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Every town has an attraction—a reason to visit and not just drive on through.

For Barrington County, the June 1595 hunt and subsequent burning of the murderous witch, Willow Kellar, is what has provided the quaint little town centuries of notoriety, especially since Willow hexed the town just as she died, and promised that the families responsible would all die bloody, horrible deaths, eventually.

The continually looming hex, now a famous legend, is strategically used to attract tourists to Barrington County’s annual Harvest Festival. People from all over are drawn to visit the historic site of the Kellar burning. For Nathalie, Dean, Luke, and Sadie, four Barrington teenagers, this is nothing new. They anticipate a normal and wonderful summer with the upcoming festival, especially since love is in the air.

Then strange things start to happen. It turns out the summer won’t be normal after all, because sometimes, legends come true.