.”

  Cheyenne jumped up. “I’m going to be sick.” She exited the room.

  Cole sat there in shock. For ten years he blamed himself for something he didn’t do. He lost the only woman he ever loved and now he wasn’t sure if his brother was sleeping with her.

  “Mr. Black, are you alright?”

  Cole nodded. “I’m going to check on Cheyenne.”

  Cheyenne vomited. The room was spinning. She couldn’t believe that the man she had been mourning could be the same man that single handedly ruined her life.

  “Cheyenne, are you ok, Baby?”

  “I’ll be right out.”

  Cheyenne wiped her eyes and splashed some water on her face. Suddenly it hit her. Poor Cole. He was more of a victim here than her. Maybe there was a chance…who was she kidding, once he found out about her and Jonny, he’d never forgive them.

  Cole sat there like a statue. Cheyenne sat. “Please continue.”

  “Coleman, I am so very sorry and ashamed of my actions. Cheyenne, while I am certain that this news has crushed you, I want you to know that I’ll understand if you can never find it in your heart to forgive me. In fact, I’m such a coward and that is why I never told you while I was alive. Coleman has become quite the businessman and done his family proud.

  Cheyenne, I know I’m the last person who should be dishing out advice, but you need to follow your heart. I know that you’ve never truly loved anyone other than Coleman. It’s time for you and Coleman to finally have your happily ever after…the one that I’ve denied you for the last ten years. Be happy, my sweet, sweet child.



  Truman barely uttered the last word and Cole stood up and ran his hand over his face. “I need to go.”

  Cheyenne looked up and Cole was already out the door. She stood to go follow him but then Truman started talking.

  “I know that your father spent his last days agonizing over what he had done.”

  “Last days? But he died…”

  “No, he died of cancer.”

  “What? No. He never…”

  “It was very aggressive. He was fine one minute and the next the doctors gave him a week, two at most.”

  “Why didn’t you call me? Why didn’t someone call me?”

  “Your father wanted you to remember him the way you saw him last. I’m sorry, Cheyenne.”

  “Right now, he is making it very hard not to hate him.”

  “I know. Just remember, Cheyenne, as twisted as all of th
is seems he honestly did love you more than life itself.”

  Cole sat inside his car for a long time before he felt steady enough to drive. It had been a long time that he’d blamed himself for drinking, cheating, hurting Cheyenne and disappointing his parents and Jonny. Now all of that was erased. He was free from all of that. Although, the anger that coursed through him made his teeth clench and his heart pound. If Cheyenne’s father wasn’t dead Cole would have killed him with his bare hands. He pulled into Barley’s and went inside. He was more than ready for a drink.

  Cheyenne stepped inside her father’s home. It didn’t feel like her house anymore. She was too angry to mourn him right now. She packed up her things, opened the front door to leave and Cole was standing there.

  Cole pushed his way in, kicked the door shut, grabbed her suitcases and dropped them to the floor.

  Cheyenne could smell the alcohol on his breath. She took a step back. “Cole…”

  Cole grabbed her by her ass, lifted her up and crashed his lips down on hers as he carried her up to her room. He wasn’t asking, he was taking. Ten long years of wanting Cheyenne and now he was going to have her.

  Cheyenne ripped Cole’s shirt open sending buttons flying. As he laid her down onto the bed the two undressed in a frenzy. The moment they were naked he slammed himself inside her with a groan that was muffled by Cheyenne’s kiss. No words were spoken. They feasted off each other’s body like two starved animals.

  Cheyenne woke up to an empty bed. She would have thought that last night was a dream, but her body ached in a way it hadn’t since Cole was her lover. She checked her phone but no messages. Maybe Cole woke up sober and was full of regrets.

  She tossed on a T-shirt and headed to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. She was halfway through the living room when she noticed Cole sitting on the couch. “Cole, I thought you left.”

  Cole looked up. “Is that what you hoped?”

  “The truth?”


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