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Page 27

by Stacy Charasidis

  “How did people know they were hexed, anyway?” Dean asked curiously.

  Sadie answered that one easily. “If a town had a string of bad luck, like a series of animal or infant deaths, curdled milk, drought…they would announce they’d been hexed and find a scapegoat. That usually meant a woman everyone was jealous of, whom they would accuse of witchcraft. She would be blamed for ‘cursing’ the town, and…well…we know what happens after that.”

  “Unbelievable, the innocents that died,” Dean said.

  “Mobs, mob-mentality, people become crazed with fear and lose their reason. Tragedies happen,” Sadie said.

  “Reminds me of that short story, ‘The Lottery,’” Nathalie added.

  “Yeah, good story, but creepy,” Luke agreed. “Anyway, the Sheriff painted the sigils, so the warning is there, but they missed a step. According to Jacob, for the sigils to actually protect the town, they need to be ‘made active by means of magic,’” he quoted.

  Nathalie stared at Luke. “But they burned witches.”

  Luke shrugged. “Well, they didn’t burn Elanah Von Vixen. Not only was she part of the witch hunters, she secretly helped Jacob with his spells. He knew she was a real witch because she set up the spell to activate the sigils once drawn.”

  “That’s all fine and dandy, Luke, but your dad doesn’t have a witch to help him in this century,” Dean said, puzzled.

  “No, he doesn’t, but I do,” Luke said proudly. “That’s why, after school, Sadie and I are going to the red barn on East Road to activate the sigils and protect our town.”

  “I found the spell in Elanah’s book. Maybe once it’s activated it will keep Danner and Willow away from us,” Sadie said quietly, her eyes haunted.

  “That Elanah is a real enigma. Whose side was she on?” Nathalie wondered out loud, fascinated by the witch woman.

  “Again, probably both,” Sadie said. “At the time, what else could she do?”

  The bell rang and the kids filed into school, unhappy to be leaving the warm and sunny September day. Barbara Farmer was their grade twelve teacher, and she frowned as her daughter Hannah slipped into the classroom a few minutes late.

  Hannah does not look herself, Nathalie thought, and then felt a pang of guilt. She hadn’t spent any time with her girlfriends this summer. She had no idea what was going on in their lives. Hannah looked at Nathalie unsmilingly, with a closed expression on her face. Nathalie felt a shiver of surprise. What was up with her? Luke’s face lit up when he saw her and he gave Hannah a friendly punch on the shoulder, but she ignored him. His face crumpled a little. Very strange, Nathalie thought.

  Getting back into a routine was tough. By lunch the class was desperate for a long break. As the kids streamed out of the Big House and headed to the restaurants or the picnic tables for lunch, Sadie, Luke, Dean, and Nathalie debated what to do.

  Hannah tried to walk by them without saying anything, but Luke and Nathalie called her at the same time. She turned reluctantly towards the group and headed over. Hannah looked at Sadie with utter loathing for a split second before smoothing her expression into something more neutral.

  Oh no, Nathalie thought to herself, remembering a conversation she’d had with Hannah before summer break. Luke didn’t notice, but Sadie did. She stiffened and her gaze sharpened on Hannah. Luke was blabbing incessantly in his goofy, friendly way. Hannah was like a sister to him.

  “Hi everyone,” Hannah rushed, avoiding everyone’s gaze. “I’ll just say it…I’m not in the mood to be sociable right now. I’ve got a lot on my mind, you know…stuff I’m dealing with after the invasion at my farm.” Her eyes flicked towards Sadie and then back to the ground. “I know you all care, but I just need a bit of space, okay?”

  Before anyone could say anything, Hannah backed away and left, cutting through the wood towards Town Circle.

  Luke was stunned. “What on earth!” he said with confusion laced with worry and was about to go after her when Sadie stopped him.

  “Luke, leave her be. Sometimes being a good friend means giving someone the space to work things out. Call her tonight and see if she’ll talk to you, but do not do anything public. You’ll embarrass her.”

  Luke nodded. He looked at Sadie as she stood there quietly, her hand gently on his arm, the voice of reason. Jeez, he was so nuts about her. “Uh, Sadie, do you want to go have a picnic lunch in the woods?”

  “What!” Dean said in surprise.

  Sadie laughed. “No,” she said decisively.

  “It’s a private joke, you blockhead,” Nathalie said to Dean. “Try to keep up!”

  They took their lunch things and found a quiet table in the trees. They got settled and Luke told them about the emergency council meeting that had been called for that evening.

  “I’m going to that meeting. My plan is to hide in the room and listen.”

  “Hide where?” Dean asked around a mouthful of sandwich.

  “I secretly cleared out the broom closet at the back of the room.”

  “There’s a closet in there?”

  “Exactly! Yes, but no one ever goes in it. No one remembers it’s there.”

  “What happens if you get caught?” Dean asked curiously.

  “If what we suspect is happening actually is, then my dad’s anger certainly can’t be worse. Anyway, it’s for Sadie,” he said worriedly, glancing at her. A small frown marked her brow but then smoothed away.

  “More incidents,” she told them. “Short time spans but more frequent, mainly in the evenings.”

  “Do you know what you end up doing?” Nathalie asked quietly.

  “Willow practices using my power and casting spells, but I don’t understand them,” Sadie replied. “The good thing is I’m learning from her. I don’t think she realizes I’m semi-awake now.”

  The gang mulled that over.

  Sadie didn’t tell them about Willow’s plan for permanent residence. She didn’t want to freak Luke out until she had to.

  Town Circle–The Apartment above Clara’s Crafts & Crystals

  Hannah was relieved they hadn’t stopped her. She could barely contain her hatred for Sadie Kellar. She wanted to rip the girl’s throat out and watch her die slowly, writhing in agony and drenched in blood. She told them to stay away, and they’d better if they knew what was good for them.

  Hannah cut through the wood and ended up in front of The Fry Diner. Kids were waiting in line to get food. She walked to West Road, crossed, and headed to the back of Clara Innes’ shop and climbed the stairs to the apartment above.

  Beth was waiting for her, as agreed, but she wasn’t alone. Hannah walked in and closed the door behind her but didn’t advance into the room. The visitor was huge. A man at least six and a half feet tall, muscular and dressed in black leather pants and vest. He had a lot of chains looped around him. His long hair was wild and as black as night. He was extremely handsome in a disturbing way with sharp cheekbones and strangely glowing blue eyes. As he looked at Hannah he licked his lips and she could see pointed teeth. He rubbed himself as he stared and Hannah’s eyes couldn’t help drifting to the movement. He had large hands and long fingers with nails that were black and pointed. Hannah backed towards the door and pressed herself against it.

  Beth looked at the man appraisingly. The front of his tight leather pants was bulging. Beth could see the tip of his manhood protruding out of the leather waistband. He is BIG, Beth thought in admiration. She hoped Hannah wasn’t going to freak out. Stupid high school kids. The things she had to work with.

  She walked towards Hannah. “Call Danner,” she said.

  “You call him,” Hannah retorted in a terrified voice, in no mood to be bossed around.

  Beth’s eyes narrowed. “My way is painful, you little bitch. Call him!”

  Not taking her eyes off the giant, Hannah reached into her pocket and took out Danner’s coin. Within seconds of contact with her skin his presence was in the room. He looked around, bored.

  “My Lord,” B
eth said in greeting, inclining her head.

  Hannah just stared at the demon, and the being behind him, paralyzed with fear.

  Danner looked behind him and laughed. “Why, hello Venius. You came. Thank you.” The man just made a low growl and leaned against the far wall, watching.

  Danner turned back to Beth and Hannah. “My pretty Hannah, good job on the letter, but you need to keep writing them, my little cow. Need some slander spread here. Time’s a wastin’. Now that the town is a little bit more, er, suggestible, it’s time to turn up the heat. You know, have some fun with lynch mobs and other exciting and murderous activities.”

  Hannah nodded and just continued to stare.

  Danner tilted his head. “I want you to write about the dangers of the Kellars. I want the town in an ugly mood. The man controlling the printer is in my thrall so you won’t have problems adding your letters.”

  He turned to Beth. “My beautiful witch, Bethiah…I want you to up the main ingredient in our elixir. Venius and his brother will help with the chaos part,” Danner said, flicking his head at the being leaning on the wall.

  “Heimler will figure it out,” Hannah said fearfully, finally finding her voice.

  Danner laughed. “Are you kidding? Heimler is in his element. No gold coin necessary for that one! He’ll let it go a bit longer before he’s forced to investigate, and only because he’s being sued,” Danner said nonchalantly. “Let me worry about those details.” He looked at Hannah and frowned. “Your fear bores me.” He waved his hand dismissively. “Go back to school little girl and do me proud. If you do, I’ll grant you your heart’s desire in the form of Luke Barrington. If you don’t…”

  Hannah’s hand fumbled for the doorknob. She swung the door open and bolted.

  Danner laughed. “Ah, teenagers in love! Such a powerful and obsessive emotion for them. I love it! It makes them so easy to manipulate!” Danner appeared delighted. He turned to Beth, “One other thing, Bethiah. Be a sweetie and take good care of my lieutenant for me. He’s the gift I promised you. He’s doing me a great favour by coming and deserves a little fun R&R while he’s here…” Danner warned before he disappeared.

  Beth looked at Venius. He was looking at her with interest now. The bulge at the front of his body was substantial. God, he’s enormous, she thought with anticipation. She had never gotten over Dean’s loss, and she was tired of high school boys. She walked towards him, opening her shirt at the same time. He hadn’t moved from his place against the wall, but he was staring at her intently and had started rubbing himself again.

  His tattooed arms are so hot, she thought, looking him over. She licked her lips and unfastened her bra, letting her breasts swing out in front of her. Her nipples tightened as the cool air hit them. His eyes widened and began to glow with lust as he inhaled her scent. Beth stopped in front of him and unbuttoned his leather vest. She put her hands on his stomach, allowing the edge of her palm to touch his protruding flesh. His skin was hot, almost burning.

  He moved from the wall and herded her to the bedroom, using his big body to block any exits in case she was thinking of changing her mind. Beth started to pant with excitement at what was in store for her, once she saw what was in his pants as he stepped out of them. He was thick and long and ready. Faster than she would have thought possible, Venius pulled off the rest of her clothes and threw her backwards onto the bed. She bounced once before spreading her legs as wide as she could in open invitation. She gasped as he dropped his huge body on top of her and thrust inside her, his hips bunching powerfully. He used his weight to pin her down as he pumped back and forth, and he grunted as he slid in and out. Beth moaned in pleasure and pain underneath him as her body accommodated his size. He went faster as his pleasure built, and Beth came as he slammed his body into hers again and again. He roared when he orgasmed, almost bending her body in half with the force of his release before slumping on top of her. Within a few minutes Beth felt different, powerful. This being had given her something. When she looked up his eyes were a clear blue.

  “What are you?” she asked wonderingly.

  “Not human,” he grunted evasively as he pulled himself out of her and stood up. He looked at her and his eyes held a hint of madness.

  The other being inside Beth stirred and snatched the power Venius had unwittingly given them. “No!” Beth said desperately as she struggled briefly before disappearing.

  Venius watched the tussle with interest. “I understand,” he said to the new girl beneath him.

  “Stay,” she said. “Again.”

  He looked at her with cold surprise. “I will hurt you. I am not a gentle lover like your weak and puny males.”

  “Again,” she said invitingly, lying back and stretching her naked body luxuriously. She sighed and ran a hand over her breasts and to the juncture of her legs. Venius could smell their essences mingled together. He bent down and put his face between her legs and worked her with his long tongue and fingers. She moaned and put her hands in his hair. His eyes began to glow again, like a predator.

  “Again,” she insisted.

  He stayed, and he didn’t hurt her too much.

  Later, when Reggie showed up for their usual afternoon roll, Beth brushed him off. Today’s session with Venius had lasted hours and nearly torn her in half, but she was angry because she only got to watch from the sidelines as her cohabitant enjoyed the large man the rest of the afternoon. Beth could sense the girl was pleased, and she fumed. Who knew she could be so strong? Her body was sore, and she hurt, but just the thought of Venius made her burn for more.

  My turn next time, she thought spitefully.

  No, was the answering response in her head. The power Venius had transmitted upon ejaculation was fading and Beth was back in control. Now she was no longer interested in the many high-school boys she entertained. Venius had made it clear that this body was for his use only. However, Beth understood Reg’s infatuation with her, and how important that was going to be for her to use.

  “I’ve got a busy night ahead of me,” Beth said brusquely.

  “You okay? You look a bit stiff,” Reggie said with concern.

  That’s an understatement, Beth thought and then smiled. “Fell on my back.”

  “Why don’t you get someone to cover for you at your booth tonight? You can take a hot bath and then I’ll massage your back for you,” he suggested slyly.

  Beth sighed inside. “No one to cover,” she said quickly. “Tonight may be a good time to see your friends,” she suggested as she ushered him out the door and locked the apartment behind her.

  Beth took off and left Reggie standing in a pool of disappointment. He walked down and headed to Town Circle. Maybe some of my buds are around, he thought morosely. He was about to cross to The Rotunda when a glimmer of gold caught his eye. It was a coin. He reached down and picked it up.

  The Red Barn—East Road

  Sadie and Luke stood before the enormous red barn down the street from the candy factory. The barn had always been there. The wood never rotted and the paint never faded. Luke had never thought about that before.

  Sadie was staring at the sigil. It pulsed weakly. There was old magic pushing at it, wanting to activate it, but the catalyst needed hadn’t been applied.

  The catalyst was here now.

  “What does Elanah tell you to do?” he asked, looking at the spell book Sadie was holding very carefully.

  “Elanah already set the spell. It just needs a chant and a witch’s touch. That’s it. It’s very simple, yet very powerful. She took care of all the complexity and ritual up front and made it easy to activate because she was sure they’d have to do it in an emergency situation. No time for ritual. She was a very smart witch. She must have been something else,” Sadie said with a touch of awe. “Why couldn’t she be my ancestor, and not some crazy, deranged, and murderous girl?”

  “The age old question,” Luke smiled wryly. “You can only pick your friends, not your family.”

ndeed,” she said, studying the sigil. It was just a circle with a plus sign painted inside it.

  It only took a second. Sadie chanted a string of words and touched the center of the sigil. Luke could see purple power flash by him as the barns were connected. Magical energy thrummed around the town in a circle.

  “The barns make a circle; the four streets make a plus sign. I need to touch the center of The Rotunda to complete the seal,” Sadie said.

  Once they got to Town Circle the band was just starting to set up.

  “Sorry, I’m just looking for my lost bracelet,” Sadie lied as she walked to the center of the stage. The band shrugged and continued with what they were doing.

  In the middle of the stage was the sigil. It was cast in iron and perfectly level with the floor. The Rotunda had been built around it. Sadie chanted the same string of words and touched the center of the miniature plus sign within a circle. Again, Luke could feel her power arc by him. The town seemed to hum. The band members didn’t notice anything.

  Luke was studying the sigil. “You know, I think the town spell was designed like a Celtic cross.”

  “So simple, yet so effective,” Sadie said, impressed. “Smart witch.”

  The Kellar Residence

  Later, Luke walked Sadie home. He stopped at the edge of the Kellar property and kissed her goodbye. He held her close and whispered to her. “I’ll find out what’s going on, Sadie, I promise. I’ll call you as soon as my dad’s meeting is finished.” He looked up and saw Liora Kellar glaring at him from the front window. Sadie glanced back with a frown and the curtain twitched closed.

  “Be careful, Luke.” She kissed him softly on the mouth and drifted out of his arms. He watched until she was in the house before sprinting home to put his plan into action.

  The Barrington Estate

  Luke wolfed down his food at dinner while his mother looked at him with disapproval. “I didn’t realize tonight was a free for all at the Barrington trough, Luke,” Claire Barrington said frostily.

  Luke looked up at his mother, his mouth full of food. He did a good job of swallowing without choking while his siblings looked on with amusement. His father hid a smile behind his napkin.


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