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Twin Desire

Page 7

by Michelle Iannarelli

Cole nodded. “Please.”

  “I thought that maybe once you woke up sober you had regrets.”

  “I could never regret you.”

  “Oh, Cole, I’m so sorry for everything that my father did to you…to us.”

  Cole stood up. “His actions are not anything for you to be sorry for, Chey.”

  Cheyenne took a step closer to Cole and he looked down. “What’s wrong? Why did you leave my bed if you don’t have regrets?”

  “I needed to think.”

  “About Meg?”

  “Meg? No.”

  “She’s not your girlfriend?”

  “Meg has been more than a friend at times, but she has never been my girlfriend.”

  “So, you’re just sleeping with her?”

  Cole nodded. “We’re friends but yes, we’ve had sex.”


  “What about Alvin?”


  “Yeah, him.”


  “Cheyenne, are you home?”

  Jonny called in sick again. He didn’t want to see anyone especially Cheyenne. His phone vibrated for the hundredth time today. If he wasn’t a doctor, he would have powered it off. Yesterday’s calls and texts were mostly Cheyenne. This one was from his mother. He knew that the moment she heard his voice she would know that something was wrong.

  How was he going to hide from his parents and even worse his twin? Cole knew when Jonny was lying. Once he saw his beat-up face and started interrogating him it would all be over. He didn’t owe anything to Cheyenne, but his brother deserved the truth. Maybe if Cole knew what Cheyenne did to him then maybe they’d both be able to finally move on from Cheyenne Benson.

  Royce looked around the entry hall. He heard voices but wasn’t sure who they belonged to until Cheyenne came walking out of the living room. “Royce, what are you doing here and how did you get in?”

  “The door was unlocked, and I came by to have you sign some papers that Truman apparently forgot about.”

  “Let me change quick and I’ll be right down.”

  “Can I go make us some coffee?”

  “Be my guest.”

  Royce headed toward the kitchen. He stopped when he saw Cole in the living room. Royce smiled. “You know I hoped that this would bring you two back together. I always felt bad for you after what happened on prom night.”

  Cole was curious. Curious enough to bait Royce who obviously thought that he was Jonny. “Why did you feel bad for me?”

  “Come on, if my girl called out my brother’s name during sex I’d be devastated.”

  Cole was ready to explode. Jealousy and anger surged through him. “I’m going to fucking kill him!”

  Royce suddenly realized his mistake. He chased Cole down the hall trying to stop him. “COLE! COLE, WAIT!”

  Cole banged on Jonny’s door and when he didn’t answer Cole kicked it in. Jonny ignored the banging but when he heard the crash of his door being kicked in, he leapt up from the bed. He didn’t get out of the bedroom before Cole forced his way in. “I’M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!”

  Jonny stepped back. “WHAT THE HELL, COLE!”


  Jonny froze for a minute. He couldn’t believe that Cheyenne would tell Cole without as much as a warning. Cole punched him again in the face and then in the stomach. “YEAH, I FUCKED HER! YOU’RE THE ONE WHO FUCKED UP! SHE WASN’T YOURS! SHE NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOURS!” Now Jonny was angry. He swung and hit Cole in the face.

  “SHE. IS. MINE!” Cole staggered back.


  Cole reached up and grabbed Jonny by his throat and shoved him back. The two of them landed on the floor. “GUESS YOU WERE A DISAPPOINTMENT BECAUSE I FUCKED HER ALL NIGHT!”

  Cheyenne came running down the stairs. “Where’s Cole? I heard you yelling. What happened?”

  “I was on my way to the kitchen and I saw him in the living room.”

  “Royce, what happened?”

  “I told him I was happy that the two of you found your way back to one another.”

  Cheyenne’s stomach suddenly sunk. “That made him leave?”


  “Then why did he leave, Royce?”

  “I thought he was Jonny and…”

  Cheyenne could barely speak. She mumbled. “He went after Jon. Oh my God!”

  “I tried to call Jonny and warn him, but he didn’t answer.”

  “I, I have to stop him.”

  “I’ll drive.”

  Jonny’s anger spiraled into an uncontrollable rage. He grabbed Cole’s throat. Cole wrapped his leg around Jonny’s and snapped his knee. Instead of the pain slowing Jonny down it spiked his rage. This was more than just his anger over Cheyenne, but a life full of Cole’s selfishness. Jonny managed to roll Cole so that he was on top and then he grabbed his throat again. “I. HATE. YOU!”

  Cole had been an excellent wrestler; he knew how to take someone down and his brother was about to go down. He managed to twist Jonny’s arm away and force him face down onto the floor. Cole stood up and started kicking Jonny. “SHE COULD NEVER LOVE YOU THE WAY SHE LOVES ME!”

  Cheyenne died a thousand deaths when they pulled into Jonny’s driveway and she saw the front door hanging from its frame. “Oh, my God!”

  “Stay here I’ll go inside.”

  “The hell I am!” Cheyenne sprinted into the house with Royce running after her. She came to a halt when she saw Cole kicking what looked like a lifeless Jonny on the blood splattered floor.

  Royce pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed 9-1-1. “I need an ambulance.”

  “MY GOD, COLE! STOP! YOU’RE GOING TO KILL HIM!” Cheyenne tried to make Cole stop but it wasn’t until Royce came in and pulled Cole away that he did.

  Royce practically had to restrain Cole in a choke hold.

  Cheyenne rolled Jonny over. His face was covered with blood and one eye was swollen shut. “Jonny, can you hear me? Jonny? You can’t be dead. You can’t die.”

  “Don’t move!” Royce dropped his hold on Cole before dropping to his knees to calm Cheyenne.

  Cheyenne jumped up when she saw Jonny’s parents enter the waiting room. “They won’t let me in.”

  “We will go in and check on them.”

  Cheyenne sat back down. This was all her fault. If Jonny died it would be because of her. She burst into tears.

  “Hey. Crying isn’t going to help.”

  “Royce, they are here because of me.”

  “Or me and my big mouth.”

  “It doesn’t matter how Cole found out. I’m the one at fault.”

  “Cole was out of control but by the looks of his face, Jonny got in a few good slugs too.”

  “What if Jon doesn’t make it?”

  “He will.”

  “Cole, what the hell happened between you and your brother?”

  Cole rolled his eyes. All he needed right now was for his parents to flip out on him. “We got into a fight, Dad.”

  “Oh, Coleman, look at you.”

  “I’m ok, Mom. I just need some stitches.”

  “Cheyenne is sick with worry.”

  Cole looked away. “Have you seen J?”

  Cole’s mother looked over at his father. “The doctors don’t know anything yet.”

  Cole knew that they were not telling him the truth. “Mom, what are you not telling me?”

  “Jonathan was rushed into surgery.”

  Cole’s mother burst into tears. His father comforted her. “He’s going to make it.”

  Cheyenne was crying in Royce’s arms when the Blacks came back into the waiting room. “Cheyenne.”

  Cheyenne looked up and gasped when she saw their mother was crying. “Oh no, he didn’t…”

  “Jonathan is in surgery and Coleman is being stitched up.”


  “He has some internal injuries.”

  “Oh my God.” Cheyenne could barely breathe. “I still can’t believe this happened.”

  “We assume that Cole instigated the whole thing, but we’re sure that Jonny was far from an innocent victim. However, it hurts us to see that two brothers, twins no less, could harbor such anger toward one another.”

  “I’m so sorry. Mr. and Mrs. Black. This is all my fault. They were fighting over me.”

  “Ok, now let’s get you stitched up.”

  Cole sat there staring while the doctor stitched up his face. What if his brother died? How could he go on living knowing that he was the one who killed him? Fuck, he didn’t want to go on without him. What the hell was wrong with him? How could he beat his brother within an inch of his life? “Have you heard anything about my brother?”

  “He’s still in surgery.”

  “Do you think he’ll make it?”

  “I can’t speculate especially since he isn’t my patient.”

  “We had a fight.”

  “Looks like you won.”

  “Neither of us won.”

  Cheyenne sat in the corner by herself. Royce had to leave for a meeting. She didn’t know if Jonny would ever want to speak to her again, but she couldn’t leave until she knew that he would be alright. Cole however was another story. She finally had him back and now she was so angry with what he did to Jonny that she didn’t know if she’d be able to forgive him.

  “Cheyenne, can I get you something?”

  Cheyenne looked up and shook her head. “No thank you, Mrs. Black.”

  “We’re just going to the cafeteria to get some coffee. If the doctor comes with any news on Jonathan will you come find us?”

  “Of course.”

  “Dear, don’t blame yourself. You are a beautiful, smart woman and it makes perfect sense that the twins would both fall in love with you.”

  “I love them both.” Cheyenne shrugged her shoulders and lifted her hands. “How? How can I love them both?”

  “You just do. Our hearts don’t always make choices that are sensible.”

  “How can you not look at me and think that I’m some sort of a…”

  “Stop that! Cheyenne, all I see when I look at you is a beautiful woman who loves my twins.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Black.”

  “Cheyenne, don’t you think that it’s about time you started calling me Bett?” She smiled.

  Cheyenne nodded. “Thank you, Bett.”

  Cole wandered into the waiting room looking for his parents. He saw Cheyenne sitting in the corner, but he wasn’t sure if he was ready to speak to her and doubted that she’d even want to speak to him after what he did to his brother. He sat, rested his head against the wall and closed his eyes.

  Cheyenne got up and walked over to Cole. She wanted him to know his parents were in the cafeteria. She also decided it would be an ice breaker for them and then she’d see where the conversation went and how she felt. “Your parents went down to the cafeteria.”

  Cole’s eyes popped open. He was somewhat shocked to hear Cheyenne’s voice. “Thank you.” Cole stared at Cheyenne waiting to see if she’d say anything else.

  Cheyenne couldn’t help but stare at Cole’s bruised, beaten face. He had stitches in his cheek, eyebrow and lower lip and his knuckles were bruised and swollen. “I’m sorry.” Cheyenne turned to walk away.

  Cole reached out and grabbed her hand. “Chey, sit with me?”

  “Cole, I don’t know how or what I’m feeling right now.”

  “That makes two of us. Maybe after Jonny is ok, we can try to figure things out?”

  Cheyenne nodded and sat.

  The Blacks walked back into the waiting room to unexpectedly find Cheyenne and Cole sitting together. “Coleman, how are you feeling?”

  “I’m ok, Mom.”

  “Maybe I should call Dan and have him come to take you home?”

  “Thanks, Dad, but this is where I need to be.”

  “Well once we get word that your brother is out of surgery, I think you should go home and rest.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  The doctor made it two steps into the waiting room before Cole and his parents leapt from their seats.

  “How’s our son?”

  “His spleen ruptured from the beating…”

  “Oh God.”

  “We removed it and stopped the bleeding.”

  “I need some air.” Cole walked out.

  “So, he will be ok?”

  “We’re going to need to keep a close watch on him for the next few days mostly because of the severity of his concussion.”

  “Thank you, Doctor.” Mr. Black extended his hand.

  “I’ll check in on him in a few hours.”

  “When can we see him?”

  “He’s in recovery now, Mrs. Black, so I’d say about an hour or two.”

  Cheyenne hugged Bett. “Thank God he’s going to be ok.”

  “I know it may sound crazy, but I think I’m more worried about Coleman right now.”

  “No, I think I may agree.” Cheyenne wanted to chase after Cole but knew he wouldn’t appreciate it. When Cole was upset, he needed to be alone.

  Jonny moaned and his mother sprang from her chair. “Jonathan!”

  Jonny opened his eye; the other was still too swollen to open. “Mom, hurts to breathe.”

  “I know, Dear. Try not to talk. I’m going to let the doctor know that you’re awake.”

  “Mom, what happened to me?”

  “You don’t remember?”


  “You got into a fight…”

  Suddenly Jonny remembered being with Cheyenne and out of nowhere her boyfriend showed up. “I remember Aaron…”

  Bett looked at Jonny like he was crazy. “Aaron?”

  “Cheyenne’s boyfriend.”

  “Oh, Jonathan…”

  “It’s ok, Mom.”

  Bett was concerned that Jonny had no memory of his fight with Cole? “I’m going to let the doctor and your father know that you’re awake.” Bett turned away.

  “Cole here?”

  “He was quite upset and went for a walk.”

  “Uhhhh.” Jonny started moaning and panting.

  Bett took Jonny’s hand. “Is it pain?”

  Jonny nodded.

  “I’m going to get the doctor.”

  Cole sat in the park across the street from the hospital. He watched two little boys who were fighting over which one was going to push the little girl on the swing. He may have been a few decades older, but it was no different than him and Jonny fighting over Cheyenne. They both wanted the same beautiful girl.


  “How’d you find me?”

  “I tracked your phone. I may be old but I’m not stupid.”

  Cole shook his head. “How’s J?”

  “He’s awake.”

  “That’s good.”

  “He’s in a lot of pain…”

  Cole jumped up. “So, you came to find me to tell me he was suffering, to punish me?”

  “Your mother and I are upset and disappointed that you and your brother had such an awful fight but Coleman, you’re grown men and punishment isn’t something that even comes into play; besides you are already punishing yourself.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “They’re giving him pain medication so he will probably be asleep until morning.”

  Cole ran his hand over his bruised face. “I really am sorry, Dad.” Cole broke down.

  His father grabbed him and hugged him. “Son, I know you’re sorry but it’s your brother who’s owed your apology.”

  “Jonny, can you hear me?”

  Jonny could hear Cheyenne and his mother talking but he was too drugged to respond.

  “I’d venture to think that injection did the trick and he’s sleeping comfortably now.”

  “Can I sit with him for a while, Bett?”

  “Sure. I’d love a cup of coffee. Can I get you some too, Dear?�

  “No, thank you. The only thing I need is for Jon to be alright.”

  Jonny wasn’t sure why Cheyenne was there. Last, he could remember they had a fight…didn’t they?

  “Oh, Jon, I wish you would have let me explain about Aaron. Maybe if you had then none of this would have happened. I could never love him like I love you.” Cheyenne wiped the tears from her face. “I hope that when you wake up, you’ll let me explain everything and you won’t hate me.” Cheyenne held Jonny’s hand.

  Jonny had so many questions, but for now they’d have to wait. Sleep consumed him.

  “Cole, I was worried about you.”

  “I’m sorry, Mom.”

  “How is he?”

  “He asked for you.”

  “He did?”

  “Yes, I told him that you went for a walk.”

  “He probably wanted tell me how much he hates me.” Cole turned, walked over to the chairs and sat.

  “I’m going to check on Jonathan.”

  “Ok, Dear.” Bett sat next to Cole and reached for his hand. “Son, your brother couldn’t remember what happened.”

  Cole looked up. “What? Like he has amnesia?”

  “He asked me what happened to him.”

  “Great. So now what?”

  “Maybe he’ll remember when he wakes up again.”

  “And if not, we walk on eggshells until he does?”

  “Let’s wait and see. If he doesn’t remember, then we will decide what to do.”

  “How’s he doing?”

  Cheyenne looked away from Jonny and smiled. “Sleeping like an angel.”

  “Good. I hate to know that my son is in pain.”

  “Me too.”

  “Why don’t you go home and get some rest.”

  “I don’t think I could sleep knowing he’s here like this.”

  “Cheyenne, you’ve been through one of the worst weeks of your life. You need to take care of yourself.”


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